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8418827 No.8418827 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a realistic solution of the fermi paradox to assume that all intelligent species develop life like virtual reality earlier than viable interstellar travel and therefor just stay on their home planet for ever playing the Gods in their comfortable computer simulations?
Because that seems the most plausible to me

>> No.8418832

Is there some kind of quota being enforced that /sci/ needs at least 6 Fermi paradox threads per day?

>> No.8418834

no that's fucking dumb

the actual explanation is that the universe is really really big and the chance of intelligent being near enough to contact us is very remote

even if they had light speed travel they wouldn't be able to reach us

>> No.8418883
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>realistic solution of the fermi paradox

Attenuation is a fucking bitch.


>> No.8418885

in other words, interstellar travel isn't viable enough. life like virtual reality in which you can be god in is literally what everyone would choose.

>> No.8418899

>even if they had light speed travel they wouldn't be able to reach us


>> No.8418915

>even if they had light speed travel they wouldn't be able to reach us
Are you retarded

>> No.8418933
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>tfw to intelegent too make contact with humanity

>> No.8419753

No, if they're in our local cluster they can reach us in a 'reasonable' time. Anything outside that is fuck all. Hell, one day a blooming intelligent race will look up at the sky and not be able to comprehend that the big bang ever happened (becasue the light required has diminished in the sky).

The far more likely solution is that humanity might actually be among the first intelligent races... if not the very first. Even more plausible, life is common, but intelligent life is extreamly rare. The genetic gamble required for a race to develop intelligence is remote becasue lesser intelligence is just as viable for basic evolutionary purposes.
>Aliens might be seemingly everywhere anon, but they're really fucking dumb.

>> No.8419765

Of course not there are too many psychopaths in an intelligent species to ever be satistied with the nonreal.

Fermi paradox is a meme humans dont know what the fuck they are even saying, the ayys may be so advanced we literally cant detect them in our solar system.

>> No.8419766

>humanity might actually be among the first intelligent races
Thats retarded water is possibly one of the most abundant substances in this universe and planets became possibly around 11 billion years ago so there must be many intelligent species in this universe long before us.

>> No.8419769

>The far more likely solution is that humanity might actually be among the first intelligent races... if not the very first.
That's depressing if humanity is the first intelligent race in the universe, because if we manage to master the universe. Mainly because every new intelligent race would be extremely below us and inferior, and could never reach our level. (If we survive and master the universe that is)

>> No.8419784

>could never reach our level

We will be a planetary sized ball of flesh by then, existing as a hive-mind that only seeks to absorb new races into itself. The new intelligent race will reach our level, when we subjugate their flesh and introduce it into our nightmarish body.

Jesus wept.

>> No.8419789

Anon that's kind of edgy.

>> No.8419960

And why exactly would the ability for life to propagate equal technologically advanced sapient species? Also you guys keep misusing sentience and intelligence, plenty of dumbfuck animals have both of those.

>> No.8419967

You're forgetting about temporal factors. They might have already come and gone. They might not exist yet.

>> No.8420177
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The so-called Fermi paradox was meant as a scientist's joke about the official cover-up without addressing it directly. Fermi was well aware of the ET presence since they showed up on almost all nuke tests and closely observed our nuclear installations.

Due to the imposed amnesia the Fermi paradox developed a life of its own as a pop meme, guarded by unshakeable ignorance.

>> No.8420230


I'd like some sources on anything you just argued, preferably something not covered in as much shit from being pulled out your intergalactic ass.

>> No.8420236

It is more realistic to be realistic about our detection capabilities and the fact that most spacefaring civilizations don't give a shit about Earth.

We could not detect Earth further than one lightyear, that's not even outside the Oort cloud.

>> No.8420304


>> No.8420313
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Now you understand.

>> No.8420462


What if 11 billion years is, for whatever reason, the minimum amount of time it takes for "lifeless particles floating in space" to turn into "human level intelligent life"?

Someone has to be the first.

>> No.8420472

11 billion years is unlikely to be the minimum time. The minimum is definitely a few billion earlier, depending on if Earth's life developed quickly or slowly compared to the average.

Someone has to be the first, but based on the scale of the universe in both space and time, I really doubt it's humanity.

>> No.8420498

>fermi paradox