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8439618 No.8439618 [Reply] [Original]

Buzzwords that make you cringe.

>Machine learning
>Superintelligent AI

>> No.8439623

>climate change
>guns, germs and steel
>white privilege

>> No.8439631

Anything with the word "cyber"

>> No.8439634

The worst for me will always be those snooty articles for soccer moms warning about how common things you thought were safe may contain "chemicals" that you can't pronounce.

>> No.8439645


>> No.8439711


>> No.8439720

>thermodynamic process


>> No.8439722

I'm working on a paper Machine Learning of River Discharge, Depth to Slope Analysis.

What would you suggest I call it instead?

>> No.8439724


>> No.8439725

quantum teleportation

>> No.8439726

Machine learning->Regression Analysis
Although really you'll get more citations by having machine learning in the title

>> No.8439737

category theory

>> No.8439743
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>> No.8439756

Quantum anything.

>> No.8439796
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>> No.8439811

>cognitive bias
>conjunction fallacy
>affect heuristic
>scope insensitivity
>spaced repetition
>quantified self

LessWrong is a goldmine for cringy bullshit.

>> No.8439816

>STEM = jobs

>> No.8439817

>"the cloud"

>> No.8439862

>I'm so triggered by the innocent term "machine learning" that I'm going to shitpost about it

>> No.8439907
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>> No.8439916
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Quantum Skeletons

>> No.8439929
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Quantum elections

>> No.8439967


>> No.8440042



>> No.8440086

as a german: bavarian shit like
brotschnizli (or other zli) ending words

>> No.8440094

>the cloud

>> No.8440111

>more citations by having machine learning in the title
See? That's how science really works.

>> No.8440125

The words 'schnitzli', 'science' and 'shit' share a common Indo-European root.

>> No.8440131

>"Computer science"

>> No.8440132

LessWrong is also a tired meme. The site's been basically dead for years after all the writers left, the community all moved on for other sites, the Harry Potter fanfic wrapped up, and the grand old days of High Yudkowskianism and its circlejerk have passed. Even the other sites the community left to have quieted down; everyone's gotten tired of having the same arguments over and over again.

There are no "rationalists" left to cringe over, and if you do find a self-described "rationalist" you'll have a hard time finding one that doesn't freely agree that Big Yud does and says a lot of cringy bullshit. Nothing remains of it but archives and some other internet communities with slightly peculiar jargon.

>> No.8440243


Wtf I know this guy

>> No.8440251

well he is fucking ugly

>> No.8440257


I don't disagree

>> No.8440263
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Also in Sweden most of our engineering programs have integrated masters. They call this civilengineering.
It really is just a BSc in a engineering discipline with a ad hoc master. These fucking students insted of saying I'm doing CE or EE they say "I'm doing civilengineering" Wich they fucking aren't it also says shit about what they are actually studying.

>> No.8440281

Why are double negatives a meme these days?
>I don't disagree
>You're not wrong
It's like they're part of a greater meme of deliberately unclear language:
>XYZ is "a thing"

>> No.8440284


>> No.8440298

>unclear language
We've been doing this for centuries, anon.

On the contrary, it's drawing a nuance between agreement and concession. Pretty interesting in its own way.

>> No.8440300

Explain why Machine learning is a buzzword.
Deep learning is, but ML has always been in CS. You can't just replace ML with "regression analysis" or "pattern recognition" because it covers both.

>> No.8440304

This makes me cringe as well. Although to be fair, it doesn't annoy me as long they don't think it translates into the English meaning. But it's generally cringeworthy whenever someone says "I'm an engineer" or "I'm studying engineering" without specifying what field, after being asked what they're doing or what field they study. It can be innocuous, but some people obviously think it's some sort of honorable title to shove into your face.
>Machine learning
You realize this term and field is over 50 years old right?

>> No.8440309

thats more swiss influenced tho

schokli aufs brötli

>> No.8440311

>guns, germs and steel
why exactly?

