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8379313 No.8379313 [Reply] [Original]

Why when I shit or, especially, experience diarrhea waiting inside to be released or fuck myself in the ass, I experience coldness all over the body - shivers in fact? Is there a known explanation for this?
It's the most unpleasant thing about diarrhea.

>> No.8379314

Lol. Is this a thing?

>> No.8379316

Are you saying you don't have that?

>> No.8379318

My guess is that involuntary muscle contractions all over body help in expunging the undesired matter from body.

>> No.8379320

How does my pecs, shoulders and shit along with hairs standing up on the skin help the feces get out? There are bowels for this, you know.

>> No.8379327

I don't know man, shivering is a response to being cold. If you're not actually cold and shivering then you might have a problem. But I'm guessing you are actually cold when you do it since you're most likely naked.

>> No.8379329

> being naked while shitting
You must be retarded or literally autistic.

Also when I have diarrhea I put on like 4 layers of thick clothing and cover myself with thich-ass blankets, and lie near the battery, and it's still cold as fuck.

>> No.8379330

>You must be retarded or literally autistic.
I'm sorry for my stupidity but how do you take a shit with your pants up?

>> No.8379331

because F=ma, so the more that all the muscles help, the more force you push doody through the poopy hole.

>> No.8379333

Being that cold is as sure sign of neurological damage, maybe you are unconscionably pushing dookie so hard that you have given yourself a series of strokes.

>> No.8379337

Maybe you're a giant zeer pot, your bowels the sand and shit the liquid?

>> No.8379350

Just make a hole in it. That's what mountain climbers do on Everest.

>> No.8379351

HOW do they help if they are not connected to bowels themselves even? Stop poppy-cacking.

>> No.8379361

Alright alright, let's be serious for a moment.

You described 2 scenarios, shitting and fucking in the ass. Let's analyze both of them to try and figure this out.

When you're shitting, you're excreting matter which had absorbed heat from your body, essentially removing a nice heated brick that kept you warm but now has to go. This can explain the feeling of cold and onset of shivers as a response to it.

Now as for inserting an object into your rectum, it will absorb heat from your body assuming it's colder than your insides, again cooling you. That and you're likely exposing a lot more skin while doing either of those things.

I'm guessing you're hungry after the shivers pass.

>> No.8379382

Jesus fuck, the amount of heat shits remove from your body is ridiculously low.

And again, when I just have diarrhea shits inside and lie waiting for it to give me the signal to go to the bathroom under 5 blankets and clothes, it's cold as fuck. How do you explain that, Benett?

Also, I barely expose any more skin when shitting, just some low legs.

And no, I'm not hungry pretty much ever after that.

>> No.8379383

Micturition syncope

>> No.8379397

ITT: we make up words?

>> No.8379445

Then maybe it's the change in blood circulation being redirected elsewhere.

>> No.8379450

Maybe it's time to stop posting if you know fuck all about middle school level anatomy?

>> No.8379462

Where? Down the toilet kek?

>> No.8379487

Towards the shit in the bowels to supply it with fresh hot blood. I would imagine it's like an internal menstruation in a way.

>> No.8379530

I got that too, I though it was normal... Am I gonna die?

>> No.8379547

>or fuck myself in the as

Probably HIV / AIDS

>> No.8379549

Blood doesn't get inside the colon unless you are bleeding internally.

>> No.8379612

From trash bags? Faget pls

>> No.8379673

Not inside, in the walls.

>> No.8379859

It's called being human.

>> No.8379954

Assfucking != living

>> No.8380157

I fuck my ass, therefore I am.

>> No.8381964

I am my ass.