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8373298 No.8373298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is "racial realism" valid or is it pseudoscience?

>> No.8373301

fuck off there is no signifigant genetic difference between someone with black skin and someone with white skin

>> No.8373306
File: 37 KB, 250x389, op b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

further more the golden jackal is one species and just because an animal looks similar to another does not mean you can compare them to blacks and whites and say that they are distinct species. think convergent evolution pic related

>> No.8373310


Every dog is a dog, but they come in different races.

Every human is a human, but we come in different races.

Why is acknowledging this simple logic truth being racist? We even evolved differently, the smartest individual survived in the white world, the strongest individual survived in the black world, we happily acknowledge that negroids are by default much more fit than white men, but somehow it's racist to say whites are on average smarter.

>> No.8373323


Based Darwin settled this issue centuries ago. Everything else is just unscientific bias.

We develop differently based on our environment and needs to survive. When agriculture and trade were discovered, it was much more efficient to have a better brain than a better body, as you'd become wealthy and thus secure your descendance.

Being black is actually a sign that your ancestors lived off in a barren, very hot territory, with little room for shelter. Agriculture and trade can only develop so far under those conditions, so the strongest individual is the most likely to survive the extreme condition. A weak body with a above average intelligence can't fare well in those conditions and thus doesn't progress as far, since what makes evolution skyrocket is the reliance upon intelligence and body strength

>> No.8373325

It depends if their offspring are fertile

>> No.8373327

>And body strength

Meant and not body strength

>> No.8373333


Intelligence makes you build shelters n shiet.
No resources=migrate

>> No.8373335

If two things can produce viable offspring they are the same species

>> No.8373338


What about ligers and other hybrids?

>> No.8373340


They can't reproduce.

>> No.8373344

I think it should just be part of human biology. "Race realism" is such a sperg term.

>> No.8373371

>Is "racial realism" valid or is it pseudoscience?
Pseudoscience. As shitloads of actual biologists have pointed out, while there are real genetic differences across humans, "races" turns out to be a basically useless tool to describe those differences in anything more than superficial terms.

>> No.8373374

why do doctors give different medication depending on the patient's race?

>> No.8373380

Actually some of the big cat hybrids, including the Liger, have demonstrated the ability to reproduce.

>> No.8373384
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>> No.8373388

genetic differences

>> No.8373393

Racists have been deliberately ignoring findings in biology for the last ten years due to strange intense cognitive biases.

>> No.8373398


Which findings?

Also racism is based on culture, nothing to do with biology, we just associate behaviours with skin colour because that's easy for our brains to remember, its a literal defense system.

When you see people doing bad things, and a trend repeats (in this case, being black) your brain learns that black = bad dont get close. That's why no one is racist to asians and a lot are to blacks, Latino's, arabs. Their brain developed a defense mechanism against bad people based on bad experiences, either real or told, so yeah, you can create baseless racism, but the original thought always came from a real problem.

>> No.8373399












Most of them are IQ shits but they all talk about the invalidity of race when talking about genetics and biology, due to the lack of environmental barriers between humans unlike animals (which has been the case for thousands of years) Thus humans are designated by a spectrum of clines rather than discrete groups.

>> No.8373401

>blacks can barely float in water due to dense bones
>No black Olympic watersports athletes at all

>Uncontested black dominance on running

I swear guys there are no genetic differences.

>> No.8373403

Do you have actual points/evidence or just boring racist rambles?

>> No.8373407


Think I made two, but I can keep going.

I will let you refute the ones I made first if you can do that instead of throwing ad hominem at me.

How do you explain the vast differences in strength and environmental adaptation if not for genetics. if we're genetically equal how come different attributes only manifest in certain races?

>> No.8373409

>How do you explain the vast differences in strength and environmental adaptation if not for genetics. if we're genetically equal how come different attributes only manifest in certain races?

Here you go bud:http://study.com/academy/lesson/parts-of-an-argument-claims-counterclaims-reasons-and-evidence.html

Then come up with a complete argument or not, but im not wasting my time with flippant claims that have no evidence whatsoever.

>> No.8373410

i think it's just a bias that develops in the neural network as it learns from experience. tay was racist and sexist until microsoft turned off its learning capabilities

>> No.8373411

Better one: https://umforensics.wikispaces.. com/Claim,+Warrant,+Impact

>> No.8373413


>> No.8373415

not worth my time if you wont put some effort in

0/10 bait or intelligence

>> No.8373423

kek on the same site it describes how being black has nothing to do with swimming ability in great detail.


correlation =/= causation and your own sources says it.

>> No.8373442

If two individuals can interbreed and produce a viable fertile offspring, they are the same species.

>> No.8373446
File: 62 KB, 600x400, Anthony+Ervin+Swimming+16th+FINA+World+Championships+IyfVLO3QNGvl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welp if they consider this an African American then I am too.

The own article says so, 70% of blacks can't swim whilst 30% of whites don't. Btw I don't think this because I've read it somewhere, but because many years ago in summer camp we were amazed at how our Dominican friend couldn't float even if he filled his lungs with air and stayed still, he just dropped to the bottom like he didn't have any air inside and yeah we made sure, we spent hours trying and he was as amazed as we were.

Then you see these little facts life throws at you, obvious, right there for you to check but somehow people seem to ignore, like literally no black water athletes, no black male gymnastics athletes, etc. But then you see blacks steamrolling any stamina or speed burst ground race.

Then you think, how peculiar, they're good at everything they had to evolve to survive, better physical strength and endurance also metabolism and muscle growth.

How strange that the race from the continent with less water of the planet is the one that swims the most, how could it possibly be.

Also, everyone tries to deny that there are good black water athletes. But why does no one try to disprove their superiority in running competitions? Its not racist because it benefits them? Can you please post another of your stupid articles (instead of replying with your own thoughts) proving that whites are equally modeled genetically to run as blacks?

>> No.8373449

> africans
> domimican friend

>> No.8373450


>swims the most

Meant worst

>> No.8373451


They're all negroids you ignorant shit.

>> No.8373458
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You know skin color isn't the only difference between races. When people talk about "white people" and "black people" they mean different populations of people that experienced divergent evolution as a result of geographic barriers, with skin color being useful as a naming convention as it is one obvious trait that varies among the populations. Nobody who acknowledges those differences thinks that skin color "causes" them, that's just ridiculous. The fact that skin colors, among other obvious physical traits, vary between populations more than within them is proof that divergent evolution has taken place, but the variation in skin color in and of itself is not taken to be proof that mental, emotional or behavioral characteristics also vary.
Of course, there is no way to prove that those cognitive variations exist, but there is also no way to prove otherwise. What we must do is look at the evidence and decide which is more likely. It is a fact that IQ, time preference (i.e. ability to delay gratification), tendency for violent behavior, and economic success among other things are all very correlated with the geographic location of a person's ancestry, and the same patterns emerge all over the world wherever such things are measured. Nobody can deny this. The only thing we can discuss are the theories about why that could be.
On the one hand, we know that things like behavior and intelligence are heritable; nobody will disagree that children often have similar personalities and intellectual abilities to those of their parents, and there are studies on twins separated at birth that prove that such effects are not only caused by upbringing. Because physical differences between races show us that divergent evolution has occurred between populations, and therefore that genotypes vary more between populations than within them, then you cannot deem it unreasonable to suggest that intellectual and behavioral traits also probably differ between populations.

>> No.8373459

t. creationist.

