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File: 71 KB, 707x500, 3073462-6780343819-Peezl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8419087 No.8419087 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw we will never have a world free of harmful/annoying bacteria
>even if we colonize other star systems they'll hitchhike with us in our colons and keep annoying us forever

>> No.8419093

>tfw STDs and pregnancy risk are still a thing
>can't just have casual sex with whoever whenever
>even involved or meaningful sex has an element of risk
What a joke.

>> No.8419167
File: 117 KB, 843x568, probiotics-diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are harmful when your immune system is bad for whatever reasons (stress, malnutrition, etc) and when your non-pathogenic bacteria in and on your body are not quite numerous.

>> No.8419198

If you believe that pathogens are only dangerous when your immune system isn't functioning correctly then you're pretty ignorant

>> No.8419214

Sometimes you can just get unlucky and pick up a seriously dangerous mutant e coli that has something nasty like a shiga toxin plasmid.

>> No.8419216

Illness is an exception, not the norm. Our immune system is incredibly effective. Of course there are cases where our immune system is unable to protect us, but it's not the norm.

>> No.8419238

We are constantly under attack by viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, worms, protozoan parasites like toxo, sleeping sickness, malaria, giardia, and trichomonas, and shit that hasn't even been classified yet. The fact that you're not sick has just as much to do with you being lucky enough not to run into a nasty bug as it has to do with how much you take care of yourself.

>> No.8419246
File: 9 KB, 148x87, 61946384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that you're not sick has just as much to do with you being lucky

Or........................................... our great immune system does a great job..........

You know what it is the immune system?

>> No.8419251

>You know what it is the immune system?
Do you know how the immune system works, you fucking retarded namefag? Your immune system is great but it also has several blind-spots, and if you get hit by something that can get past those blind-spots then no amount of vitamins and water is going to help you. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.8419254

What about vitamin water? Will that do it?
The vitamins with the water?

>> No.8419259

>Do you know how the immune system works

Yes i know but you, sir, clearly don't know.
> it's le lucky enough

Please, stop.

>> No.8419260

This is an ez fix OP, just make a digital copy of your intelligence.

>> No.8419269

>Yes i know but you, sir, clearly don't know.
Man, fuck off. Just because you watched a few videos about the microbiome doesn't mean you know shit about immunology. How much do you know about the MHCII locus? Complement proteins? Can you even name and describe the 5 classes of antibodies without looking at your textbook? Do you know about the different classes of lymphocytes? Man you don't know shit.

>> No.8419271

Do you know shit?
No aggression intended. Questions may follow.

>> No.8419274
File: 78 KB, 994x642, listen here cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses are the future

will teach you mother fuckers to call these things a form of life

t. biologist

>> No.8419307

Bacteria are fucking unstoppable, at least we can (hopefully) stop the spread of fuckin mosquitoes to other stars (until some fucking stupid Brazilians let them escape a la the killer bee)

Gtfo here, don't make me RNAi your whack-ass gene expression you capsidlet
t. virologist

>> No.8421039

The human body creates/cycles through new types of bacteria constantly. Why are they hiding that information?

>> No.8421044

>>even if we colonize other star systems they'll hitchhike with us in our colons and keep annoying us forever
Says who? Spray the crap out of every single person boarding any space vassal and include two or three security checks and you should have 100% or damn near it chance of killing all harmful bacteria and viruses.

Then, as long as there isn't space bacteria, we'd be able to live a perfectly safe life.