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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8429767 No.8429767 [Reply] [Original]

How do we change society so that advances in STEM are the top priority?

Like for real. How do we grass roots change this shit to something better? Do we raise money for STEM-based ads, STEM-based TV shows and movies, STEM-based music? Do we google bomb searches to more STEM-related results? Start helping out existing STEM media outlets to gain a wider audience? We'd need to think like marketing corporations and completely usurp consumerism and corporate capitalism to do it; changing those aspects into STEM-related alternatives that do not threaten the companies bottom line (making an enemy of them is detrimental after all). How do we change job markets so that hiring is based exclusively on merit and not race, gender, religion, family, etc?

Now, I'm not talking popsci. Popsci is insidious. It gives people a quick instant gratification fix for their "science" curiosity. Doing so stops them from thinking beyond that. They no longer want to keep going and actually work on STEM-related things. Instead they get stuck in a vicious cycle of popsci instant gratification and armchair-STEM.

>> No.8429772

Considering STEM is composed of a bunch of cucks in favour of open-borders, it wouldn't last long before the nation is subhumanised.

>> No.8429807

Stay in your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.8429813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8429814

ideological systems that place importance on science (like the Soviet system) and direct state efforts to specified objectives.

But if you meant in a semi-democratic system, glorifying education and scientific research as a profession is the best way. State propaganda basically, but not on a totalitarian scale. Free education would go a long way to send the right message as well, assuming you are talking about the US, which is very likely judging by the issues that you mentioned. Actual funding would help a lot too obviously, it's the main factor at play here. However, keeping people uneducated and fed with your handpicked information through the mass media keeps society stable and controllable, and keeps the elite in power.

You, as a person, cannot cause any influence in people's interest in science. That's the government's job, and they have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.

>> No.8429825

grass-roots =/= government body

>> No.8429826

Stay in your containment board >>>/pol/

>> No.8429847

Go spread your ebola elsewhere you disgusting filth.

>> No.8429932
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>> No.8429935

>let's science this shit up
This thread is IFLS grade

>> No.8429958

I feel you OP. In politics, science and technology are rarely mentioned, and when they are they're never discussed. I think really there needs to be more public support for funding science, it needs to be seen as a higher priority than it is now. For so many people the world of science is alien to them, they don't even think about it.

>> No.8429969

do we not have enough religions

>> No.8430430

Did they get their funding cut? Australia is plagued to hell and back with gov. science related funding/budget cuts.

There's never anything much discussed even in the legit "science" shows. Most of it is popsci stuff like Mr. Wizard and COSMOS. They talk about science and do cool experiments but don't show that actual science behind anything. So, they only see it as an entertainment medium. No one really learns anything from it other than how big the universe is or that most of ice is underwater when floating.

Can you imagine an adventure kids show where the main characters must learn and use real world math and scientific methods to figure out whatever they happen to be doing plotwise?

>> No.8430945

Is there a US version of this type of thing? I know there's a shit load of outspoken celeb scientists who are quick to grumble about military vs science funding.