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8395743 No.8395743 [Reply] [Original]

What is the evolutionary advantage of schizophrenia?

>> No.8395770

Why do you think one exists?

>> No.8395775

It's a disease faggot, get off /sci/

>> No.8395779

Because it's still here today and doesn't require inbreeding or dangerous chemicals.

>> No.8395780

Then it could be cured. But it seems it can't.

>> No.8395785

>Because it's still here today and doesn't require inbreeding or dangerous chemicals.

Several diseases or weaknesses are just the result of errors during development. What is the evolutionary advantage of spina bifida? What is the evolutionary advantage of alzheimer's? What is the evolutionary advantage of the human body not being able to survive being shot in the face?

>Then it could be cured. But it seems it can't.
I don't think you understand what a disease is. The existence or nonexistence of a cure doesn't preclude something from being a disease.

>> No.8395794

We can't cure cancer, also we cannot cure any disease to which we have not found a cure for yet.

Humanity still struggles with neurological/psychological diseases, we simply dont know how to effectively repair the brain.

Also, quick reminder that schizophrenia isn't the only psychological disease out there.

>> No.8395807

two heads are better than one.

>> No.8395823

Genes can pass on without being advantageous simply because the genetic factors don't impede reproduction.

I don't know shit about schizophrenia, but it seems to have both inherited and environmental factors. Mutant genes in a person might not show signs of actual disorder if not expressed (epigenetics); you might pass on the gene and not realize it.

This is oversimplifying but basically we have diseases and shit and it's because evolution hasn't weeded it out, not because it's actually secretly useful. Although, it would be interesting if there were a positive side of the disorder.

>> No.8395959

Because the voices tell me there must be a reason

>> No.8395965

What is the evolutionary advantage of asking What is the evolutionary advantage of something?

>> No.8396000


>> No.8397303

You dumb cucks evolution doesn't work that way. You cant just keep asking wtf is the evolutionary advantage to xyz.

Did y'all even pass intro to bio. Jesus. Biology don't give a fuck if the genes are good or bad. Environment determines if useful or not.

Additionally with recombination in the chromosome genes are random as fuck. So schizo gene keeps arising despite these fucks not breeding.

>> No.8397308

Its most likley the origin of religion. And before there was government, religion kept us all from killinng eachother.

>> No.8397324

Schizophrenics are just people with distorted souls that bleed into the cosmic infinity, meaning they exist in multiple parallel universe that don't make sense together. If trained properly they can harness great power and become powerful wizards /thread

>> No.8397326

Evolution is science which is philosophy therefore evolution = philosophy, duh

>> No.8397330

OMG, it's so clear now.

>> No.8398060

Then why do people who are not schizophrenic believe in a creator even if they are not exposed to religion?

>> No.8398062

>these fucks
Hey, that's mean. :'(

>> No.8398301

Not everything is explainable by evolution.

>> No.8398382

There's no advantage. The thing about it is it usually is developed between ages 20-30 leaving ample time to mate.

>> No.8398392

Are you gaytarded or something? Obviously it helps gain insight in terms of how genes play a role in survival. This leads to advancements in the ability of humans to prolong life and ultimately create more offspring.

>> No.8398428

because we live in a game and there's a logo in the corner of your mind

>> No.8398437

A trait doesn't disappear just because it is harmful to the individual.

>> No.8398447

The big question here is why do brainlets think every single element of every biological organism must have come about because of evolutionary advantage?

>> No.8398456

Such retard

>> No.8398459

Evolution is a meme

>> No.8399307

Because of survival.

>> No.8399331

I'm schizophrenic and I genuinely hope one day the government makes taking a trip to a gas chamber mandatory.

>> No.8399658

>Then it could be cured
No, a disease is any medical problem. You are probably thinking of infection, but even then there are incurable infections.

>> No.8399668

Exactly right. Apparently theyve been trying to change STDs to STIs or some shit since most of them are curable

>> No.8400451

>What is the evolutionary advantage of alzheimer's?

Exactly how many babies are born with Alzheimer's? How many children develop it during or post puberty?

Alzheimer's is degenerative disease affecting patrons of life toward the end of their service.

What is the evolutionary advantage of you being a fuckwit? What is the evolutionary advantage of death? What is the evolutionary advantage of stars going supernova? What is the evolutionary advantage of God in DNA? You're two wrenches short of tool bag, faggot.

My supreme intelligence co-opts your bagel with my cream.

>> No.8400478

>STDs to STI
I think that's mostly an issue of public perceptions. It doesn't have to do with which are curable. For example, human herpesvirus 6 is an infection that is incurable.

>Exactly how many babies are born with Alzheimer's? How many children develop it during or post puberty?

>Alzheimer's is degenerative disease affecting patrons of life toward the end of their service.

And men can retain fertility well into old age, my mentally retarded friend.

>> No.8400494

You are coincidently reminded of fertility after being defiled in blustering gusts and rained down in the thunderous superstorm of my seminal response. So what say we, you stammering wet repository of the first order?

>> No.8400498
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this board is fucking worthless

>> No.8400515

truffle butter

>> No.8400560
File: 3.05 MB, 540x513, 1475969105011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Haha u talked about sex while discussing evolution lmao I jizz on u!! XD!!"
Uh, is anyone here a linguist? I need a brainlet-to-english translation.

>> No.8400657

What's the evolutionary disadvantage?

>> No.8400674

>eloquence envy

>> No.8400692

As someone mentioned above, schizophrenia develops in your early 20s to 30s.

Also, it's like asking what's the evolutionary advantage of any autoimmune disease. There is none, your body just sucks.

>> No.8400715

I have childhood schizophrenia though.

>> No.8400778

Owning a thesaurus doesn't make you eloquent, freshman-kun.

>> No.8400788

You are 14 years old.

>> No.8400802

A poetic pairing of punch, with an edge wise on insult, is more than word cobbler. Et tu, cockgobbler?

You are a proletariat of the mind. Your return structure of weak and malleable clay. Merely a mudslinger without a kiln.

> You are 14 years old.

That would actually reflect poorly on you.

>> No.8400810

sorry to hear that if you're not just making a point

it's atypical though

>> No.8400811

shut it freshman

>> No.8401171

>What is the evolutionary advantage of <insert negative genetic trait here>?
Not everything that sticks around has an advantage.

You might as well ask about the evolutionary advantage of a tendency towards myopia. Surely there's no benefit to having a nearsighted mate, right? But maybe that nearsighted guy is rich, or smart, or a good musician. Or maybe his family just wants closer ties with yours.

>> No.8401197

So evolution isn't teleological. However if there is a reason that schizophrenia might be a conserved trait and not some simple strictly recessive thing, then it may be tied to other useful genes. There have been studies that tie intelligence and mental disease with each other. Perhaps it is like the genes that make people better at recovery but also shorten life span but for the brain.

>> No.8401199

You've got less backbone than a spina bifida victim