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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 50 KB, 283x434, farenheit_celsius_thermometer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8397825 No.8397825 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is superior?

>> No.8397831

Celsius master race

>> No.8397907


>> No.8397912


>> No.8397916

Fahrenheit for casual day-to-day life, the spread out range makes it more intuitive to report more specific numbers

Centigrade for science.

>> No.8397919

>the spread out range makes it more intuitive to report more specific numbers
as if you can even tell the difference one degree celsius makes

it's more intuintive for you because you were raised with it, no other reason

>> No.8397925

>Preheat the oven to 150.3471 degrees, Bae.
>I like the room to be 17.85 degrees

>> No.8397928



Taking the absolute zero as a reference is just the perfect system.

>> No.8397941

Is temperature created or discovered?

>> No.8397944
File: 25 KB, 1009x607, newtonscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using based Newton's temperature scale

>> No.8397947

>as if you can even tell the difference one degree celsius makes
you can. humans are very good at detecting small changes in ambient temperature, even on a fahrenheit scale

>> No.8397951

for everyday measurements: Celsius
for scientific measurements: Celsius/Kelvin
for any measurement, at all: Celsius

>> No.8397958

Yuropoors who refuse to appreciate Fahrenheit sound just as retarded as Americans who don't want to learn any language other than English.

>> No.8397959

It's true. I like day-time room temp at 72 but like to sleep at 69.

They're both the same shit tho.

>> No.8397979
File: 37 KB, 418x601, temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fahrenheit is the best for temperatures between room temperature/body temp IMO. Celsius is great in terms of the 0 - 100 degree spread from freezing to boiling water, but it's more difficult for describing commonly experienced temperatures.

>> No.8397982
File: 69 KB, 720x681, SI vs US 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8397992

Celsius because the rest of the world uses it and i'm not an autist

>> No.8398006
File: 3 KB, 164x45, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Secondo

>> No.8398011
File: 179 KB, 1024x961, memerial_vs_metric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398012
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: ^ )

>> No.8398018
File: 289 KB, 1024x961, 1475866455589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398023

Cooking -> Fahrenheit or Celsius
Chemistry -> Celsius
Physics -> Kelvin

>> No.8398026


>> No.8398030

A Celsius degree is too large for describing weather/air conditioning temp.

>> No.8398040

It is in best state Japan.

>> No.8398044

>prefixes can only be applied to metric units

Why do so many brainlets believe this shit

>> No.8398054

Kelvin -- or any practical scale that puts zero at absolute zero. Ideal gas law PV=nRT uses Kelvin for T. The ideal gas law actually helped us determine that absolute zero existed.

>> No.8398070

no it's not

>> No.8398113

but it's so easy.

-20 - -10 extremely cold
-10 - 0 very cold
0-10 cold
10-20 cool
20 - 30 warm
30 - 40 hot
40 - 50 very hot
50 - 60 so hot that you can hardly put your hand into water of that temp for longer than a minute or so
60 - 70 so hot that you can hardly put your hand into water of that temp for longer than a second or so
80 - 100 noxic

>> No.8398119
File: 9 KB, 238x192, retart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even convert fahrenheit to kelvin? Lmao american stupid idiots trying to justify the fahrenheit scale

>> No.8398130

first you convert to celsius, then to kelvin

too bad your brainlet mind cannot perform this operation

>> No.8398138

>Uses metric units because imperial prefixes are so terrible
>Literally proving the point that imperial is fucking trash and "muh common day" usage meme means nothing since anyone who grew up using metric will use it just as well day to day as anyone who grew up using imperial

As for day to day they're the fucking same. In actual measurement metric is objectively better. Imperial has almost no redeeming qualities, whereas Metric has quite a few. It's not a fantastic system but comparing it to Imperial is like writing all of your functions as a power series and then forgetting to restrict x, it's retarded, forgets a lot of stuff and is all around far more confusing to use except in specific cases.

>> No.8398155

Calling me a brainlet won't make your post any less ridiculous

>> No.8398157

it literally doesn't matter.
for scientific use, Kelvin and Rankine are better.
Kelvin especially b/c everything i've learned uses that instead of Rankine; but that's incidental.

>> No.8398160


>> No.8398177

So centimeters are better than inches, kilometers better than miles, liters better than gallons?

>> No.8398180

< - 40 extremely cold
- 40 - - 20 very cold
-20 - -10 cold
-10 - 0 cool
0-10 chilly
10-20 warm
20 - 30 hot
30 - 40 hotter
40 - 50 very hot
50 - 60 so hot that you can hardly put your hand into water of that temp for longer than a minute or so
60 - 70 so hot that you can hardly put your hand into water of that temp for longer than a second or so
80 - 100 noxic


>> No.8398284
File: 45 KB, 500x667, 1413646967151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8398289

F for weather, C for everything else.

