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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8364726 No.8364726 [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances evolution is real?

>> No.8364745
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50/50, either it is or it isn't

>> No.8364756

Statistically or religiously?

>> No.8364807

Evolution has been observed directly, there is no chance of it being not real.

>> No.8364816
File: 41 KB, 400x300, evolution-happening-in-lab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8364819

Would God really give us the ability to adapt like that?

>> No.8364842

Why not?

>> No.8364847
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Evolution in a lab looks more like this

>> No.8364918

I can confidently say 100%. My grandparents had all 4 wisdom teeth.

My mother and father had 4 and 3.

I had 2 my wife had 2

My wife's son has 0.

Throughout the generations, the human body is getting rid of wisdom teeth. Our skulls cannot fit them. And it's quite obvious that nature understands this, and we're evolving to not have them.

>> No.8364939

That's just coincidence anon.

>> No.8364969

That's not how evolution works anon. That's the Dimark assumption, but the genes aren't supposed to be affected by your experience.

>> No.8364971

If He exists He has to have.

>> No.8364972


>> No.8364996

Evolution is not real. trees have the potential to become human such as dogs and whales if it were real.
>Inb4 that's not how it works

>> No.8365034

Statistically it is very rare, only occurs with mutations that are successful. Religiously it is the case in every important event that leads to progression.

>> No.8365077

How long and what would it take for humans to develop a new appearance? For example interdigital webbing.

>> No.8365079

Thats not how it works, although it is technically possible, sort of

>> No.8365080

Depends what you mean by a "new appearance". It could happen in a single generation

>> No.8365082

No he adjusts us every microsecond with his magic

>> No.8365103


Biological evolution is definitely real, if you go 42 seconds of the way in to this video, it talks about it:


>> No.8365207

evolution is fact. It's not up for discussion

What you seem to be asking is, how do we know that the Theory of Evolution by Darwin is true. In which case the answer is: pretty high actually. So far it fits and no other hypothesis has been proved better so far

>> No.8365215
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>> No.8365222
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Evolutionist nonsense.

>> No.8365250

>the chances
Lrn2probabilly, fgt pls

>> No.8365252
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Holy fuck

>> No.8365324

Isn't /sci/ atheism?

What a delusion.

>> No.8365331

I have a more interesting question OP. Why is pikachus name in all caps in every game except the newer one?

>> No.8365335

So cancer *is* magical?? I was right all along!

>> No.8365343

Damn, Pikachu got /fit/.

>> No.8365352

Is that supposed to be a """""reasearch"""" article???

> no experiment
> no data
> not even a graph, model or whatever worth to reading
> a bunch of cites and opinions given as facts


>> No.8365355

This god, if barely exist, for sure really hates us

>> No.8365366

I have no idea why they used to FULLY CAPITALIZE Pokemon/item/attack names. Maybe it was some kind of mysterious limitation or they just thought they need to emphasize them for whatever reason.

In gen 3 I used to rename my favorites to be like Swampert instead of SWAMPERT. Took a lot of going back to the name rater though.

>> No.8365371
File: 67 KB, 630x354, Idiocracy-e1372009319430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances de-evolution is real?

What are the chances medical science is causing us to de-evolve? With medicine treating all our physical and mental ailments the weak no longer get weeded out of the gene pool. Plus you have the Idiocracy effect where brainlets are breeding faster than people with high IQ.

If evolution is about adapting to your environment, then for the environment humans have created for themselves the most adapted individuals are those who can influence other with charisma like politicians or used car salesmen. We can't ALL be politicians, so is the human race going to evolving into used car salesmen?

>> No.8365373

Totally prefer the cap ones.

>> No.8365429
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>My wife's son

>> No.8365434

Evolution is genetic change over time. It can't go backwards.
If you're asking, is medicine helping otherwise unfit person reproduce, yes

>> No.8365467

1 - the chances of you ever accomplishing something in your life

>> No.8365502

>National Socialism
Not watching that shit

>> No.8365506

You got troled ;^y

>> No.8365533

I don't understand how there are still people dumb enough to think that evolution is still a matter of scientific debate nowadays.

>> No.8365571

wtf is that fatass pikachu?

>> No.8365582

There's no "chance". It's real, and it's not a debate matter, just search about it, you dumb ass bitch.
>>Tip: pay attention to the Biology class and you'll find out.

>> No.8365688


>> No.8365797

Evolution has been observed directly.
We can't let all the idiots die guys. We need unintelligent people to work the abundance of petty jobs like McDonald's workers

>> No.8365810
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>> No.8365812

>that the Theory of Evolution by Darwin is true

Darwins is outdated and the theory has been greatly refined and added to.

>> No.8365814


Someone hasn't played the first gen pokemon games.

>> No.8365821

For some reason i thought Darwin came up with natural selection and not neccassarily evolution. On a side note I met someone with the last name Darwin who was related to him at my work. Pretty bad ass, she was a solid 8

>> No.8365878

That's cause you're low-test and eat soft foods so your jaw didn't form right to accommodate the extra teeth

>> No.8365898
File: 283 KB, 714x335, LkaR5u3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8366752


I'm not watching it merely because it's not the video that he said it was and it's not related. But I'm not dismissing it because seriously our government is just one type of system, it's cool to look at other kinds and learn about it

>> No.8366798

lol even scientists think its bullshit.

Only universities, large media, and the people that read their works peddle that 70's tier meta crap in 2016. I'm sure there's a wiki article on criticism of it even since it's proposal.
>So far it fits and no other hypothesis has been proved better so far
The thing about evolution is that it asks you to believe that it makes sense because it "happens over millions of years," albeit everyone will forever go without seeing it actually happen and having ascertainable proof, much like believing in a religious deity. Catholicism "fits" with historic events. Aztec Polytheism "fits" with historic events. But it isn't proof, it's filling in a gap with what you think happened, based on a form of reasoning. A genetic mutation is a more likely real evolution but you will never see anything on the scale of what Darwin supposed, in fact, most mutations will end up being harmful to species because they are caused by humans. A more sharper analogy is that it is in essence, and this will likely hurt those that believe it, a religion without worship or deity.

>> No.8366834

Nice one

>> No.8366847

Life has both replication and mutation. Evolution is inevitable. The only question is how fast and how much.

>> No.8367098

Three fity.