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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 320x220, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8432641 No.8432641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post your uni.
What course are you doing?
Do you like it?

>> No.8432657

I'm doing the 7 course meal everyone is doing these days, your mother

>> No.8432659
File: 11 KB, 224x225, Unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 word History paper due tomorrow

Im fucked.

>> No.8432660

>EE (first year)
>it's alright so far but these weed out classes are shit

>> No.8432680

its gud.

>> No.8432687

if anyone's wondering why Ivies and the like get posted often, they would be the ones most happy to express what school they are going to, thats some sort of survey bias right der

>> No.8432694

I know. And they're mostly freshmen so it's quite useless: "so OK you have your calc 1, do nothing interesting, know nothing special, work on nothing. Wonderful! So much to talk about!".

>> No.8432696
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Pruf pls

>> No.8432701

No one's stopping you from posting non-ivies.

>> No.8432727
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Sort of

>> No.8432734
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Informatica (cs)

>> No.8432747
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UVM second semester (my first choice was RPI or WPI but my financial situation at the time was garbage

Studying Mechanical Engineering
It's pretty aight
Thermodynamics is some cash stuff but I haven't even hit the thick of it and I know that for sure

>> No.8432751

maths, thinking about a maths/physics double major though.
it's pretty amazing. so glad i didn't fall for the whole cs meme and just do it on the side when i'm bored. it's seriously retarded how easy cs is in compassion to maths or physics.

>> No.8432764

Proof you fatlard.

>> No.8432766


>> No.8432771

I'm away right now. If this thread is up in about an hour, il post.

>> No.8432773
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>> No.8432778
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Yeah sure.

>> No.8432779
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Theater Arts

>> No.8432781

Maybe a degree is easier but to say the field is easier doesnt make any sense. The research frontier is equally impenetrable from any technical field. Also your coding is never good enough, quite literally. There is no upper bound on your ability to code and there is always someone leagues better, see front desk quant teams.

>> No.8432782

You must be one of the few who can actually relate with those >tfw to smart to meme

>> No.8432792

nope plenty of dumb kids and normos here kek. faculty is really smart though.

>> No.8432810
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MAT137 :/

>> No.8432819

One thing I learned going to a smart people school is theres no lower limit on how stupid you can be to still succeed in math or physics up to a post doc level (but not beyond it) and that I never want to be a researcher. But instead want alot of money so I can be an artist

>> No.8432826

nice nails

>> No.8432854
File: 166 KB, 555x674, 1476677032754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you the same undergrad who posted in this kind of thread a couple weeks ago?

>> No.8432866

Yup. Are you the grad student who probably marks my problem sets?

>> No.8432868
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this semester sucks for seminars so far :(

>> No.8432896
File: 128 KB, 293x300, Aber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ph.D Parasitology

>> No.8432897

Which courses are you TAing?

>tfw you fucked up your midterms

>> No.8432904
File: 2.72 MB, 370x470, this pepe deletes itself in 3 seconds.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped TAing since the government started throwing money my way

hopefully never touching another stack of assignments again

>taking classes that have midterms
should have taken some homework only class

>> No.8432949

What homework only classes are there? Every math undergrad course I see is at least 60% exams

>> No.8432960

Aberystwyth? Jesus man, I'm sorry

>> No.8432961

Geometric topology
Lebesgue theory

>> No.8432974
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>> No.8432977

Trinity College Dublin

>> No.8432986
File: 610 KB, 1055x359, logo_ens2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math agrégation (basically a very in-depth review of the undergraduate curriculum)
Hating every second of it

>> No.8432987

How the fuck did you get in? I'm so fucking jealous

>> No.8432998

Je suis en médecine à Lyon Sud :^)

>> No.8433009

RPI and WPI are both scams IMO. Why would anyone pay Ivy League level fees to go to non Ivy colleges that nobody really has heard of and aren't really that great?

>> No.8433027

Well I passed the exam two years ago and didn't get fired since. What are you doing instead ?

What year ? Are you enjoying it ?

>> No.8433030
File: 22 KB, 260x260, berkeley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math PhD Student studying theoretical computer science.

>> No.8433040

I'm studying math at a uni which is not ENS

>> No.8433069
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i think these four at least: math 532 (PDEs), math 592 (automorphic forms), math 600 (quadratic forms), math 615 (quantum invariants)

>> No.8433071

>What year ? Are you enjoying it ?

Second year. Yeah I like it, I'll soon start semiology internship in cardiology, can't wait. I'm also doing some kind of "medicine/science" program, with a small research internship in cardiac electrophysiology this summer. I could try the "second concours" for a "medicine/ENS" program and become normalien but I think I prefer having a social life.

>> No.8433073
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>> No.8433103
File: 4 KB, 200x201, Maagd_in_de_tuin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Bachelor in Science, Business and Innovation

>> No.8433114
File: 77 KB, 242x240, Ball_State_University_seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computer Science

Good fun normie campus, but not rigorous enough. Transferring to Purdue soon

>> No.8433134

VU is voor paupers, zeker de wetenschapsfaculteit is een ondergeschoven kindje daar

UvA sloopt de VU zonder het te proberen. De science park faculteit is de beste locatie waar ik ooit ben geweest qua universiteiten

t. scheikunde Master aan de UvA

>> No.8433149

I didn't do my undergrand here, they have one of the leaders in my resesarch. When you get to Ph.D level no one cares about league tables, only about the research and the researchers. They have a great Parasitology team here!

