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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 31 KB, 634x536, 37492F7300000578-0-image-a-69_1471342324902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8435216 No.8435216 [Reply] [Original]

All scientists and enlightened humans must squat to shit.

Scientifically studied the benefits are:
- Less time to shit
- Cleaner shits with less required TP
- Healthier for you and avoids many negative health effects of the strain

Both the time needed for sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying and the degree of subjectively assessed straining in the squatting position were reduced sharply in all volunteers compared with both sitting positions (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the present study confirmed that sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying in sitting defecation posture necessitates excessive expulsive effort compared to the squatting posture.


Sit Shitters = low IQ monkeys wasting time, messier, and higher chance of hemorrhoids and other problems.

Defend your continued use of sit toilets if you want but know you can not be someone who believes in science if you sit to shit.

>> No.8435221
File: 71 KB, 640x391, anal-rectal-angle-sitting-squatting-comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting to shit is a sign of humanity's poor IQ and poor intelligence to adapt to better things.

Because the first designs constructed had a "sitting position" it just stuck. While squating is far superior of a posture for expelling waste quickly and cleanly.

You have literally SPENT days or weeks of your life pushing out shits and cleaning up messes you could have done in a fraction of the time. Not to mention less painfully and with less side effects.

>> No.8435223

good thread

>> No.8435228

>shit in uncomfortable position that causes rectal problems and makes diahrea and other problems 10x worse.
>all science proves it's a horrible way to do it
>society still does it

Not only this but dumb fuck low IQ animal shit monkeys also make fun of countries that have squat toilets as being "inferior".

Meanwhile they shit in a horrible posture and position that causes literally 10x as much strain and mess all over their ass.

>> No.8435230

Seven Advantages of Squatting

Makes elimination faster, easier and more complete. This helps prevent "fecal stagnation," a prime factor in colon cancer, appendicitis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Protects the nerves that control the prostate, bladder and uterus from becoming stretched and damaged.

Securely seals the ileocecal valve, between the colon and the small intestine. In the conventional sitting position, this valve is unsupported and often leaks during evacuation, contaminating the small intestine.

Relaxes the puborectalis muscle which normally chokes the rectum in order to maintain continence.

Uses the thighs to support the colon and prevent straining. Chronic straining on the toilet can cause hernias, diverticulosis, and pelvic organ prolapse.

A highly effective, non-invasive treatment for hemorrhoids, as shown by published clinical research.

For pregnant women, squatting avoids pressure on the uterus when using the toilet. Daily squatting helps prepare one for a more natural delivery.

>> No.8435234

For infrared coagulation, the cost per treatment usually ranges from $400 to $500, with an average of four treatments required, for a total of about $1,600 to $2,000. And surgery, the most expensive method, ranges from about $9,000 to $12,000. Hemorrhoid treatment usually is covered by health insurance.

National Center for Health Statistics report of up to 23 million people or 12.8% of U.S. adults.

>literally spending all this money and having health problems because too low IQ to adopt scientifically better posture because "muh chair"
>23 million americans bleeding out the ass because of low IQ decisions to use sitting instead of squatting.
>will never be fixed until transhumanism kills all humans.

>> No.8435240

>Sit Shitters = low IQ monkeys wasting time, messier, and higher chance of hemorrhoids and other problems.
So you're telling me it will take me less time to go find some remote location that's squat-shit accessible, come back to the sink and clean up my hands and ass than it would to just go to the restroom with sit-shit toilets and do my business and return to my desk?

>> No.8435264

If you think White mongoloids are gonna change their shitty shitting habits you might as well also believe that India are going to stop shitting in their streets.

>> No.8435267


i get hemorrhoids easily. I bet this would help. I just don't see a way to conveniently even try this.

>> No.8435275

The same strain (Valsalva maneuver) is done during weightlifting. Does this cause any problems?

>> No.8435280


>> No.8435299

There are toilet stools.

You could buy one and bring it to work and put it in the bathroom.

