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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8377922 No.8377922 [Reply] [Original]

Whats it like to be a brainlet who cant do algebra?

>> No.8377925

okay so clearly this is in base seven. therefore red flowers are 20, blue flowers are 3.5, and yellow flowers are .25. Therefore the last line is 20x3.5=100, +.25 so 100.25

>> No.8377927

101 or 102 depending on interpretation

>> No.8377934

It's trivial to see that these are cosets in [math]\mathbb{Z}/70\mathbb{Z}[/math]. Ergo the red flower equals 20, the blue flower equals five and the yellow equals 1. So the last line becomes 20x5+1=21.

>> No.8377937


>> No.8377946
File: 149 KB, 1361x1311, 1474814735071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


20+20+20 = 60
20+5+5 = 30
5-2 = 3

1+(20*5) = 101

>> No.8377949

It's quite obvious that these are the complex parts [math]b[/math] of numbers [math]z\in\mathbb{C}[/math], where [math]z=a+bi[/math] . Therefore red flowers equal 20, blue flowers equal 5, and yellow flowers equal 1, so the last line becomes [math]i+20i \times 5i[/math] , or [math]-100+i[/math].

>> No.8377956

red = 20
blue = 5
yellow = 1

1 + 20 * 5 = 101

>> No.8377957

I'm a retard a didn't notice the doubling up on the yellow flowers. So, as a correction:

>> No.8377965

In the final equation the blue flower is missing 1/5 of its petals so the awnser is really 81

>> No.8377966
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>> No.8377970

3x = 60
x + 2y = 30
y - 2z = 3

Set up the augmented matrix

{ {3, 0 , 0, 60}, {1, 2, 0, 30}, {0, 1, -2, 3} }

1 2 0 30
3 0 0 60
0 1 -2 3

Multiply R1 by -3 and add to R2.
Swap R2 and R3

1 2 0 30
0 1 -2 3
0 - 6 0 -30

Multiply R2 by 6 and add to R3

1 2 0 30
0 1 -2 3
0 0 -12 -12

Divide R3 by -12

1 2 0 30
0 1 -2 3
0 0 1 1

Add 2R3 to R2

1 2 0 30
0 1 0 5
0 0 1 1

Add -2R2 to R1

1 0 0 20
0 1 0 5
0 0 1 1

Now that the matrix is in REF we can see that

z = 1

y = 5

x = 20

Plugging these values into the original equation

z +xy = n

n = 1 + 20 * 5 = 101

Look at how smart I am xD

>> No.8377971 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 600x339, Albert-Einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious and correct answer:

This problem is unsolvable. The single-yellow-flower variable is free.

The double-yellow-flower variable is equal to 2, but the single-yellow-flower is undefined.

To say it is 1 is like saying "If [math]w = 2[/math], then [math]v = 1[/math], since a [math]w[/math] is composed of two [math]v[/math]'s."

Don't be stupid, /sci/.

>> No.8377974


Don't be a brainlet

it's the value of the yellow flower squared

x^2 = xx

>> No.8377975
File: 552 KB, 1200x1252, 6XtMiyE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious and correct answer:

This problem is unsolvable. The single-yellow-flower variable is free.

The double-yellow-flower variable is equal to 2, but the single-yellow-flower is undefined.

To say it is 1 is like saying "If [math]w=2[/math], then [math]v=1[/math], since a [math]w[/math] is composed of two [math]v[/math]'s."

Don't be stupid, /sci/.

>> No.8377994


I know this is a thinly veiled shitpost, but I'm always fucking outstanded by how /sci can go about applying completely departed methodology to mundane problems.

>> No.8378037
File: 137 KB, 451x444, 1475091724563a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mathtards in charge of botany problems.

>> No.8378041


>> No.8378043


>> No.8378065
File: 225 KB, 500x375, ping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get cocky, you just avoided the pression of being square-like right once.

See you soon you pseudo-intellectual!

>> No.8378069
File: 40 KB, 340x376, 1360174815363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is 81 because the blue flower in the final equation only has 4 petals compared to 5 in the other ones.

>> No.8378071

its 81

>> No.8378528


>> No.8378547
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He's not wrong though. He's solving a problem involving systems of linear equations via matrices, a method that every normal person does.

>> No.8378554

>first semester linear algebra is 'departed'

>> No.8378558

my kid is learning to solve systems of equations in three variables with matrices right now. He's in Algebra II

>> No.8378569

I was just baiting calm down

>> No.8378573


A lot of states actually took matrices out of the standard algebra II curriculum.