>> No.8433160

VU reporting in.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, so I might know you.

leuk man

>> No.8433161

Do you like it ? What year are you ? There's a "second concours" for Rennes and Cachan at the end of the M1 if you can stay motivated until then, or you can even (re-)take the exam if you are still in L3.

Cool, I heard med students tended to burn out by the second or third year (but maybe you don't because you have a social life).
I guess doing medicine + an ENS course would be pretty intense, how does that work btw ? Do the students take a break from their medicine course or do they actually have to endure twice the course load ?

>> No.8433206
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i'd prefer not to work in either field both in application and in research

>> No.8433240

Engeneering Physics
It´s interesting but i feel scientists dismiss it because of the "engeneering" and engeneers dismiss it because of the "physics"

>> No.8433245
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>> No.8433269

How are things up there? Graduated with you at SC.

>> No.8433298

Caltech here
it's gr8

P/F P/F YOLO ragequit

I have to take more humanities classes at caltech than if i'd gone to any other school. feelsgoodman desu

>> No.8433306

you a frosh? you must be the only person here who calls it 'maths' lmao

also don't bother with the double major, just pick one and take whichever classes are interesting in the other. jumping through all the extra hoops/requirements isn't worth it.

gj not falling for the CS meme btw

>> No.8433335


things are nice

who is this?


>> No.8433338


or is this C.A.?

to add to that,

i've recently had a mix-up of my career goals

I realized how much banking sucks

suffered through a brief period of bad stuff

i'm over it now

also i stopped drinking

>> No.8433341


how are you, btw?

i don't know what to ask really since i don't know who you are yet, lol

but it's always cool to see SC alumni on 4chan

>> No.8433382

>10,000 word history paper due tuesday
>Interview for lab position tomorrow

Must be nice to go to an easy meme school instead of an overcompensating state school.

>> No.8433385

Are you in Yale's Med School.

>> No.8433419

Welp, I can't take any of those. I'm still doing real and complex analysis

>> No.8433420

Math Undergrad
Pretty Cozy/Comfy.
Found out today one of my math professors is just taking hw sets from other professors online

>> No.8433467


Going to bed

See you in the morning

Please still reply ur initials or something or msg me on Facebook senpai

C u


>> No.8433470
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>> No.8433519
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>> No.8433525
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Comp. Engineering

>> No.8433527
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Computational Mathematics
Vector Analysis
And an extended course of analysis

It is nice, just getting a bit sick of MATLAB.

>> No.8433656

RWTH Aachen here

>> No.8433687

Buff State
Mech Tech

It's been fine, but I'm terrified this semester. I have no idea what's going on in Shock and Vibration Analysis.

>> No.8433727

>Must be nice to go to an easy meme school instead of an overcompensating state school.
so much this

top-tier school kids must be a standard deviation dumber than state school kids after graduation

>> No.8433728
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>> No.8433731

economics and statistics

>> No.8433732 [DELETED] 
File: 2.64 MB, 3367x5051, 619527IMG1758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool, I heard med students tended to burn out by the second or third year (but maybe you don't because you have a social life).

Second and third years are OK, fourth, fifth and sixth are more intensive. I work much less than in first year, which was basically hell.

>I guess doing medicine + an ENS course would be pretty intense, how does that work btw ? Do the students take a break from their medicine course or do they actually have to endure twice the course load ?

If you success ENS as a med student, you have to follow both in the same time (8AM to 8PM every day) in L3 and M1. Then you stop medicine 1 year for M2 and after that you can choose to applied for a PhD or continue medicine and do your PhD later. It's interesting if you like biology and others pure sciences (you can do what you want at ENS, even maths) but I can't imagine the load of work. Finally I'm happy with my modest medicine/science program.

Pic kind of related of the oldest book in my collection :^)

>> No.8433735
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West Virginia University - Aerospace Engineering

>> No.8433738
File: 2.64 MB, 3367x5051, 619527IMG1758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool, I heard med students tended to burn out by the second or third year (but maybe you don't because you have a social life).

Second and third years are OK, fourth, fifth and sixth are more intensive. I work much less than in first year, which was basically hell.

>I guess doing medicine + an ENS course would be pretty intense, how does that work btw ? Do the students take a break from their medicine course or do they actually have to endure twice the course load ?

If you manage to enter at ENS as a med student, you have to follow both in the same time (8AM to 8PM every day) in L3 and M1. Then you stop medicine 1 year for M2 and after that you can choose to apply for a PhD or continue medicine and do your PhD later. It's interesting if you like biology and others pure sciences (you can do what you want at ENS, even maths) but I can't imagine the load of work. Finally I'm happy with my modest medicine/science program.

Pic kind of related of the oldest book in my collection :^)

>> No.8433772
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>tfw state college ivy wannabe
I need to get out of here.