>> No.8435309

Also I would wager the fact sitting is the preferred "rest posture" in terms of workplaces and for shitting is the simplest healthcare fix in the entire world

Switching to a squating posture with support instead of the common 90 degree angle chair posture would save people hundreds of billions in healthcare and improve work efficiency.

Imagine if every student was 2x more comfortable while in class? The economical and health benefit is the single largest and most easily accessed benefit in the world. IT is more efficient of a change to squatting from sitting than vaccines or antibiotics provide society.

>> No.8435313
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>not just shitting in the shower

Am I the only one smart enough to have figured this out already? The warm water makes it so that you're never in pain, no harsh toilet paper to deal with and the elimination of paper rubbing keeps your ass from getting swollen / inflamed, and modern diets already make it so that you stop having solid shits by the time you're out of high school if not earlier, so it all goes down the drain pretty effectively. Also you're standing so it comes out as naturally as possible.

>> No.8435327

>tfw I don't know if this is b8 anymore

>> No.8435335


>he fell for the toilet paper meme

The only b8ing going on is how you b8 yourself each day with awful defecation experiences.

>> No.8435357
File: 301 KB, 270x271, hmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8435382

why did i just pop a boner

>> No.8435386


Because you misinterpret posts with anime girl pictures as being the same as posts made by anime girls? Don't worry, I used to make the same mistake.

>> No.8435394

/sci/ having a debate about shitting. What a time to be alive

>> No.8435399

ah the ol waffle stomp

>> No.8435411
File: 1.83 MB, 214x199, black man trying to drink but failing due to laughter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waffle stomp

>> No.8435415


>> No.8435475

>ewww it's icky so we can't address something that causes 23 million americans to bleed out the anus and costs 100s of billions in healthcare.

>> No.8435977

I do it all the time and can confirm it is actually more comfortable. The only thing i worry about is breaking the toilet i use.

>> No.8436046
File: 22 KB, 257x303, stepone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i get hemorrhoids easily
if you feel blood pressure you're doing it wrong
this is the one and only anatomically correct way

>> No.8436051
File: 7 KB, 200x195, 1475973622299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, i use almost the same technique.
When i was still living with my parents, my father would always ask me if was giving birth on the toilet

>> No.8436054

when i sit i usually bend over bringing my chest towards my knees. that would have the same effekt wouldn't it? because i'm not gonna fucking get a new toilette or try to climb onto the toilette to do the squat everytime. fuck that shit!

>> No.8436056

just saw this. feels good

>> No.8436504

Very interesting point, this is how Bruce Lee used to shit. Look at how healthy he was.

>> No.8436527

A relative of mine worked at IBM back in the day and had an experience with this. His branch had acquired a team of Japanese men to work with them in the states for a few months on a project. Suddenly, and mysteriously to the workers, the toilet seats were all broken or loose in their bathroom. It wasn't until someone walked in and saw one of the Japanese dude's heads poking over the stall that they found out they were squatting over the toilets.

>> No.8436542
File: 115 KB, 1600x1200, japanesetoilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs know the right way to shit.

>> No.8436545

i will adjust my shitting position an lower the sit in my toilet

>> No.8436558

Don't lie on the internet anon. I've heard that exact same story before anon, multiple times from multiple people. I doubt that relative part is true.

And it was never the Japanese, it were Chinese mainlanders and pajeets.

Japan has normal western toilets for decades now. Only in old building you'll find squat toilets.

>> No.8436629

Don't shoot the messenger. It was my dad's cousin lmao, met him once at a family reunion when I was like 14 and he definitely told me that, never forgot it. Maybe he was lying. Either way, he was recounting the story from decades ago, which means they may not have switched over from squatty-potties. Also it could've been Chinese too. Can't keep em straight because I'm a bigot.

>> No.8436664

When I was 21 I started noticing blood on paper after heavier shits and especially after alcohol.
Since then I started taking care about my diet, became abstinent and when shitting I don't push hard and try not to spend more than a minute or two on the shitter.