>> No.8373460

If you doubt the validity of "race realism," or whatever you want to call it these days, and assuming you aren't so retarded that you actually deny the fact that differences in measured intelligences and economic outcomes between races exist, then I'm sure you already know the alternative hypotheses that have been recently proposed to explain them. Differences in environment caused populations in some areas to culturally favor different behaviors than others, which led to some groups having better inventions and societal structures early on, thus causing a snowball effect that caused white and asian populations to economically dominate and oppress blacks which still goes on to this day. I know that's just a very simplified part of a complex explanation, but I understand it well and also think it makes sense. I do not deny that these cultural effects are part of the equation as well. Note, however, that no amount of this type of explaining has or can disprove the theory that genetic differences play a role in the measured differences in outcome we've discussed; the latter has just fallen out of vogue for political reasons.
Personally, I believe it is most likely that it is a combination of the aforementioned explanations that results in the patterns we see with the fates of the races today. I would encourage others to think apolitically about such things, as there is really no reason to vehemently believe one of the standpoints but completely deny the other.

>> No.8373466

There are studies that have proven that there is no link to exactly what you are "theorizing" about and they are in this same thread: >>8373399

You have no evidence, and have made no arguments beyond "i think" and "i feel" not to mention you haven't gotten rid of the mountain of hard evidence against you

>> No.8373469

By genetic distance the blacks would be classified as another species, but we can interbreed with them meaning primates screw over the laws of biological taxonomy.

Even mentally blacks and whites are not the same this can be seen in the cultures blacks create and what whites create.Blacks still have primitive paleolithic tribal cultures that are barbaric where as whites have more sophisticataed refined cultures. Even when the black is taken from Africa it still creates a primitive uncivilized culture like what we see in Black America today or Jamaica.

>> No.8373470

>It is a fact that IQ, time preference (i.e. ability to delay gratification), tendency for violent behavior, and economic success among other things are all very correlated with the geographic location of a person's ancestry, and the same patterns emerge all over the world wherever such things are measured. Nobody can deny this.

see:>>8373399 (You)

All been scientifically proven to be inccorect. Geographic locations and race are entirely separate ideas. There are people of the black race in every single geographic location in the world. Similar with whites.

>> No.8373472

Blacks have thicker skin than all races even the surface of their bodies is different from us.

>> No.8373475

The ignorance and lack of self-awareness of you both is unnerving. Have you even taken the time to google this stuff? All i want is a few measly articles supporting your ideas. Dont even have to be scientific journals like the ones i posted that refute you.

>> No.8373476

Black means African Negroid descent, White means European Caucasoid descent.

If you really think race is just skin color you are a fucking retard.

>> No.8373479

Google what stuff? Culture is caused by the intelligence of the ones who do it, thats why smart guys usually have nerdy cultures where as morons have more socially dominant ones.

No matter what you do blacks will never act like white people at all.

>> No.8373484

Like arguing with a wall.

gn mate, it was a blast

>> No.8373486

understanding biology and genetics is ignorant?

fuck off christ fag.

>> No.8373488

So you cant argue with me? Guess Im correct then.

Look reality doesnt believe in equality of anything besides dying in the end, blacks are not like us at all they are very different from us mentally and physiologically.

>> No.8373507
File: 55 KB, 220x183, wolf vs jackal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the case of the golden jackal and the golden wolf, as OP's picture provides, the two, despite being different species, CAN produce fertile hybrids.
Therefore, the definition of Species relating to the production of fertile hybrids is not in all cases correct.

It is then not implausible to say that africans are a different species. I'm sure many of you have seen the comparison of skulls across races, and if you haven't, or don't want to google it, i'll be glad to post some.
The image attached is comparison of the wolf and the jackal skulls, respectively. Given the particular importance cranial structure has on the brain in humans, cranial difference between races is all the more notable.

Basically everyone is genetically different but some people (not outliers, an entire populous) are different enough to be classified as a different species, at least with consideration of the golden wolf/jackal case.
If you're triggered by this you should recognize it as impacting your judgement and act accordingly

>> No.8373518

>I have made no arguments beyond "I think" and "I feel"

I did not say either of those things. My argument is:

1. physical characteristics vary between populations
2. Culture did not cause this
3. Therefore, genetics is responsible for the physical differences between populations
>follows from 1 and 2
4. IQ, time preference, tendency for violent behavior, and economic success are correlated with the geographic location of a person's ancestry
>Violent behavior
>economic success
5. Behavior and intelligence are heritable
6. Economic success is related to good behavior and high intelligence
7. The current state of affairs regarding the success of the various races is probably partially explained by genetics
>follows from 3, 4, 5, 6

>> No.8373523

Nice false flag. Science has proved countless times that our genetics vary hugely from region to region, race to race. Unless you are from another dimension and claim all black parents have black children out of pure coincidence, we already established that human characteristics are inherited to the next generations which keeps these traits distinct from others.
The classification of our sub-species is entirely a social construct though. We are very diverse in a way that can result in too many human sub-species for us to categorize. Also we do have other skills, ideologies, properties that are more significant than some protein in our genes.

>> No.8373529

OK, so let's check out all the articles that "refute" this argument >>8373518

>We review the results of genetic analyses that show that human genetic variation is geographically structured, in accord with historical patterns of gene flow and genetic drift. Analysis of many loci now yields reasonably accurate estimates of genetic similarity among individuals, rather than populations. Clustering of individuals is correlated with geographic origin or ancestry
Wait, that actually proves point 3
>but the correlations are imperfect because genetic variation tends to be distributed in a continuous, overlapping fashion among populations.
This does not refute my argument that intelligence and behavior vary between populations any more than it refutes the argument that skin color varies between populations. That is to say, it does not. I do not refute the fact that genetic overlap exists in places where populations have met each other and interbred. I do not deny the fact that north African people are generally somewhere between the skin color of Europeans and central Africans. In fact, this actually supports my point 7, because we see in fact that average intelligence also exists on the same spectrum across the areas where populations have overlapped. North Africans also have average intelligences between those of Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans. American blacks have average IQs higher than African blacks due to white interbreeding. I know that "races" in the classical sense cannot be definitively categorized due to factors of genetic overlap, but the fact that genetic variation exists on a spectrum across geographic areas does not disprove the fact that intelligence is also.

>> No.8373534 [DELETED] 

There are a myriad of physical differences between races. In medicine physicians use different drugs on dependent on race.
In regards to cognitive capacities and inclination to criminality, there's a wealth of research suggesting the brain, like any other organ.
It's well accepted that blacks get sickle cell anemia far more than any other race. No one questions that.
You can cover variation in any other organ between races, without anyone raising an eyebrow, but once you get to the brain people shy away or just deny empirical truths.
The director of my doctoral program is an Asian dude that wrote his dissertation on links between ethnicity, self-worth, proclivity to crime and IQ. He's a fucking autistic robot behavioral statistician who could care less about politics but he accepts that blacks tend to have lower IQs, 19% higher levels of testosterone and a proclivity to aggression.
I'm not a storm fag and shy away from politics, but yeah there are clear neuroanatomical and psychometric distinctions between race.
Here's a rare, in-depth peer reviewed study about neuroanatomical variation between races. Anyone inserted in neuroscience, neuroanatomy, psychology, and even anthropology should find it interesting.

>> No.8373540

There are a myriad of physical differences between races. In medicine physicians will use different drugs dependent on the race of the patient.
In regards to cognitive capacities and inclination to criminality, there's a wealth of research suggesting the brain, like any other organ.

It's well accepted that blacks get sickle cell anemia far more than any other race. No one questions that.

