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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 238 KB, 957x672, STEM-jobs-2020[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8427869 No.8427869 [Reply] [Original]

>MUH "the only way you'll get a job in this economy is by getting a STEM degree"
>MUH "STEM majors will never be jobless"
>MUH "STEM majors make the most money out of college of any field"

>slave away for 4+ years in a field of study that is 10000x more gruesome than other disciplines
>be wagecuck hunting for jobs
>prepare for 10+ technical screens/interviews for any given company worth the degree you studied
>send out hundreds of applications only to receive ~10 replies and ~4-5 actual interviews
>receive 2-3 offers after expending a bajillion effort points
>salary universally starting at mid 5 figures - low 6 figures
>salary universally capped at slightly-higher-but-still-low 6 figures after being wagecuck for 20+ years

Enjoy being a grunt worker for le greedy jews while they're plotting to replace you with pajeets and krishnas and sanjays

>> No.8427886

And what degree should one pursue?

Trades? Pajeet can do that. Finances? Pajeet can do that too.

There's no way you can compete with Pajeet unles you learn to work for Pajeet's wage.

>> No.8427888
File: 18 KB, 600x450, camehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you went into something because of the money instead of interest/natural aptitude for it you shouldn't be surprised when you're below average at it and can't find work.

>> No.8427889

Then why are STEM professions at the top of every countries salary rankings, medicine the most? You're a fucking moron, OP.

>> No.8427910

>/pol/tard can't get a job so blames it on external factors
Pajeet is probably just smarter than you, senpai.

>> No.8427919

I don't think OP is claiming STEM professions don't make a lot of money, senpai

>> No.8427922

Just move to an Asian country then, so that it isn't under the control of Jews?

>> No.8427924

If you live in a first world country and have an internet connection there's no real reason to go to college.

>> No.8427955

As long as you go into a sufficiently niche field with STEM, like plastic surgery or ophthalmology or something, the job security is second to none.

>> No.8427958

Tell me about the place that lets you play with their particle accelerator because you lurked /sci/ for 6 years.

>> No.8427963

Why is there so many poltards here lately. Go away pol.

>> No.8427965

What's a better alternative dumbass? A business degree? that won't get you a 65k starting salary. A liberal arts degree? that is an even bigger fucking meme, and if you do trades you still won't be making as much money as you would in most STEM fields

>> No.8427970

t. Jew

>> No.8427981

This is true if you do it purely for the knowledge. But if you want a job you need that precious piece of paper.

>> No.8427983

Jews are demonstrably better than Gentiles at math, science, and general intellectual achievement by every conceivable metric. If there's someone who should leave this board, it's you.

>> No.8427997
File: 16 KB, 621x160, 1476763097258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STEM isn't a meme because of lel wage cuck. It's a meme because it's inaccessible to a near majority of the population despite it being harkened as the "savior" of the economy.

>> No.8427998

And the alternatives aren't?
I doubt OP actually studies a STEM degree, he's most likely a dropout shitposting about sour grapes.
Go fuck yourself OP.

>> No.8428001

For every 1%er who is in STEM, there are arguably dozens more who aren't STEM degree holders.
>inb4 b-but hollywood celebs, athletes, music stars don't count
and news anchors, politicians, real estate developers, finance, entrepreneurs in meme ventures (e.g. ceo of snapchat, dollar shave club)

>> No.8428033

hack novelists with meme series

>> No.8428045


Well if you're talking about who has the top 1% income obviously CEOs win, but for most people becoming a successful entrepreneur or politician is extremely unlikely, which makes STEM the more logical choice. People in STEM fields will ON AVERAGE make more than somebody with a business or liberal arts degree.

>> No.8428064

>news anchors
There are far fewer news anchor spots than STEM spots anon. You're most likely to be slaved at a shitty place like Gawker than become a news anchor.
Journalism is even more Jew infested than anything else. Can't even report the truth anymore in fear of losing your job.

