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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 14 KB, 220x311, landau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8386422 No.8386422 [Reply] [Original]

> If you have been on sci for at least a couple months, you probably noticed, that overwhelming majority of threads can be summed up by the following categories:
> Gorilla threads - primitive baits about fundamentally unscientific questions, that is, questions that cannot be logically defined. Full of moronic sophism and absolutely proud to be retarded.
> Religion/philosophy threads - questions/theses that clearly don't belong on sci.
> Figures of science/popsci threads - threads like how many IQ points did Einstein have, was Neumann really able to levitate using the power of his intellect, "what do you think about Michio Kaku?", Black Science Man (hell, one time there was FIVE NDT threads on the first page, and it wasn't something rare either), etc
> Popsci threads - quantum bullshit, consciousness in robots, "does photon flying in the opposite direction of another one fly with 2c?", cyberskeletons, etc
> TONS of homework and literature recommendation threads when there are threads specifically created for these purposes and in fact are always on the first page

> I promise that when I'm a moderator, the abovementioned trash threads will not be tolerated. /sci/ will become the single best science message board on the internet, as I know it has more than enough potential, while remaining it's free unbiased speech.


Gentlemen. It has begun.

>> No.8386432
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 02_kostenlose-smiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon. Keep posting the same thread on /qa/ with a captcha poll. Because /8gag/ trumplets will spam them with those primitive programs.

>> No.8386435

Go for it OP. Also tell hiro to FIX FUCKING LATEX.

>> No.8386449

Another kind of thread I absolutely despise is the /pol/tard in disguise. The guy who goes on here with his not-so-subtle "is it true niggers have a lower average IQ?", and then CONTINUES to get 200+ replies every single time. He is the same guy that gets BTFO at the dinner table by his mom, runs to his computer because "look at the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE MOM!".

I don't care that you are a /pol/lack, I even browse /pol/ myself, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep /pol/ in /pol/. For one second I just want to be able to talk about Hilbert spaces without being reminded of JEWS NIGGERS KEK HILLARY CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP OBONGO ALSO THIS REALLY MADE ME THINK WHITE WOMEN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS RAPEFUGEES ALT-RIGHT NATSOC JEW FAGGOT.

>> No.8386457
File: 14 KB, 250x185, IMG_0836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not realize this, but /sci/ is a swing state.

Who do you think is responsible for this flood of shitposting? One troll/idiot? Two? Five? Do you think this lonely few have been tenacious and pathetic enough to keep shitposting every day on /sci/ for the last year?

Do you think they have a reason to, or an endgame?

Sir, these attacks have not been the work of isolated individuals, but a significant portion of the /sci/ population. Underage fags and popsci normies, who honestly think they're asking good questions because they want to be informed. Or honest, hardworking folk who perhaps just finished an insightful contribution to one thread, and thought they'd blow off a little steam with a quick gorillapost before bed.

There are villains among them, yes, but they are not all villains, and they are not few. In fact, they are quite possibly the majority of /sci/, and you are running on a platform which promises to ban them.

I will not stand for this, sir, and I feel it is my civic duty to run against you. Not because I desire power, but because I desire to keep it from the hands of those who would wield it irresponsibly.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Anonymous. And if I am elected mayor of /sci/, I promise you, I will enforce no rules whatsoever.

>> No.8386465

Fuck you that's retarded, we should ban all retarded homework faggots and limit the discussion to Functional Analysis and Stochastic PDEs.

>> No.8386468

Nobody talks about banning anybody, retard. It's just about deleting fucking threads, so the people you speak of stop creating them.
Perhaps OP should've specified it, although I think it's obvious as is.

>> No.8386472

One act of facist tyranny is as good as any other.

Anonymous 2016

>> No.8386475
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1468345137727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there are people on sci who will actually perceive this as irony
> it was meant to be

>> No.8386481

>talking about babby high school math
We should really ban all brainlets from /sci/.

