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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 63 KB, 612x380, tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8433102 No.8433102 [Reply] [Original]

After two days no one on sci has been able to provide a decent argument that this man is not our guy.

Whats wrong with him and why isn't he liked around here?

>> No.8433109

Pretentious faggot manchild with serious unresolved childhood issues.

>> No.8433117

he's an arrogant dickhole. Even reddit hates him now.

>> No.8433121



>> No.8433122

Any instances that show it?

>> No.8433124


So pretty much /sci/, right?

You just proved my point retards.

>> No.8433125

Just watch his videos. I remember one thing with a few other scientists
One guy was like "you can't debate facts"
Ndt responded "watch me".

Jesus christ people who live solely to get attention and validation...

>> No.8433127

He's black

>> No.8433129


Why can't you debate facts?

>> No.8433131
File: 219 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161023-180647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the first thing I saw when opening his Twitter

>> No.8433133
File: 226 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161023-180839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. He's unironically writing this.

>> No.8433136

He's an unqualified cheerleader for libtards who like the idea of a "smart" black man.

He insists that his failures are attributed to racism rather than owning up to his own mistakes.

He's a popsci meme who spreads more liberal propoganda to his fanbase.
I wouldn't trust a celebrity to actually be smart.

Make a case for him instead.
If no one wants to disprove your shitty "guy", that doesn't make him "our guy"

>> No.8433137
File: 436 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20161023-181021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps getting better

>> No.8433141

Why do phoneposters post on a science board when everything must be formatted into tl;dr for them?

>> No.8433142

Trump tweets smarter/more coherent shit than this

>> No.8433143

>not that nobody asked
>not nobody
The nigger in him is coming out

>> No.8433146


>using buzzwords to ''prove'' your argument
>I wouldnt trust a celebrity to actually be smart

But hes smarter than you, you know that right?

>> No.8433150


Redditor tells tells a story of raising $85k over a year to pay for Neil DeGrasse Tyson to lecture at their university, but he spent the time being an asshole and delivering a bad lecture

>> No.8433153

>business empire millionaire is more clever than a media monkey
you don't say...

>> No.8433156
File: 325 KB, 731x1179, Neil DeGrasse is a dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8433166

Do I? How could I ever compare myself to the great Tyson? Everyone knows how smart he is by his....?

This guy could be the smartest person on the planet who's just decided to do nothing with his life other than achieve popularity by pandering to the lowest common denominator of intellect.

That hardly makes him qualifiable as "our guy", to whatever extent you mean by this, especially since /sci/ is explicitly anti-popsci

Again, I request you to make your case, as right now all i see is:
>So pretty much /sci/, right? You just proved my point retards.
>But hes smarter than you, you know that right?
nothing of any substance. Remember where you are.

>> No.8433170


How do we know this actually happen and is not made up shit by some shitty redditor?

>> No.8433178

You can check the reddit account, the university, the people involved, etc... It happened.

>> No.8433189


All that could be faked, unless there was an actual video of the thing, then the chances of it not being true are high. Come on I thought sci was supposed to be smart.

>> No.8433192

>all that could be faked
Do you have any evidence that it's faked? Have you actually done your research ? Talked to the people, the university staff, their managers?
Come to me with countering data if you're trying to debunk something, not with your personal biased opinions.

>> No.8433194

Or you could compile from other various sources proven to be correct that this is the character of Tyson, and that this instance may very well be the case. Come on I thought sci was supposed to be smart.

>> No.8433197

Pop scientist

>> No.8433198


>event with a good amount of attendees
>no video evidence of it at all


>> No.8433204

>I didn't see it so it didn't happen
Embarrassingly childish logic. Still waiting on your evidence that it's faked rather than your personal biased opinions.

>> No.8433212

here's a video for you, taken directly from the OutOfTheLoop reddit page the story was taken from. https://youtu.be/9RExQFZzHXQ?t=3766
He's kinda a dick.
There's some interesting stuff that you could find to answer your question.
My suggestion is that you do the research youself; go find some reddit discussions about him
and stay there.

>> No.8433213


>nobody bothered to take a video of this conference that evidenced tysons character
>not one of the ''few thousand attendees'' or those who attended the speech
>still thinking there's proof to back up your argument

Sorry mate, I have a high IQ and I cant stop but think that this is nothing more than a false claim.

>> No.8433215

It's okay. It's worthless what you think without your hard evidence.

>> No.8433217


It's sad that even tho its there you just cant see it.

I am not going to explain it to you.

>> No.8433221

Oh good. Can you post your evidence? I'm very interested to see what kind of research you've done.

>> No.8433227

>He's losing an agrument so he finds one of numerous examples to nitpick on
>"no one on sci has been able to provide a decent argument"
It's sad that even tho its there you just cant see it.

I am not going to explain it to you.

>> No.8433253


>sci cannot provide any decent argument thats not ''hes black so we should dislike him''

Fixed it for you OP.

We get some brave poltard brainlets around here from time to time.

Ignore them and move on.

About Tyson, hes ok I guess.

>> No.8433266

>I'll start calling people poltards so people can see how hopelessly retarded I am.
getting desperate SJWtard ? pol hates him for being black, sci and reddit hates him for being an arrogant selfish asshole.

Fixed it for ya ;)

>> No.8433325


>I'll start calling people SJWs so people can see how hopelessly retarded I am.

>> No.8433618

Nobody actually hates him. Everyone just hates the "I Fucking Love Science" crowd. You know who I mean. The dorks who work at local retail and dig Star Wars but probably haven't studied science outside of high school. They're annoying, and they love him, so some of the frustration True Nerds have for these rascals gets taken out on him.

>> No.8433624

this. he just spews meme shit for the casual crowd

>> No.8433857

This should make him "our guy" right?
I mean he's laughing at Phil majors after all

>> No.8433885

I don't think anyone would idolize a low jerk asshole

>> No.8433904

Never, ever, ever, directly shoehorn in that you have a "high IQ", because anybody who thinks that this makes them more likely to be correct than someone else is an egomaniac and should be disregarded. IQ is raw potential and ability. Having a high IQ doesn't mean shit when compared to somebody who has experience/knowledge/has done their research. It just means that you might be able to use these things more effectively. Or learn faster.

>> No.8433940

brainlet detected lmao

>> No.8433958

You're on 4chan... Home of /pol/...

>> No.8433989


i'm from /pol/ ignore this white male ama

>> No.8433994


The burden of proof is not on him.

The burden of proof is on the redditor who claimed that NdT behaved in the way described.

I'm guessing you were trying to be a troll and not just dumb.

>> No.8435159

He killed Pluto

>> No.8435187

Let's also not forget that tweet where he unironically said that the solution to people hacking into shit was creating unhackabale systems
Comedy fucking gold.

>> No.8435294
File: 34 KB, 292x257, 1407469502256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clearly says "not that anybody"
>/pol/ brat can't read
You were too busy trying to be racist that you didn't even bother to try and not be illiterate. Fucker.

>> No.8435539
File: 392 KB, 451x619, 1474262257189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 4 days
>not a single one individual from sci has been able to provide a decent argument as to why one should dislike this man
>in the face of this, poltards try their hardest to express ''Its because hes black'' in a manner it doesn't seem as apparent.


>> No.8436413

He's not a productive scientist.

> thread