I think those compare to 1% of stem. Not the other way around

>entrepreneurs in meme ventures
Same as above

Don't know much about finance and business degrees so I cannot comment on their economic value but these seem even more soulless than STEM to me.

The other degrees like sociology, physiology, history, arts, literature, language ect... are literally a waste of money. If your daddy isn't rich you shouldn't do any liberal arts shit.

>> No.8428085

>implying Asians aren't jew puppets

>> No.8428108

>What is Japanese nationalism?

>> No.8428116


where I live at least if you are a nurse it's basically a guaranteed job (20-25$/hour starting as lpn, 28-35 starting as an rn) and after several years you can get a masters and go into management and basically sit around all day making like 40-50$ an hour

>> No.8428142

The more people you push towards stem the more Elon Musk types you will get. For every major discovery there are thousands that do support and development work. And even more that never do anything meaningful.

Think of it as rolling the dice. Would you rather roll one or ten?

>> No.8428177

>What is xenophobic, anti-immigration culture?

>> No.8428207

>What is the welcoming of skilled workers?

>> No.8428221

Every career is a meme. You will not be sure to get a secure, well-paying job no matter what degree you get. Wagecucking is a dream from the 80's

>> No.8428222


STEM is cool if you like to think.

I'm an Accountancy major and I've already got offers managing the accounts of several local businesses I frequent. I'll also be able to do taxes when tax seasons comes around.

I also took some law classes and can be a entry level paralegal.

I won't win ever the Nobel Prize but it's easy work for pretty good money.

>> No.8428247

What is accounting like?

I'm 1.5 years through CS but accounting was my second choice.

It seems like outside of tax season it would be comfy.

>> No.8428289

Everything is a meme. College is a scam, we are in the proletariat and unless you were born wealthy or a genius or you get extremely lucky, you will have to resign yourself to a life of wagecuckery. Wagecuck hard and retire early.

>> No.8428298

Colour me interested also, I wouldn't mind making some money on the side?

>> No.8428331

Pursue STEM, but be a risk taker; be an entrepreneur

>> No.8428343

>brags about being able to do tax paperwork
Anyone can do that. It's called following directions

>> No.8428441

How's computer information systems? Can one even get a job with this degree?

>> No.8428445


What if we are below average at everything we do? tfw went into Engineering because of interest in computers only to fail the first course because didn't understand it no matter how much I studied. At this point, I changed majors and now just want a degree just to say I got one.

>> No.8428449
File: 797 KB, 600x644, 1460478895111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw physics degree with a cushy job doing research

feels great brehs

>> No.8428455

why did you come to the science and math board just to make fun of science and math?

also answer this smartass >>8428448

>> No.8428544

>being this retarded

>> No.8428569

so this is what alcoholics sound like 3 years before starting drinking and 8 years before rock bottom

>> No.8428574

With just a Bs?

>> No.8428580

Have fun with depression. Speaking as a CPA myself.

Turn back. Now.

>> No.8428586

It's shit.

It's about dealing with shit from clients, partners, managers, reading boring-ass contracts, no real math involved, tedious as fuck.

It's great if you have nothing else to live for.

>> No.8428589

Who cares about money? I love science :) I'm happy just doing my job

>> No.8428598

masters, should have clarified.

>> No.8428607

Is what you do interesting or do they just just have you do basic lab work?

>> No.8428646

its something i enjoy and would call interesting (by no means basic lab work), but i recognize not everyone would enjoy it. I'm under an NDA so I can't say anything more.

>> No.8428650
File: 25 KB, 624x351, _88228594_darrenjs_sainsburys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're missing the point.

The graph (and other people who expuse such views) make the assumption that STEM fields will necessarily increase based on projected assumptions as well as the fact that the current wage is reflective of what the future wage will be.

Of course with an influx of workers in any particular field it can drive wages down with a greater pool of people to choose from and them not being so picky with what they can get. Secondly, the state of a profession can change dramatically - coal mining used to be very lucrative in GB until the 70s 80s when they started being non-profitable and closing. Suddenly careers down the drain and thousands without jobs. The state of STEM may experience such a downturn in recession and cost-cutting from governmental bodies (I'm not saying STEM will die but what the future landscape might look like is not so easy to predict and never has been not for economists nor political parties and neither for STEM fields either).