You can cover variation in any other organ between races, without anyone raising an eyebrow, but once you get to the brain people shy away or just deny empirical truths.
The director of my doctoral program is an Asian dude that wrote his dissertation on links between ethnicity, self-worth, and proclivity to crime and IQ. He's a fucking autistic robot behavioral statistician who could care less about politics but he accepts that blacks tend to have lower IQs, 19% higher levels of testosterone and a propensity to aggression.
I'm not a storm fag, dont browse /pol/ and shy away from politics, but yeah there are clear neuroanatomical and psychometric distinctions between race.
Here's a rare, in-depth peer reviewed study about neuroanatomical variation between races. Anyone inserted in neuroscience, neuroanatomy, psychology, and even anthropology should find it interesting.

>> No.8373541
File: 28 KB, 350x236, the hierarchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racial realism
real racism
civil war

>> No.8373545

A black person looks different from a white person. The black person and the white person do not have a significant difference in IQ.

>> No.8373550


>Here we add further compelling evidence supporting the RAO model by showing that geographic distance – not genetic distance as in [3] – from East Africa along likely colonisation routes is an excellent predictor for genetic diversity of human populations (R2=85%)
More proof that place of geographic origin predicts genes
>The pattern of decrease in genetic diversity along colonisation routes is very smooth and does not provide evidence for major genetic discontinuities that could be interpreted as evidence for human ‘races’ 2. and 5..
Again, you seem to be trying to "disprove" the idea that races are distinct and objectively classifiable to a certain degree, as if I were arguing that humankind evolved from monkeys separately in 6 different places and none of the populations ever interbred. I do not think this.

All of these are just more of the same idea.

I am essentially arguing that reddish colors are more intelligent than yellowish colors. You are attempting to refute me by claiming that color does not exist, because there is a spectrum of oranges between red and yellow.

>> No.8373553

I know this bait, but the IQ gap among races is an accepted truth among those in psychometrics, neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry.

>> No.8373555

> psychometrics,
> psychology
> neuroscience,
lol no it's not

>> No.8373558

>not in neuroscience

>> No.8373565

did you even read it?
It has nothing to do with the pseudoscience you cling too, just biological variations in brains.

illiterate retards belong in >>>/pol/

>> No.8373567

It is in neuroanatomy and in neuroscience. White's have more grey matter, typically indicating higher levels of intelligence. >http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2964318/
Also, blacks tend to have a 19% higher level of testosterone if you want to get into the strictly physiological aspects of aggression

>> No.8373580

Yes, I read it. It concludes that variations in brain size and structure correlate with geographic place of ancestry. Do you think that brain size and structure have "nothing to do" with intelligence and behavior? If not, can you make a cogent argument as to why you think they don't? I'm genuinely curious, especially after you've read MY argument, >>8373518, how you could think it is based in pseudosciece. If you think the social explanations for the failure of blacker peoples are more likely than the genetic explanation, that's a fine opinion to have because I believe in them also. But I have yet to read anything in this thread that refutes the idea that intellectual and behavioral predispositions are related to geographic place of ancestry. The closest I've got is the "race is a spectrum" argument, but I've already explained that I agree with that idea and that it has nothing to do with my point.

>> No.8373584

Who do blacks always suck at IQ scores in almost every part of the world and every single year? What makes them less intelligent?

>> No.8373586

>Cystic fibrosis is more likely to occur in whites
Everyone nods in agreement because it's racial variation in the respiratory system
>Sickle cell anemia occurs largely in those of sub-saharan african ancestry
Everyone nods in agreement because we're discussing simply the shape of red blood cells between races
>Nearly 100% of Native Americans are lactose intolerant
Everyone nods in agreement
>Blacks require larger doses of Tacrolimus to prevent the rejection of a donated organ
everyone nods in agreement
>The chinese can metabolize warfarin better than any other race
everyone nods in agreement
>Neuroanatomical differences between races exist and results in varied intelligence between races
Because somehow the brain isn't an organ, is it?

>> No.8373594

You don't understand neuroanatomy enough to understand the implications of the structural variation on intelligence.
Since you're a retard, I'll take this little excerpt and let you do with it as you will.
"Our primary finding is that when compared to Caucasians, an African-American cohort exhibited smaller cerebral volumes but larger absolute left OFC volumes."
The cerebrum has been empirically linked to intelligence, while the orbital frontal cortex has only been linked as a reward system.

>> No.8373596

Smaller cerebral cortexes. The tropical climate they evolved in also likely didn't place emphasis on intelligence as a utility for survival.

>> No.8373598

Everyone is in agreement already. You're just trying to enforce science to tiny minds who can't accept the reality of nature, thats all.

>> No.8373608

>Speculative, preconceived, biased, lazy, no curiosity, deaf.

wtf are you doing on a science board

>> No.8373615

I don't understand the point you're making. Am I a retard for thinking that structural variations have implications for behavior and intelligence, or do African-Americans have smaller volumes linked to intelligence and larger volumes linked as a reward system? I'm starting to think I'm trolling myself by assuming you're even making a discernible point in the first place.

>> No.8373616

Yeah, but there's really nothing at all to suggest that this gap is due to genetic differences. This is also close to unanimously accepted in "psychometrics, neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry".

>> No.8373622

I'm saying that the fact Africans have smaller cerebral cortexes indicates theyre less intelligent. Are we in agreement?

>> No.8373624

>Yeah, but there's really nothing at all to suggest that this gap is due to genetic differences
"Our primary finding is that when compared to Caucasians, an African-American cohort exhibited smaller cerebral volumes"
A smaller cerebral cortex indicates hampered intelligence. So are you now contesting that race isnt genetic?

>> No.8373627


Races are socially constructed. We have agreed that certain partly-geographically distinct and genetic traits (skin colour and other superficial characteristics) are the basis of the social construction of race. Of course, these traits correlate only somewhat to geographical origin.

From this construction of race, all kinds of crazy speculative pseudoscientific shit is extrapolated -- that these groups also, based on genetic differences, have different temperaments, personalities, intelligence, etc. It's all just based on bias and a remnant structure from a long and ugly history. It has nothing at all to do with science.

"Race realists" are simply racists, who dearly wish that blacks are inferior for fucked up reasons. Probably some kind of superiority complex or a need to be "edgy" and look through all the "PC bullshit" or whatever stupid narrative they need to tell themselves to maintain their fragile self-image.

>> No.8373630

Regardless of whether race is real or not, blacks are inferior.

>> No.8373633

wtf are you on about. that isn't evidence for a genetic component at all. brain volume is partially heritable and most studies find only a weak correlation between brain size and IQ. take your speculation to /pol/

>> No.8373635

>zero scientific data
>politics based argument
Try again

>> No.8373636

>19% higher levels of testosterone in blacks
>massive gap in IQ scores regardless of wealth or geographic locus
>smaller cerebral cortex
:^) Yes. All socially constructed.

>> No.8373637

>we happily acknowledge that negroids are by default much more fit than white men
Kek. No they're not. Only a disproportionate number of African American males have this trait as a consequence of selective breeding practices back when they were livestock.

>> No.8373639


>> No.8373642

It troubles me that you keep attacking factual science with no reliable counter argument other than saying "no its not like that" and can't suggest anything to put in the place. You need to have an argument of your own to account for the huge intelligence gap, otherwise you'll just be a contrarian and excluded out of discussions.

>> No.8373643

There is absolutely no compelling argument whatsoever. There is no evidence that temperament, personality, intelligence etc differ on the basis of genetic differences between races. No evidence. So what do you want me to cite, really? There's just a big screaming pile of nothing.

