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8383394 No.8383394 [Reply] [Original]

I need help understanding the double slit experiment, or at least an aspect of it. I get how it goes up to the point where Tom Campbell in this video:


States that if you record the event (which slit the particle goes through) but hide the recording or destroy that data before viewing it, it turns the back slide (the backboard where the particle hit is shown) back into an interference pattern, but that if you do view the data it will appear as a regular hit.

This is the first time ive ever heard someone say that what you do with the data (whether you view it, hide it or destroy it) effects the outcome at a later stage, i thought i would have definitely heard about that by now. Campbell says you could even wait 12 months and the outcome is still uncertain until the data is revealed.

>> No.8383416
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quantum physics was a mistake

>> No.8383421

He's deliberately mixing in a bunch of quantum woo so that people buy his books on consciousness and spirituality.

All he actually said was that the results exist as probabilities until observed. Yeah, not very remarkable.

Pretty much the same exact thing as saying When I flip a coin it exists as probabilities (50% chance of either heads or tails) until I look to see which side it landed on (collapsing its wave function and forcing it to be either heads or tails).

Don't get duped.

>> No.8383437

schrodingers cat type shit. I think its a bit of a presumption for him to assume that things at that scale will be the same as trees and things like that.

>> No.8383460
File: 355 KB, 645x373, wave functions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the particle exists as a superposition of infinitely many sine waves with infinitely different amplitudes.

when you observe the particle you cause the wave to collapse into one of the many sine waves.

so really simply say a particle exists as:
sine wave a+b+c+d+e+f+g .... to infinity (and it looks something more like an insane rollercoaster than the regular sine wave)

when you observe the particle, you transfer energy to it, and you cause the wavefunction to collapse into say wave b out of infinity

check out this video series

one of them talks about the wave function collapse, it might be this video

>> No.8383462


Exactly, and a nice little tidbit to remember is that Schrodinger actually came up with that thought experiment to show how completely stupid and absurd that interpretation of quantum mechanics (called the Copenhagen interpretation) was.

Well it has been almost 100 years since the Copenhagen interpretation came about, over these last 100 years physicists have come up with far more sensical interpretations of QM, but naturally lots of popscientists and quacks like to go back to this one so that they can push their junk science.