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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 108 KB, 1080x547, tmp_15492-_20161022_003214830660798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8428003 No.8428003 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel?

>> No.8428019


>> No.8428023

einstein came up with most of his work while working in a patent office didn't he? what's stopping this hypothetical nobody?

>> No.8428025

Einstein became Einstein due to the opportunities and privilege life afforded him. Some girl from a shit hole no one has ever heard of will never be the next Einstein because she will never have the same access to education and knowledge that he had. Without a doubt she does deserve a proper education and a chance to attend college so she can specialize her ability but it's retarded to pretend that the world is missing out on it.

Theres always a bigger fish

>> No.8428028

Einstein went to elementary school and college.

>> No.8428031

>believing that males have penises and females have vaginas, but not believing in mental differences
>believing that the mind is separate from the body

>> No.8428032

so how will this girl who can't even read come up with groundbreaking physics ?

>> No.8428037

>implying kids in shitholes only have a right to live if they do groundbreaking physics discoveries

>> No.8428049

Meh I was never a fan of this line of thought, If you stretch it, you could argue that every time people don't have sex they are potentially preventing an Einstein from being born. It gets a bit silly.

>> No.8428054

Fucking kys OP. Do you honestly think some nigger in a remote village in some shithole on Earth is that special?

>> No.8428106


She won't. What is posed as a given in the beginning of this comic is actually just a conjecture.

>> No.8428117

Truth is, it's improbable. Most 'geniuses' tend to be exposed to science and math early on.

>> No.8428133


What, you think Africa is full of geniuses when African Americans have produced none, despite having all the money in the world flung at them, with the smallest achievements on their part making the textbooks and meriting awards?

You think that science comes out of nowhere, and that there are people rewriting the laws of physics in mud with a stick?

Take your politically orthodox pity party and shove it.

>> No.8428135

Nigger, not, but Indian? Definitely. If you gave every Indian child the same opportunities that average American child has India would be scientific and computer superpower.

Of course that will never happen in reality because no one hates the Indian poor more than Indians themselves. Also, and I've heard this from actual Indians, India is so corrupt and bureaucratically shit that the country placed itself in a dead lock from which it cannot escape and is thus killing its own potential.

>> No.8428137

>right to live
>what is natural selection?

>> No.8428138

>The next Einstein was aborted due to liberal lawmaking and the empowerment of women
>The next Einstein is every unborn child not benefitting from ruthless genetic engineering

>> No.8428139

finding optimal parameters for collecting firewood and feeding children..

would be like winning the nobel prize.

...i hope she makes it

>> No.8428140


>> No.8428143
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>> No.8428145
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Thank you capt. obvious.

>> No.8428155

statistically unlikely.

almost every genius that has ever lived has come from a well off family.

there have only been a few that have been exceptions.

>> No.8428164

No, they would not. Do you believe that exposing a peasant to a science textbook removes their poverty? Or their lack of curiosity?

Do you believe that their poverty is a choice on their part, a bad decision they can be educated out of?

If you gave every Indian the same wealth, resources, culture, education, laws, and environment as US citizens, then yes, they would be the same as a superpower.

>> No.8428176

If "she's" so smart, then howcome she's stuck in some shitty village when Einstein exceeded the speed of light.

You are the sum of your actions, not your potential.

>> No.8428180

Your argument is circular. If it is wealth, resources, culture, education, laws and environment that makes Americans rich and Indians poor then where did all those come from and who made them?

>> No.8428187

How do you know?
Not every family can afford to Mendeleev their son just because he's a little bright.

>> No.8428193
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If she's only Einstein tier, she shouldn't even attempt to publish her dilettantish bullshit. It's not worth anyone's time because a hundred years later a 12 year old child prodigy will prove it all wrong and replace it with a scientifically true theory.

>> No.8428197

also, globe earth lol

>> No.8428204

so we just have to wait 'till einstein reincarnates as a jew again, then we will hear of him.

>> No.8428220

and hope hitler doesn't get to him

>> No.8428227

Are they just asking to get rid of all third world countries? What is the point of this comic?

>> No.8428232

Happened before a thousand thousand times and will continue to happen a thousand thousand times. Completely indifferent about it.

>> No.8428233

The whole argument is about intrinsic capacity, which is inherently a mess because it can rarely be decoupled from environmental affordances.

People are unwilling to think mechanically. This leads them to be unable to think about a given individual being a grand chain of accumulated internal changes.