>> No.8398315

All units are arbitrary. F is technically more precise, but C is cool for standard conditions when water is the solvent and works with our decimal metric system (this becomes important with composite units like kJ/mole*C). Even then, Kelvin is better than C because it is designed from the lowest possible temperature.

>> No.8398333

>20 - 30 hot
hello finland

>> No.8398347

Americans are trained with both imperial and metric units as a means of learning unit conversions which is very useful since metric fags seem to suck with transitioning to metric clocks.

>> No.8398353

strawman: the post

>> No.8398419

Celcius hands down

>> No.8398430

Name three countries that officially use fahrenheit
protip; you can't

>> No.8398505

fuck off
I live in brazil and even I think this shit is hot

>> No.8398517

Kelvin. Enjoy your negative """numbers""" you water-obsessed americans.

>> No.8398782

>hot summer day is 6
>body temperature is 12
Was he even measuring temperature?

>> No.8398833

I guess the question eventually arises, how would you construct a temperature system that is both information dense and allows for easy arithmetic

>> No.8398977

Rankine is better than Kelvin prove me wrong
Fahrenheit is better for non scientific use

>> No.8398990

temperature was created to describe heat, which was discovered in the sense that the earth was discovered.

>> No.8398993

Fahrenheit for human needs. Kelvin for science. Celsius can gtfo.

>> No.8399049

Yeah, the Fahrenheit system is normalized to human sensitivity and survivability but isn't worth 2 shits for science.

>> No.8399057

They are both utterly arbitrary. Neither one is intrinsically "superior" without context, and most of that context boils down to preference.

>> No.8399095

The one you grew up using

>> No.8399098

Yes I can.

>> No.8399108

Newton lived in England.
The English are such pussies, that the English government actually has to make "heat wave" safety plans for when the temperature gets into the high 80s/ low 90s, i'm not even kidding.

>> No.8399109

Neither. I measure everything in football fields and cars.

>> No.8399149

Well it's usually cold here

>> No.8399150


centigrade since its easier for most to learn and its what the science field uses. Both are arbitrary numbers but at least centigrade isn't more arbitrary and falls in a system of units that make sense. 0-100 instead of 32-212

>> No.8399417

When you are talking about fresh water... You think Fahrenheit is based on nothing? 0 Fahrenheit is the freezing point of sea water. It was scaled so freezing fresh water, body temp, and boiling water all came out to whole numbers.

>> No.8399419

0 degrees - at the time though to be the coldest temperature in the universe, achieved by adding salt to ice.
100 degrees - body temperature...because yeah?
Makes perfect sense to me.

>> No.8399469

A metric ton is just a megagram

I learnt something, thanks for the meme post anon

>> No.8399504

better yet, Rankine or Kelvin?

>> No.8399517

No it's not, you're just not used to it. Do you want truly cold air conditioning in a hot day? Set it to 16°C. A regular chill, optimum for comfort yet low in terms of energy consumption is 24°C. It won't make your nipples hard, it'll be just perfect (insert meme here).

Who cares if there are 8°C between those two numbers. You can describe weather/room temp perfectly with Celsius.

>> No.8399522

Huehue no. 20-30 is warm, not hot. A hot summer day goes about 38°C and above, 29° is a nice early spring afternoon.

>> No.8399523

Sup Texas, how's the weather?

>> No.8399541

The Bahamas, Belize, United States. Easy peasy

>> No.8399544
File: 40 KB, 650x698, 1472996928154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celsius obviously. God has created water to be such that it freezes at 0 and boils at 100, this isn't the case with Satanheits.

>> No.8401275

Get the fuck out, SI units m8

>> No.8401280

fahrenheit is more precise for everyday temperatures

celsius is shit and pointless when kelvin exists

I think the answer is clear

>> No.8401309

100°F = no physical phenomenon
100°C = boiling point of water at standard pressure

0°F = no physical phenomenon
0°C = freezing point of water at standard pressure

Fahrenheit is retarded

>> No.8401311



>> No.8401312

>0 Fahrenheit is the freezing point of sea water
gtfo retard pls

>> No.8401316


>not using kelvin as everyday measure

are you even /sci/ ?

>> No.8401363


Celsius as it's easier to convert to Kelvin (just add 273.15 to it). Also Celsius is based on the freezing point of water, whereas Fahrenheit is based on the freezing and melting point of some brine solution which most of us won't even encounter.

>> No.8401380

I don't see your flag up on the moon. Also who in Europe is working on a Mars mission? Oh yeah, NO ONE.