>> No.8386487

So what's your PhD thesis about, big boi?

>> No.8386489

Sociology, the hardest of all sciences. We deal with thinigs too complex to be captured in simple equations.

>> No.8386491

Shitposters are AIB version of terrorists and deserve their jailtime.

>> No.8386492


>> No.8386501

>5 posters
stop obviously samefagging and we might take you seriously

>> No.8386514

> we

>> No.8386566

Fuck off gorilla poster

>> No.8386571

> we might take you seriously
Wow, what an honour that would be! To be taken seriously by a butthurt samefagging shitposter.

>> No.8386583

Asking to be a moderator is the quickest way to ensure you will never be a moderator.

>> No.8386586

Fucking idiot

Straight from reddit

>> No.8386590
File: 4 KB, 194x259, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ should only be for discussing pic related

>> No.8386592

Why? Are we in some jedi cult, where you can only be called upon?

>> No.8386593

Who is that nerd? Is he the -1/12 guy?

>> No.8386599


>> No.8386604
File: 63 KB, 280x396, landau_postcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sci need a more strict policy?


Does sci need a better moderation policy?


>> No.8386607

Stop trying to kill /sci/.

>> No.8386615

Should tweak that first poll. Different option for each type of annoying post, rather than lump everything together.

>> No.8386635

don't remove the gorilla threads

they are valuable

>> No.8386644

But who would want to delete, say, memes, but not, say, popsci? Everybody's either gonna vote for everything or nothing.

>> No.8386656


>> No.8386661

if you don't understand their inherent worth, then you are a brainlet

>> No.8386672

So you're a gorilla poster?

>> No.8386675


>> No.8386689

no, I just appreciate the fine art of gorillaposting

>> No.8386702

> art
> posting a retarded unscientific pretentious question
Pick one

>> No.8386713

>questions about quantum mechanics, evolution, general relativity, genetics, thermodynamics, mathematics, computer science and cognitive science
okay brainlet

>> No.8386720

"can u transport conscioussness via laser teleportation to quantum dimension X" is not a scientific question.

>> No.8386732

Just because your intellect is too limited to understand the question, it doesn't become less scientific. Just like your lack of knowledge about the natural functor between the categories of D-[math]\Theta^{\pm ell}[/math] Hodge theaters and D-[math]\Theta^{\pm ell}[/math] bridges does not invalidate IUTT.

>> No.8386743

Fuck off

Stop feeding the troll

>> No.8386826

I think there was a couple of -1/12 guys.

>> No.8386845

This is the shittiest thread on sci atm

>> No.8387012

Sure, -1/12 reposts are much better. Jesus.

>> No.8387286

Should be more noticeable, just don't know how

>> No.8387298
File: 133 KB, 470x246, 1470600397743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. How do you plan on doing any of this? Why do you think an imageboard matters?

>> No.8387321

>Why do you think an imageboard matters?
enjoyment mostly
also broadened knowledge of the subject
people can pursue their interests more completely and with others

>> No.8387336

>lists 99% of the threads on /sci/
>says they'll be removed
yea what a great way to support the community.

>> No.8387367

>/sci/ can never be anything but what it is now
You must learn to overcome the crass demands of such a static mindset, anon.

>> No.8387407

> doesn't realise there are other, non-shit threads somewhere deep in the shitpost ocean
You're really missing out, anon.

>> No.8387440

> If you have been on sci for at least a couple months, you probably noticed, that overwhelming majority of threads can be summed up to -1/12


>> No.8387568

Okay I chuckled internally.

>> No.8388443

Ignore this shitposter please.

>> No.8388444

They closed the thread in qa. Hm.

>> No.8388454
File: 580 KB, 1600x1226, niccolo_machiavelli_by_tahaalkan-d5l1w04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is official thread now

Gentlemen. I'm just gonna say what everyone is thinking. We are facing a crisis. The biggest in the history of the board.
And it's hard to keep optimistic despite what's happing around us - I think I'm talking for everybody, when I say that it feels like the digital floor underneath out virtual feet is cracking.