>> No.8428236

>applying Great Man Theory to scientific discoveries

Wew lad

>> No.8428267

>implying Great Man Theory isn't the least wrong of all theories

>> No.8429294

Dont really care, tomorrow a new einstein will be born in a country where people do care.

>> No.8429571

>implying Noether's never existed

>> No.8429577

No, the comic is saying we need to give more kids access to education. I don't know how the message flew over your head

>> No.8429578 [DELETED] 

Literally who

Cucks, what you should understand is that you are only the kind of twisted people that get off by reading the "women scientists" wikipedia article. No one else gives a shit. Go cuck about somewhere else.

>> No.8429581

Is this comic implying genius is genetic because you are born a genius, yet not genetic cause non-white and non-asian could be geniuses?

>> No.8429582

Makes me feel really strange honestly. Not so much the whole idea that there might be some unrecognised genius living somewhere – I actually think that "geniuses" have the habit to get their education one way or another. There are countless examples for this.

What makes me feel strange is that there are countless humans living these lives. They work all the time, they really try their very best and get so little from it. It's so obviously not right that all the neckbeards posting in this thread are not even close to actually trying when people give everything they have just to feed their children somewhat and maybe experience a hand full of nice things in their lives.

I get it, life is not fair, it's not even supposed to be fair. Doesn't really make me feel more comfortable though.

>> No.8429597

>Literally who
Non-stem poltard detected. Please leave.

>> No.8429601

keep your socio-political shitposting on other boards,
pls and thanks

>> No.8429604

it really is a shame about the moderation in this shithole

>> No.8429605

But I am studying mathematics.

I legitimately have no idea who the fuck you are talking about and I bet you only know her because you masturbate to wikipedia lists that "empower muh womiinzzz"

Could you go be a cuck somewhere else? Nobody fucking cares. Talk to me when a female Terence Tao starts existing, faggot.

>> No.8429607

Gosh, you ain't studying no mathematics, that's obvious to anyone on this board. Return to your beloved place.

>> No.8429609

*Either that or baiting this bad

>> No.8429612

This. I wish the retards could be confined to the other boards.

>cuck cuck cuck

there is literally nothing more degenerate

>> No.8429624


If you don't believe me that's fine. I have nothing to prove to you. I post here literally every day and this is the only board I currently use.

>> No.8429730
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Nothing, because if she was the next 'Einstien' to begin with she would have been making novel inferences concerning the properties of the firewood she collected/ sold or the ecosystem she treked.

Eventually she would have documented (just because you never been to school or read a text book doesn't mean you can't draw or create hymns, let's assume she religious too) or spoke about those inferences within a system that was connected to the public sphere of some kind (maybe her kids, neighbor or husband spreads information of said inferences through casual conversation). Which would have eventually caused a bit of buzz positive or negative.

Also since this is post Einstien "era" information of such a person regardless of being a country and village that nobody talks or cares about would spread to the ears of those who would inquire about it.

She either then becomes another Mary Anning (poor shell collector/seller who discovered fossils, got noticed in the public and academic sphere but never received full credit until centuries later) or Thomas Fuller (physical proof that innate high mathematical abilities can be found in native Africans but was discovered too late and never had a chance to go into academia because of slavery/old age and used in arguments for greater education services for women in the village/country). Although if this is truly post Einstien "era" then she would have eventually gotten some opportunity even if it is miniscule to publish her inferences later in life.

>> No.8429816

People like Einstein, Newton, etc. were cognitively wired for greatness in their fields. It didn't matter that a teenage Isaac Newton was confined to a family farm during the plague and couldn't attend school. He was still able to create a quandary based on observation and produce the Calculus to solve it. True genius is enough to passively coax someone into a life of intellectual greatness. Looking back to great thinkers from history, like Arrhenius, who had no resources or schooling, is good evidence of this argument.

I would even argue further that things like mandatory schooling can squander genius. School has a way of making people scared to challenge ideas or enterprise original, ground-breaking ideas.

>> No.8429818

Brainfart - *Aristotle. Not Arrhenius.

>> No.8429821

Newton was a brainlet, he stole calculus from Leibniz and physics from Hooke

>> No.8429833

All of the great thinkers had some kind of schooling.

People like to state Ramanujan as an example of self-teaching, in fact, he wasn't that important to mathematics, but even he was actually both schooled very well and early, and also was raised in a 10% of the richest families if I remember correctly (based only on him being literate at his time!), he was taught how to do things like cubic equations and infinity series at the age of 15, had graduates living with his family to teach him personally, at the age of 16 had a copy of a book written by the Cambridge fellow, so on.