>> No.8433777
File: 229 KB, 961x1013, OSU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw studying CS and math and surrounded by normies

>> No.8433785


Ayyy UB here.

You'll be fine, at least you're learning something. Unlike someplaces...

>> No.8433787
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x741, 1468820286373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right

I'm about to rip my hair out with how much gosh darn regret I've let build up. Someone tell me how to get my shit together

>> No.8433789

what it do man
why you fucked up

>> No.8433794

Virginia Tech
Computer Science Sophomore Year
Not bad, kinda stressful though

>> No.8433796

>still measuring essay length in words
Lol what are they teaching you hicks? I can't wait you read your 10,000 single syllable words about an idea that probably could be expressed 1/10 that if they didn't put arbitrary restrictions on you.

>> No.8433797

Coming from C, matlab is absolute garbage. I fucking hate how they kept so much of the syntax but changed the meanings.

Of course it's nice how expressive it is. But I much prefer doing that with Python

>> No.8433951

Cambridge. Natural Sciences

>> No.8433953



>> No.8434011

>Dartmouth College
>Comp. Sci and English Literature
>I guess. I've just been a piece of shit recently and have not been on top of my work

>> No.8434111
File: 48 KB, 769x996, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the least saturated / competitive research area of EE to get into for grad school at Stanford MIT Berkeley?

Asking because I don't want to have to do grad school after undergrad at this memehole

>> No.8434115
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 20151029123608!Logo_Politecnico_Milano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aerofag here

>> No.8434119

Lyon University
No, I think I hate it. I'm in the first year of my master.
The courses are good, but I realize now I'm just not interested enough in cs. Kinda annoying since I can't really do something else without restarting from the beginning.

>> No.8434125
File: 152 KB, 960x1152, warp_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Oxford
MSc in Computer Science
Seems good so far

I am surprised by the amount of peasantry on this board

>> No.8434134

>What's the least saturated / competitive research area of EE to get into for grad school at Stanford MIT Berkeley?
Popular labs get better funding and nicer premises.

>> No.8434139

>surprised by the amount of peasantry on this board
Said CS major.

>> No.8434142

>tfw too dumb and depressed for university

>> No.8434143

Yeah but I don't want to get buttfucked by the competition in a meme field like AI. No use in tons of funding I can't get.

Is shit like solid state and semiconductors popular these days? I don't think kids these days are getting hard over electrons and holes... right? What about electromagnetics and RF?

>> No.8434145

The fact that you actually answered proves there is at least one, which is enough to surprise me

>> No.8434148

+1 me too.

>> No.8434152

Which college?

>> No.8434154

Lol same

>> No.8434155
File: 32 KB, 400x400, LAd44iaE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking HORRIBLE, except very few professors.
I'm moving to Paris next year, I don't even care if the city is shit, just want to change uni

>> No.8434159
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>> No.8434185
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Mechanical engineering

>> No.8434186

St Hilda. You?

>> No.8434187

Trinity, physics fresher

>> No.8434195

Nice. Undergrad?

>> No.8434196

AI is fucking huge though.
I got an offer for a PhD candidacy in a machine vision lab and my credentials kinda sucked.

>> No.8434204

Yeah, straight outta sheldonian

>> No.8434221
File: 21 KB, 220x218, 220px-Siegel_Universitaet_Muenster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. My bf is studying there. Do you atleast study physics?

Foodchemistry on the WWU.
Till now i love every second of it. I hope it stays that way. One professor is a mumbling mess, that kinda sucks tho.

>> No.8434225
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University of Sydney
Economics, Econometrics
I like it

>> No.8434235

not a frosh, just a habit i have due to growing up in england. 'math' doesn't sound complete to me, like half of the word is missing. and yeah i'm pretty much the only one who calls it 'maths' over here.

thanks for the advice anon, i'll probably just stick to a pure maths degree then and take some physics classes on the side

>> No.8434236
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Chemboii here, which college you at?

>> No.8434241

WPI is shit but RPI is good if you want to work in the Northeast

and most schools as good as or better than the bulk of quality state schools charge that amount of tuition. I believe that if you can't afford that 40k-50k tuition you should just go to a state school as they generally charge 30k-40k (with like 3 outliers for out of state) and 10k-20k for in-state.

>> No.8434252

ayy trinity here too
theoretical phys

>> No.8434255

It's C. Glad you're doing well now. What are you doing instead of banking?

I'm doing alright. Graduating next year for CompEng and doing some CS security work on the side. I still don't really know what I'm doing after, but it'll probably be cyber security related.

>> No.8434263

No. Fucking. Way. Same university here, studying chemistry!

Has its ups and downs. Some professors hold terrible lectures but others are really amazing.

>> No.8434277
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opinions? just a bachelors of science

>> No.8434286
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This should be the lowest ranked in the thread by far.

>> No.8434302


Damn man

You came out fast

Glad you're having fun in tech

I've been looking into doing sales at tech companies like Google and Oracle

>> No.8434347

I'll probably do there my CS master in two years, how is it?