>> No.8373645

Structural size in brain mass is linked to intelligence though and if blacks have less grey matter and smaller cerebral cortexes; they're going to be less intelligent. Also the IQ gap is staggering, as it is.
Is race heritable? Can a black couple bear an Asian child no. There are phenotypical differences between races. Do you accept that blacks get sickle cell far more than whites and that its heritable? Then why wouldn't the same be applicable to brain variation. Why in this study did whites and blacks have distinct structural variation in the brain, across the board? Coincidence?

>> No.8373647

It's funny how you post these neat little factoids and proudly exclaim how you've demonstrated that they are due to genetic differences between races, when you really haven't. A lot of factors influence these phenomena, but you jump straight to your pet hypothesis.

>> No.8373649

There is evidence just look at the cultures different races produces, blacks always create cultures that seem like a paleolithic savage trying to use modern technology. Also jackass if our cranial shapes are fixed then it means our disposition can be as well. Its not surprise all the humans that live in the tropics are savages.

>> No.8373650

Do you suggest intelligence is randomly assigned to babies when they are being carried by storks?

Do you suggest that intelligence is a magical property that differs from every other inherited characteristic like genetics, eye color, height, bone density, weight, inherited diseases and basically everything else that make us who we are?

>> No.8373651

Muh poverty cant explain non africans doing better than africans in acedeimics in their own countries.

>> No.8373652

>You need to have an argument of your own to account for the huge intelligence gap
you mean besides that psychologists suck at repeatability and statistics?
Psychometrics isn't science

>> No.8373653

Read the fucking thread? Do you accept that higher testosterone leads to increased aggressive behavior?
Well blacks have 19% more than whites
Do you accept that the cerebral cortex is the fundamental part of the brain associated with higher learning and intelligence. Well blacks have a smaller one than whites.
Do you accept that IQ is human test thats been tweaked and perfected since 1912.
And that blacks have far lower IQs across the board regardless of wealth or education.

>> No.8373655

Serotonin is the cause of aggressive anon.

>> No.8373657

Black people suck at IQ, SAT scores, averaged GPAs, graduation rates and pretty much everything else that requires intelligence. They suck at all these repeatedly in every year.
Putting your fingers in your ears and screaming won't change what's real and what you deny.

>> No.8373658

It's quite simple. You have insufficient data to back up your claims. I don't have an obligation to do anything as long as your argument is bad.

small correlation between brain size and IQ:


And unclear evidence whether the relationship is causal:


>> No.8373661

You're that retarded aren't you.
Here baby.
"Twin studies have shown that genetic effects varied regionally within the brain, with high heritabilities of frontal lobe volumes (90-95%)"

>> No.8373662

Black brains are 15% in volume to white ones infact have you ever seen the head of a black african before? It looks like they have no brains because of those sloped apelike foreheads.

More so the fact blacks have sloped foreheads should clue you in there is something off about these guys.

>> No.8373663

Hey dumbfuck, total brain size may be irrelevant but the size of a specified structure is not. I'm assuming you think babies born with microcephaly are as smart as a normal child?
Also, you bring up IQ as a measure of intelligence but dismiss it when we bring up the fact that American blacks have an average IQ of 85.

>> No.8373664

What am I supposed to read after you said you have neither any argument nor evidence? You got one chepprypicked link that you keep posting without explaining the huge IQ gap.

Let me know when you have some context.

>> No.8373665

>Structural size in brain mass is linked to intelligence though and if blacks have less grey matter and smaller cerebral cortexes; they're going to be less intelligent.

Of course, and population-wise they are, but this doesn't prove the difference is due to genetics.

>Is race heritable? Can a black couple bear an Asian child no.

Jesus, yes of course, but race is defined on superficial, simple traits, not IQ.

>o you accept that blacks get sickle cell far more than whites and that its heritable? Then why wouldn't the same be applicable to brain variation.

Uhhh, why would it? Intelligence is much more complex and interacts with environment.

>Why in this study did whites and blacks have distinct structural variation in the brain, across the board? Coincidence?

Your lack of imagination astounds me. There are a host of social, cultural, economic and methodical factors that could possibly explain this difference.

>> No.8373667

>IQ -> Culture

Nice thinking. Don't bother with the enormous amount of pesky confounding variables.

>> No.8373669

>Jesus, yes of course, but race is defined on superficial, simple traits, not IQ.
Why would it be limited to only that? If race can affect muscle fiber percentrage then it can also affect brain tissue.
>Uhhh, why would it? Intelligence is much more complex and interacts with environment.
Intelligence is as much a trait as sickle cell though meaning its still dictated by genes thus can be applied to have a biological fixed limitation.

>> No.8373672

"Twin studies have shown that genetic effects varied regionally within the brain, with high heritabilities of frontal lobe volumes (90-95%)"
Brain structure is heritable baby boy, espeically in the frontal lobe. I know you may not have learnt anything in high school but the frontal lobe, notably the cerebral cortex is the region of the brain associated with higher thinking, emotions and most importantly intelligence.
>simple traits, not IQ.
Why do black that grow up in rich families with access to education still score substantially lower on IQ tests? Even twins seperated at birth, raised in entirely different homes retain the same IQ .

>> No.8373673

Now anon I know you left wing types have problems thinking critically but just imagine just you have a group of morons and a group of smart guys, now you give them the same set of material and tell them to make a culture from it. Obviously the morons will make a simple hedonist culture where as the smart guys will make a sophisticated civil one.

Culture is just an extension of human accepted social customs which requires intelligence you stupid fuck.

If the blacks were any sliver of civilized mentally they would never even conceptualize these animalistic cultures they have created.

>> No.8373674

>Do you suggest intelligence is randomly assigned to babies when they are being carried by storks?

Uh, no, it's formed through the baby's brain's interaction with the environment through the lifespan. This is hardly controversial if you ever wanted to check up on the science of IQ.

>Do you suggest that intelligence is a magical property that differs from every other inherited characteristic like genetics, eye color, height, bone density, weight, inherited diseases and basically everything else that make us who we are?

No I don't suggest it's magical. But it's clearly different from these characteristics as they are very simple and are based on simple combinations of genes and are only weakly in interaction with environment (save for height and weight)

>> No.8373677

So you're claiming that the inherited phenotype of a child with different pigments in his eye doesn't prove that it results in a colored eye and doesn't prove the difference is due to genetics?
Inherited brain size and related genetics factors exist but they have nothing to do with the outcome of the brain functions like intelligence and cognitive capacity ?

This level of denial is alarmingly unhealthy. I hope you're just trolling here.

>> No.8373679

>Uh, no, it's formed through the baby's brain's interaction with the environment through the lifespan.
You are so fucking retarded.

Intelligence is fixed there is a limit to how high your IQ can get but it can never exceed that. For example it is truely impossible for me to ever understand quantum physics at the level of ease quantum physicist can its because their brains are just better than mine DUE TO GENETICS NOT NURTURE YOU FUCKING RETARD.

>> No.8373680

>superficial, simple traits
Like skeletal structure, muscular structure, ability to metabolize medications different, predisposition to certain diseases, hormone levels, and brain structure.

>> No.8373682

>Read the fucking thread? Do you accept that higher testosterone leads to increased aggressive behavior?
>Well blacks have 19% more than whites

"It's ends with -one like things I learned in biology so it has to be genetic!"

>Do you accept that the cerebral cortex is the fundamental part of the brain associated with higher learning and intelligence. Well blacks have a smaller one than whites.