>> No.8430247

>Lives in a poor country

fuck off

>> No.8430257

>Believing in the mysticism of "fate" and "destiny".
Get you and your homeopathic remedies off /sci/.

>> No.8430306

>smart but poor meme
If shes so smart, why hast she found a way to expand her business by employing others, maybe get someone with a donkey cart to transport wood in large quantities once a week to the market?

checkmate Einstein

>> No.8430307

obviously will never become the next einstein, so the premise is entirely false

>> No.8430317

I don't care. obscurity is not a tragedy to me. I wish I lived in it too.

>> No.8430332

nice time quints faggot

>> No.8430350 [DELETED] 

the faggot ITT that doesn't know who Noether is should kill himself.

>> No.8430362

Never got this feed the children meme. If you can't afford having a family, why have one?

>> No.8430371
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there's only one solution tbqh

>> No.8430395

the next einstein will be
-probably jewish

>> No.8430668

well at least they don't have to live in nazi germany and marry their cousin

>> No.8430685

nice try

>> No.8430701

I know of two reasons
1. Unavailability or unwillingness to use contraception
2. The big one: the more kids you have, the higher the probability that at least one of your kids survives and helps support you

>> No.8430708
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>> No.8430727

Intelligence comes from genetics. Her country is comprised of people with similar genetics to her. The fact that she lives in a primitive society means that she is almost certainly unintelligent, like the rest of her society which is why it is primitive. There is no reason to believe that the smartest person would come from a country like this, it would almost certainly come from a group whose genetics have proven to have the highest amount of gifted people, i.e. white people

By the way, Einstein didn't come up with the idea of relativity

>> No.8430731
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If being an "Einstein" is genetic / biological than this is wrong because she isn't similar to Einstein genetically / biologically. The alternative is thinking being an "Einstein" is a product of social conditions, in which case this is still wrong. I don't understand what lets anyone see this idea as plausible.

>> No.8430761
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She has the same weird brain structure mutation that he had.

>> No.8430765


There was disappointingly little found in looking at Einstein's brain. I think if the same amount of interest were applied in looking at literally any other random human brain, you'd find about the same amount of "abnormalities."

>> No.8430778

>it's improbable. Most 'geniuses' tend to be exposed to science and math early on.
There have been no Einstein-level women. The female brain is as economical and underpowered as the female body. Barring genetic engineering, the top tier of female scientists is always going to remain a few levels down from the top tier of male ones. The difference is like that between male and female olympic athletes.

There have been no Einstein-level brown people. Intelligence is genetic and the races are different.

People with the genetics for good intelligence aren't born today in places where firewood is an economically-important commodity.

>> No.8430794


She also lacks internal drive and apparently isn't smart enough to prepare for the future and get out of the shit hole.

>> No.8430802

It that is true then that isn't the next Einstein and the story is irrelevant.

You can't count what won't happen because you will be counting forever. "IF" is as big as infinity.

>> No.8431003

Technocracy in a nutshell.

>> No.8431011

Anon, please atleast google your own views before accepting them as fact.

It is blatantly obvious that youre just talking out of your ass.

>> No.8431015

Her father was a mathematician. It's in her genes.

>> No.8431027

>no einstein level brown people
>who is ramanujan

>> No.8431037

This is a load of shit, Einstein level intelligence is more possible in whites and asians than other races.

>> No.8431105


>> No.8431639

So she uses the same percentage of her brain as him? It was calculated that Einstein used 11% of his brain and revolutionized the world whereas humans only use 10% of their brains. Imagine is she could use 12%.

>> No.8431675

this desu

>> No.8431678

Plz leave.

>> No.8431689

why dont you if you dont like discussing things with me

>> No.8431697

Then he (not she), would get the fuck out of dodge and move to another country

>> No.8431706
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>It was calculated that Einstein used 11% of his brain

>> No.8431745

>culture, education and upbringing have no influence on the abilities of a person
What a shitty premise for a comic, besides that, the time where single persons can move a field so fast like Einstein are over

>> No.8431755

>those disgusted faces
I need to know the story behind this pic.

>> No.8431763

>reverse image searched it
>found it on some Russian imageboard
>math thread
>created a month ago
>~500 posts and counting
Fuck. Should've learned Russian.

>> No.8431776


>> No.8431785

When is this Einstein meme die. He was just fucking jew. Everything he did is irrelevant.

