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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8412015 No.8412015 [Reply] [Original]

>Science begins with western modernity so it must do away with

>African way of thinking about science

WTF am i watching

>> No.8412027

liberal arts in a nutshell

>> No.8412029

2:51 yeah cause thats what happen, Newton just randomly came up with a formulation for gravity willy nilly

>> No.8412033

more like stupidity in a nutshell

>> No.8412037

If were starting over science, than i want dibbs on Maxwell's Equations

>> No.8412040

you have to make them accessible to black culture though, so that they aren't racist

>> No.8412051

Shaquan's Equations

>> No.8412052

Who the fuck apologises over that shit

"you madam are the epistemological equivalent of Alzheimer's"


>> No.8412055

Do we really need three threads for one video?

>> No.8412056
File: 107 KB, 1174x715, 1476101452804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lady in yellow seems to be confused with her own premise and conclusion.

If her issue with science is that the current structure seems to be suited to a western view point then you need to provide viable alternative structures to compare and challenge it. You don't do away with it entirely because you hate the "magistrate" that is nonsensical and only hurts you in the end.

These viable alternative structures of course though must more or less be supported with philosophical and mathematical models that fit with the tangible and observable world we interact with today. That is how science currently is supported in it's "modern" form.

So her issue isn't with science it is with the models that provide support to it in other words philosophy and math. Luckily for her both subjects are abstract and therefore have no knowable "limit" into which it can be modeled.

Unlucky for her she appears to have made herself look like a fool on the internet because she hasn't realized or acknowledge this fact.

>> No.8412064

i didnt see the other threads

>> No.8412066

good start, but for example ∇E=4πρ is racist because it imposes white culture upon them, it needs to be translated into an appropriate multicultural equivalent, such as "da numbah of seeds in da watermelon is perporshinal to da numbah of seeds in yo mouth when you bite da watermelon"
we need to make sure that all races have equal opportunity to do science

>> No.8412080

it's a perfect example of the non-argument technique that's become so popular these days. you don't have to propose any hypothesis or conclusion, you just run in, shoot off a totally open-ended criticism that makes no definite statements in and of itself (or at least none they can stick to you), and then run off and watch the sparks fly from the safety of your "neutral stance"

>> No.8412132


>> No.8412134


Autists keep reporting them so they get pruned, then those same autists complain when another Anon wants to discuss it.

I have calcultaed that if they just hide and ignore threads they don't like, their daily rage quotient would drop by at least 27.34%

>> No.8412200

well its a ridiculous video it deserves 50 threads to be honest

>> No.8412388

South Africa will one day be in the hands of these morons. Maybe I should just kill myself, so I can spare myself the pain of seeing what these simpletons have in store for the future.

>> No.8412392

its sad

>> No.8412460



>> No.8412471

who cares? when was the last time anything important happened in South Africa?

>> No.8412511


>> No.8412624

what happened when thhey freaked out and the uggo jungle dreadlock bitch is "umm this is safe place u must apolgoize"

>> No.8412627

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm sorry im dumb xDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8413258

Bachelor of Decolonized Science

- African Mathematics
- Theoretical Voodoo
-Practical Voodoo

- Alternate Theories to Gravity
- We Wuz Sorcererz and Shit: A Historical Survey of Black Science before da White man left them Caves

>> No.8413266


she's right. the best botanists in the world literally have no fucking clue how some amazonian groups are able to differentiate between 17 species of plants that are morphologically identical to our eye. among a flora of 80,000 species, they are able to identify 17 varieties of the ayahuasca plant, and they were able to find a plant with an MAO inhibitor so that the DMT in the ayahuasca plants would be orally active. when wade davis asked them how they knew (he's one of the pioneers of ethnobotany), they said "don't you know anything about plants?" and he said no, then they said that on the night of a full moon each plant sings to them in a different key.

science is one way of constructing models of natural phenomena with predictive capability so as to increase our understanding of the world. they obviously have different ways of constructing models of the world so as to increase their understanding of the world.

these people in this video are trying to bridge the gap between ethnocentric worldviews that prioritize western scientific methods over the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and various cultures around the world. we need to preserve wisdom in all forms, from all languages.

stop being edgy fucklords and fucking listen to what people are saying.

>> No.8413278

no, there is no such thing as "western scientific models"...science is not "western"....

So your saying we should accept alternative, indegenous theories to fucking Einstein's General Relativity right...

>> No.8413294

the Greek theory of 4 columns holding up the earth is just as viable as General Relativity, come on guys

>> No.8413298


modern science is based around western notions, yes. if you really don't understand what i mean by western scientific models then this conversation isn't worth having with you.

no, i'm obviously not fucking saying that we should accept an indigenous groups ideas about general relativity -- what i'm saying is that those people probably don't give a fuck about general relativity, but instead have other knowledge to offer us, and other ways of thinking about the world that are just as important and useful as some scientific theories.

