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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 6 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8362976 No.8362976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why throughout history has there never been a black scientist, philosopher, or math genius, that has had groundbreaking findings?

>> No.8362991

Why does it matter?

>> No.8362993

George Washington Carver did some pretty cool things.

>> No.8362996

Because they were WE

>> No.8362997


Because they never built a proper civilization that lasted long enough. Most African cultures in the 14th century didn't even have words for geometric shapes...

>inb4 Egyptian space aliens

>> No.8363010

SlaverY doesn't leave much free time to think about the space-time tissue curvatures

>> No.8363012

cause niggers are dumb

>> No.8363018

nigurs r dumb yo

>> No.8363042

>open google images
>look up American inventors
>it's mostly black people
Th-thanks google

>> No.8363048

da man be bringin us down mayne

>> No.8363049

yea its clear google is pushing the lib agenda, google "american families" lol

>> No.8363060

Google must be purged!
Politics are no-relevant to feelings!

I hate feelings around niggers never relax!

>> No.8363064

It seems clear. It isn't clear, however. Programming political bias into algorithms isn't something you do easy. I'm assuming the "American families" thing shows a lot of mixed race families, because that's what most commercials and shit use.

>> No.8363067
File: 64 KB, 736x548, 892e3bfcccb6fc83998a65d1d6a3c869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googled german families ... Pic related

>> No.8363124

because blacks are inferior. no one wants to say it, but deep down everyone knows.

>> No.8363131

Probably from people looking them up in debates

Tbf, they make up a significant portion of the American population

>> No.8363273
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>who is Euclid

>> No.8363523

he wasnt black buddy, sorry that the BLM tweets have deceived you, lemme guess, you think blacks were "KANGZ AND SHEET MAYNE DEM DA WHITEY TOOK US DOWN"

>> No.8363643

>it's another episode of skinhead has a spergout
I cringed

>> No.8363753

David Blackwell.

On the other hand, why throughout history has there never been an OP scientist, philosopher, or math genius who has had groundbreaking findings?

>> No.8363761

They were too busy picking cotton.

>> No.8363777

I want /pol/ and people ironically pretending to be /pol/ to leave

>> No.8363781

>spam posting

>> No.8363785

>implying this thread isn't /pol/ spam
In b4 you get extremely butthurt and start whining about "SJWtards"

>> No.8363787

i want antipol to leave

i want antiantipol to leave

i want antiantiantipol to leave

>> No.8363791
File: 80 KB, 1024x834, 20160922_charlotte1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. whining about poltards guy

>> No.8363796 [DELETED] 

where? i want to see

>> No.8363797

Do you need a Kleenex, OP? Adolf's cum is dripping out of the left corner of your mouth...

>> No.8363799

not really. black cops have killed a few blacks, and they still protested it

I think they're protesting having police enforce the law for black persons

>> No.8363801
File: 21 KB, 777x400, Yusra-Tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhuh sure thing. blm are known to be honest rational people. lmao. pic related, a blm leader who took down her tweet after being exposed.

>> No.8363802

>Anything implying something negative about black people is racism
You're not gonna like this world very much darkie ;) Try not to rape anyone while you're on your way to your ghetto

>> No.8363804
File: 75 KB, 600x228, cuq5eumusaawpck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are so many of these. i can post all day but this is sci and doesn't belong.

>> No.8363806

fucking disgusting animals

>> No.8363811

Blacks only exist in America, I forgot how silly of me

>> No.8363815


>> No.8363818

Kill yourself you disgusting obnoxious animal

>> No.8363819
File: 47 KB, 477x320, 1470848046845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it anon, you're just another trailer trash skinhead (or if you're still living with mommy, that's where you're headed)

Go spam a different board like >>>/lit/ or something

>> No.8363824

what a waste

>> No.8363825

Lol, so we're going to do the whole "I'm so butthurt that I'm not going to reply" thing again? These threads are always comedy gold

>> No.8363826

spoken like a true /pol/tard

>> No.8363827

the other guy isn't me. i'm not dumb enough to give a shitposter (You)s

>> No.8363830
File: 380 KB, 1438x1080, 1416098027729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, okay kiddo

>> No.8363834

Yeah sorry I don't love rape and murder like you do. Get back to your jail cell when your buttmad shitposting is done.