My life has never been better. I only wish I could go back to anal masturbation, but sadly it makes hemorrhoids come back so I only suck on dildos now.

>> No.8436686
File: 14 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not just squatting on the toilet seat

Brainlet pls

>> No.8436701

So, you found the benefits of squatting without orienting your body to allow gravity to aid in the process and complete evacuation of your bowels. Good job.

Another benefit of squatting to shit, your body is designed to use your thigh against your stomach to push out the shit in your colon / intestines.

>> No.8436702
File: 399 KB, 1600x960, myheritage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me tear you limb from limb and honour my Takeda ancestors with your head, gaijin.

>> No.8436812

top post my friend, except for
>using warm water

>> No.8436826

Never heard of that puborectalis thing.
But yeah OP I agree, I try to bend my back hollow when I shit nowadays.

>> No.8436829

Sorta related, isn't squat birthgiving also way easier than lying on your back?

>> No.8436834

If you want a serious answer, it will probably never be implemented, because of fat fucks. Also I guess it's easier to get shit on yourself on the Japanese style toilet (at least for the unexperienced).
You can get one of those Jap things or a squattypotty for your home, and just not shit in your workplace/uni (I never do anyways).

>> No.8436839

If its so bad for you then why do we still do it? Checkmate scitards

>> No.8436840

What is the bottom right pic trying to illustrate?

>> No.8436864

that's your body trying to squat but not being able to and getting into the closest position

this is not a "good posture", it's simply the local maxima for sitting toilets. shithead

>> No.8436870

Everyone posting

>I bend forwards really far

while shitting on a sit toilet is a fucking moron

that is not the same as squatting. That is your fucking body screaming "why the fuck don't you squat" at you.

>> No.8436989

Because you have grown weak over the years and are no longer capable of squatting down to even just parallel.

Adolescent you would be ashamed of how barely capable you are of manipulating your body.

Ancient Romans squatted to shit.

Toilets became a thing during some British era when a guy marketed a toilet as a throne that anyone could enjoy in private without having to be royalty.

Since then, it's become more and more common.

It's also a matter of engineering convenience. A sit down toilet is easier to port around and install as opposed to a mechanism that needs to work below the user's feet/ground in many circumstances.
Just how well would a porta potty work if the design was to squat instead? Shit for thought.

>> No.8437479
File: 55 KB, 684x690, 2680525_2641465img20150714wa000jpeg4712f6c01f6277a21178f70b831209ec_jpega9f72799a65247ddcda02f97c8b75c7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good idea, retard.

>> No.8437487

just fucking put a box under your feet when you go take a shit and voila

>> No.8437489
File: 182 KB, 326x327, 5cbe0f537cb8f4c4f51fe0b62ed35d13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when the acute angle of descent hits your intestinal wall just right

>> No.8437827

Instead of squatting like an animal, why not get a squatting stool so you can still sit like a person but also align your rectum properly?

>> No.8437998

Nothing to do with IQ everything to do with how America works

>> No.8438003

Pic doesn't add up:
>toilet broken on leftside
>patient's ass on right side

I seen the bottom left pic in restrooms. Always thought it was in regards to hygiene/dirty feet on the seat.

>> No.8438007

Why does he still classify as fully white when half his family is Asian?

Seen white-asian kids, they always look more asian than white

>> No.8438012

Looks like he's sitting on the floor with a syringe going into his inner elbow

>> No.8438018

Lel, why are dads such trolls

>> No.8438023

Not always, most halfsies i know look pretty white and stand out from full asians

>> No.8438040
File: 25 KB, 138x150, IMG_0186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I squat, I don't know why people look down on it, desu it's faster and feels better.

>> No.8438065
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1426529095567s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I squat in a normal toilet? Do I remove the cover?

>> No.8438070

you dont squat on normal toilets
the porcelain isnt made to withstand 70kgs on the rim

if the toilet has a hairline crack anywhere it will break and you'll be sliced up by giant shards of razor sharp shit covered porcelain

>> No.8438077

kek I've squatted my entire life but I'm only ~60kg. Never thought about it though desu.