"The brain I've heard is a biological organ so it must be genetic too! Also bigger is better"

No evidence for this.Once again:

>Do you accept that IQ is human test thats been tweaked and perfected since 1912.
>And that blacks have far lower IQs across the board regardless of wealth or education.

Yes, there is an IQ gap. No one's disputing this. No evidence that it is due to genetic differences between races and that races in themselves differ on intelligence.

>> No.8373683

Nobody denied culture and personal life was also a factor. But culture is created by the populations with the appropriate intelligence. Asians are smarter, thus they built a culture that rewards intelligence, hard work and honor. Black people are dimmer, thus they built a culture based on crime, taking the easy road and whatever low intelligence rewards.
This is a fairly easy and linear structure for anyone to comprehend.

>> No.8373684

No race comparison at all. What's your point?

>> No.8373686

Its humorous how he calls black people civilized, what a joke what sort of civilized human still have paleolithic technology wise tribes in their home area still today. The beautiful cultures of blacks is what we did 60,000 years ago in Europe they are archaic and backwards they should not be celebrate the blacks should be shamed for failing to produce a truely civilized culture on their own.

Though what am I saying, blacks are just wild animals in human bodies their cultures are their attempts at acting as animal as possible, they cant ever be civilized at all.

>> No.8373688

>I'm assuming you think babies born with microcephaly are as smart as a normal child?

Really? Then you must be stupid.

>Also, you bring up IQ as a measure of intelligence but dismiss it when we bring up the fact that American blacks have an average IQ of 85.

Seriously? Fucking learn to read. I never dismissed it.

>> No.8373689

>I hope you're just trolling here.
He has to be. He's been inundated with at least 3 different peer reviewed studies refuting each vapid argument he makes.
>He says black and white brains are the same
is proven wrong
>He says the size difference doesnt equate to IQ
is proven wrong, when anon brings up the larger cerebral cortex in whites
>He says brain structure isnt heritable
He is proven wrong again when an anon brings up a study demonstrating brain structure is 95% heritable
He's either trolling or genuinely the most retarded person I've seen on this board

>> No.8373690

>No evidence that it is due to genetic differences between races and that races in themselves differ on intelligence.
If poverty cannot explain it then its obviously genetic.

>> No.8373691

So it's a total coincidence that the same races rank the same way in IQ tests for decades?

>> No.8373693

Why were blackies in the Paleolithic era before slavery if they are so smart and civilized like us?

>> No.8373694

retards entering the thread without reading it

Many compelling arguments have already been put forward
>differences in behavior, IQ, outcomes
>differences in brain size and structure
>proof that genetics are related to race
>proof that behavior, IQ, brain size and structure are related to genetics

Just out of curiosity, for all you staunch anti-racists ITT who have refused to read or believe anything linked that supports these arguments: What would it take for you to change your mind? What kind of study would you have to see? If we took 100 african babies and 100 white babies and put them in a moon colony, fed and educated them with robots, and in 20 years measured the intelligences and found that it correlated with their race, would that do it for you?

I'll go first: if someone finds me an example of any city, society or country that has ever existed on Earth at any time, in which:
>blacks and whites live together with whites not more economically successful than blacks
>blacks and whites live together and blacks do the same, or less crime, even controlling for poverty
>blacks have the same or higher IQ than whites, even controlling for poverty
>city, society or country is predominantly black and not significantly more impoverished or uncivilized than a nearby, comparable non-black area (i.e. no significantly unbalanced resources, no natural disaster that destroyed the white area)
>produce an IQ or aptitude test, formulated in any way, on which blacks score the same or higher than whites, controlling for economic class and education
>produce an example of a school, institution or business admitting/employing blacks and whites in which the levels of achievement are comparable between the races and which does not utilize affirmative action or have racial quotas in admission/hiring
then I will renounce my opinion that there is a genetic component to intelligence and which varies between races.
Remember your sample sizes!

>> No.8373696

We dont need that reality is all the proof that blacks are wild animals incapable of ever being civilized. Everywhere blacks exist is chaos, violence, and rampant crime, this even applies to black areas in Europe. If blacks were civilized then the hellhole called Haiti wouldnt exist at all.

>> No.8373697

>Why would it be limited to only that? If race can affect muscle fiber percentrage then it can also affect brain tissue.

Just because it can doesn't mean it does.

>Intelligence is as much a trait as sickle cell though meaning its still dictated by genes thus can be applied to have a biological fixed limitation.

Yeah and it does have a limitation and it is heritable, but just because it is heritable doesn't mean that races have different IQ.

>> No.8373701

>Just because it can doesn't mean it does.
Yes it does because the tissue of blacks is denser than ours dumbass.
>Yeah and it does have a limitation and it is heritable, but just because it is heritable doesn't mean that races have different IQ.
If races can have different physical capacities then they can also have different mental capacities, if blacks were as smart as us Africa would have had civilizations with extravagant buildings allover the place, but they arent they are dumb stupid savage apes that can walk you can tell when a faggot on /sci/ hasnt been culturally enriched.

>> No.8373702

>"Twin studies have shown that genetic effects varied regionally within the brain, with high heritabilities of frontal lobe volumes (90-95%)"
>Brain structure is heritable baby boy, espeically in the frontal lobe. I know you may not have learnt anything in high school but the frontal lobe, notably the cerebral cortex is the region of the brain associated with higher thinking, emotions and most importantly intelligence.

It's cute how you're trying to be condescending while slamming facts on the table. But I never said it wasn't heritable. You should try to pick up on nuances better. I said it was partially heritable. Also the study doesn't investigate racial differences at all.

>> No.8373704

>but just because it is heritable doesn't mean that intelligence its heritable
that made no sense

>> No.8373705

It is with the cerebral cortex. The larger the cerebrum is the more neurons it can carry.
Also yes higher testosterone increases aggressive behavior and criminality

>> No.8373707

Maybe the reason why black people generally compete in running and whites in swimming is due to cultural factors and expectations and not due to their ancestry.

>> No.8373708

>I said it was partially heritable
No you said I never gave a modicum of evidence that it was heritable. Not only did I give you the evidence you so desperately desired, I would call a 95% figure, partial

>> No.8373711

*I wouldnt call a 95% figure, partial

>> No.8373712

Like culture can explain a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers. Jesus christ you people are retarded.

>> No.8373714

>Now anon I know you left wing types have problems thinking critically but just imagine just you have a group of morons and a group of smart guys, now you give them the same set of material and tell them to make a culture from it. Obviously the morons will make a simple hedonist culture where as the smart guys will make a sophisticated civil one.

You forget that cultures interact with each other and the natural environment. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was as simple as you say.

>> No.8373716

>doesn't mean that races have different IQ.
But they do, again, http://pss.sagepub.com/content/17/10/921.extract

>> No.8373718

How come Asians score half a standard deviation above whites?

>> No.8373719

>Wouldn't it be nice if the world was as simple as you say.
You're the one painting a simple world
>herrr derrrr we're all the same!!!!! Brain variation and IQ gaps be damned >:^( we're all just pink inside!

>> No.8373721

It the negroids were extinct in our world, and we found their fossils we would call them a nonhuman species, this is something to think about.
What the hell is your point? My point here is cultures require intelligence jackass its why cultures made by children or teens dont have the same level of sophistication as adults.

>> No.8373723

>So you're claiming that the inherited phenotype of a child with different pigments in his eye doesn't prove that it results in a colored eye and doesn't prove the difference is due to genetics?

What are you on about? I've never said that.

>Inherited brain size and related genetics factors exist but they have nothing to do with the outcome of the brain functions like intelligence and cognitive capacity ?

