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8413518 No.8413518 [Reply] [Original]

Does it matter in the workplace?

>> No.8413522

It matters in a holistic sense. A healthier body means a healthier mind. How much so is debatable

You don't often come across physically fit academics, no matter what they're field. you're lucky is STEM professors even brush their teeth, let alone go to the gym

>> No.8413531
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To an extent. Even those in the hardest sciences are humans with a built in preference for being around attractive healthy people. It's not so strong that a hiring committee is going to appoint a community college dropout with D cups and a pretty face to be department head but for two candidates of roughly equal qualifications, the one with better charisma is much more likely to get what they want.

>> No.8413549

Certainly. It matters, period.

>> No.8413554


Go do 15 min jogg of exercise everyday. It's great.

>> No.8413560

>Does it matter in the workplace?

Yes it matters literally everywhere don't kid yourself

>> No.8413568

maybe not in the workplace

I've found that exercise is cathartic though and has really helped relieve the stress of school

>> No.8413576

Not that much. However, being a charismatic person really helps you out. I learned that back in senior year of high school and it helped me a lot with my presentations. Also, my professors recognise me better than others which gives me a lot of opportunities for networking. Additionally, exercise matters. When you've been in the lab for six hours, I appreciate a good 90 minutes of swimming to get a clear head. The better physique is just a nice-to-have and some sense of discipline. My professor in biochemistry is running and going to the gym five days a week (I often meet her there) and I have the impression that her work is more efficient and dedicated than most peoples'.

>> No.8413684


I agree with this.

Attractive people receive better treatment, more respect, etc., than unattractive people. It's subconscious.

>> No.8413717

Charisma is not a physical quality.

>> No.8413732

It is.
The brain is a physical part of your body.

>> No.8413768

Good looks highly correlate with people liking your presence and wanting to talk, interact and share time and resources with you.

Especially if there are many women, being a tall handsome faced guy will automatically push you in a leading role.

>> No.8413775

$100% this
That's why Hawking is the head of theoretical physics at Cavendish

>> No.8413781

oh boi

>> No.8413988

Yes, boy.

>> No.8413992

this is kinda true, used to be a huge fatass but once i lost the weight i noticed people (especially strangers) started acting friendlier towards me

>> No.8414019


Yes, it's hugely important in all areas of life. At work, physical fitness means you can work harder and so get promoted faster, in life generally physically fit people are considered considerably more attractive, and in health physical fitness can add 20 or more years to your lifespan.

>> No.8414024

Yes it matters, if only for students liking you better and wanting to work with you.

>> No.8414036

>You don't often come across physically fit academics, no matter what they're field. you're lucky is STEM professors even brush their teeth, let alone go to the gym
Maybe in computer science and engineering...

>> No.8414103
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It matters in all walks of life, always

>> No.8414237

>you're lucky if STEM professors even brush their teeth

well, good to know I'm on my way to becoming a professor

>> No.8414532

>Does physique matter in academia?

It really shouldn't.

>> No.8414589

And a toothless professor at that. Don't worry, you'll give awesome blowjobs.

>> No.8414595

How do I, a muscleless worm, obtain the body of a god?

>> No.8414752


>> No.8414756

As a new assistant professor of chemistry, how much sweet undergrad boipucci could i reasonably expect to land in a month?

>> No.8414761

Field biologists are /fit/ from all the hiking they do

>> No.8414762
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Why there is so many mouth breathers among scientists?

>> No.8414764

Should have gone to engineering

>> No.8414816

But anon, engineering is gay.

>> No.8414822 [DELETED] 

It matters int he workplace. It's proven.

I have no idea about academia.

>> No.8414827

It matters in the workplace. It's proven.

I have no idea about academia.

>> No.8414835


>20 years


>> No.8414841


while watching rippleto talk about manhood

>> No.8414842

20 years if your diet is flawless (literally flawless) and you don't over or under-exercise

>> No.8414871

>15 minutes

>> No.8416542

A long time ago, at Cambridge University, the Mathematics tripos (course) was highly competitve. The order of marks that people got were published and people would hire specific coaches whose speciality was the Cambridge tripos in order to become the Senior Wrangler (1st place in the whole year). The examinations were extremely draining. They lasted a total of 50 hours over the course of a week. That's >7 hours a day for you brainlets and in total it was all out of 17000 marks and the senior wrangler scored around 7000 marks. Imagine that. It requires a lot of endurance and a lot of stamina, therefore a lot of the people on the maths tripos would take up endurance sports such as rowing and running which would train their endurance both physically and mentally. Now-a-days, the exams are less strenuous, however out of tradition, the senior wrangler is still indirectly publicised, and the the classes that people got are thrown off the second floor of the Senate House. Hope that was somewhat useful in this discussion.

>> No.8416568

My PhD advisor is kawaii

>> No.8416583
File: 206 KB, 1000x667, c682b5d4-4ac8-4c59-abf0-ed684186449b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are human so yes. But by definition we are more educated than average so it's not as important.

But once you leave the university area, one falls in mediocrity: for sale a university, we put forward the beautiful girls.

>> No.8416760

is that photoshopped?
wtf is up with that guy, its not your average case of skinnyfat

>> No.8416836


He is inhuman. Literally.