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8411038 No.8411038 [Reply] [Original]

>people at the library either go there to sleep or have a chat and is always loud as fuck
>classroom is usually filled with laughs and noisy people
>can't study a single thing because I cant find a place thats not overcrowded or filled with insufferable noisy retards

Oh, and to top it off

>some faggot decides to eat in the fucking classroom despite there being a place outside DESIGNED for you to go eat your shit
>hes eating a can of tuna
>it not only smells like shit, he even leaves some messy tuna bits and juice over the table
>idiot has to go to the bathroom to get paper and clean it up
>classroom proceeds to smell like tuna for the next 30 minutes
>its still noisy as fuck

Why are normies so fucking shit?

>> No.8411043
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>sitting in library studying for analysis midterm
>40-something man with a white moustache walks in and sits at a terminal maybe 15 feet in front of me
>starts browsing gay porn tumblrs on the library pc
>tabs into a word document every time somebody walks past

>> No.8411066

>that one guy who nitpicks the professor's notation/abuse of notation in a graduate level mathematics course
>that one guy who asks specific questions about grading/homework/deadlines in the course even though the course is clearly a laid-back graduate-level seminar (in essence, "reminding" the professor to put undergrad-tier structure in a course that doesn't warrant it)
I'm sure every other math PhD student has had to deal with this.

>> No.8411073
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>that one guy who bothers the prof 3-4 times a session to ask "what's the intuition behind this?" or "what does this really MEAN though?"

>> No.8411086

>two idiots sitting in front of me watching videos through the entire lecture and giggling like 10 year olds

gotta love it

>> No.8411087

>that one guy who suddenly develops his own headcanon "intuition" of a result, and stalls the class as he talks about it with the professor (even though the intuition is blatantly wrong, and he's just trying to make himself look smart)

>> No.8411093
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>that one girl in a graduate PDE class who asks what "compact" means

true story desu

>> No.8411098

>that one guy who argues with the professor that S^2 (the two-dimensional sphere) is 3-dimensional

>> No.8411108
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>Going to the library

>> No.8411115

No. You have to be fucking kidding. Christ.

Back in differential geometry, someone asked if the derivative of a (vector valued) space curve is "ever called velocity because it seems similar"

>> No.8411211

>ie flaccid penis
Remind her of your result, anon.

>> No.8411280

so glad I see none of this at my uni

>> No.8411314

I usually go study in the visual arts building or optical/photonic engineering building, the two least busy buildings on campus because people are too smart to major in art or they are too dumb to major in photonic engineering

>> No.8411485

let me truncate this for ya to apply to everything itt
>that one guy who's just trying to make himself look smart

>> No.8411506


What's the matter brainlet? Can't handle a little bit of fish?

>> No.8411566

>people at the library either go there to sleep or have a chat and is always loud as fuck
Oh boy i know this too well.
Whats wrong with people

Ive heard worse trust me.
Today she has phd,job waiting and she finished uni faster than me

>> No.8411662

>can't study a single thing because I cant find a place thats not overcrowded or filled with insufferable noisy retards
Don't you have a home where you could study in peace? If you want to study at the campus, then get some well sealed closed headphones and play pink/brown/grey noise. I don't suggest white noise because it sounds unpleasantly sharp to human ears. Grey noise is the most optimized, though for maximal efficiency you have to adjust it yourself. The stock grey noise on the mynoise site is great as it is, though.

>> No.8411897

What's wrong with this? I try to learn the intuition behind everything I learn. As long as it doesn't take up too much time I can't see anything bad about this

>> No.8411906

we can't all be aspiring young rappers anon

>> No.8411909


>> No.8411923

>the professor gives an online exam
>doesn't announce the schedule
>miss exam
>professor doesn't allow me to retake the exam

>> No.8411939

>be working all day on project in library or computer lab
>team pajeet wanders in
>curry and bo fill the air
>they think because I can't understand their language I can't hear how loud they are.

>> No.8411940

Lol, she would drop out from my uni before her fucking first semester ends. You uni is a joke.