>> No.8440313


>> No.8440316
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>innovation projects

>> No.8440317

>Explain why Machine learning is a buzzword.
Because OP has no clue what he's on about. To be fair, deep learning and "superintelligent" AI/the singularity are buzzwords these days though, and I wouldn't blame anyone for generalizing .

>> No.8440335

Disruptive technology or disruptive anything

>> No.8440341

>citation needed

>> No.8440342


>> No.8440344

>schokli aufs brötli
oh god, NO!
it's even worse with "ch" sounds sprinkled on it.

..not sure if that's relatable.

>> No.8440481

The word "buzzword" makes me cringe.

>> No.8440564
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>Internet of Things

>> No.8440591

>big data

>> No.8440615

>earth-like planet

water is the worst fucking buzzword in astronomy

>> No.8440646

Machine Learning is a buzzword like physics was a buzzword in the early 20th century. That is to say... its actually fucking important

>> No.8440657


>> No.8440688


It's entirely killed discussion on some boards where cuck isn't just a noun, it's a verb, adjective, and adverb.

>> No.8440700
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>perpetual motion
>free energy

>> No.8440704

well put, but at the same time I don't not see why it bothers people.

>> No.8440723

>noun, it's a verb, adjective, and adverb
>challenge accepted
Hey, cuck. Go cuck yourself. Why do you have to be so cucking cuck?

>> No.8440749

But quantum is like one of the coolest sounding words. Almost better than quasar.

>> No.8440754

>[noun] level AI

Every fucking time.

>> No.8440853

not the last guy but geographical determinism is apparently rejected by geologists / historians now

>> No.8440856

>he actually doesn't believe that ASI will be a thing within a decade or two
lol epic buzzword bro xD

>> No.8440857

It may be important but that doesn't mean it's not a dumb buzzword. Quantum physics is very important, but any time you see or hear the word "quantum" outside of a physics journal, you can be pretty sure that what follows will be at best a pretentious oversimplification and more often an incoherent word salad. Not to mention that the subject at heart has little to do with machines or learning: the title is a sensationalistic attempt to make the field sound sexy, which it has done extremely well. Imagine what would happen if it had a more descriptive title like "optimization" or "curve-fitting". You probably wouldn't hear about it so much from people who couldn't fit a linear regression to save their life.

>> No.8441909


Ikr. But here in Norway it separates the idiots who went to a university college from the actual engineers.

>> No.8441924

>data """science"""
>terraforming / colonisation
>self-driving car
>Virtual Reality

>Neuro anything
>Cognitive anything


The LessWrong meetup photos are worth a laugh
They're spergier versions of ledditors that don't know what they're talking about

>> No.8441961

I blame Tom Jones.

>> No.8441965

>STEM shortage

>> No.8441971

Only because of WE WUZ KANGZ and the oversimplification of the already simple ideas of geographic determinism.

>> No.8441974

I'm sorry I don't understand. I'm a geologist, not a computer scientist.

We have a problem in hydrology that has existed for centuries. How to determine total discharge of a river.

Since we know slope and depth it should be simple because gravity is the only force acting on the water. But it's not that easy because too many variables exist, some are geologic related, like what the river bottom is made of, some of them are atmospheric, like evaporation rates and humidity, some are biologic like transpiration https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evapotranspiration

So for the last 100 years in the US we've monitored every single river with river flow data and depth to create what's called a power rating curve or discharge rating curve for every river and stream in the US at great expense.

But this doesn't work if conditions on the river change, like a new irrigation canal is constructed or new plants with different transpiration rates are planted on the banks or nearby. Or on rivers in poor nations that can't build monitoring stations.

So what our research is trying is to develop a computer program that can chug through 100 years of data on every river in the united states with a monitoring station (tens of thousands) to try and find a relationship between power rating curves, stream slope, depth, geology, and total discharge.

I would call that, 'the machine is learning' because we humans can't chug through that much data and the computer is learning for us how to develop power rating curves with less information.

I looked up regression analysis and it's used for statistical models? I don't understand the connection.