But sometimes in a moment like this one can really look around and see the truth of the matter. The real truth. The unpleasant truth.

And the truth is, a lot of blue boards extremely lack in quality. Not only they have limitations on free speech, supposedly designed to keep up a bar of quality, they unquestionably allow low level trolling, meme forcing and outright shitposting. I'm gonna talk about /sci/, because it's a board that's most dear to me, but also because it's the clearest example of everything that's wrong with thematics.

If you have been on sci for at least a couple months, you probably noticed, that overwhelming majority of threads can be summed up by the following categories:

Gorilla threads - primitive baits about fundamentally unscientific questions, that is, questions that cannot be logically defined. Full of moronic sophism and absolutely proud to be retarded.

Religion/philosophy threads - questions/theses that clearly don't belong on sci.

Figures of science/popsci threads - threads like how many IQ points did Einstein have, was Neumann really able to levitate using the power of his intellect, "what do you think about Michio Kaku?", Black Science Man (hell, one time there was FIVE NDT threads on the first page, and it wasn't something rare either), etc

Popsci threads - quantum bullshit, consciousness in robots, "does photon flying in the opposite direction of another one fly with 2c?", cyberskeletons, etc

TONS of homework and literature recommendation threads when there are threads specifically created for these purposes and in fact are always on the first page

The list goes on.

>> No.8388457
File: 9 KB, 159x240, mach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It couldn't be more clear that we need more effective moderation. And I am the perfect candidat for a neo moderator nomination. I've been on sci since the day one and I have seen this board change with years as well as with janitors.

I promise that when I'm a moderator, the abovementioned trash threads will not be tolerated. /sci/ will become the single best science message board on the internet, as I know it has more than enough potential, while remaining it's free unbiased speech.

Support me by replying to this thread or make a similar thread and discuss an analogical change for your board.

Contact me at GS8507@yandex.com

>> No.8388462

Does sci need a more strict policy?


Does sci need a better moderation policy?


>> No.8388464
File: 131 KB, 640x960, 1475441863068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now post this on /pol/.

"SJW want to silence /sci/ from muh freedom of speech!"

Just put a second grade equation captcha. Non-retards will easily solve ir and post in the threads.

Trunplets will fail and obviously get desperated due to being used to a lower "waiting time" between posts. So if you fail at resolving it you must wait till you can answer again.

Also /8gag/ posters will suffer from the same effect. The amount of shitposters will decrease inmensely.

Good luck.

>> No.8388475

Nah, Hiroshimoot should just go ahead and delete /sci/. It's been shit for a long time.

>> No.8388543

I don't trust you, you write like a faggot. Especially if you're OP. Because you're probably russian (yandex.com) and you post op pic named by a great soviet physicist Landau but at the same time you don't seem to know how does he look, in fact it's Basov on the pic.

>> No.8388621

> (yandex.com)
Other mails require a phone and I don't like that.
> in fact it's Basov on the pic.
I didn't name it.

>> No.8389341

Proved Fermat's Last Theorem

>> No.8390831

Which one is that?

>> No.8390846

You and your shitposting kind would be banned instantly if that happened. Would be perfect

>> No.8390869

*tips fedora*

>> No.8390948

See this is the sort of post that wouldn't get posted on new sci.

>> No.8391478

it's a classification theorem on barnett integrable functions.
it nicely combines the study of triple integrals with analytic number theory.

>> No.8391515
File: 2 KB, 125x101, 1475105494572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8391536

Ha that's funny cuz meme xDDDD

>> No.8392609

I support this

>> No.8392613

Just one /pol/ retard can ruin a whole thread

>> No.8393658
File: 20 KB, 480x478, keeked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We deal with thinigs too complex to be captured in simple equations
my fucking sides