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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8423080 No.8423080 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actual people here attending ivy leagues? Or are the majority of people on here college drop outs with an interest in science? I wanna know who I am associating with here.

>> No.8423088

The majority of the people here, at least in my understanding, are those who attend an average or higher standing science oriented university

>> No.8423091


>> No.8423097

Johns Hopkins

>> No.8423110


>> No.8423195

I did my undergrad at Cornell.
Currently working for slave wages at a factory.

>> No.8423205

I'm at Oxford, so kinda

>> No.8423266

wow you serious? well done.

>> No.8423279

What was your major?

>> No.8423306

University of Copenhagen

No bully pls

>> No.8423312

University of Cambridge here.

>> No.8423328

Biology, with a focus in neuroscience.

>> No.8423338
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>> No.8423341


>> No.8423343

How did you end up a slave though?

>> No.8423349
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>attending ivy leagues?
>Or college drop outs with an interest in science? Mostly neither, I bet. Pic related...

>> No.8423351

this should have read:
>attending ivy leagues?
>Or college drop outs with an interest in science?
Mostly neither, I bet. Pic related...

>> No.8423361

I dunno. I interviewed for dozens of lab tech jobs but I didn't get any callbacks, even though I have research experience and even have my name on a paper. This went on for a year and I just gave up and ended up working in a factory.

STEM shortage is a meme.

>> No.8423377

>STEM shortage
I think this refers mainly to math and CS actually ... People with lab skills are not as highly valued bc (a fair amount of) lab work can be taught to high school students.

>> No.8423385

Applied at a dozen jobs in a year? Wow with all that ambition applying to a whole 1 job a month I can't imagine why you didn't get one.

>> No.8423386

>he thinks math majors can get jobs

Top zozzle.

>> No.8423428

Dozens, plural. I guess I could have written hundreds and it would also be accurate. Not sure why you're so butthurt at me anyways.

>> No.8423446

What are you trying to do? Be a prof? 'Just' a mathematician? Or apply it in some specific manner? Intention here matters quite a bit

>> No.8423564


>inb4 its a humantities school

i know. the sciences are treated mean here.

>> No.8423568

UF. Basically the Harvard of the South.

>> No.8423579

Not a yank, but I study at Imperial College which is (according to most rankings afaik) in the world top 10.

Graduating next year waheyyy..

>> No.8423591

phd in average-above average university reporting in

>> No.8423599

Prove it

>> No.8423600

Same, I think there's quite a few cantabs on /sci/.

>> No.8423824

Im in the best uni in my country. It isn't really difficult to enter though.

>> No.8423835

muh nigga

>> No.8423838

Yeah, same. I'm at one of top 5- universities in the country but it's a shit country so competition isn't exactly hard. One of the benefits in being in EE, I suppose.

>> No.8424254

I see alot of claiming with no proof. Prove to me you aren't a bunch of brainlets boosting your ego by saying you go to some prestigious college on an image board.

>> No.8424278
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who /third world/ here

i'm in grad school at pic related

>> No.8424301
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They can't because they aren't.

>> No.8424324

UT Austin

>> No.8424333
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>College dropout

I dropped out of high school.

>> No.8425174

Postdoc at a top 20 school. Did undergrad/ phd a a top ivy/top 5 school respectively. I only come here like once every couple of months though to answer easy questions, try to diffuse toxic discusssions, and recommend books on complex algebraic and differential geometry. This place honestly makes me depressed and I think it has a really bad culture to get too wrapped up in of you wanna be a sucessful mathematician.

>> No.8425208

I'm an ivy league undergrad, senpai. But I'm just as big of a shitposter as everyone else.

>> No.8425218
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lol you sound like a prick.

>> No.8425224


>> No.8425236

UT Dallas
Could've gone somewhere better but a decent and free education is hard to pass up.

>> No.8425243

You are absolutely right! I wish i was as successful and virtuous as you.

>> No.8425251

grad student ucla

>> No.8425388


UCSC student here, math. not a great school, but still top 100 so it's OK. would be somewhere else of i was a more mature teenager, but whatever, I'm happy.

t. blogpost

>> No.8425412
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>> No.8425457
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>university prestige determines how much you know and how smart you are

yes I'm sure all those gender studies majors at harvard are so much smarter than physics majors at a state school

after all they went to HARVARD!!!!

did you hear about the guy that went to stony brook that won the putnam a couple years back?? little known fact: they took away his trophy because he didn't go to yale

>> No.8425468

>He fell for the meme

>> No.8425485

Stony brook placed highly in putnam only once in its entire existence

>> No.8425491

lmao, should have applied to medschool bruh

>> No.8425499

University prestige is extremely important for career success in both academia and industry.

>> No.8425513

don't you realize that's because of the pervasiveness of elitists like you in academia that are fixated on names rather than actual competency?

>> No.8425519

I don't actually think it's good but it's just how it is. You will have a hard time getting an academic position without a top postdoc which is hard to get without a PhD from a prestigious school which is hard to get into without coming from a prestigious undergrad. There are so few slots and elite pedigree is apparently considered a sufficiently reliable predictor of success.

