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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 741 KB, 2378x998, Science & Engineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8370370 No.8370370 [Reply] [Original]

Who here believes that this is the age of engineering and that the age of science is now in the past?

Science of the past has discovered nearly everything humanity will ever discover that will be of actual use to humanity (please, don't go all >>>/x/tard dreamer on me). Now the largest contributions to humanity will be made by engineers who will build and invent things based on what has been discovered by scientists.

Theoretical physics (grant chasing), pharmaceutical research (self-serving industry), and biology research (not a science) do not help nor will ever help humanity.

If you want to make it ahead in this world and the future and actually do something for humanity, become an engineer!

>> No.8370380

Nothing wrong here.

>> No.8370441

>that image
technology can't even happen without science

>> No.8370448

>physics cuck at 3rd-rate community college jacking everyday to Feynman-san is triggered by this

>> No.8370449

science is only subsidiary to technology

>> No.8370452

You cannot have engineering without the science to back it up. Stop being a retarded.

>> No.8370453

Is this a bait?

>> No.8370457

Why do the engineers on this board have an inferiority complex?
Does it really make you feel better if you convince yourself that you are better than scientists? You know, most people (also scientists and engineers) don't even care and just let everyone do what they want to do.

>> No.8370458

>nearly everything humanity will ever discover

This is so wrong. Let Professor Krauss school your faggot engineer ass.


There are very few limits on what we can know, and what can know (but do not yet know) is unimaginably vast, nearly limitless.

You're just being impatient. Just because the pace of progress seems slow from the vantage point of your short lifetime does not mean science isn't progressing at a good and steady pace. It's all that instant gratification. People have no focus, no resolve.

>> No.8370462

This is 200% bait.

>> No.8370465

Engineering and science have reached a pleasant intermingling, stop trying to ruin it. Advances in physics, for instance, are driven by engineering marvels to help detect or produce physics marvels which are then used to refine the engineering concepts which then refine the models, and so on and so forth. Engineers can't build particle accelerators and detectors without physicists, and vice versa.

>> No.8370484

Yeah except, what do you need so badly? Sure robotics will evolve to be somewhat useful for daily live, lots of medical stuff will happen like artificial organs made from nanoelectrical systems and general prosthetics, also self driving cars and real AI. However, you can still do all of this after a PhD in physics which is both more challenging and intellectually more rewarding. Real life engineering is almost always painfully dull, and most projects fail because people are too autistic to talk with one another, or your stuff not being marketable.

>> No.8370574

Is this bait?

>> No.8370692

This mathematics degree don't mean shit. I'm a gardener.

>> No.8370723


>> No.8370774

Cancer Drugs hitting the market this year courtesy of pharma:

Cabometyx (cabozantinib); Exelixis; For the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, Approved April 2016

Keytruda (pembrolizumab); Merck; For the treatment of head and neck squamous cell cancer , Approved August 2016

Lenvima (lenvatinib); Eisai; For the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma, Approved May 2016

Opdivo (nivolumab); Bristol-Myers Squibb; For the treatment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma, Approved May 2016

Sustol (granisetron); Heron Therapeutics; For the prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, Approved August 2016

Syndros (dronabinol oral solution); Insys Therapeutics; For the treatment of anorexia associated with AIDS and nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, Approved July 2016

Tecentriq (atezolizumab); Genentech; For the treatment of urothelial carcinoma, Approved May 2016

Venclexta (venetoclax); AbbVie; For the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with 17p deletion, Approved April 2016

>> No.8370796


So true.


>> No.8370849

>use to humanity
Stop this meme.

>> No.8370965
File: 136 KB, 930x1024, Grant Chaser's Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these grant-chasers leaving out, "that will be of actual use to humanity" part.

Oh yeah there's a shit load we can still learn, but it will mean fuck all to the human race.

That isn't real science.

Spotted the grant-chaser.

>> No.8370968

Stuff like this harms humanity as a species to a massive degree. It usurps proper evolution and allows invalids and people who would die off before having children to reproduce thereby furthering bad and faulty genetics. Which is great for big pharma of course.

>> No.8370978

Cancer by-and-large isn't a disease that hits people before they would have kids.

>> No.8371025
File: 69 KB, 800x587, 1473041495193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be microbiology student going into vaccine/antibiotics work
>mfw infinite job prospects due to constant bacterial evolution

Enjoy your dead end jobs cucks

>> No.8371211

It's short sighted to see that theoretical physicists are studying black holes and quantum mechanics and shit, and conclude that they won't be useful because they seem less concrete. You may as well say that useful science ended with Newton.

As a single example, quantum mechanics is giving rise to quantum computing, which has a ton of potential value. Just like 100 years ago you couldn't have predicted quantum mechanics or its applications, you can't predict what scientists will discover in the next 100 years.

And that's just talking about physics. It should be very obvious that there are still very practical contributions to be made in biology and chemistry.

>> No.8371215

Mostly because of good health care from birth to adulthood.

>> No.8371218

A lot of basic science is needed before people can start making drugs.

Cancer Biology has revolutionized the lives of millions of people.

>> No.8371221

We are talking about the real world ITT, kid.

>> No.8371357

With poor health care you'd die from other stuff long before you got cancer.

>> No.8371481

i sure hope not because its going to make it more difficult to get a job with all the competition trying to cash in on the new enginering meme

>> No.8371641

All heathcare needs to be stopped. It is a detriment to society.

>> No.8371659
File: 86 KB, 512x512, 1461493757682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8371662

>health care having anything to do with cancer

>> No.8371667

>I agree, only those who were born out of the right vaginas should have access to medical treatment

>> No.8371685

>technology can't even happen without science
Did you misinterpret the image? Because that's the exact message it is conveying.
Science created the Lego®-brick and engineering used the bricks to build the sport stadium.

>> No.8371716


Was the bait really a bait if the bait could bait?

>> No.8371722

>Science of the past has discovered nearly everything humanity will ever discover that will be of actual use to humanity
They said the same after Newton.

>> No.8371734

thanks for validating my existence as an engineer OP

now excuse me while i lube up, i've got a big week ahead of me

>> No.8371735


engineers and scientists need to work together to implement ecologically sustainable or environmentally beneficial aspects into developments that are going to happen regardless

>> No.8371996

>be maths PhD student
>thought I had infinite jobs available
>actually only have - 1/12 jobs available

>> No.8372003

You were a maths student


How could you not have known that

>> No.8372046

>Why do the [insert major here] on this board have an inferiority complex?

>> No.8372085

Engineer here, now shut up and respect your scientist overlords

We haven't discovered 'nearly everything yet, this is just the beginning.

>> No.8373300

True, but there's next to nothing left that will be useful to humanity. That's the real kicker.