>> No.8441985

>Only because of WE WUZ KANGZ
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8441987

Almost thought I was on /pol/ for a second there.

>> No.8442023

They believe it is racist, and while there were great civilizations like Mali in the generally poorer tropics, it was because of special geographic factors like the ease of travel to the Muslim nations which sparked trade and spread religion through the area which in turn made the area prosperous.

>> No.8442025

To elaborate on why it's racist, the tropics are considered poorer areas, and black skin is typical of natives to the tropics.

In the more favorable temperate zones, the people have evolved white skin to deal with the more extreme temperatures (supposedly), and because they were favorable conditions, it was easier to prosper.

Favorable geography means it is easier to prosper.

>> No.8442030

>They believe it is racist
What is? Geographical determinism? It's like the opposite of racist, if history is determined by geography then putting any race of people in a given location would lead to the same outcome. Who is saying this?

>> No.8442087


I feel like it's a way to unwillingly admit to something or refuse to acknowledge something.

>I don't disagree.
>I don't want to agree with you, but I agree with you.
>You're not wrong.
>I only say that because I don't want to admit you're right by using a double negative to keep my actual opinions shrouded in ambiguity.

Stop beating around the bush. Fucking say it.

>> No.8442158

First chapter of guns germs and steel it says New Guineans are smarter than whites.
Think about that.

>> No.8442159


>> No.8442184

Geographical determinism is rejected because it is not supported by evidence
It's a favorite SJW theory. It's not racist, except possibly in the sense that it doesn't predict blacks building rockets 10,000 years ago.

>> No.8442199

Baden-Württemberg ain't Bavaria for your information.
I moch mia jetzad a Weißbia auf bei mia dahoam. (Not really since I am not a degenerate alcoholic)

>> No.8442243


>> No.8442246

Came here to post this as well

>> No.8442251

Gee, I wounder what religion that guy follows :^)

>> No.8442290

>gene for [x]
>paradigm shift

>> No.8442303


First paragraph, im not saying it's right.

>> No.8442315

It's supported by logic. Survival of the fittest is a basic natural concept than can be applied to society, and geography is a big factor in prosperity.

The reason the Assyrians were able to hold such a vast empire in the middle east is because it was easy to travel across it. The Greeks, which were right at their feet, were not successfully invaded because of the mountainous geography.

The Greeks mountainous geography is also why Volcanoes and mountains are motifs in their religious pantheon which was later adopted by the Romans who occupied the same space.

On another note, the Greeks were able to only be a loose conglomeration of city states for a long time because the terrain does not permit the ease of communication needed for an empire to be maintained given their technology.

These make sense, no? There are other factors, but you will find that the root of most of them lies in the geography.

>> No.8442390

Will you get useable results out of machine learning, or just magic numbers?

>> No.8442441


>> No.8442444

>the people have evolved white skin to deal with the more extreme temperatures (supposedly)
You're getting the science wrong at the core of it. It's not temperature, it's sunlight.

>> No.8442693

I want to punch that guy in the image.

>> No.8442739

is that monitor for real?
did they have a competition on who can install the most bloating shit in a day?

>> No.8442760

global warming

>> No.8442774


This is the weirdest of everything I've seen here to be triggered by.

>> No.8442775


This makes me so angry

>> No.8442778

I honestly don't see a problem with any of those concepts, although I'll agree that they often get thrown around be retards that have no idea what they're talking about.

Or are we actually using "buzzword" here in the sense of words and phrases that catch on with people who don't understand the concepts that they refer to? I just realized that it's been so long since I've heard it used in anything other than the buzzword sense of "stuff I don't like" that I'd forgotten it has an actual meaning itself.

>> No.8442839
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>artificial evolution

>> No.8442882

>Survival of the fittest is a basic natural concept than can be applied to society

>> No.8442913


>> No.8442918

>"it must have been so tough for her"

>> No.8443671

>[larger than/more mass than] [some power of 10] [something massive]
>anything to do with religion or determinism at all while discussing science
>[whatever vsauce talks about in his next video]