>> No.8378609 [DELETED] 

>ITT: Brainlets
The singular yellow flower is undefined because we are not given a value for the variable therefore the equation is

so Y equals all real numbers, as any linear equation is surjective.

>> No.8378631
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> mfw ITT: dumb brainlets who havn't taken ANY undergrad math courses

the first variable in the 4th system of equations is not explicitly defined for the matrix as no equation defines it
>inb4 the 2nd non-zero term in the 3rd matrix defines the yellow flowers
that defines two variables in close space together but we are not given a bijective function that relates the two since there is no equivalence relation given by a close space together, therefore a singular variable is not explicitly defined

However we can define it implicitly by x = ? - 100, which is the non-brainlet answer.

>> No.8379375


>> No.8379860


>> No.8379903

what kind of a brainlet feels the need to prove one's intelligence through basic algebra?

>> No.8379912

>i was late: the post

>> No.8379946
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This is a quality thread.

>> No.8379965

20 + 20 + 20 = 60
20 + 5 + 5 = 30
5 - 2 = 3

As the single-yellow flower value is not defined - all we can do is presume it is the half value of the double-yellow, thereby 1.

1 + 20 x 5 = 105

>> No.8379981

Obviously 3rd one is visual and 4th has PEMDAS are used just to fuck around with people and gain attention.

>> No.8380170

the answer is 203,5

>> No.8380189


After the first one nobody falls for this trick bullshit anymore, however due to the fact that it's a completely different blue flower on the last one, not even the same missing 1 petal or like 2 of the same yellow flower next to each other, then it becomes impossible to tell what the answer is as it's an undefined variable

>> No.8380194



Though I admit at first I didn't notice the * and simply added them all together.

>> No.8380202

>1 + 20 x 5 = 105

>> No.8380208

and fuck you all.

>> No.8380272
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ask euclid. guy could only do geometry

>> No.8380299

>{ {3, 0 , 0, 60}, {1, 2, 0, 30}, {0, 1, -2, 3} }
how did you get to this step

>> No.8380304

Oh I figured it out: there are 3 variables plus the other side of the = so there must be 4 places per matrix, right?

>> No.8380314


That's the augmented matrix. In an augmented matrix, the last column is the values that the equations are equal to.

If you were to expand it, you'd get this back

3x + 0y +0z = 60
1x + 2y + 0z = 30
0x + 1y - 2z = 3

>> No.8380344

I got it, thank you

>> No.8380352
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can someone explain why the order of operations is the way it is to me

is it not reliant on how these eyes take in this picture of flowers vs. the true meaning of these flowers here?

>> No.8380377
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Anyone with some intelligence should be able to do this in their head.

>> No.8380397

This thread is filled with absolute retards. Literally nobody has gotten the correct answer yet.
It's 81. Not 101 or 102.

Some of you recognized there was only 1 yellow flower in the final equation, which led you to 101. However none of you realized that the blue flower in the final equation only has 4 petals, while the ones in the other 3 equations have 5. This makes the final equation

1 + 20 * 4 = 81

/sci/ is truly dumb.

>> No.8380671


>> No.8380690

there are 2 yellow flowers in the third line
there is only one yellow flower in the fourth line

>> No.8380694


this is not fair

>> No.8380706

60/3 = 20
10/2 = 5
5-3 = 2
2+(20*5) = 102

my calculator says so

>> No.8380711
File: 603 KB, 1000x668, confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism at its finest

>> No.8380712

he is right though

>> No.8380716

I wouldn't know, I paid attention in 3rd grade.

>> No.8380718

It's only one flower not two.
Correct answer 101

>> No.8380723

>implying the flowers value is determined by the number of petals
Did you just pull that out of your ass?

>> No.8380725

>this one has 5 petals and equals 5, that one has 4 petals, it must equal 4
>this one has 2 flowers and equals 2, that one has one flower, it must equal 1.

this is how an autistic brain connects things. in reality the 4 petal flower is just another variable, same with the single yellow flower

the last equation has 3 variables and 2 unknowns, it can't be solved.

>> No.8380826

now you're the autist

>> No.8380860

>imblying 5-petal flower is the same as a 4-petal one

>> No.8381917


>> No.8381921

1+20*4=81 (ONLY 4 LEAF)

>> No.8381973

It's 110. Red is 20, blue is 5, and yellow is 2

>> No.8381997

Please don't tell me you're this stupid. You literally made all of the mistakes.

>> No.8382171



Prove me wrong.

>> No.8382184

>not comprehending that it's a base-1 representation

jesus you dumb

>> No.8382185

How do you know the yellow flowers in the third equation have the same number of petals has the yellow flower in the 4th equation?

>> No.8382201
