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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8428919 No.8428919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is computer """"science""""" aka applied autism allowed on this board? If CS retards were perma banned this board would be much better. I actually respect people with no degree more than CS majors, because at least laymen don't pretend to know anything about math.

>> No.8428952

best chuckle i had all day

thx m8 have a 10/10

>> No.8428975

why is biological """"science""""" aka applied feminism allowed on this board? If Biology retards were perma banned this board would be much better. I actually respect people with no degree more than Biology majors, because at least laymen don't pretend to know anything about science.

>> No.8429119

CS really no better than being an "Advanced Certified Microsoft Technician".
>science & math

>> No.8429123

confirmed cs failout

Was the theory too much for you? If you just wanted to learn how to make video games you shouldn't have studied computer science.

>> No.8429129

BWAHAHAHA omg lol, thanks for the KEK

>> No.8429131


CS is so important that it has its own board.


We own this board too.

>> No.8429142

Harold Bloom is an American literary critic and Sterling Professor of Humanities at Yale University

>> No.8429653

I honestly appreciate sociology and philosophy majors more than CS majors. The latter are almost always autistic and arrogant even though they know nothing.

>> No.8429662

You know fucking nothing about 4chan. /g/ INVENTS the CS-bashing memes that we post here.

You know the failed CS grad meme? They fucking made it. They hate CS fags.Everyone there who is not a CSfag just shits on them aswell.

>> No.8430131
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He also hates plebs and brainlets, which is why I posted him. CS is to science and math as the Harry Potter books are to literature. It's ok if you like them as a child, but saying it has any intellectual rigor or depth is a fucking joke.

>> No.8430336
File: 31 KB, 90x125, readytosucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*tips fedora*

You tell em, comrade!

>> No.8430393
File: 207 KB, 398x531, tip17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look out guys the cs major has come to set us straight. Don't you have stack exchange codes to copy and paste?

>> No.8430437

> Implying CS has no intellectual rigor or depth.
> Shitposting about CS using a technology created due to the intellectual work of many computer scientists.

You're so retarded, anon. Please, kys.

>> No.8430449
File: 89 KB, 1155x409, The truth about CS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS is a joke in undergrad. The only ones that don't get it are CS majors themselves.

>> No.8430453


newfags aren't hard to please humour wise, that's how you know you a newfag.

>> No.8430492
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CS is integral to most modern scientific advances.

>> No.8430503

Did CS traumatize you so hard, anon? You just need to apply to a better college, and maybe talk to a psychologist.
Not all CS curricula in the world are bad like in your shitty university.

>> No.8430512
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>every criticism of CS is of shitty schools
>my unnamed CS school is god tier cause i say so

every single time

>> No.8430573

Wrong. I'm not talking about all criticisms here, I'm talking about YOUR specific criticism.

Every undergrad who doesn't know what is logarithm, thinks Calculus is hard or struggle with simple algorithms, probably studied in a shitty college. Fact.

If you think I'm wrong, just do a little research on Internet and stop using this board to expose your personal frustrations as if it was a universal truth.

>> No.8430612

Go speak to your fellow CS majors for 5 minutes and probe their knowledge.