>> No.8428677

One million jobs added over four years is fucking nothing. This Info graphic is retarded. That being said, STEM is Master Race.

>> No.8428679

Ok, thanks for responding though. Could you say what country? I hear Phd is usually expected if you want a chance of doing research

>> No.8428681
File: 3.16 MB, 640x360, 1382202422040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw failed computer engineering. I guess I can work as a custodian. .

>> No.8428684

usa, and I'm working towards my phd next year

>> No.8428690

Well thanks for replying. Good luck out there

>> No.8428716

24,000 jobs a month is above national average, but with a term as broad as "STEM JOBS" it is pretty much meaningless true

>> No.8428721


900k of those jobs are help desk that go for 13 dollars an hour.

>> No.8428728

What are your issues with it?

>> No.8428788

>STEM is hard
The only meme I see.

>> No.8428794

>get biology degree
>hundreds of job applications
>handful of interviews
>competition is fierce
>$12hr starting
>no benefits
>confined to major cities

>> No.8428831
File: 209 KB, 550x708, AOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we all agree STEM is a fucking meme?

Yeah, sure kid....

it's just a meme.

>> No.8428840

>Ph.D. in Math
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.8428842


Did you go work for the Big 4?

I do the books for a chain of dry cleaners; the owner even leased me a nice car for 'work' but I used it as my person car and just write it off as a business expense.


STEM major, eh?

If you go work for a major corporation or firm then yeah you'll want to hang yourself pretty quickly.

That's why I only deal with small, independent businesses and owner/operator setups. If you take care of them, then they take care of you.

The tax thing is just extra money around tax season.

I'm looking for a fresh lawyer I can paralegal for and also do the books for him.


The profession is what you make it; I also help out non-profit animal shelters too.

I like what I do and have zero desire to be a cog in the corporate machine.

>> No.8428870

Oh, what a tragedy! I might one day earn 6 figures doing something I enjoy! Why, oh why, is the world so cruel?!

>> No.8428965


why can't I make 60k walking dogs?

>> No.8428968

>learn stem
>convert to judiasm
>no need for prajeet

>> No.8429888


image what his brain goes through.

>> No.8430146


>salary universally starting at mid 5 figures - low 6 figures
>salary universally capped at slightly-higher-but-still-low 6 figures after being wagecuck for 20+ years

a) Mid 5 figure to low 6 figure salary? Still higher than most other majors.
b) Ever fancy a career change still with a high salary? Easy with a STEM background.
c) Want interesting work? The doors are open.
d) Don't fancy working somewhere else, but want more pay? Transition to a managerial role and climb the ladder; your background will give you an edge to negotiate a high salary than your colleagues.

- Biology doesn't count
- Don't be autistic

>> No.8430589
File: 29 KB, 400x499, 1476992946766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you embrace white supramecy and tell that curry nigger to eat shit and die

>> No.8430725

I'd rather retain my self respect desu

>> No.8430751

>- Biology doesn't count
It does, as long as you're not in the US.

>> No.8430764

>for le greedy jews


>> No.8430784

STE is a meme. M is just unfortunately clumped with it.

>> No.8430819


Yes, and people in stem on avg. are smart than a liberal arts or business major tard

>> No.8430845

What about chem? I hear thees not many opportunities

>> No.8430859
File: 9 KB, 426x364, 1451883192131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studied aeronautical engineering
>Have a comfy aerospace job I really like
>Can't be replaced with Pajeet because of ITAR and export control

I'm not making 6 figures, but for a new engineer with no dependents 75-80k is comfy as fuck

>> No.8430870

Whatever one wants because our system will no longer be sustainable under capitalism.

>> No.8430875

>I got an undergrad degree but I'm not making six figures yet!!

Grow up