>> No.8434349

nope, i'm a cs fag

>> No.8434355
File: 20 KB, 248x160, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)

>What course are you doing?
Computer Science

>Do you like it?
No, many /v/ fags thinking they'll be the next MZ

>> No.8434382

A small jesuit liberal arts college... computer science.

My life is a joke tbqh

>> No.8434400

hahaha Ethos, Pathos, Logos?

>> No.8434405

Strongly considering this school. My state school is trash, (not from Alabama) and UA gives full tuition scholarships for good GPA and ACT. What are some positives and negatives of this school?

>> No.8434413

>Most professors in STEM are from top universities and more that capable of teaching to your level.
>Research opportunities are fairly good, particularly in medicine and engineering.
>UA has won more Goldwater scholarships since 2007 than any other university, Harvard being second, so hard work can get you where you want to go.
>People are all nice enough, and most are from all around the states.
>Tuition is Free/cheap
>Living in Tuscaloosa is cheap

>Greek life is extremely pervasive and at times disruptive if you aren't involved
>Some teachers seem to teach the material at an advanced level, then really dumb the tests down.

>> No.8434474


>> No.8434484

I'm a senior in HS. Any advice to get in?

>> No.8434517

how the fuck did you get into trinity? is your father an earl?

>> No.8434529
File: 5 KB, 200x200, LUT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


love it

>> No.8434577
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, wadham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd year physics

I hate it a little bit.. sometimes.. at least QM will be interesting

>> No.8434611
File: 9 KB, 200x162, AlmaCollege-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man. I did two years there before transferring to pic related. Did you ever have Dave Largent as a prof?

>> No.8434622

Institute of Technology fag here.

Is Trinity as full of unbearable SJWs as it's made out to be?

>> No.8434626

How hard is to get an medical elective in Oxford?

>> No.8434631

>All these smart people from across the Charles River
We don't even have any pretty buildings to make up for it.

>> No.8434637

RIT anyone?

>> No.8434727
File: 38 KB, 325x260, rice-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophomore EE.

The work is pretty damn heavy, especially coupled with the reading-intensive electives that I was a bit foolish to pick, but I don't hate it. I'm more saddened by the fact that I don't have time for anything on the weekdays anymore. It's more confusing than anything considering how I essentially need the TAs to translate all the stuff the professor says in one class and the quantum mechanics in the other. It really clicked with me for the first time in terms of interest when I realized that I made an integrator with an op-amp. I thought that was neat as hell when that hit me.

This is after getting weeded out of CompSci in the last semester. You have no FUCKING idea how hard they try to cull the numbers for that major here. It's the biggest one in Rice and they refuse to expand the department.

>> No.8434763

About the master programm I don't know much, but for a undergraduate degree it was apparently too difficult so they have since this semester a new curriculum.
Usually people go for most STEM degrees first to UZH a university right next to ETH for their undergraduate degree and switch to ETH in order to get a prestigious master diploma.

>> No.8434820

Probably not the best person to ask since my application had a gimmick (lived in foster care). You need to do the interview, pretty sure the deadlines coming up soon. I did it over skype. Do everything you can to make a good essay responses and interviews thats all that you can do at this point. MIT places alot more importance on this stuff now since what you do in highschool dont really matter a fuck damn

>> No.8434837
File: 95 KB, 583x742, chalmers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chalmers University of Technology here, B.Sc in SE currently enrolled in M.Sc programme in physics, Complex Adaptive Systems. Recently had my Artificial Neural Networks exam and Image Processing coming up on Thursday.

>> No.8434857

Freshman Astrophysics at Martel here. Currently just struggling a bit through PHYS 111, but I'm still pulling a B in it somehow so it could be worse.

What do you think about making the switch to MechE? Easier or harder than a physics major here at Rice?

>> No.8434886
File: 12 KB, 200x200, Official_Stony_Brook_University_seal_-_no_background.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undergrad biochem (junior)

Might not be top shelf but our science depts are pretty solid. I'm happy here. Although, I could just as easily be in a gutter right now, so I guess I'd be happy just about anywhere.

My grades are pretty good so I hope to aim somewhere higher for grad school, but I haven't figured that out yet.

>> No.8434923

Maths with economics
London School of Economics

Just a second year undergrad, but I'm liking it so far

>> No.8434926
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>> No.8435015

Are you the guy that posted the Gauss is love copypasta in the fb group? I knew someone else browsed /sci/

>> No.8435017

I did the interview in person last wednesday. Will my having grown up on the west coast help me?

>> No.8435020

Not him, but of course not, why would it?

>> No.8435025
File: 175 KB, 585x585, universita-trieste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First year of medicine. I'm pretty satisfied.

>> No.8435086

I'm guessing MIT doesn't do quotas then

>> No.8435111

EE is Elec

Also, I took PHYS 101 & 102, so not quite as intensive as yours. Got an A- and a B for 102.

Switching to Elec has been a hard workload, but it's currently chugging along well enough for me. Now I hiss at all things CompSci related after dropping COMP 182.

I don't really know how to rate the physics major difficulty here. I do know a physics guy at Hanszen who worked at CERN over the summer, so maybe you could talk to him.

By the way, I look forward to wiping an ass full of shaving cream all over your non-college this weekend.