>> No.8363835

if that's what you want to believe, go ahead.
i'll be collecting (You)s as long as you're too dumb to analyze our posting styles.

>> No.8363839

what the hell is @ ?

>> No.8363840

Al-Khwarizmi was black here is some of what he contributed. "Al-Khwārizmī's contributions to mathematics, geography, astronomy, and cartography established the basis for innovation in algebra and trigonometry."

>> No.8363841

It's an acute form of autism where he thinks he's somehow hurting me by not replying directly. Pretty funny to watch tbhfamalam

>> No.8363842

@ means "at"

it's a shitposty way to direct comments at someone without giving them the satisfaciton of seeing a red exclamation point in their tab, or seeing (You) on a comment.

>> No.8363845
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>> No.8363848

whats wrong with a little (you) ?

>> No.8363850
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>> No.8363856

back to your zoo or I won't feed you bananas today

>> No.8363861

Persians are Caucasians, not black.

>> No.8363863

>unironically being a white supremacist
How's working at Walmart?

>> No.8363865

Whoa howd you know i worked at wal mart

>> No.8363866

take your own advice

here's the cage door: >>>/pol/

>> No.8363871

Okay fine fuck you /sci/faggots anyway /pol/ is the place people discuss real science.

>> No.8363872
File: 53 KB, 300x255, monkey4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away low IQ monkey. You're not entertaining me

>> No.8363875


David Blackwell did have some pretty groundbreaking contributions to mathematical approaches to mathematics, coding theory, and statistics. He's basically as black as they come.

>> No.8363878

Based on the fact that you're a retarded skinhead, mostly

There's several of us. And I'm published, so I don't think we're the low IQ side of this """"""""""debate""""""""""

>> No.8363879


mathematical approaches to economics*

>> No.8363881

whatever helps you sleep at night, friend

>> No.8363886

>post in thread
>come back later
>got a (You)
Cheers, anon.

>> No.8363887


I'm black and published (as of today!). I solved a minor open problem in networking using cryptography.

I sure hope I eventually do well enough to be a counter-example to threads like these! :^)

>> No.8363893

I've never seen one in my life. Unlike the tryhard gangsta wannabe dumb nigs I see in every ghetto.
Monkeys don't think they're dumb either. Also IQ is racist because black people suck at it ;)

>> No.8363896


>> No.8363900

Sorry I'm not a rapist primitive BLM monkey, you're the diseased monkey who doesn't belong to a science board.

>> No.8363901

How old are you anon?

>> No.8363906
File: 85 KB, 750x761, kill all whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peoples age has no effect on your low monkey IQ. Sorry nothing can help you here.

>> No.8363910

No, really, are you old enough to post on this board?

>> No.8363913

now in addition to descriptions you're gonna start posting pictures of yourself? >>>/soc/

>> No.8363914

Is there a correlation you spotted between disliking crime fascinated rapist monkeys and being young ? I'd like to see your study please.

>> No.8363919

Stop trying to evade the question. Are you 18?

>> No.8363922

Thats not my pic sorry, I'm not black. I'm sure you felt a connection with that pic for some reason though.

>> No.8363924


Solving an open problem in any field is an accomplishment, but a thinly veiled anti-black thread on 4chan is probably not the place to be celebrating it.

>> No.8363925

honey, stop posting

go get ready for your school

>> No.8363931

Do you really think you've convinced me to bother with your worthless monkey existence as if anyone here has an obligation to answer your retarded questions? Seriously they should stop giving computers to zoo animals, they shit on everywhere just like they shit on everything in life.

>> No.8363933

>mirrored-self misidentification

time for pills, anon

>> No.8363935
File: 569 KB, 2048x1536, Monkey_in_cage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ssshhh...I need to lock up now. Try sleeping a little

>> No.8363937

this board claims to be pro science, but the second they are shown facts that blacks commit more crime, rape, and dont produce any notable mathematicians, scientists, writers, etc they get mad.
>its a fact, blacks are far below whites and asians, and its their own doing.

>> No.8363939


really makes you think

>> No.8363940


As a black graduate student in theoretical computer science, this post is accurate. Sometimes I'm writing up a proof for a problem in computational complexity in Latex, feeling good, making progress, and then, suddenly, poop all over the keyboard.

I do my best, though.