>> No.8413308

based on western "notions"..no

the scientific model is based off mainly the Arabic later modified by Europeans...

i don't understand what you mean by "western notions"

>> No.8413311


The West gave up bullshit like alchemy and occultism as a serious study in the fucking 1600s.

and yet your honestly trying to push that shit as being as legitimate as "western" science, fuck off rightly

>> No.8413312


jesus fucking christ.

here. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1479546/

it's really this simple

>> No.8413313


i'm saying read this and you'll understand what i'm saying. http://faculty.webster.edu/corbetre/philosophy/critical/davis.html

"Psychotria viridis is a shrub in the coffee family. Diplopterys cabrerana is a forest liana closely related to a ayahuasca, Banisteriopsis caapi. both these plants contain tryptamines, powerful psychoactive compounds that when smoked or snuffed induce a very rapid, intense intoxication of short duration, marked by astonishing visual imagery. Taken orally, however, these potent compounds have no effect because they are denatured by an enzyrne, monoamine oxidase (MAO) found in the human gut. Tryptamines can be taken orally only if combined with a MAO inhibitor. Amazingly, the beta-carbolines found in ayahuasca are inhibitors of precisely this sort. Thus, when ayahuasca is combined with either one of these plants, the result is a powerful synergistic effect, a biochemical version of the whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. The visions, as the Indians say, become brighter, and the blue and purple hues are augmented by the full spectrum of the rainbow.

When I first witnessed and experienced this remarkable example of shamanic alchemy, what astonished me was less the raw effects of the drug -- stunning as they were -- than the intellectual process underlying the creation of these complex preparations. The Amazonian flora encompass literally tens of thousands of species. How did the Indians learn to identify and combine in such a sophisticated manner these morphologically dissimilar plants, with such unique and complementary chemical properties? The standard scientific explanation, trial and error, may well account for certain innovations; but at another level, it is but a euphemism disguising the fact that ethnobotanists have very little idea how Indians originally made their discoveries. "

>> No.8413317


none of that is scientifically rigorous or mathematically precise as western science

>> No.8413319


and yet all the precision and rigor of science can't identify the different species or explain how these people are able to use them so expertly and distinguish between them even from afar.

"The problem with trial and error is that the elaboration of the preparations often involves procedures that are exceedingly complex or that yield products of little or no obvious and immediate value. Banisteriopsis caapi is an inedible, nondescript liana that seldom flowers. True, its bark is bitter, but scarcely more so than a hundred other forest vines. An infusion of the bark causes vomiting and severe diarrhea, hardly conditions that would encourage further experimentation. Yet not only did the Indians persist; they became so deft at manipulating the various ingredients that individual shamans developed dozens of recipes, each yielding potions of various strengths and nuances for specific ceremonial and ritual purposes.

The Indians have their own explanations, rich cosmological accounts that from their perspective are inherently logical: sacred plants that had journeyed up the Milk River in the belly of anaconda, potions created by primordial jaguar, the drifting souls of shaman dead from the beginning of time. As a scientist I had been taught not to take these myths literally. But they do suggest a certain delicate balance, the thoughts of a people who do not distinguish the supernatural from the mundane. The Indians believe in the power of plants, accept the existence of magic, acknowledge the potency of the spirit. Magical and mystical ideas enter the very texture of their thinking. Their botanical knowledge cannot be separated from their metaphysics. Even the way they order and label their world is fundamentally different. "

>> No.8413320

In fact you didn't even watch the fucking video, because she said nothing about "uniting" indegenous african thinking with "western" science

she legit said we should tear down "western" science...she then went on to make a false claim about Newton and then talked about Black Magic as a viable alternative

>> No.8413328


i did watch the whole video. what she means by "tear down" is a close, critical look at the underlying ethnocentric basic of modern science so as to incorporate other frameworks of knowledge. everything in this thread and all of the racist bullshit comments only serve to prove my point even further. we have so much to learn from peoples and cultures all around the world, especially when it comes to the complex relationships between humanity and nature.

>> No.8413329
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>Black magic as an alternative to sciences

>> No.8413331

she literally made a false claim about Isaac Newton that he somehow "decided to discover gravity" which is no where near true...

as someone whose life has benefited alot from western science, you sure do have a huge antagonism for it, why are you even on this board?

>> No.8413335


i'm not saying at all that i literally believe in voodoo or mountain spirits or anything -- im saying that by focusing on the truth claims of such beliefs (which is a western scientific notion of importance), we miss out on what those beliefs actually do for those people -- how those beliefs affect the ways that humans understand and treat the world, other people, and themselves. i'm sying that whether or not the mountain is literally a spirit or a pile of ore is mostly irrelevant, when we consider what we have done by seeing the mountain only as a resource to be mined, and what they have accomplished by seeing the mountain in an entirely different light.

>> No.8413336

so you deny Isaac Newton's achievements like that girl?

>> No.8413339


refer to this because i knew you faggots were about to say something like that >>8413335

okay. this doesn't really detract from her main point.