>> No.8435114

About to start foundation year , i feel mildly retarded

>> No.8435118


>> No.8435128
File: 348 KB, 1024x768, darthall-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dartmouth here. Econ and Math.

STEM here is a meme.

Banlon doesn't know how to have fun despite having been in AD (RIP), people get mad over nothing, and there are too many upper middle class kids who want to pretend that they're rich. But the fall colors never cease to blow me away and the campus is basically from a dream.

Overall 7.8/10

>> No.8435130

Intern Med
Coolest course ever

>> No.8435143

>EE is Elec
Yeah I know, just figured there'd be some overlap between EE and MechE, at least for the first few semesters when it's mostly intro courses anyway.

Oh, and don't worry, I'll be waiting with some nice fresh ice water to dump on ya'll as you run through the Sallyport. That is, if I don't decide to run Baker 13 as well.

>> No.8435181

As a Chilean would it be convenient for me to go study to MIT or Harvard? (Electrical Engineering)

Or should I just study in my country?

Still undecided, I have both the money and the *tips fedora* intelligence to go to probably both (+ the ego), but I feel somewhat unpatriotic.

>> No.8435190

Typical Martel mindset. They have no college to defend, so they camp at some other place like the arch or just join in on other college events.

>> No.8435197

>Some teachers seem to teach the material at an advanced level, then really dumb the tests down.
That sounds like a positive. You get to learn the interesting stuff, and you get an easy good grade.

>> No.8435199

caltech aerospace engineer here
wanna meet up senpai?

>> No.8435218
File: 168 KB, 845x1024, st_andrews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of St Andrews
EngD in Computer Science
Not started yet, but it seems alright, doesn't have the air of elitism that plagues the other departments

>> No.8435219

I study engineering in University of Chile, you have to do 2 years of common courses (calculus, linear algebra, ODEs, mechanics, electromagnetism, etc) and then you can dive into your career. Should probably pick something else if you're rich and smart enough, but it isn't easy here if that's what you're thinking and you have the posibility of going to France for continuing your studies.

>> No.8435270
File: 549 KB, 800x538, Martel_Sallyport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we have a college to defend all right, just look up "the best college ever" and see what comes up.

Oh, and before I forget
>10% more

>> No.8435320
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I was considering going to HES, but I've heard some people suggesting that it has a bad reputation as being a scam. Does anyone know whether or not this is true?

>> No.8435341

Its pre chemistry though
A-at least i didnt take humanities right?

>> No.8435387
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UNSW, Bachelor Science, Chemistry.

>> No.8435403
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>> No.8435708
File: 49 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel knowing queens is better in every way possible

>> No.8435716

Any tips on getting in there for an EE PhD? I'm from a shitty state school (UIUC).

>> No.8435717
File: 1.51 MB, 3000x3000, 1476223377542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i graduated from that shithole years ago

waterloo is a much better option for anything STEM

>> No.8435721
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Molecular Physics and Mathematics.

>> No.8435807

lol why did u go there then? and prove u went there faggot

>> No.8435831
File: 112 KB, 506x383, ISOTIPO-Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical engineering

>> No.8435833

Anyone have anything horrible to say about University of Arizona? Looking into schools with Optical Engineering programs that aren't in meme tier cost of living areas.

>> No.8435852

>Anyone have anything horrible to say about University of Arizona?
dylan klebold got in

>> No.8435861

have you ever met shewchuk

>> No.8435863

OK but obviously he's not there now.

>> No.8436014

kek no, I'm an international overseas student

>> No.8436135

Not gonna lie, pretty shit even tho GO8. The medsci/sci cohorts are kind of inundated with premed students whom would mostly agree that it's a dead end degree.

>> No.8436323
File: 685 KB, 1024x1024, logocmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I want to do when I graduate. It doesn't exactly pay as well as a industry job though.

Sophomore CS fag

>> No.8436335
File: 270 KB, 1011x1024, UniversityOfPitt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup nerd
Neuro here

>> No.8436924
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University of the Basque Country.


Internationally it's almost surely shit-tier, and the courses are too fucking easy, but the professors are nice. I should have at least tried to go to a better one though, but they probably wouldn't have taken me so whatever.

>> No.8436940
File: 201 KB, 556x696, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went there because it had a general science program so i could delay picking a major for one more year

and pic related

>> No.8437056

Who 3rd world country Uni nobody cares about?

>> No.8437060

Dude are you a moron?

>> No.8437110
File: 189 KB, 984x544, mcmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see other Canadians around here.

>> No.8437120
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Drake University
Actuarial Science and Data Analytics
Yes, very much. Except everyone else here is really preppy and engrossed with greek life and I often feel that I don't fit in.

>> No.8437122

Why do I keep coming to these threads; all that happens is I just get fucking depressed that I'm not part of the elite, just give me a gun already

>> No.8437127

Where do you go?
Life isn't about going to the 'best' university. Relax.

>> No.8437134

1st year at Surrey, MPhys

>> No.8437137

difference between a msc in physics and a mphys?

>> No.8437142

*bsc and mphys, just bachelor's vs master's

>> No.8437159

gotcha. we don't offer the mphys or mmath here for the most part. just msc in (subject) or ma in (subject).

why are you doing a masters and not just a phd?