Shape of the brain is *partially heritable* yes, but the link between shape and IQ is indeed contentious.

>> No.8373724

They are just smarter.

>> No.8373726

Probably because they larger cerebrums relative to body size compared with other races. They also evolved in a harsher climate where survival necessitated intelligence. Unlike in tropical equatorial climates like Africa where resources were bountiful

>> No.8373727

I hope someone is looking for that example! Maybe when they realize none of those things have ever existed, they will realize how ridiculous it is to propose blacks and whites are at all similar in intelligence.
>inb4 egyptians were black
>inb4 moses & friends were black
>inb4 muh mansa musa we wuz kangz

>> No.8373728

Maybe they have better genetics.

They are after all also the most neotenic race. No wonder they'd be the smartest.

Liberals accept Asians are the smartest, but do not accept blacks are the stupidest.

>> No.8373729

They did a test for impulsivity in children and blacks scored the highest. More so babies pick out dolls that look like them meaning we are all once kumbaya is a load of shit.

>> No.8373730

HEY! HEY! HEY! Blacks are NOT the stupidest. We still got abbos and new guineans

>> No.8373732

>You are so fucking retarded.
Why are you getting so angry over facts? Sounds almost like you wish the science showed something else than it does.

>Intelligence is fixed there is a limit to how high your IQ can get but it can never exceed that.

Well, sure. There is limit to how intelligent we can be with the brains we have, definitely.

> For example it is truely impossible for me to ever understand quantum physics at the level of ease quantum physicist can its because their brains are just better than mine DUE TO GENETICS NOT NURTURE YOU FUCKING RETARD.

Sounds like you have some kind of inferiority complex. Surely if you worked hard enough you could be a quantum physicist too. Ok, you have to have some smarts, I'll grant you that. Some are smarter than others and genes *CONTRIBUTE* to (but don't determine) this difference. However, although we are different genetically in our predisposition for intelligence, there is no evidence that shows that different races have more of these differences.

>> No.8373738

Asians are what happens to humans during a true ice age, in ice age Asia they had mutated that flattened their face and gave them their slant eyes for protection and heat control.
>Surely if you worked hard enough you could be a quantum physicist too
The tard is strong with this one, you are a on a board that openly tells you if you aint the brains for the major then just give up.
>there is no evidence
Look at the word map in 1000 B.C do you see anything in Sub Saharan Africa? No

>> No.8373739

Nope, they don't accept that asians are smartest.

>> No.8373741

Yeah, actually race is defined on purely superficial traits, such as skin color and facial structure. Then there are certain correlations within these arbitrary groups. Also the creation of a group causes different social influences that could affect some of these traits, especially those that aren't as heritable, like personality and genetics. How is this hard to fathom?

>> No.8373743

>simple logic truth
Please stop. Neither taxonomy nor genetics is logic.

>> No.8373744

>This is a fairly easy and linear structure for anyone to comprehend.
This is an explanation for people with simple minds. Ever even tried to ponder how complex a culture is and what affects it?

>> No.8373745

>there is no evidence that shows that different races have more of these differences.
And yet this thread has been happy to provide you with peer reviewed study after study suggesting otherwise. Why do you even browse this board if you simply ignore and shrug off facts you dont like. Science isn't pretty. There are a lot of ugly truths about the world and humans. Accept them and move on.

>> No.8373746

>b-but babies inherit culture genetically! A white baby in a black surrogate mother would do just as bad!

Here's another good one for you guys. You know the mirror test, in which a mark is made on the body of an animal, and then they are presented with a mirror to see if they are self-aware enough to understand that the mark is on their own body? Human children generally pass at about 15 months-- African children, not until 6 years!
>b-but it's a racist test! Western culture makes babies become self-aware earlier!
I didn't know crows and elephants were so Westernized!

>> No.8373749

Seriously, are you still in high school, are you able to even read?

>>He says black and white brains are the same
Never said that. Ever.

>>He says the size difference doesnt equate to IQ
I said there is no evidence that differences in brain shapes between races can explain differences in IQ. However, of course brain shape says something about IQ.

>>He says brain structure isnt heritable
Fuckin really? Try to think very carefully now when I say for the third time that it's partly heritable. That means it can be both determined by genes and environmental factors. Both at the same time! It seems to be hard to fathom so I have to feed the point to you with a spoon.

>> No.8373750
File: 812 KB, 200x200, fff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially those that aren't as heritable like personality and genetics
>aren't as heritable like personality and genetics
>aren't as heritable like genetics
>aren't heritable like genetics
Holy shit, I hope you are a troll. For your own sake.

>> No.8373753

>If poverty cannot explain it then its obviously genetic.
Really. That's all you could think of? Self-regulation, stress, social class, education, etc. All are relevant.

>> No.8373756

No, race is not defined by superficial traits. It's defined by geographical place of genetic origin, with different places having experienced divergent evolution that selected for different factors. This explains differences in superficial and underlying physical characteristics, and in mental characteristics, all of which exist on a spectrum. How is that hard to fathom?

>> No.8373758

>So it's a total coincidence that the same races rank the same way in IQ tests for decades?
Things are slow to change. Besides, Dickens and Flynn found a black 5.5 IQ point gain on whites between 1972 and 2002.

>> No.8373759

>Never said that. Ever.
You implied they were until the environment changed them
>I said there is no evidence that differences in brain shapes between races can explain differences in IQ
to which I redirected you to another peer reviewed article, discussing the fact that a cerebral cortex's size is directly tied to IQ because the amount of neurons it can hold
>I say for the third time that it's partly heritable
Partly. Do you know the definition of partly. 95%-97% isn't 'partly'

>> No.8373761

How the shit does that explain uncivilized violence everywhere blacks exist?

>6 years
Holy shit negros really are not human.

>> No.8373762

The blacks are the only human group that has created cultures as subhuman as they have in modern time. If all these subhumans can do is rap, dance and holla like monkeys but not build, learn and advance then it shows they are not people just prehistoric humans who have lived too long. The blacks are cancer they should be removed from America all they cause is problem, I dont give a shit about intelligent blacks either.

>> No.8373764

>>differences in behavior, IQ, outcomes
Differences does not imply genetic differences.

>>differences in brain size and structure
Still doesn't imply genetic differences. Low correlations and unclear causal basis of brain size -- IQ relationship. Also, within-group correlations does not explain between-group correlations. Case in point: You also have differences in brain size between males and females, yet there is no IQ gap. Brain size in black babies versus white babies is the same. Besides, size is a rough and unsophisticated measure of brain differences.

>>proof that genetics are related to race
Yes, superficial, simple non-psychological traits.

>>proof that behavior, IQ, brain size and structure are related to genetics

Once again, within-group differences does not imply between-group differences. It's fallacious.

>What would it take for you to change your mind?

Just some good evidence and not speculative ideologically motivated crap.

>> No.8373765

No it's linked directly in one form or another to every organ in your body. It's why doctors have to use different treatment methods on different races for the same disease. It's why whites almost never get sickle cell, but its staggeringly common in blacks, its why different drugs react differently on people of different races, it's why a white persons body will almost always without fail reject a kidney transplant from a black person. It's why all native americans are lactose intolerant. It's why you can tell the race of a person based only on their skeleton. It's why there are massive structural differences in the brain between races. Guess which part of the body is associated with intelligence? DING! DING! DING! The fucking brain. But no, it's a coincidence that blacks have a smaller cerebral cortex and never had a written language or two story buildings until Africa was take under European rule, its a coincidence that regardless of wealth the black IQ rate is roughly 20 points below the white IQ rate.

