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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8367286 No.8367286 [Reply] [Original]

Are there questions science cannot answer?

>> No.8367288


>> No.8367290


>> No.8367293

Then how can I believe you if it might not even be able to answer my question?

>> No.8367303

This question for starters.

>> No.8367309

[math] \exists Q \not \in P \not \Rightarrow \forall Q: Q \not \in P [/math]

>> No.8367315


>> No.8367317

There are certain questions that we can come close to answering, but the true answer is outside the grasp of science. One such question is: Why are you such a fucking faggot?

>> No.8367321

How OP is such a faggot

>> No.8367492

the fuck does this even mean
There is Q not in P that doesn't imply that for every Q, Q is not in P?

What is Q? Why are there more of them? For that matter what the fuck is P?

>> No.8367498

how new are you?

>> No.8367516

Take your pedophile cartoons back to >>>/a/.

>> No.8367524
File: 278 KB, 743x635, 14141728_330366940645571_388850766366352880_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is a fag

>> No.8367531

They die either way so pulling the lever has no impact on their fate, the decision is to save the money or not and the answer is obvious.

>> No.8367532

you have to go, brainlet

>> No.8367556

Holy shit you're dumb.

>> No.8367565

destroying government property either way :^)

>> No.8367574

Cannot answer if OP is a fag.

>> No.8367708

Pull lever, get money
If questioned, say you thought the tram might fall off the sharp bend or at least run out of energy