>> No.8437170

Because here you generally need to do the 4-year master's course in order to then get onto a phd, which I plan to do. Probably something related to EE that can lead me into quantum computing or just some amalgamation of computing and physics.

>> No.8437205

CS is better in Lausanne

>> No.8437214

I want to go into finance, but I want to be on the quantitative scene in buy-side finance.

>> No.8437218

Columbia fucking sucks. I know. I am here.

>> No.8437219

Which school would be better, MIT or Princeton?

>> No.8437224

sorry did you say a 4 year masters course?

>> No.8437234


>> No.8437241

What are you taking? Thinking of taking mathematical physics there

>> No.8437246

So let me get this straight: 4 year BSC, 4 year MSC, and a 4+ year PHD. That's 12 years of school, seriously? What does a 4 year msc degree involve?
MSC degrees in Canada are 1-2 years typically; and most programs are phasing out the 2 year variant.

>> No.8437249

You EITHER do the 3 year or 4 year course. 3 years gets you a bachelor's, or you tack on an extra year and get a master's. You then use the master's to go on and get a phd.

I thought this conversation was meant to be about university prestige anyway?

>> No.8437263

Nobody has heard anything good or bad about the Extension School?

>> No.8437267


>> No.8437271

Why does your essay have a number?

Usually they're graded on their content instead of length

>> No.8437279

>Thinking of taking mathematical physics there
If you're considering it remember that it's offered by both the Science and Math Faculty. Each side with their own benefits and drawbacks.

>> No.8437284
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Material Science Engineering

>> No.8437296


>> No.8437300

quantum computing?

is EE the right field for that?

>> No.8437311

Don't mind if I....

>> No.8437324

Yeah, I'm leaning towards science faculty. Might apply to both anyway

>> No.8437341
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>aerospace 1st yr
It's week 5 and I'm already way behind in everything.

>> No.8437346

Yeah, since I'll have the grounding in the more fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics from doing Physics at undergrad. I've spoken to people who say this is a possible trajectory and have done similar things, so it's not like I'm just pulling it out of my ass

>> No.8437347

Hmm, ok. I'm just having a life crisis and I share that interest so I was curious of the opinions on how to get into that field.

>> No.8437354


They'll both get you there

Don't be a quant

>> No.8437386
File: 10 KB, 305x308, UniversitLogotif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colorado School of Mines for Mechanical Engineering. Anyone else on this board go to the best STEM school in the Mountain time zone?

>> No.8437417


>> No.8437420

What the fuck is the obsession with this obscure, shitty college? I know for a fact its the same ONE guy that goes to this school always posting, too.

>> No.8437441

It's not that obscure, it's as he says the best engineering school in the mountain time zone. Famous for having extremely high out-of-college employment rates.

>> No.8437444

Cambridge best university

>> No.8437480
File: 90 KB, 1059x393, lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but those are only my first year grades

the rest are all at least A- in my major, which is why I'm at a better school than queen's now :)

>> No.8437519

Which school are you at now? What do you study?
Let's see the rest of your transcript. And I mean, honestly, Queens is pretty good nationally.

>> No.8437534
File: 132 KB, 1635x571, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ubc, and it's only barely better than queen's

>honestly, Queens is pretty good nationally.
for what?

>> No.8437556

UBC and the people that go there tout it as the number one school in the country. It isn't true, but it is definitely top 3. Good job. What's it like? I go to McGill, myself.

>> No.8437568
File: 13 KB, 480x270, VUCQhHl.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's it like?
i guess i find mathematics culture in canada just lacking something in general, but maybe it's better in Quebec/Toronto

>> No.8437577

What do you MEAN by that? What do you want it to have? BTW what area do you work in? I'm in number theory (don't laugh).

>> No.8437590
File: 208 KB, 499x499, fine cola smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you MEAN by that? What do you want it to have?
a better high school curriculum would be a great start, more fruitful/purposeful seminars at the university level (seems like people just go for the sake of it), higher selectivity instead of packing undergrads in low-expectation classes, more NSERC grants instead of the drastically few currently given out, just a generally more 'scientific' approach i guess, maybe i'm just not far enough into it to see it though

also number theory (along with ubc, i applied to mcgill to work with darmon)

>> No.8437593

henri darmon is pretty dope.
everything you said i agree with. math education here is pretty shit, specifically.

>> No.8437606
File: 34 KB, 220x220, University_of_Florida_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Materials Science and Engineering

>> No.8437614

>tfw read 100 pages in stats book tonight for no real reason

>> No.8437616

McGill once, McGill twice, eh?

What are you studying?

>> No.8437617
File: 90 KB, 522x629, ub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoo what year are you? I'm a sophomore

>> No.8437641
File: 156 KB, 325x324, Uoseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Feels very average, man.

>> No.8437703

Holy fucking Jesus Christ.
I study math. Are you here?
You know it's funny... I made a thread just like this maybe two weeks ago and not only was the thread deleted after 2 days and over 150 posts, but I was also banned for a day because of it.

Math feels average, you feel average, or U Oregon feels average?

