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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8396106 No.8396106 [Reply] [Original]

POLL: Should the word "brainlet" be filtered?

The word destroys /sci/

>> No.8396111

No but "IQ" should be.

>> No.8396113

Nice tweet, brainlet.

>> No.8396117

>t. butthurt brainlet CSfag

>> No.8396179

yes, should filter it to something more offensive and less "cute"

like baka

>> No.8396185

CS is literally the smartest field in STEM.
If I used brainlet for any field the absolute last one I would choose would be CS.

>> No.8396187


t. brainlet

>> No.8396198

/sci/ recommended wordfilter list:

>evolutionary advantage
>tfw too intelligent
>false vacuum
>flat earth
>string theory
>meme degree

>> No.8396201

>sun made out of ice
>minus 1000 degrees

>> No.8396202
File: 28 KB, 463x513, 1475147848465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One word has less negative impact than people asking help for their homework (outside of /sqt/), people trying to disprove relativity theories by using scissors with blades of a lightyear in length, people asking stupid stuff like would Perelman or Mochizuki beat Witten in battle (they would with no problems), flat earth, etc. That some of you go to college and learn calculus is more destructive to this board than the use of that word. Nevertheless, I agree with these guys >>8396179 & >>8396198.

>> No.8396223
File: 287 KB, 836x1065, 1455310679806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS is literally the smartest field in STEM.

>> No.8396389


nice compilation

allow me to add:


>> No.8396393

there's been a critical mistake here, it should be
>tfw to intelligent

>> No.8396394



>> No.8396400

>uni and university
>no college


>> No.8396410
File: 16 KB, 232x232, wine_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're triggered by the word "brainlet" you're a newfag and should lurk more. nobody here knows who you are in real life, so you need not worry about losing face.

>> No.8396413

if you took the word brainlet out, what would i use to call you op?

>> No.8396418


saying newfag is the true flawless way to spot a new faggot.

>> No.8396428

said the newfag

>> No.8396443
File: 48 KB, 700x700, a2284479018_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Science and Math

>> No.8396608

Add race to that list

>> No.8396625

they should also filter out

>> No.8396644

I'm a brainlet and a CS student.
Your post is wrong.

>> No.8396645

only brainlets want the word brainlet banned

>> No.8396652

you should add