>> No.8373768

>Differences does not imply genetic differences.
If your own intelligence is determined by DNA then the differences are genetics BECAUSE EVERY FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RACES IS GENETIC.
>Yes, superficial, simple non-psychological traits.
Look up what superficial means tard.

>> No.8373770

>If races can have different physical capacities then they can also have different mental capacities
Yes they can, but there's no evidence that they really do.

>> No.8373772

There is evidence, the IQ test are evidence, and the lack of anything intelligent ever being produced by blacks in ever.

>> No.8373773

It's because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. That's why you think you can compare some people, find a genetic component for intelligence and then say "gosh, that must also mean that blacks are stupid. it's undeniable!". But no, that's huge conjecture.

>> No.8373774

>>differences in brain size and structure
>Still doesn't imply genetic differences.
>Low correlations and unclear causal basis of brain size and IQ
Not in the cerebral cortex baby, the part of the brain om which blacks just coincidentally have a significantly smaller size relative to their body

>> No.8373775

>It is with the cerebral cortex. The larger the cerebrum is the more neurons it can carry.
Women have smaller cortex and no IQ-differences. Asians have smaller prefrontal cortex and higher IQ. It means jack shit.

>Also yes higher testosterone increases aggressive behavior and criminality

Once again "testosterone is a hormone so it's genetic". That means nothing.

>> No.8373777

>IQ test
oh I thought we were talking about science.
Psychology and the other social "sciences" belong on >>>/his/ or >>>/lit/

>> No.8373778

Compare the asian skull to our own and it has minor alterations but the black looks like another species.
Blacks are stupid just live around them they are fucking retarded dead srs.

>> No.8373779

IQ and smaller cerebral cortexes. Also the historical fact that Africans never even had a written language before whitey came along

>> No.8373781

>No you said I never gave a modicum of evidence that it was heritable. Not only did I give you the evidence you so desperately desired, I would call a 95% figure, partial
Christ. That study didn't look at race differences at all. There's no evidence whatsoever that you could apply this to racial differences. Other studies found other differences. You can't say "there's differences in brain size between blacks and whites, one specific part of the brain is very heritable in some groups, therefore blacks are genetically inferior". This doesn't compute.

>> No.8373783

You can look at an asian and think hey thats human, but if you saw a black and had no clue what is was you would assume its a wild animal.

I really dont care if blacks are human they are wild animals mentally compared to us.
IQ test are designed to find tards meaning if they worked constantly on blacks it confirms blacks are tards.

>> No.8373784

correction: That IQ-differences between races are based on genetics.

>> No.8373785

That sloped forehead thought, its what nonhuman primates have, blacks also have stronger jaws a very primitive trait.

>> No.8373786

Women and men actually even out in regards to the cerebral cortex when you function in body size ratios, same with Asians

>> No.8373787

If you say so.

>> No.8373788

You were making the contention that brain structure is hardly heritable. You never made a contention regarding race. You were proved wrong. :)

>> No.8373789

Daily Reminder White IQ is 100
African IQ is 66

These retarded savage apes is what we have put into our country and Europe as well.

>> No.8373790

>It the negroids were extinct in our world, and we found their fossils we would call them a nonhuman species, this is something to think about.
Yeah man what deep shit.

>What the hell is your point? My point here is cultures require intelligence jackass its why cultures made by children or teens dont have the same level of sophistication as adults.

And my point is that it's a fairytale to think that cultures are so simple.

>> No.8373791

>correction: That IQ-differences between races are based on genetics.
What else would it be based on? It's well established that IQ is heritable. Why would blacks be the exception to the rule?

>> No.8373793

>Look at the word map in 1000 B.C do you see anything in Sub Saharan Africa? No
Wow that settles it

>> No.8373794

>And my point is that it's a fairytale to think that cultures are so simple.
They are simple because they require intelligence to exist jackass.

>> No.8373796

>And yet this thread has been happy to provide you with peer reviewed study after study suggesting otherwise. Why do you even browse this board if you simply ignore and shrug off facts you dont like. Science isn't pretty. There are a lot of ugly truths about the world and humans. Accept them and move on.
Wow, what a crusader you are. The findings that people have shown me have all been completely irrelevant and not supporting people's conclusions.

>> No.8373797
File: 720 KB, 3240x1903, SAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During this time the middle east,greece, India, and some of China had civilization why didnt blackies have any civilization at this time huh?

>> No.8373798

It was a typo, meant personality and intelligence.

>> No.8373801

>No, race is not defined by superficial traits. It's defined by geographical place of genetic origin
Yeah sure, like "Africa" and "Asia". Mostly because of skin color and facial features. Remember, it's pure pseudoscience and is something that people have made up.

>> No.8373804

Alright. Composed the studies so the libshits ITT have no leg to stand on (not that they ever did)
What has been established in this thread:
Blacks have a significantly smaller cerebral cortex:
That brain structure is heritable:
The smaller the cerebral cortex the dumber the individual:
Black IQ deviates around 20 points below white IQ:
That IQ is highly heritable:
Blacks have 19% more testosterone than whites
High testosterone levels increase aggression and predisposition to criminality

>> No.8373805
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Cranial features you jackass meaning traits that go back a long time ago showing a biological grouping you know like TAXONOMY.

Anyway why are stupid blackies incapble of making a civilization in 500 A.D while we whiteys had ours at that time?

>> No.8373806

Intelligence is hereditary >http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4210287/

>> No.8373807

Black IQ is 40 points below white IQ, the actual africans are in the terminally retarded range, the american mongrels are mildly retarded.

>> No.8373808

>You implied they were until the environment changed them
Oh, yeah that's true. Brain size differences between black and white infants hasn't been demonstrated. Good catch. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7294730

>to which I redirected you to another peer reviewed article, discussing the fact that a cerebral cortex's size is directly tied to IQ because the amount of neurons it can hold

Problem is, how do we even know that this differences are applicable to black-white differences?

>Partly. Do you know the definition of partly. 95%-97% isn't 'partly'

That's prefrontal cortex in a given group. Again, this difference hasn't been demonstrated between blacks and whites.

>> No.8373810
File: 2.33 MB, 3240x1903, stillnocivilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon blackies still no civilization in 700 A.D boy its almost you blacks are fucking stupid or something.

>> No.8373811

>Again, this difference hasn't been demonstrated between blacks and whites.
Give me one grain of evidence, just one, suggesting blacks would be the exception to the rule

>> No.8373812

>If your own intelligence is determined by DNA then the differences are genetics BECAUSE EVERY FUCKING DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE RACES IS GENETIC.

You see, it's not determined by DNA. It does play a role, sure, but theres no evidence it does for race.

>Look up what superficial means tard.

I'm referring to outward characteristics of appearance.

>> No.8373813

They aren't evidence that the difference is due to race.

>> No.8373814

>Oh, yeah that's true. Brain size differences between black and white infants hasn't been demonstrated
Why do black twins seperated at birth, one grows up in a rich home and the other in the ghetto, still retain the same IQ

>> No.8373815
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>> No.8373816

There is evidence because only blacks keep scoring this low, if it wasnt race then blacks alone wouldnt be scoring in the tard range of IQ.

>> No.8373817

What else would be due to? The economic standing of blacks doesnt change the IQ scores, so you can rule out poverty, they score even worse in their own countries so you can rule out oppression.

>> No.8373818

This study does not compare races. It's pointless. Also, sure, go ahead and skip the other criticisms I had if it makes you feel better.

