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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8404160 No.8404160 [Reply] [Original]

is it pretty much Ashkenazi Jews/Whites and East Asians?

>> No.8404168

Lots of asians and whites, no jews

>> No.8404170

physics major

pretty much all whites

all the Asians are on the biomed track. I mean of the small demographic that goes to my school, 90% of them are in those classes

>> No.8404213

Pure math is almost exclusively white. It's not good for premed so very few Asians.

>> No.8404215

are most men?

>> No.8404232

>new dean wants to apply affirmative action policies because 10% foreigners is "ridiculously low"
fuck this gay earth

>> No.8404241

is there a lot of memorization or rote application? if so, asian

is it mostly theory based, heavily dependent on inginuity and creativity? if so everyone but asian

>> No.8404865

EE major
I look at my class sign-in sheet
40% of the last names start with Al-
There is legit that many arabs, some indians, some asians, and probably 2 or three white guys myself included. No niggers, and two females.

>> No.8404910

I take both pure mathematics and financial math classes and the difference in racial makeup is huge

the financial courses are at least 70% Chinese, the pure courses might have 20% Chinese at most

>> No.8404940

graduated physics here. by upper level laboratory physics class was 100% white and male and so was the teacher. wasn't even sure if it was legal, thought diversity police would come by and SHUT IT DOWN