Same goes for many industry jobs. Why take a risk on anyone who doesn't have Ivy-tier pedigree?

>> No.8425541

>smart person
>decides to go to a place where he will receive an inferior education and worse career prospects
A person with both the above attributes is going to be pretty rare. Since it's so rare businesses are well within their rights to streamline their recruitment processes by filtering all of them out. Yes, perhaps 1 or 2 really great people will slip through the net like this but who cares when you get so many more from MIT.

A simple course in statistics would help all the people like you to understand this.

>> No.8425544

Not Ivy League because I'm a Brit.
But I do Maths at Cambridge.

>> No.8425546

Hey UCSC also here
Computer Science though
it's actually much better here than I expected.
I just ignore the little tumblrites and SJW's, and everyone else seems very reasonable and nice

>> No.8425560
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>> No.8425568

>You will have a hard time getting an academic position without a top postdoc which is hard to get without a PhD from a prestigious school which is hard to get into without coming from a prestigious undergrad
While your first two points are accurate, your last isn't really true. By and large, then ranking of your undergrad institution doesn't matter for your PhD applications so long as they use the right textbooks for your courses and cover the right information. Given that research is generally easier for undergrads to get (meaningfully) involved in at teaching colleges and lower ranked universities, it is even arguably better to attend those than an ivy league institution for getting into a PhD program.

>> No.8425569

I'm a third world student also. I did my BS in a mid -high tier school in my country.

>> No.8425572

Maybe, but I think at least in physics or math, the Ivy pedigree is more valuable for PhD admissions than undergrad research, since you really need to be at a top 5-10 if you want any hope in theoretical physics, or a HPMSCB for pure math.

>> No.8425598
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>> No.8425603
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>Ivy pedigree is more valuable for PhD admissions than undergrad research

lmao at prestigefags

you aren't getting into SHIT without undergrad research

>> No.8425605

Ivy League is a meme

>> No.8425610

>Went to an obscure tiny state school
>Got a job right out of college

Feels good man

>> No.8425614

>you really need to be at a top 5-10 if you want any hope in theoretical physics
As a theory postdoc, I know this is false. All undergraduate institutions above a certain threshold (i.e. uses the recommended textbooks for their core curriculum and have at least competent lecturers) become largely indistinguishable except for research opportunities. At major research institutions, undergrads will have a harder time finding research opportunities because there are a pile of more qualified postdocs and graduate students to do it instead (and Ivy students are disadvantaged when it comes to REU positions as well since these are meant specifically for undergrads at lower ranked schools without large-scale research programs).

>> No.8425620

My buddy is a grad student at Columbia and he says most of his fellow grad students are from state schools. The one who came from an ivy is fucking worthless apparently.

Ivy schools just like to pretend that they're elite and people like you buy into the hype.

>> No.8425625


No, I mean, you shouldn't choose a small teaching school like in >>8425568
over an Ivy-tier institution, in my opinion. Even a good state school will have better opportunities.

>> No.8425646

Not Ivy league but a decent STEM school

Who UIUC here

>> No.8425652

University of California (guess which)

>> No.8425653

Santa Barbara

>> No.8425665

I am not saying to choose a teaching college over an Ivy League, I am merely pointing out that an argument can be made that since the curricula are largely invariant between institutions and that teaching colleges explicitly have more undergraduate research opportunities and are the target of the REU program that a teaching college may be a better choice for your undergraduate degree. (If you don't intend to go on to a graduate program, this would probably be a terrible argument; name brand recognition will open more doors outside of academia than your research experience)

>> No.8425671

>Why take a risk on anyone who doesn't have Ivy-tier pedigree?
Now this is a meme. Experience and coming from an undergrad background that wasn't complete shit are all that matter, for my field, at least.

>> No.8426288

holy shit i tought i would never see unicamp here. What course/year? What you opnion about the university?

>> No.8426292

UCLA here so this is exactly right

>> No.8426293

Just got accepted today. I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to Austin though. I toured the UTD campus recently and i noticed too many smelly indians, but I liked it overall.

>> No.8426347


>> No.8426384

First year of my masters in linguistics (pls dont bully, i work with generative syntax i-it's almost compsci). I think the university is alright considering it's free, STEM courses are wayyy ahead of the humanities though, which I guess is the regular thing to happen. Humanities' faculties(IEL and IFCH) are like 80% untalented/lazy frauds and 20% really competent researchers and professors. My linguistics BA was alright, did have some shitty classes but most of them were surprisingly really good, specially the formal-focused (syntax, phonology) ones.

>> No.8426404

How hard is it to get in Cornell? I really wanna go there, University of Southern California, or Occidental College (they have a Caltech/Columbia University joint program) for Physics, hopefully with a concentration in Computational Physics or Computer Science.
I'm well aware of their admission stats and etc., but I just wanted some insight/feedback if you're willing.
>>8423091 is my absolute dream school though. I cri

>> No.8426412

I did undergrad at stony brook and now I'm doing PhD at CUNY City College.