>> No.8437707

Math and CS, and yep, at McGill. Year?

>> No.8437713

4th. This is my last semester. Hopefully I get into a good PHD program in the states. If not, I'm moving back to Ontario. What are your plans?

>> No.8437714

B.Sc in SE?
Is that software engineering or electrical engineering?

>> No.8437722

So far it's kind of a jumble, I'm only in 2nd year.
Top of the list of preferable outcomes though is PhD program here at McGill, or at the very least in Canada, followed by math-related work at some company or coding-related work.

>> No.8437802
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first semester EE
i want to move on to a better university because a career in academia interests me a lot more. i'll probably do their EPFL or l'X exchange program. every week in our press there's SJW shit about rape culture and trump bashing. they do quotas for black people and women. i've talked to at least 20 black people in my program this year, none of them are locals, they're all international students. there's almost no black applicants in Montreal for STEM fields so they have to literally pick them from Africa. over half the internationals are women also. they can't do affirmative action in Quebec because we have a very strict score system, i'm not affected but it's still kinda depressing to see political image rivaling competence.

>> No.8437917

Software engineering

>> No.8438062

I actually am a different guy who browses /g/ most of the time, so I'm psyched that there's someone else out there. It's a pretty small school.

>> No.8438115
File: 54 KB, 300x300, University-of-Guelph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bio-medial science. Freshmen, so mostly bored out of my mind with the 1000 level science courses. Linear algebra next semester might be fun.

>> No.8438132

Don't worry about it, those blacks will not become true engineers, they'll go into obscurity after they graduate. You can still become a real engineer if you pursue projects in your own time.

>> No.8438164

Ayy what up. I'm an undecided freshie rn but I'm going into AMS

>> No.8438259
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>Doing Bio-Medical Science
>Not Medicine
What are you doing?

>> No.8438274

The arts people probably yeah in stem the people who aren't degenerates are pretty chill

>> No.8438323

I'm surprised a /b/tard got one of the 20 or so places at Oxford CS. Get fucked, lying piece of shit.

>> No.8438330


>> No.8438335

It's different in the UK.
Here a bachelor's degree is 3 years and some science subjects offer an 'integrated masters course' which is 4 years (3 years + 1 year for masters) and PhDs are usually 3-4 years.

>> No.8438338

I thought you could get a PhD without a masters? You just have to take extra courses during the PhD.

>> No.8438353

Not that guy.
But I'm at UB. I'm a junior because of HS credits. Currently taking Sophmore-tier classes.

EE neckbeard. You?

>> No.8438537
File: 228 KB, 1024x1024, Clemson_University_Seal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got admitted here in Environmental and Natural Resources for the spring semester

>> No.8438547
File: 94 KB, 704x887, Lund_University_logotype.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8438625

Chalmers does not have software engineering.
Just IT and computer engineering

>> No.8438637
File: 4 KB, 167x129, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's suffering, but the satisfying sort of suffering

>> No.8438673


How autistic are your classmates?

>> No.8438677

Most of them are actually reasonably well-adjusted.
Or maybe that's just because I'm comparing them to myself, who knows

>> No.8438684
File: 2.00 MB, 400x299, 1456119606194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best STEM school in Mountain time zone
>doesn't even have an accredited aerospace program
Should've just went to metro

>> No.8438685

me too, what campus?

>> No.8438687

Hey fellow senior, i guess we're competing for mit.
Hope to see you there instead!

>> No.8438725

There's no specific medicine undergraduate major. This is basically the same thing.

>> No.8438750

are there any qt girls?
were you the mathmo from a few years ago who had a STEP youtube channel?

>> No.8438756

On the course? A couple. At my college there's not a single one, though.
And I'm not him, only recently started my second year

>> No.8438793
File: 45 KB, 1280x853, University_of_Kent_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying electronic engineering at Kent because I fucked my a levels up
>want to transfer


>> No.8438916

it's engineering m8 it doesn't really matter where you get your degree just don't be a fucking boring idiot, work on your own projects outside of uni and apply to internships

if you can't get one at a big company in your first summer literally apply to anything even slightly related, do factory work in electronics if you have to

that's how ya make it

t. made it

>> No.8438920

What's it like? I was thingken bout doing my minor there.

>> No.8438929

My condoleances

>> No.8438939


I'm going to boston to visit soon.

If that's true I probably stand a chance because I have plenty of passion and personal projects


If you look at the MIT website they have a pretty much equally distributed portion from each region


>> No.8438962

Wtf cunt Kent is GOOD...

>> No.8438965

BBB is decent mate... Take a chill pill.

>> No.8439008

Cheers senpai

You go to Kent as well?

Was expecting better.

>> No.8439035

Chalmers translate Informationsteknik to Software Engineering

>> No.8439043

I'm at MIT doing a PhD in a field almost nobody cares about (but I'm paid to do it and it's the best place to do it, so whatever).

>> No.8439049

How's poly? Was accepted there but decided to go to concordia instead. At first I wanted to do mechE but I chose software and I think concordia is better for that, at least if you just want a job after your 4 years. Also my native language is french but I fucking hate writing/studying in french, I just like speaking it.

