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File: 47 KB, 540x720, I'm serious..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8368830 No.8368830 [Reply] [Original]

In the lest three decades the tobacco industry has been telling us that their products can cause damage to people, but for years before that they were telling us that tobacco was completely harmless.

Does anybody know the truth?

>> No.8368837

Cigarettes give you cancer.

That's the truth.

>> No.8368839

I believe after a lot o research that tobacco itself is harmless to your health, but may cause addiction.

On the other hand, smoking stuff in general is bad for your lungs. Also, all the other chemicals in cigarettes today are very carcinogenic.

>> No.8368842

Would eating cigarettes do less damage than smoking them?

>> No.8368843

probably more, but I'm not sure.

>> No.8368846

What are the main differences between commercial cigarettes and loose leaf tobacco?

>> No.8368851

Loose leaf tobacco is just harvested tobacco, but cigarettes have over 400 added chemicals to make them more addictive.

>> No.8368868

Less, a lot of the problems come from burning the tobacco itself and the various chemicals in the paper

>> No.8368870
File: 285 KB, 1022x603, radiation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does cell damage even exist?

>> No.8368875

Fucking christ, just let them die.

>> No.8368877

What if cells don't even exist, and all modern science has been lies all along.

>> No.8368879

I've thought about this. Pretty trippy, man.

When I was second grade I used to think about the possibility that my senses weren't returning accurate results and I wasn't where I thought I was, or when I thought I was. Like I could be home pissing and think I was in the bathroom, but really be in the middle of the classroom and not know it.

>> No.8368886

YEah, maybe the government men are hacking our thoughts, and blocking our sences.

They're feeding us propoganda.

>> No.8368893

Smoking causes damage DNA, genetic mutations, mutations in known disease-causing genes, toxins, damage to respiratory system, etc. One of the reasons why smokers "age worse" as seen in "non-smoker & smoker twin studies".

>> No.8368928

tobacanon, this is the worst thread you've made yet

>> No.8368933

WTF is tobacanon?

>> No.8369571

The matrix? The matrix.

>> No.8369577


>> No.8369586


A schizo that haunts the board with his asinine threads about how the harm from smoking is a hoax

>> No.8369599

Q: what is the most harmful air pollution?
A: small particulate matter (PM2.5)
Q: what is in cigarette smoke?
A: small particulate matter (PM2.5)

>> No.8369603
File: 194 KB, 600x400, AnonsChristmas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tobacco itself is harmless
>added chemicals to make them more addictive.

>> No.8369609


I thought nicotine was extremely addictive.

>> No.8369877

Is that you OP?