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8412607 No.8412607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Have orgasm
>La petite mort
>Eyes don't feel like they're focusing properly (but in actuality are, no nystagmus etc either)
>Mind all cloudy and shitty feeling, cannot generate or connect thoughts.

I don't think it's psychogenic.

>> No.8412611

it's because you're thinking about Grimes when you masturbate, don't do that

>> No.8412631

It may also happen when not thinking about Grimes.

>> No.8412639

Also, in case it's relevant, my orgasms are typically subpar at best. They definitely feel like something, but it's fairly dull and has no real peak. I masturbate mainly for the pleasure leading up. Orgasm, as an experience itself, is only satisfying for the small bit of pleasure and ending the period of distinct arousal.

>> No.8412644

(Which does ultimately provide a sense of sexual satisfaction, whether in full or in part. Just saying how it is.)

>> No.8412955
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Bump. Very curious.

>> No.8412985
File: 2.98 MB, 1200x1756, tumblr_nzuuotuLSx1qayo3to1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will post Grimes for feedback, mechanistic or otherwise.

>> No.8412986

Sounds like you're out of shape and about to faint from an orgasm.

Maybe time to cut back on the carbs/cholesterol and get your blood levels checked.

>> No.8412990

Had a similar problem, no nausea or blurriness, but I had the most painful fucked up headaches I've ever had after I nut. Problem had something to do with the tension in my neck / head muscles while nutting and I basically learned how to nut without tensing the upper part of my body.

Doesn't happen anymore though, maybe lasted 2 months tops.

>> No.8413008
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>Sounds like you're out of shape
I'm not. Though my total lifespan is unlikely to be greater than 60 years, and I'll likely die from mechanical damage to the heart. Just overuse. It'll probably explode like my grandfather's.

>get your blood levels checked.
You probably mean a lipid and metabolic panel. I've been meaning to for some number of years, but don't really expect to find anything remarkable. Don't know though. My diet is fine.

It comes and goes for me and tends to happen randomly. No more than a few times per year. But if it does happen, there's a decent chance it'll happen again.

My neck has been fucked up historically, so that probably relates.

>> No.8413011

I do not have nausea but I cannot focus for complete day.

>> No.8413024

So I know that this is a real medical thing. I had a friend who was legitimately diagnosed with a condition in which he gets migraines after having an orgasm. Caused a lot of depression and relationship strain.

I can't remember what the condition was called (or if he ever told me), but it's a real thing. You should see a doctor about it.

>> No.8413060

Coital headaches?

>> No.8413069

That sounds a lot like what he described, yeah.

Granted, he told me about this like four years ago, so I don't know how trustworthy my memory is. But I seem to recall him saying the headaches were pretty debilitating.

>> No.8413133

Yea my ass would be laying there for at least 5-10 minutes when it was really bad, not very fun.

>> No.8413166

what are some /sci/ approved masturbation techniques to enhance orgasm?

>> No.8413293
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I have something like this too.
The next day I feel like shit, my mind is groggy and I don't have the motive to do anything. It's basically as if all the motivation has been sucked out of me.

I think it's something psychological, since I really don't like cleaning up the aftermath. I've been trying to stop too, only did it the last two days and the shitty feeling afterward is still there, although I also have a cold so I'm not too sure if it was that or this.

>> No.8413381

>fapping to fugly attention whoring mexican fembots who look 14 years old

Thats your problem.

>> No.8413480
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OP here.

I became aroused and masturbated, then sure enough, it happened again. Three things I notice:
-Balancing in the dark is difficult. Not markedly so, and tactile sensation still exists, but requires effort.
-I feel as though my working memory is crippled or absent. I begin writing sentences but lack wider awareness of context, and lose what I'm saying midway because I just can't remember what I'm trying to say and how to connect things.
-My left side feels strange. Not weak. Not numb. Just strange. This is not an unfamiliar feeling with the limbs, I have a scoliosis of the spine and a sciatic nerve that is screwed up on and off (though it seems to lack a truly fixed deficit). It's possible this is all of a vascular basis, in the brain. Considering some of the other stuff I've experienced throughout my life, this would be unsurprising.

I also feel something that's almost ego death. Similar to how I remember smoking weed being. It always separated me from the stream of my thoughts and I was rendered only a watcher. I couldn't interface. In this case I feel like that, but also, there's not much to interface with and not much to be doing the interfacing.

Fuck it. I'm tired anyway, and I'll just cook food and go to sleep. It will be reversed in ~12 hours. It's possible consumption of chocolate potentiates this, but I've also experienced it without. The orgasm was ultimately "okay". Underwhelming, as I've said, but again it's hardly the main attraction and only a finale in function, but not form. As I write this I can't seem to figure if it was actually worth it.

It's strange anons. It's all very strange.

>> No.8413620

nigga go to a fuckin doctor

>> No.8413642
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Try thinking about different Grimes when masturbating. Its what I do!

>> No.8413647

Because you had a good nut.

>> No.8413651

>My diet is fine.
t. American

>> No.8413652


the only real answer here