>> No.8438110
File: 19 KB, 400x400, Carlos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there's no need to get butthurt about it

>> No.8438170

please reconsider this practice anon. Unless you have a toilet designed to resist squatting, you might get severely injured.

There are pictures here (NSFW obviously): http://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f149/toilet-seat-slices-ass-cheeks-82975/index5.html

>> No.8438216
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 0e7333c1-2f74-4ee3-aa2a-4338ccbf3c91_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo just use a milk crate or just use one leg they're free

>> No.8438283

So, who wants to design squat-proof toilets?

>> No.8438291

I started doing this like two month ago and the results are amazing!
cut my toilet time in like 60%, my tiny hemeroid disapeared completely and pooping is just much easier!

>> No.8438300

Sometimes I get into my scuba suit and do 9 if I'm feeling kind of crazy that day.

>> No.8438444

you just want us to slavsquat constantly, i'm on to your game

>> No.8438453

>t. brainlet

>> No.8438671

Squat shitting is scientifically correct

Anyone who sits = low IQ

>> No.8438910


>> No.8438947




>> No.8438969

Tank you Ganesh we have deposited .02 rupees into your poo boxx ayy shiva plis come again

>> No.8439116

>not using a colostomy bag

>> No.8439126

That's funny, because it seems like they don't have a bidet in that toilet.

>> No.8439324

I would throw my bag at anyone who makes me mad, like that pepe guy would in those frog and bald guy comics

>> No.8439343



>> No.8439649

Just tried it yesterday. I also found pooping easier. Thank you to everyone in this thread who informed me of this.

>> No.8439713

Oh great. So now, to avoid life threatening porcelain-induced injuries, I gotta buy a squatty potty and suffer the humiliation of having such a disability-looking device sitting in my water closet for all of society to see and laugh at. When will the world change and stop oppressing us Colon Crusaders?

>> No.8440202

i wish i could squat like figure B, but i must have short tendons cause i cant go flat foot without tipping backwards

could i just lean forward while sitting down? or should i shit with my back to a wall?

>> No.8440238

>less time to shit
My shit time is an invaluable time for self reflecting and shitposting on 4chan
>less TP required
Like I give a fuck about trees
>healthier for you
I've had a hemorrhoid and it's not that bad

>> No.8440249


There's signs in the toilets around the IELTS school at my university which has pictures telling you not to stand on the toilets to squat

>> No.8440255


There's the other edge just offset from the middle...

IT looks like it gave way and the person fell down to the left, hence that central part slicing his ass up on the way down

>> No.8440291
File: 714 KB, 684x690, explosive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just really felt like doing this

>> No.8440296


>> No.8440331

You should probably work at getting your mobility back. The sign of falling backwards is either weakness or tightness. Both are fixed the same way.

>> No.8440347

I just came back from Japan - you find squat toilets everywhere, they even call sitting toilets "western style"

>> No.8440548

>"what's that anon?"
>"oh, that's just my shit stool. I don't want any hemorrhoids and it also saves me like 3 minutes"

>> No.8440642

>strain on the knees
>nerve strain in your ankles
>ruining your back
yeah you really know what you're talking about

>> No.8440652

I'd rather relax in the bathroom more longer.

>> No.8440653

Sharp edges cut through skin, retard.

>> No.8440680

you can still find them, usually in public places, but the typical household toilet is what you'd normally think of a toilet being

>> No.8440803

You're not supposed to squat for like half an hour while browsing your phone, you dummy. The whole process shouldn't take longer than a few minutes.

>> No.8441032

>>strain on the knees
>>nerve strain in your ankles
>>ruining your back
>yeah you really know what you're talking about

A proper squat with proper form has little to no shear forces acting upon your knees.

Back compression comes with the heavy weighted squat under unsafe conditions.

"Nerve strain on ankles" what the Fuck are you doing to cause strain.... Don't tell me your heels are off the ground you tremendous pseudo-fit, skinny fat, zumba promoting, faggot.