>> No.8431791

I remember my last year of college. We got acquainted a little with profs, so they let their guards down and started ranting like crazy. You could expect at least one lunatic rant per day.
Now I feel disgusted every time I see a teacher/lecturer that "shares" a little too much beyond the topic. At least I don't have to sit through lectures anymore.

>> No.8431801


Aw, I love these subtle bluepills :$

>> No.8431802
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you are 101.

>> No.8432037

>How does it make you feel?

Like joos want to destroy all human intelligence that isn't theirs by replacing them with sub 70 IQ dirt farmers.

>> No.8432052

>If you stretch it, you could argue that every time people don't have sex they are potentially preventing an Einstein from being born. It gets a bit silly.

It also doesn't work well as a pickup line

>> No.8432334

Fucking retard. This is a science board you moron, go back to facebook. Underage dumbass.

>> No.8432348

I know I would have been the next Einstein if I was smarter.

>> No.8432357

Im not underage retard, (but I do admit im new to sci) there's nothing wrong with what I said, even if its factually wrong, saying it is still fine since its science.

>> No.8432365

> If you gave every [X nationality] child the same opportunities that average American child has [X country] would be scientific and computer superpower.
Pajet pls

>> No.8432372
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You're a waste of consciousness.

>> No.8432382

youre a pedophile

>> No.8432387 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 940x545, wwe-rumors-nwo-kevin-nash-return.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That we should go to war with north korea, iran, russia and china, then win in order to have one world government, then absorb bad places like your picture so that everyone has equal chance to make the world a better place

>> No.8432417
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>> No.8432479


>> No.8432485


>> No.8433558


>> No.8433683


>> No.8434573

According to intelligence research, that is highly unlikely. There are statistically far more "Einsteins" in places like China with higher average IQ. Furthermore, there are more males then females, so it is more statistically likely that it would be a male.

Unless you are one of those fools who think they are being cute by denying the genetic role in all this.

>> No.8434672

What if she was the next Stalin?

>> No.8434681
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Funny enough according to the same """research""" it is very probable that a female north Korean in a poor neglected district fits op's comic exactly.

>> No.8434715
File: 405 KB, 1082x549, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a low effort edit

>> No.8434758

ah, so that's why /sci/ is shit.

>> No.8435922

>scientifically true theory

>> No.8435926


It's false. The chances of the next Einstein being born in a 3rd world country with a sub 80 average IQ and being female are close to zero.

The next Einstein, like the last Einstein, will be an Ashkenazi Jew born in Israel or the West.

>> No.8435929

Lower caste Indians are retards, no matter how much education they get.

>> No.8435932




>> No.8435945

>there's nothing wrong with what I said
>Einstein used 11% of his brain guys
Just leave, go and watch that movie of the girl who uses 100% of her brain, that's more your speed.

>> No.8435947

I fucking love that movie so its not really an insult to me

>> No.8436947

We can bruteforce the intrinsic capacity for beoming Einstein by increasing earth population.

>> No.8437144

Ken m plz leave

>> No.8437248

EM retardation > Warped Space

>> No.8437301


Well, she isn't Von Neumann so I feel great.

>> No.8438606

India had a caste system from a reason, the pale skinned Indians that built every civilization realised their brown skins were subhumans who could be used as slave. India is the original land of subhumans as Euros described Native Americans as Indians.

>> No.8438609

>miss brain piece
>become genius
Why is the human brain so retarded?

>> No.8438633

>Next Einstein
>She will never become the next Einstein

What type of idiot writes this shit? Do they mean the next person with revolutionary scientific ideas and/or creations? Because it's objectively false, if she never postulates those idea or creates anything.

Do they mean the next very smart person? There are tons of those.

Do they mean we'll never know of her because she's poor? And? You faggots won't know me past Anon and I'm poor.

Is this to imply we should give all the poor people money in case some of them are the next Einstein? Should we bankrupt first world nations in a search for some poor illiterate person being a genius? That's not very smart.

>> No.8439004


>> No.8439034

I'm pretty sure environment has no impact on IQ.

OP is correct, a 200 IQ person could be living in some shit country or something

>> No.8439229
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They very first thing you do when you find 'something' is ask yourself, is the world ready for this? Then you ask yourself if the government would kill you for it, or if someone else would kill you. Then you ask yourself why hasn't anybody thought of that? Then it occurs you that the government has destroyed human progress and that world has already lost the game because of it, and then you just wait for the cleansing fire.

>> No.8439448

Ramanujan came to mind as soon as I read his idiocy