Lots of blacks/arabs at poly huh?

>> No.8439072


Nigga i'm in your library right now.

>> No.8439084


Which department are you in at Temple? That's my alma mater -- I graduated in Chemistry last year.

>> No.8439141

Different countries do things differently. News at 10.

>> No.8439161

Best of luck, friend

>> No.8439162
File: 80 KB, 595x389, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Ohio State

>> No.8439183

ETH Zürich has a better name, hasn't it? Coming from Germany

>> No.8439206

it's alright i mean most engineers will probably have no problem finding a job in the industry, except for people who are majoring in engineering physics. it won't give you a lot of opportunities to work at places like Microsoft or Google. they came to our school a month ago with an audience of 50 people and they only had 1 or 2 guys from poly who were accepted as interns doing q&a. not a shitty school but nothing to brag about.

>> No.8439238
File: 173 KB, 512x512, NSmiJugu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


frosh here, so far its easier than the last two years of HS but i kinda went overboard there

>> No.8439243

a fucking

>> No.8439248

>“the rays of the sun [symbolize] learning piercing the clouds of ignorance.”
stay dumb

>> No.8439256

Ohio State is tOSU though

what kind of fag school adds THE to the front of their name

>> No.8439261

I honestly find the amount of high schoolers and first years here disturbing.

>> No.8439265

t. a fucking SUN

>> No.8439282

If you do find some time out of studying constantly, then their football team is currently one of the greatest squads to ever grace the sport. I think the football stadium is in the top five in regards to seating capacity.

>> No.8439328


>Some teachers seem to teach the material at an advanced level, then really dumb the tests down.

so you get to focus on actually learning instead of doing arbitrary shit so you pass the test. This is a good thing


> muh sports

normie detected

>> No.8439331

When the fuck did this turn into a shill for Caltech thread?

>> No.8439344
File: 22 KB, 200x200, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

computer engineering
eh, can't complain

>> No.8439345

>not uchile
>not puc
What a pleb.

>> No.8439346

Fox. If I could do it all again I would major in the mathematical economics intercollegiate program. I wanna go to grad school for econ but I don't have the math so I'm probably gonna have to go back to school for a semester or two and get those math credits.

>> No.8439348
File: 32 KB, 400x400, LEtRAtqI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresher doing materials engineering
Thinking of changing to university of Edinburgh for electrical engineering

>> No.8439350

Loughborough university btw

>> No.8439356

Also Leiden, psychology

>> No.8439382


Are you the MDE fan I met at the MidEast?

>> No.8439443

>Don't be a quant
Why do you say so?

>> No.8439492


>> No.8439516

You an EE major? You didn't expect memes? What year?
Protip: If it isn't saturated or competitive and you don't already want to do it, it probably isn't worth doing or spending your time on.

>> No.8439538

ayyyy im doin electrical engineering at unsw

>> No.8439573
File: 194 KB, 883x599, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup gayls
I guarantee you've seen me on campus at some point, I was involved in a bunch of shit

uw madison phd now, its like ontario but with more cheese

>> No.8439588
File: 497 KB, 400x225, doggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a lot of people who took those classes, very well could have seen each other

which 1st year res? i was in chown

>> No.8439591

west, sucked so much but at least I made decent friends

>> No.8439605

It's the school of mines.
Aerospace has nothing to do with mining and extraction.

>> No.8439611


Seems legit, though I hear we have shitty math professors (I took calc elsewhere so I dunno). Obvs you're gonna do what you like anyway, but you might wanna get second opinions on peeps if you have a choice in whose classes you're going to.

>> No.8439616
File: 168 KB, 974x498, holy trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayyoo Mech E senior here. take as many of Dr Rodriguez's classes as you can. dude is easy as fuck.

CSM is legally not allowed to have an aerospace department per order of the state of Colorado.

>> No.8439635


>> No.8439640

ETH is probably the best university in continental Europe
Lausanne is pretty competitive in some engineering/science fields though

>> No.8439648

Wtf? I go to a catholic highschool and need to hand in a 1500 word law paper

>> No.8439650
File: 7 KB, 121x214, naulogo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychological Sciences and Mathematics

The psych is more rigorous than I expected. I do not enjoy the courses in social/personality or abnormal psych (mostly because of all the fuckin papers and "responses") but the neuro/cognition/stats courses are great.

Math department is chill. The calc series is dreadful, but that's probably due to it being required for such a variety of majors. Every other course has well-spoken professors and the environment is relaxed and discussion based.

>> No.8439708

Mah negroid compatriot. I also want to go into renewable energy, but I'm only first year so I have a while to decide on a minor.

>> No.8439947

I'm CS. I honestly don't love the program here but i've been working on some side projects. My roommate/good friend is EE

>> No.8439963

>You an EE major?


>You didn't expect memes?


>What year?


>Protip: If it isn't saturated or competitive and you don't already want to do it, it probably isn't worth doing or spending your time on.

But I do want to do it. I just don't know what "it" is.

I just need some information on what would be a good "it" so I can set my autism upon it for the next 2 years and extend the duration of my autismfest if I manage to get into grad school for it.