>> No.8411948

>Don't you have a home where you could study in peace?
People in a library are supposed to shut the fuck up, it's honestly surprising that this isn't enforced at OP's uni's library, and sometimes you have an hour or two between classes when you'd like to study, but going home is not really an option for such a short time.

>> No.8411960

>that group of 2-3 students who never shut the fuck up

>> No.8411963

>plot twist
>they are also professors pets

>> No.8411973

My library has 4 different floors. The first two are for working together and BSing. The last two are quiet floors and there's usually never more than a handful of people, so it's dead silent up there.

>> No.8411974

>that one professor who always knows the female students first names but never any of the guys.

>> No.8411982

That's why you stop being a beta cuck and sit in the front row

>> No.8411998

Should have gone with him home.

>> No.8412032

>the professor literally tells them to shut up because they decide to sit in the front of class too

>> No.8412043

>Professor gives a 5-minute quiz at the end of class
>Puts a question on it that you can only complete in time if you memorized the formula like the plebs do.

>> No.8412640

>Bio class has recitation once per week and a LA-lead help session twice per week.
>Despite this, the professor fields questions for half the class, rather than during the times SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR THAT
>Not helpful because I can't hear the question, only the professor's answer.

>> No.8412863

>school has a separate floor for group assignments, with long tables, small and large round tables and all sorts of other fucking tables
>people decide to do group assignments on the floor for private study that only has booths
drives me up the fucking wall

>> No.8412884

Asking the prof to do it for you instead of struggling with it until you develop an actual intuition of your own is laziness, and more importantly it doesn't work.
You've probably heard at least a dozen times in your undergrad that you can't learn math by watching. You have to fight with it yourself.

When somebody asks the prof or the book to do it for them they're either
>asking for an easy-to-grasp analogy they can use instead of the nuts-and-bolts mathematical formulation
>asking somebody else to constantly answer "why?" so you never have to deal with inquisitive thought of your own

>> No.8412922

S^2 is the three dimensional sphere you mongrel.

>> No.8413018

>what's upper index in S^2
>what's manifold's dimension
>what's written on a page I just linked

>> No.8413160

Long Beach State?

>> No.8413179

>People who organise their one-on-one tutoring sessions in the quiet area of the library

>> No.8413291

From the Wikipedia article:
>the two-dimensional surface of a (three-dimensional) ball in three-dimensional space is a 2-sphere, often simply called a sphere
>(three-dimensional) ball
Your claim:
>(the two-dimensional sphere)
If you're referring to the dimension of the manifold, make that clear.
Your statement reads: the three dimensional sphere is two dimensional.

>> No.8413762


Somebody didn't get the hint

>> No.8413785

You are exactly the kind of brainlet he was talking about.
Holy moly of Tripoli.

>> No.8413791
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virtually nothing can diverge my attention -- just yesterday I slept like a baby whilst the dude bros at my dorm were throwing a mini TommorrowLand

>> No.8413878
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Then explain what's wrong about saying that the three dimensional sphere is three dimensional.
I have meticulously constructed an atlas for [math]S^{2}[/math] in spherical coordinates so it's not like I know nothing about the subject.

>> No.8413912

Read carefully the line you've cited.

>> No.8413925

>people at the library either go there to sleep
I did this alot because it would take me at least an hour to get home and another hour to get back. It was more efficient to nap at the library (or elsewhere on campus). Plus being at home is incredibly distracting.

>> No.8414045
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>that one 20 something year old lecturer you wanna nail
Feel like I'm in 4th grade again desu

>> No.8414064

>people attend lectures, rather than watching the recording at 2x speed
Enjoy wasting 50 hours a semester chumps

>> No.8414147

>>(the two-dimensional sphere)
Read carefully your own words:
>(the two-dimensional sphere)

>> No.8414157

It was never three-dimensional. It was a surface, boundary of a three-dimensional object (3-ball). That's exactly what wiki says. Are you baiting me already.