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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 359 KB, 1100x3300, mathematics trench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8371617 No.8371617 [Reply] [Original]

How deep have you gotten /sci/?

>> No.8371625

Taylor Series. I could say Eigenvectors/Eigenvalues, but my Linear Algebra class was not Calculus-based.

>> No.8371626

I just use basic arithmetic for my 250k Consulting job so not much lol

>> No.8371627

>Four colours problem shit along with fucking inter-universal teichmüller theory
>cohomology being "genius" level as well as fermat's last theorem
>fractals and homeomorphism TERMS are among serious math

>> No.8371630

Laplace Transforms. No serious math. Chem Eng.

>> No.8371651

Partial differential equations. I'm a failure I know

>> No.8371759

I've done some one-time pad decryption, but just once. Srsly, its not hard, you guys should try it.

>> No.8371765

Banach Spaces and Control Theory because I'm applied math vermin.

>> No.8371780


>> No.8371786

6 inches.

>> No.8371805

Vector Spaces

>> No.8371831

>cohomology listed deeper than algebraic topology


>> No.8371838

This, why is cohomology even separate from algebraic topology? It's a topic in algebraic topology

>> No.8371846

>hairy ball theorem
>next to knot theory
>harder than topology

But the hairy ball theorem you prove in undergrad topology and you can't even prove the existence of a knot without using homotopy groups

I don't think whoever made this image has a degree in math

>> No.8371897

algebraic geometry via wildberger, else only calculus. Im aiming for understanding harmonic analysis and stochastics in several years

>> No.8371999

chaos theory i guess but at a basic level

>> No.8372062

Pretty deep into serious math, I'm surprised

>> No.8372077

Game theory is as far as I've ever gone, but the majority of what I deal with is statistics.

Being an Econ undergrad is fun

>> No.8372088

homological mirror theory is all quantum physics-y. albert einstein shouldve been an economist =^D

>> No.8372106

same but at grad level

>> No.8372120

>Boolean algebra in same level as fractals
How come

I've made it to control theory

>> No.8372125

Cryptography + Real Analysis

Rate me /sci/

>> No.8372146

Some basic knowledge about topics in the upper part of "serious math"

>> No.8372163

Finished Calc 3 and I'm taking Diff Eq right now. (A+ in all my math classes of course)

>> No.8372186

triple integrals

>> No.8372296

>One-Time Pad Decryption
>Highest on the meme chart
I disagree desu

>> No.8372513

Just above (or below depending on how you look at it) the genius level gap. Someone should try and make a serious chart instead of this horse shit though.

>> No.8372556

I dabble in random sequence extrapolation, and frequently dream in poly-dimensional topology.

>> No.8372576
File: 210 KB, 1920x1440, obwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cohomology seems to be the deepest thing for me.

>> No.8372652


I'm a pleb.

>> No.8372666

Basic geometry is too hard for me.

36 years old here, manager.55k per year.


>> No.8372712

Differentiation and trig is harder than complex numbers? lolno

>> No.8372713 [DELETED] 


>> No.8372736

I think they all fall into the category of piss-easy.

But yeah the order of the chart is broken. Boolean algebra next to Banach Spaces.

>> No.8372758

counting nigga

>> No.8372967

If it weren't for systems of nonlinear equations, who knows what I could do.

I had to retake Trigonometry twice because they never told me how to solve them, they just assumed I learned it because I came from a different school.

>> No.8372976

I once prided myself on being really good and proficient at non-linear second order differential equations. Then I realized that they were just tedious, and even though it took me almost an entire page to solve some of them, it wasn't a really an impressive feat. I don't think I'll ever feel proud of myself in much of anything I do.

>> No.8372997

"Projective Variety" UNDER algebraic geometry??????? Considering you study projective varieties in AG what the fuck

>> No.8372999

Hilbert spaces that low, christ this list is bad

>> No.8374424

Some stuff in this list make no sense, like putting eigen values below PDEs.
Anyway, I took Algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and riemann surfaces last year and I'm taking arithmetical geometry (modular forms and Galois cohomology) this year.
For now, the courses are an algebraic number theory course like the one I took last year, but with a bit more content in the end of the semester and a course on modular forms that really russles my algebrist jimmies.

>> No.8374441

Comp sci major so I'm floating around the serious math level. The deepest is boolean algebra, but I have no idea what the fuck it's doing way down there.

>> No.8374503

Do you know Stone's Representation Theorem for Boolean Algebras and the ultrafilter lemma? If not, you don't know Boolean algebra.

>> No.8374590

I have only made it to serious math I suppose.

>> No.8374648

If you did then you would know it doesn't belong down there

>> No.8374658

Where's the version that has triple integrals at the bottom bottom?

I was expecting that minor chuckle but it never came. You suck at this.

>> No.8375709

I'm currently working on Irrational Pattern functions. So far I found and generated the repeating patterns found inside of less complex irrational numbers. (is also related to poly-dimensional topology)

Its pretty easy, you just need to understand how numbers and patterns work, and know what you're looking for when you approach an "irrational*" number.

