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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8436148 No.8436148 [Reply] [Original]

I did a ton of research and there is no cure for procrastination

>> No.8436157

The cure is just fucking do it.

No really, it's that simple.

>> No.8436170

The cure is to uninstall 4chan.

>> No.8436235

You don't beat procrastination. Some people just accomplish more in lesser time. We call them geniuses. You're not.

>> No.8436249

>I did a ton of research
You mean tomorrow?

>> No.8436251

Fuck. Then maybe I should just give in.

>> No.8436378
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procrastination comes from a lack of motivation. do you procrastinate playing video games or browsing 4chan and do stuff like pace around to avoid browsing 4chan? you're just not motivated to work in your field. i found out im not either. i think im dropping out of my phd program this semester. i have no passion. staying in this shit is killing me, and i've been getting a lot of mental problems since i started.

>> No.8436420

go fuck yoursefl

>> No.8436423



>> No.8436425

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”

>> No.8436437

lalala you're mad because im right lalala

>> No.8436444

It seems like exertion and contemplation are inversely proportional. The more Social and environmental awareness you have - the more you know that your actions will directly hurt many others - the fewer things you want to do.

This may be why Psychopaths have functionally infinite capacities for labor.

>> No.8436492


This is completely right.

Ever since I found something I love to study I fucking love doing it and have no desire to waste my time on leisure activities anymore.

>> No.8436571
File: 16 KB, 320x240, Hungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 gram of caffeine powder every morning followed by a jog and a freezing cold shower. Freeze your balls at the end.

You will be all fucked up and studying won't feel different from doing any other activity.

>> No.8436593


>> No.8436610

Can confirm.

>Asian seamen is better.

>> No.8437371
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>do you procrastinate playing video games or browsing 4chan
tfw yes I do

>> No.8437379
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>tons of research
How the fuck did you miss this my man

>> No.8437541 [DELETED] 

The thing though is that video games and web browsing doesn't take much of an effort and there are quick rewards.

Also with video games usually there are clear goals and you are aware of your progression.

Studying however is the exact opposite. It takes a lot of effort and the rewards are very delayed.

Also your progression isn't always clear to you.

>> No.8437595
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Whats up with people being unnecessarily mean around here? I'd take it from other boards, but sci is smart, why the hate towards other progressing or trying to progress? is it jealousy?

>> No.8437608

It's the post Obameme job market. STEM fields now flooded with socially-connected brainlets who are getting all the plum jobs. And all the shit ones are going to Pajeet.

Even smart people start breaking shit when this kind of thing happens.

>> No.8437611

Not op but I've been on and off it for years. For me it feels terrible unless I take an excessive amount and lay on a couch

>> No.8437631

Maybe a cure will be found later?

>> No.8437664
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How does what you are saying relate in any way to my question?

>> No.8437910

You're still on 4chan. Most of the people on here literally believe that they're smart, but there's been numerous social studies that have shown lower socioeconomic levels for people who believe that they're very smart compared to people who believe they're average intelligence.

Many of these people will throw around an IQ test that they were required to take after a therapy visit for depression, anxiety, or some stupid shit, but many of these same people are also the ones who post mean and offensive things on here.

They are also probably struggling to live day-to-day. So don't pay them any attention. Just stay out of these types of threads, and only join in on threads discussing in-depth topics.

>> No.8437929

What good does punishing yourself to work for jewcaptalism do if you dont enjoy it?

>> No.8437932
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The way I see it it all comes down to how well you can handle discomfort.

The variables as it looks to me are:

Motivation (Value of the reward, delay of the reward, severity of punishment, delay of punishment)


Perceived discomfort (Intensity of discomfort, length of discomfort, personal discomfort tolerance).

So when you procrastinate all these variables don't result in making you do something. Either the motivation is too low or your perceived discomfort is too high.

In case of procrastinating studying the delay of reward and punishment is too long and the length of discomfort is quite long as well.

Now the question is what we can do to increase our personal discomfort tolerance.

>> No.8437943

This is going to be an extremely honest answer.


Find yourself procrastinating, meditate instead.

Meditation reveals to you the reasons why you procrastinate. It reveals your mindset and motivations for it. It gently presents you with the emotions and thoughts that you seek to avoid through procrastination, and allows you to make peace with them. Afterward, you may move on to your work, calmed and much more prepared than previously.

This is especially effective for the people for whom "just fucking do it" really doesn't work, because let's face it, they already know they need to do it. Saying it again isn't going to help. Instead, the reason they avoid the work must be confronted directly on the level of personal self-knowledge.

It's simple. Sit however is comfortable. Keep your eyes open, not completely, but without focusing on anything. And simply breath without directing your thoughts, without pursuing your thoughts, and while gently directing your attention to your breath. It will be as carbonation rises from a drink; thoughts and distractions come quickly at first, and take your attention, but gradually slow and cease. The thoughts gradually become more basic and more truthful, and the emotion-feelings more sublime and straightforward, until your mind is still.

Yeah, I know I sound like a fucking shill. But embracing this kind of basic self-knowledge really helped me unfuck myself.

>> No.8437950

After meditating I continue being lazy.

What is wrong with me?

>> No.8437966

Practice meditation more. It sounds like you're using it as a distraction instead of actually embracing it and using it as an opportunity to be honest with yourself.

But I mean, it's not magic. You still have to choose to actually work. It should just make it much, much easier to get to work, especially as you practice meditating more.

>> No.8438072


is there a reason for keeping your eyes open?

can I just close them if I know I wont fall asleep?

>> No.8438618


>> No.8438639


Don't do it OP. finish what you started.