>> No.8441410

t. an 80 year old

>> No.8441430

>poking holes in that pic
>doesn't mention the fact that the toilet doesn't have any blood on it
Also, one of the pictures could have been mirrored

>> No.8441435
File: 73 KB, 1136x830, howtopoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just lean forward

>> No.8441480

Yea that dude is definitely going to shit on his nuts

>> No.8441487

depends how hot it is

>> No.8441545

>This thread

Never change /sci/

>> No.8441552

>tfw just got diagnosed hemorrhoids
It's too late for me. I drink plenty of water and eat a decent amount of fiber yet my shits are rock solid and I go to the bathroom every 2 days on average

>> No.8441866

You don't take antidepressants, do you?

>> No.8442325

I think I had a hemorrhoid a few years ago (I could definitely feel it when I touched it), because I wiped really hard inside my butthole, so I changed my wiping technique, and it subsided. It may be caused by something else in your case, but there is hope.

>> No.8442339

>White people

>> No.8442342
File: 19 KB, 217x320, 1465454957993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try squatting on the toilet a month ago due to this retarded meme
>uncomfortable as fuck
>can't even push properly
>finally shit
>foot slips on the ceramic border and goes right into the toilet
>toe broken and foot covered in shit
>mfw explaining it to the doctor

Thanks assholes.

>> No.8442360

Thank yourself first. If squatting position is uncomfortable, you're weaker than 5 year old child.

Take time each day, reach down to toes, try keep back straight, then grab toes and sit down as far as possible. From here, throw arms straight above head so perpendicular to sky, stand up. Repeat at minimum 10 times each day.

>> No.8442371

>0 blood on the floor
ya, sure

>> No.8442373
File: 75 KB, 1010x1088, sanji.full.790873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zumba promoting
Do you not want a generation of nice, twerking, multiracial bootys?

>> No.8442376

>can't even push properly
It's a natural proccess, stop forcing it. <-- Reason behind most assblasting and rectalwreckage

>> No.8442377

I sure don't, that sounds horrible. The "twerk" is fucking stupid.

>> No.8442379
File: 6 KB, 200x200, teaU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like strippers or when girls/guys dance anon? Apparently not fgt.

>> No.8442380

>>can't even push properly
>It's a natural proccess, stop forcing it. <-- Reason behind most assblasting and rectalwreckage

Qft. The only pressure in a natural shit is the pressure between your thighs and you're abdomen. The body itself is relaxed. Gravity will do most of the work.

>> No.8442388

Depends. A weak ass above parallel twerk will build muscle towards the knee. This is objectively less attractive to a standard brain. (Depending on abnormalities during childhood or current social pressures, you could subjectively disagree.)

I'd guess something around 90% of the twerking done is above parallel.

Twerking could be awesome, sounds awesome in theory, but in practice I find the movement disgusting as performed by the general populace. The only time I haven't been outright disgusted it had been performed by someone who makes just about everything look good.

>> No.8443059
File: 27 KB, 320x215, 1464486574006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yes to having girls do this special for me.
On the wall -> Stupid
Big Jucy Butt -> Required

>> No.8443120

Not at all, I honestly don't know what could be the cause other than spending a lot of time sitting on my ass.
They're internal, basically my rectum hurts

>> No.8443159
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, MasterRace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Anon and I hate every single one of you.

You fucking faggots are a like
>muh science
>muh superior knowledge

but none of you, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE OF YOU, are stepping up to get on my kind of level.

As far as I'm concerned, you are all a bunch of dumb fuck low IQ animal shit monkeys.

Thanks for listening.

>> No.8443206

i do this, is easier and saves time.
cheers anon.

>> No.8443230


Not about to crap on my shoes to humor your puny intellect. Sometimes reality trumps theory.

>> No.8443683

The paper doesn't factor potential lower back, knee and ankle damage due to squatting.