*they are quite rational, and repeat in cyclic patterns, just not as single digits :)

>> No.8375738

Just finished addition, now doing subtraction (A+ in all math classes of course)

>> No.8375742


>> No.8375744
File: 16 KB, 612x459, 4 color theorem can suck my dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>four color theorem

>> No.8375747

>Eigenvalues below tensors and matrices
??? Doing some piss easy determinant and finding the roots of some cubic polynomial is not as difficult as tensors.

>> No.8375748


Make the bit you have green red, then use green for your "fifth color".

>> No.8375812

look at the outer circle

>> No.8376100

>tfw four color theorem has never been proved

>> No.8376106

Now try and figure out spectral sequences. :'(

>> No.8376307
File: 11 KB, 612x459, fuck off ville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double nigger or troll detected

>> No.8376343

Isnt there a 6th(black) color too?

>> No.8376482
File: 41 KB, 549x591, 1474991963622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too deep for my own good

>> No.8377664
File: 206 KB, 570x359, 46880f68b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8377673

>theorem of differential topology proved in undergrad topology
>existence of knots needs homotopy groups
I don't think you have a degree in math either.

Those are boolean algebras, not algebraic manipulation of booleans.

>> No.8377696

basic boolean algebra

what a fucking retarded pic

>> No.8377713

Not quite so far down but below real analysis.


>> No.8377716

ive gotten to taylor series but i forgot how to do division.

>> No.8377726

I know this is low-quality bait,but shouldn't inter-universal teichmuller theory be at the bottom? like 10 people understand it

>> No.8377789

Counting is my max.
Everyone else is lying.

>> No.8377862
File: 15 KB, 441x411, 1471413573107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, trig and some calculus for me. Forgot almost everything out of school. Am I basically retarded by /sci/ standards?

>> No.8377880

No, this board is science AND math. Unless you study math at University you will never get really far beyond Calculus 1 and 2 and Linear Algebra

>> No.8378212
File: 48 KB, 960x720, biology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am just before " serious math " but i am a biologist.

>> No.8378236
File: 861 KB, 597x685, 1461637480343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna take a few weeks probably, but I'm on my way there. I like Rotman's books. Did you just answer a random poster talking about cohomology or did you guess/recognize "anime bro"?

>> No.8378246

I'm trying to understand spectral sequences from the nPOV right now and am struggling, so I wanted to bring them up I guess. There are multiple anime posters on here, I didn't know it was you!

>> No.8378258

Ignore anime posters.
Sage anime posters.
Delete anime posters.

>> No.8378259

fuck yeah control theory. feels good mang.

>> No.8378268
File: 743 KB, 1000x1300, 1459638396783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. As I said, I'm getting there.

But we have reached some sort of harmony!

>> No.8378273

post homu pls

>> No.8378274 [DELETED] 

Tk yr pdphl crtns t >>>/a/

>> No.8378283
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, 5675870890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take your complaints back to >>>/cm/

>> No.8378392

Only in America.

>> No.8378427

High school drop out. I learned to add, subtract, and multiply. Never learned division or anything else. Even I know how shitty that image really is. lol

>> No.8378437

You clueless moron. At least some ignoramuses know they're ignoramuses.

>> No.8378509

>convergence deep as Fourier series

>> No.8378654

Vertex algebras/conformal field theory/geometric stacks/lie algebroids/R matrices/symplectic geometry/poisson schemes . It's pretty clear this meme wasn't authored by an expert, so in my opinion I got to the bottom before whatever computational crap is deemed AI exclusive.

>> No.8378697

>triple integrals
>below single integrals

>> No.8378721

I want to study cryptography but I make more money as a x Ray tech so nvm

>> No.8378725


And yet, scientifically, we're so far ahead that it isn't even funny lol

>> No.8378766

the serious math branch should be moved down a bit, I've done a number of topics below that and shudder at actual math (because I'm a pussy).

>> No.8378780


>> No.8378905
File: 31 KB, 670x503, 1474581614711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a new kind of math called HME. It's a secret math program that aliens have created to improve mathematical comprehension in us humans.

They can't directly give us technology due to their intergalactic laws and treaties.

They told me that if they gave us their tech without us having the ability to understand it first... We would end up like the niggers in Africa or the middle east, who are currently using the superior white mans AK47s and explosives to kill each other due to their inability to respect the technology.

Therefore, they have many of us learning their math so that it may become part of humanity as we slowly introduce it to the rest of the world.

>> No.8378924

Everything down to serious math
Complex Analysis
Boolean Algebra (should be much higher)

>> No.8379192

>this is what ignorant people in the USA actually believe

>> No.8379204

I've gotten to cohomology and the extension problem (not listed for some retarded reason.)
I wholeheartedly think this image was made by an idiot.

>> No.8379302
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 1426948645308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8379840

Not way higher, just a bit. Should still be below real analysis.

>> No.8379989

Yes, but only because you're asking that question instead of compulsively binge-studying and puking up your lunch