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File: 45 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8437093 No.8437093 [Reply] [Original]

How come philosophy majors are as smart as mathematicians, almost as smart as physicians and smarter than engineers but haven't picked a STEM masterrace major?

Is humanities, dare I say it, the actual masterrace?

>> No.8437094

I meant physicists, obviously

>> No.8437098

I'd like to know what the dot at 120 and 90ish% is

>> No.8437130

People who go on to careers in philosophy were all born rich. They don't have to STEMcuck for a living like us plebs.

>> No.8437131
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>people are still posting this chart when the data it's based off is literally "muh feelz" of some some aspie

>> No.8437135

The % female majors axis is a fucking sidesplitter, anon. Quality post!

>> No.8437226

>master race study
>two others are clearly better using the measure YOU provided

>> No.8437229

I never realized math was so spit by gender. Are we certain math ed majors weren't lumped in?

>> No.8437232
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Lmao at cs cucked all the way down there with the psych majors

>> No.8437253

Because anyone who takes the le humanities/le stem meme seriously is a fucking idiot. i have never met a person who seriously thought humanities were garbage that mattered in a field.

>> No.8437451
File: 295 KB, 1012x1817, phil-test-scores-salaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw smug philosophy major at a shit tier university

crossing my fingers come graduation

>> No.8437521

>mfw math major
>mfw crush philosophy majors on verbal and analytical

>> No.8437525


>ywn recite misogynistic quotes from obscure French philosophers in their native tongue while actively making a woman wet

tradeoffs senpai

>> No.8437526


>> No.8437667

math is philosophy, you poop-butt.

>> No.8437689

absolutely based. I actually decided today to switch my undergraduate degree from maths to philosophy>>8437521

>> No.8437763

Philosophy is just math without rigor.

>> No.8437765

science is philosophy, too

>> No.8437767

theres your answer

>> No.8437916

Right, because moral calculus is a thing

>being this ignorant

>> No.8437940

Imagine if algebraists all had different definitions of the idea of a "group", and they were all sure that theirs was the only truly valid definition, and that anything that didn't match up with their own intuitive notion of a group clearly couldn't be one. And then they spend 2000 years arguing with each other about definitions and at the end of it all smirk smugly about how "difficult" the questions they're dealing with are. How even to this day no one is sure whether group operations are always commutative, and there are major schools of algebra that write entire books arguing about this point.

That's exactly what philosophy is. Ethics, for example, becomes trivial as soon as you pick a set of axioms.

>> No.8437954

That has nothing to do with rigor, sperg. Math mostly deals with deductive built upon a set of self-evident truths, of course its conclusions will be less bound to debate since they're solid with the exception of sheer error. Philosophy deals with other kinds of questions. There's millenia-old debates on Ethics because there are several different competing points of view with very few self-evident truths to build upon.

>> No.8437961

Axioms are not self-evident truths, or else there would not be mutually contradictory axiom systems. Mathematicians have simply learned how to be comfortable switching between different systems with different assumptions, apparently unlike philosophers who feel uncomfortable without something like a "self-evident truth" (whatever that even means). If there were truly any interesting millenia-old problems in philosophy, mathematicians would have solved them by now.

>> No.8437971

I wasn't talking about axioms, I was talking about self-evident truths. Self-evident truths aren't necessarily axioms.

>Mathematicians have simply learned how to be comfortable switching between different systems with different assumptions, apparently unlike philosophers
>implying there aren't different philosophical "systems" with different sets of assumptions
You just showed you know jackshit about actual philosophy. I will stop replying here

>> No.8437980
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi, OP here. I'm studying maths and am not currently satisfied with the amount of ego boosts from plebs around me in regards to my intelligence for studying my chosen field in mathematics over a comfier, more aesthetic field. Regards, I found this chart online that challenges my intelligence superiority. Can you please make my levelled attempt at Devil's Advocacy?

>> No.8438002

There's something wrong with this chart. Most philosophy majors are stupid DUDE WEED LMAO brainlets, how's this possible???

>> No.8438013


>hey guys, I legitimately follow the popular belief that philosophy=feels even though I'm completely ignorant and I'm also a huge faggot

>> No.8438017
File: 78 KB, 832x584, trashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sources: Educational testing services (statisticbrain.com/iq-estimates-by-intended-college-major)

>> No.8438020

Math major focusing on physics with a minor in philosophy. Feels pretty good.

>> No.8438492

Wrong, wrong, wrong, go read a fucking book nigger.

>> No.8438500

Because they aren't.

The only thing that chart useful for is for gauging how worthless an undergrad degree is and how hard its graduates needed to study for the GRE.

>> No.8439786

If I double major in math and philosophy then go to a top 10 law school am i still a humanities pleb? what about philosophy with a math minor?

>> No.8439815

fucking idiot

>> No.8439820

you're not saying anything

>> No.8439831

nothing but a bunch of psuedo-intellectuals going around asking why, why, why

>> No.8439858

Life has no meaning, no purpose, there is no such thing as morality, conciousness arose through natural processes, there is no such thing as the metaphysics just what is observed in the natural world

>> No.8439863

inane idealist

>> No.8439866

low iq posters

>there is no such thing as the metaphysics
there's no scientific method without metaphysics

>> No.8439891

You're obviously retarded, scientist define things like time and space, cause and effect. Here's the kicker everyone in their own right is a philosopher, however when you become known as a philosopher your head goes so far up your own ass, you are worthless. You ask silly question that real scientist do not have time for

>> No.8439896

You are a low iq positivist that doesn't even know what science, metaphysics or knowledge actually is. Either educate yourself or leave my board.

>> No.8439897

i could be the lowest iq motherfucker on this board but at least I don't spend my time asking silly questions. I am a real scientist, a biochemist to be exact and everyone in the scientific community tackle the hard questions, because we want to know, we don't spend all our time with our heads up are own arse questioning the meaning of existence.

>> No.8439901

you think iq really has anything to do with intelligence, that just proves what a plebeian you really are

>> No.8439902

you think philosophy is some dudes smoking weed and going on how DUDE THERE'S NO MEANING TO LIFE LMAO because you're ignorant. how about you open a few philo textbooks and see for yourself how retarded you sound right now?

>> No.8439903

stop making inane grandiose claims about a discipline you know nothing of and I will stop calling you out for being a cretin

>> No.8439913

I don't need to read any philosophy textbook, this exchange with you proves how full of shit you are, you attack me cause I'm telling you the truth about your pseudoscience.

>> No.8439921

keep on keeping on, mr. scientist

>> No.8440044
File: 345 KB, 1024x512, BPQ0r_1CUAA4F6U.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's data from UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

>> No.8440045
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>> No.8440046
File: 315 KB, 1024x512, BPQ7o9xCQAIX7KL.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8440167

>How come philosophy majors are as smart as mathematicians

Well, science IS a subset of philosophy, designed to fix the problem of human bias in our attempts to understand the world.

>> No.8440198

>a real scientist

>> No.8440252

You sound like this: "You study math? Quick, what's 304*29?"

For one, you live by a moral code that you assume is natural without realising that you base much of your morality with what has been taught to you. How did you think laws were formulated?

Shit like that is a good start.

>> No.8440283

This fucking meme again

>> No.8440287

>How come philosophy majors are as smart as mathematicians
No, the only reason is this data is shit. >>8438017

Be there any reliable data, we'd have anything to discuss.