>> No.8443706
File: 30 KB, 634x480, CODLIGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low IQ, you don't shit on your feet.

there are ones that provide support. In a fully designed state it is more healthy for your body (aside from rectum) than sitting.

>> No.8443716
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, puta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8443719

Looks like the kind of toilet where my dick would rub against the inside front
no thanks

>> No.8443721

squatting is healthy in general
if you have a really unhealthy body from constraining yourself to a very limited range of motion (sitting, lying down, limited walking and only on flat ground) where most of your muscles are atrophied and a few muscles are bulked up to do those same few movements over and over again then yeah, the first few times you squat won't be that pleasant.
You have 20, 30, 40, whatever number of years of bodily misuse to account for, you can't fix that in 5 seconds by squatting but you CAN fix it, and everyday that you keep yourself constrained to such a limited range of movement you're just making it worse.

>> No.8444156

Why do you think their legs get raised and bent during birthing. Doc's are smart, they just dont tell you this stuff.

>> No.8444160


>> No.8444162

Truth; why you think anal is getting popular.

>> No.8444221


>> No.8444228

I do this, but try to not breathe deeply cause that shit literally stank

>> No.8444830

Groid detected.

>> No.8444881

Toilets aren't squat-shit incompatible.

>> No.8445957
File: 48 KB, 492x449, 1474905100495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squat cannon here.
Is nobody going to acknowledge the fact that cleaning varies from person to person?
I take my shits every 3-4 days or so, but end up with using half a roll or so. Is it just the wrong quality on the paper or am I possibly going too fast? (I'm very impatient when I'm on the bowl.)

>> No.8445962

>shits every 3-4 days
Good lord, you need to eat more fiber. That's fucked.

>> No.8445981

I've been doing this and I didn't even realise it until this post. That feels weird. Though I still sit on the toilet after I'm done shitting for about 30 minutes to masturbate.

>> No.8445983

I've been squatting all my life, it just came naturally.

>> No.8445985

>end up with using half a roll or so
jesus fucking christ, how many bathrooms have you flooded

>> No.8446207

Lookie here, we got a genuine DOUCHEBAG here.

>> No.8446259

your construct is a bit too high in my opinion, this way it's harder to use and you have a higher chance of getting poo poo on the toilet seat. also, what's up with the enema kit in the background?

>> No.8446267


^This, I thought everyone did. Isn't it obvious that when you're standing in the nice, hot shower and have easy drainage with water flowing to clean up any messes that this is the ideal place to take a shit? Are you all seriously claiming you've never even tried doing this once in your entire lives? Fucking sheeple.

>> No.8446269

Wouldn't this entire issue be solved by lifting your heels as if standing on your tiptoes, then leading forward while sitting on the toilet?
It would roughly recreate the body posture of squatting without remodeling your home.

That is assuming there was any validity to this claim.

>> No.8446270

I guess if your poop is solid then getting rid of it may pose a challenge.

>> No.8446273


Enema master race. Erotic, kinky, fun, and clears you out for DAYS.

>> No.8446276


>your poop is solid

Does anyone still have solid shit after the age of 12? How do you do it?

>> No.8446281

It only happens sometimes, probably because of what I eat. I wish all my shits were solid, so I wouldn't have to waste time by wiping for minutes.

>> No.8446342
File: 359 KB, 504x336, SlavSquat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your construct is a bit too high in my opinion

You'll need to be able to do a full proper squat, with both feet planted on the floor. See the guy on the left in the picture.

>what's with the enema kit in the background?

It's something I'm experimenting with to enhance my bowl movement. Perhaps this guy >>8446273 can share some of the benefits he's experienced.

I'm also considering an experiment where I use a plastic food syringe to insert KY Jelly into my butthole right before a bowl movement; the purpose of this experiment is to see it it helps with a nice clean empty feeling bowl movement. I'm striving to have on a regular basis those bowl movements that requires just one easy wipe when you're done

>> No.8446394

Just what kind disgusting self-disrespecting animal gorilla monkey are you?

>> No.8447713

niqka just lean forward ffs