>> No.8413342

her claim is to tear it down, you obviously did not listen to the fucking video....she exactly says those words

>> No.8413344


no im saying we have a lot to gain from both. >>8413331
i love science. i study math. i also study anthropology. i see the value in our rigorous, mathematical ideas of the world, and the traditional knowledge that indigenous cultures have to offer us.

>> No.8413346

there is a reason we don't teach Ptolemy's model in physics classes anymore

>> No.8413349


i did listen. i watched it twice. tried to watch the whole discussion too. i think that is what she meant by tear down.

>> No.8413353


what a horrible analogy. i'm not talking about outdated science lol. i'm talking about entirely different models and perceptions of reality, that obviously have credence, especially with consideration to how we understand our relationships with nature. we have the most to learn from the people most affected by climate change, for example.

>> No.8413356


show me an indegenous model that is even as accurate on gravity as even Newton's Principia

>> No.8413363

I get it your an anthropologist, so your whole profession is based on trying to dismiss western forms of knowledge and trying to make it seem like indegenous people are "equal" to the white man in intelligence and knowledge, so im not suprised

>> No.8413364


\sci does this matrix have any interesting properties, mathematically speaking of course

>> No.8413374

What about this matrix? What if there are some interesting mathematical properties that everyone has missed because of social taboo


>> No.8413396

You can have Shitwell, I'll take calculus

>> No.8413424


>stop being edgy fucklords and fucking listen to what people are saying.

I listened to what they said and it's pretty obvious (from the scope of the video) their making poorly constructed arguments.

The issue they have is with western philosophy, math and observation. Yet they keep using the word "science" despite it being inappropriate in context of their own argument. Science is just knowledge gathered through human interaction, it has no specific "lean" to it despite many individuals and groups attempt to argue otherwise.

It's perfectly fine if they want to preserve and promote traditional knowledge from indigenous cultures. But they need to construct their argument to state their case is for building cohesive models using traditional knowledge in explaining natural phenomena. Which is again an issue of philosophy, math and observation not an issue of science.

>> No.8413426

Fucking kek

>> No.8413427

it's not linearly independent or diagonizable...a wholy boring matrix

>> No.8413448
File: 72 KB, 1133x983, sieg_heil2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean it can't be diagonizable, it just means it has a null space.

In particular its rank is 5 and nullity is 2.

Attached image of SVD factorization.

>> No.8413453
File: 63 KB, 1132x969, sieg_heil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QR factorization while i'm at it

>> No.8413473

Do this: Draw the corresponding graph of the matrix (see it as the adjacency matrix of the graph). Then do it for A^2 A^3 A^5 AA^t A^tA . (If you get numbers other than 0 or 1 use mod(2) on it.)

>> No.8413481

yeah i saw a video recently on doing that, wouldn't be hard to implement.

Right now i'm treating it as a 5d linear transformation and creating histograms for the normal and orthogonal components when applied to random unit vectors in R5. So far mein fuhrers face has not appeared.

>> No.8413487
File: 34 KB, 459x379, not_interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normal and orthogonal histogram for the linear transformation
s = [...
1 0 1 1 1;...
1 0 1 0 0;...
1 1 1 1 1;...
0 0 1 0 1;...
1 1 1 0 1];

>> No.8413498

The western idea of science can basically be summarized as, "Your ideas about the world, must conform to the world"

These people want, "My ideas about the world must conform to my ideas about the world"

At the root that's what all of these cultural Marxists want. I'm not stupid, I'm not weak, I'm not lazy, I'm not unsuccessful. The world is keeping me down because it has a false view of how things really are. If they saw the world the way I see it, I would be on top.

These people do not want a flat power structure. They want to invert the current system and put themselves on top.

>> No.8413500

on second thought adjacency matrices must be symmetric, not sure how this would work...

>> No.8413501

>These people do not want a flat power structure. They want to invert the current system and put themselves on top.

I believe that exactly what happened in Russia after the October revolution. They even had separate highways/roads for party memebers.

>> No.8414385

Alchemy is just chemistry :^)

>> No.8414388

Dibs on linear algebra.

>> No.8414394

You forgot the key component: Paint yourself as a victim of "the West". This is the fundamental idea behind most of left/feminist/postmodern academia. You can get away with saying basically everything as long as the West gets blamed somewhere along the way.

>> No.8414506

They recorded that on a camera that science made possible.

And the camera works.

Wow, Ebil white science....

>> No.8414511

>Talks about destroying western science.

>Talks about voodoo lightning.

Why don't they just try to use the voodoo lightning thing on the Ebil white scientists?

Like... the voodoo lightning thing actually WORKS, right?

>> No.8414515
File: 265 KB, 567x679, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't the Greens win? Even fucking Johnson would be better. Fuck this shit, fuck all of it.

>> No.8414545

And that has literally nothing to do with science. That is all philosophy, sociology, and history

>> No.8414749

There is no model because Western science denigrates indigenous perspectives.

>> No.8414771

>Why can't the Greens win?
Their flagrant scientific illiteracy