I guess /sci/ will yell at me now for not being in the top 1% of my class at a top 1% school.

>> No.8426437

Leaf land counts as 3rd world right

>> No.8426443

literally why?

>> No.8426444
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Sup, at least we are the trash kings

>> No.8426464

If you can get into USC, you can probably get into Cornell. Il tell you that.

>> No.8426608

This isn't necessarily true. USC has a shittier applicant pool

t. Cornell waitlist and USC accept

>> No.8426703

Michigan here
Study Computer Science/Math

>> No.8426716

>Are there any actual people here attending ivy leagues? Or are the majority of people on here college drop outs with an interest in science?
I have a master's degree in math from a tier 1 public university. Whatever that's worth.

Also, whoever's thinking about going to USC, don't go to USC

>> No.8426720

I mow lawns.
The slope averages 21' in these hills and i hate it

>> No.8427032

aren't you embarrassed to post this?

>> No.8427058

Overqualified for a lab technician job, bruh. That's probably why you didn't get it, sorry to say.

>> No.8427066

I got my phd from MIT at 21 but I'm such an autist I have to come on here to talk to people.

>> No.8427072
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you fcking kidding? you cunt. u got a phd?

>> No.8427073
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>bitten off nails and cuticles
I expected as much
>inb4 i fell for the bait

>> No.8427077

>any actual people
No, just virtual people.

>> No.8427109

I dont bite my nails my clipper is just really large and hard to maneuver

>> No.8427112

This is also really wrong. 99% of graduate school admits do worthless research. Grades and recommendation letters are the most important things. Meaningful research takes years of effort why would anyone expect you to do it during undergrad. Even prodigies dont do anything meaningful during undergrad

>> No.8427738


What is selection bias.

Obviously the people going to better schools are more likely to post where they're going

>> No.8427757


>> No.8427765
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TU Dresden

>> No.8427784

>OP talking about ivy leagues
>these plebs thinking they're relevant

>> No.8427796

Columbia here

>> No.8427797

May vary between fields, but from what I have observed, research experience can easily trump everything else. It doesn't have to be meaningful research either, just a demonstration that you could follow through on a research project.

>> No.8427804

The only honest answer is that everything counts somewhat and what counts the most depends on who's screening your application.

Undergrad research is nice, and if the admissions for your uni of choice thinks "undergrad research proves he can follow through on a project independently which is priority #1" then in that case it trumps everything.

Another admissions committee might think like the other anon that "undergrad research is just researching already known topics, it doesn't reflect real research ability into unknown areas" and in that case they may care more about other things.

but his point is correct in that
>you aren't getting into SHIT without undergrad research
is an undergrad talking out his ass

>> No.8428088

I'm doing engineering at Vanderbilt. Seems like a waste of a degree at a top 15 school when my state school engineering programs are arguably just as good. At least I'm not doing CS at Harvard or Political Science at Hopkins though

>> No.8428134


How did you retards hustle yourselves into top schools and still end up in this shithole japanese image board?

>> No.8428212

got that the wrong way round, I started here and shuffled my way into a top school

>> No.8428618

Why do people perpetrate this. UF is very decent. Calling it the Harvard of the South makes it sound like the South literally has no better universities and that is sad.

>> No.8428626
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who gives a shit about 20 year olds

who here is in graduate academics or post doctoral studies?

>> No.8428631
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how much harder and fun is life at an Ivy? is it worth the hassle?

thinking About doing my grad school at an Ivy

>> No.8428636

Rice, GT, Vandy, Duke, UNC, Emory, WUSTL all shit on UF in pretty much everything. UF might not even be the best school in its own state. I live in Florida so the UF hype by chads and stacies who are remotely intelligent is extremely obnoxious

>> No.8428656

could have gone to grad school and got paid 15$ an hour to get your doctorate

>> No.8428699

It's fine to have confidence in your school as long as it doesn't turn into pride and narcissism. I saw an ad the other day that read "Prove yourself to be a Gator" and I thought "Full Ride & $2k stipend and I might think about it"

What makes it worse is their insistence of superiority when compared to everyone in their state. This means that people trying to work with their faculty have to deal with their petulant behavior and their annoying skepticism.

>> No.8428707

+1 College drop out.

I became a diesel mechanic instead.
I get along better with machines anyway

>> No.8428745

Not American, but I am currently a full time university student. NewnZealands education system is surprisingly quite good so i'm somewhat confident in my money sink.

Probably should have majored in computer science or engineering over biotech as minor but we have to keep our best interests at heart right?

>> No.8429002

Drop out from UT school. Couldn't fucking remember math to save my life but god damn could I do the electrical side.
ELEE btw

>> No.8429044

>community college here (3.53 GPA)

How small are my chances of transferring to a decent school for physics?

>> No.8429117

You could maybe get into a UC if you're in CA. Maybe San Diego

>> No.8429183

Fuck off that's not you.
This gets posted all the time here.