>> No.8373819

Wow, what a remarkable way to save face. Of course, given the thread I was obviously discussing race, so I stand fully by my point.

>> No.8373820

ayo come on mayne dats a map created by the white man how cum u aint showing our rockets and pyramids and shitte nigga wtf! u greek homos aint invented nothing mayne. and these so called scientists publishing articles bout how my front brain is small an shit well dey all crackas and i kno it! IQ aint a thang nigga, brain variation whuttever duh fuck dat is aint no thing. and hell ya nigguh i got mo testostorone dan you white boys nigguh i aint ashamed hahah i flash dat shit!!!!!! nigga my ppl invented every mudafugin invvention u neandethals stole! yeeee nigga u neadtherals das right and u callin me dumb hahah. fuk yall

>> No.8373821

>What else would it be based on? It's well established that IQ is heritable. Why would blacks be the exception to the rule?
It's partially heritable. You have no grounds to assume that this applies to blacks v whites.

>> No.8373825

Why would heritability of brain structure differ between races? Thats like saying a universal rule doesnt apply to one set of people because it fits your narrative.
This is you
>just because facial structure is heritable in 95% of cases, where race is unspecified, means I can claim aboriginals dont look like their parents at all because they're the mythical exception to the rule

>> No.8373827
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>thread filled with mostly idiots who don't understand population dynamics

Protip: Any population regardless of genetic origin or geographical region can obtain any combination of genotypical/phenotypical traits if you bottleneck them enough.

Or do you fucking retards think we humans stepped out of the primordial pool with all of present traits in tact and stayed exactly the same for hundreds of thousands of years?

Maybe you think we'll magically stay the same as we are for hundreds of thousands years more in the future too because you're under some false pretense that evolution stopped affecting us like some misinformed autistic charlatan.

Also take into consideration that racial realists have a harder time believing each race is a part of the same "species" but are somehow perfectly okay with overgrown earthbound worms turning into winged insects (Holometabolism) that can utilize air currents they can't see to fly.

>> No.8373828

It's been proved heritable across races. Do black women have some magical power in their uterus where they can change the genetics of the fetus? Care to direct me to that study?

>> No.8373832

Maybe, but culture plays a larger part than some people would admit.
Jews used to dominate basketball in the USA because it was a "poverty sport", for the same reason blacks are now successful.

>> No.8373833

Dude didn't you know evolution affects every species but humans? Just because one group of humans spent thousands of years in a frigid climate, bracing for survival, struggling for resources while another group lead a happy life in the rainforest, where resources were constantly bountiful. DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!!!!! One human race man.

>> No.8373837

They don't retain the same IQ after adoption. did you just make that up on the spot and hoped that it would fly? http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/1986-24139-001

>> No.8373839

Seriously, try to think for one moment. I am saying that within group differences does not imply between group differences. You are dead wrong.

>> No.8373840

Culture is why more blacks have sickle cell and why Asians have an easier time metabolizing opiates.

>> No.8373843

Seriously? It's likely to be just as heritable in any group. It's just that this doesn't mean the inheritance isn't contingent on race. How hard is this to understand?

>> No.8373856

Blacks have a distinctly different brain structure than whites, as indicated here
Do you understand how peer reviewed studies work? Have you graduated your freshmen year of high school? Read the fucking study, actually read it, don't skim through it like the submoron you are.
If the VAST swath of the blacks in this study had a brain structure which was different from that of their white cohorts, that indicates an anatomical difference between races? Do you understand that? Blacks also have a different skeletal structure than other races, do you under stand that. Here I'll distill it for you. Black have a more melanin than whites.
Empirical fact, just as they have a different brain structure.
You are contending that just because this study indicated virtually all blacks have a varying neuroanatomical structure when compared to other races, doesn't mean that its hereditary.
The brain is an organ, like anyother dipshit. Do you think the amount of melanocytes a black has is hereditary?
Now...you then said brain structure hasn't been proved to be hereditary. A fucking retarded disputation, but fine I'll indulge you. I show you a study that specifies regardless of race frontal brain structure is 95% hereditary?
> this doesn't mean the inheritance isn't contingent on race
Tell me then what else would it be contigent on, when they study accounted for economic background, age, drug use, neurological conditions, and every other issue that could possibly be accounted for.

>> No.8373868

>If the VAST swath of the blacks in this study had a brain structure which was different from that of their white cohorts, that indicates an anatomical difference between races?

>Blacks also have a different skeletal structure than other races, do you under stand that. Here I'll distill it for you. Black have a more melanin than whites.
And what's the point of stating this?

>You are contending that just because this study indicated virtually all blacks have a varying neuroanatomical structure when compared to other races, doesn't mean that its hereditary.

No, of course it's likely heritable but it doesn't mean it is. Just because the brain is an organ doesn't mean all its features are hereditary.

>Now...you then said brain structure hasn't been proved to be hereditary. A fucking retarded disputation, but fine I'll indulge you. I show you a study that specifies regardless of race frontal brain structure is 95% hereditary?

A study that doesn't compare blacks and whites. And sure, if variations in OFC could have a racial basis, there's still nothing that shows how this might correlate or cause IQ-differences, if at all. Besides, the study you linked found a size *increase* in the african american group.

>> No.8373894
File: 35 KB, 599x351, 1474227165090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sample size of blacks consist of 25 individuals, in a study that consisted of 77 total individuals (intended 69 for comparison)
>said blacks were on average significantly younger than said whites
>most of the participants where women in general
>race was self-reported, lacking detailed ancestral analysis
>socioeconomic and health background was not assessed in a study that stated that both traits have an effect brain structure/ development
>admitted in own study that they utilized a technique in comparing small sample size groups that increases the likelihood of type 1 errors

Did you even fucking bother to read beyond the fucking abstract!?

>> No.8373896

[Citation Needed]

>> No.8373899

>Not A

>> No.8373903

go to medical school

>> No.8373905

There were studies done on black and white children raised in the same environment and adopted by the same families and the whites still had higher mean GPA's an IQs. Google it.

>> No.8373908

Lol, no. I provided a source, your magnificent retort is to "google it".

>> No.8373917

Fuck is it with americans and complaining about their nignog problem? Shouldve left them in africa faggots

>> No.8373933

That's wrong tho. Extremely wrong. Dangerously wrong.

Why is that people have no problem with evolution until it involves humans? Suddenly humans are magical beings immune to the effects of natural selection and evolution.

>> No.8373934

There are differences statistically, but I never understood why that matters. Just judge people on an individual basis.

>> No.8373935

Too bad psychometrics just like the rest of psychology is pseudoscience. Its typicsl for you shitters to cling on to IQ but you still fail to realize that nothing related to psychometrics follows the scientific method. All you get is arbitrary bullshit and rough approximations from studying human behavior. This is why actual scientists dont give a shit about it because none of it forms any rules.


>> No.8373939

Species aren't the same as races.

>> No.8373942


>> No.8373949

People love to do anything to not think critically.

Sheltered children who've never spoken to a minority love to bring up statistics mostly revolving around the shittiest parts of america to say its "smart" to feel unsafe around black people or muslims.

Environments truly build the individual at the end of the day so yeah, if youre ever in detroit/memphis or god forbid chicago then yeah watch out for blacks there because thats simply the environment youve surrounded yourself in.

>> No.8373960

gonna be honest with you guys, im the one acting as a butthurt liberal. also im the guy spamming ">>>/pol/" in every thread

>> No.8373970


>> No.8373979

same races can breed and their offspring is non sterile.

That's why niggers and europeans belong to the same race, but the hooded crow and the american crow not.