>> No.8363941

>tips fedora

>> No.8363942

aww, she developed capture bonding already

here ya go >>>/pol/

>> No.8363943

SJWtards infesting this board are claiming that facts should be eliminated if those facts show blacks in any bad light no matter how truthful. Rest of /sci/ is making fun of these SJWtards.

Feel free to post any fact you like disregard what SJWtards try to mislabel them as. They are the laughing stock of the society.

>> No.8363945
File: 19 KB, 280x400, 1473489117362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychology is vague, non-rigorous pseudoscience!
>unless its about IQ and proving how dumb niggers are, then its totally legit!

lol, get the fuck outta here.

>> No.8363946

>theoretical computer science
just stop...

>> No.8363947


Other anons in this thread pointed out David Blackwell. He's certainly notable. He headed the biggest institution of statistics in the country.

There's another fledgling black researcher in this thread.

Both have done more for mathematics and science than you have.

>> No.8363949

ive never seen it this bad, Reddit i can see them ignoring the facts being they love anything anti-white, didnt expect it here. Blacks are just a shitty race, flat out

>> No.8363950


It's what I study.

Are you interested in theoretical computer science? We can talk about it if you'd like. I'm currently working in computational complexity and formal verification; my research area is cryptography (both applied and theoretical).

>> No.8363953
File: 141 KB, 512x368, 2ee209d2a934705ece435af4ce6a90436f367385fb6dc989102eb6cb670e2293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too obvious/ 10

>> No.8363956

you managed to cherry pick one, thats great. but the original question dealt with blacks contributing ground breaking things, like einstein, Newton, etc etc. (the answer is none exist cause blacks are far inferior to whites and asians)

>> No.8363957

You can just slap SJWtards in the face with fact and watch them desperately try not to drown in their autism using some hilarious justifications. They are doomed to be the losers of society by nature.

>> No.8363959

Reminder that you're posting in a bait thread infested with trolls

Reminder to sage

>> No.8363965

yea i cant wait till it all blows up in their face, blacks have been getting worse socially, academically, monetarily etc despite being given a leg up on everything.

>> No.8363968

Hang them all

>> No.8363974

now this is shitposting. [+]

why i come to this site, not to discuss shit like an autist. i leave that outside my house doors thanks.

inb4 but muh copenhagen inderpretation, godel's incompetence theorem, nyquist, etc.

>> No.8363981

someones jealous their family isnt as boss as that pic, the germans produced some of the greatest minds on earth. Stay man Jamal

>> No.8363984


You said 'there has never been one' and that 'none exists.' There has been one. Blackwell did contribute groundbreaking things; there are things named after him because of those works in various fields, including information theory, statistics, electrical engineering, and economics. Because there has been one, one exists.

As for the other guys, most black people during that period were either slaves or being chased by animals in the Sahara. We're going to see more black people in science popping up in the next few decades because of the greater availability of resources to them.

The real answer is this: you're delusional. You make a statement, your statement is refuted by a counterexample based in fact, and then you claim that the 'answer' is whatever your opinion was in the first place.

>> No.8363985
File: 76 KB, 960x876, 1473432620224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shit the internet charts are out. Good job, champ it's a really pretty drawing. I'll put it on the fridge. Who wants a slurpee?

>> No.8363988


So you came to the science and mathematics board, but you refuse to discuss science and mathematics
when invited?

Talk to me about theoretical computer science. What do you know about it?

>> No.8363990

Samefag. I bet it pisses you off that /sci/ takes forever to answer anything.

>> No.8363992

>i only trust what huffingglue post tells me
besides, it's from fbi data. oh right the fbi is the white male patriarchy trying make everyone else look bad.

>> No.8363994

lol we wont be seeing more of them, maybe fake pop sci scientists like Neil, but the science, match and philosophy field will remain forever domianted by whites, black culture is cancer, if anything, we will see less of them as people are tired of their shit

>> No.8363995


>> No.8363998


>> No.8364003
File: 28 KB, 1084x455, try again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, i have nothing against black people. blm don't represent all black people thankfully.

>> No.8364005


American black people just got done being slaves a little more than 100 years ago

I dont get the whole eugenics thing. I think IQ depends on what country you live in to begin with. Then its if theyre male or female, then socio-economic factors, then the intelligence of the parents and how the child was raised, how much schooling the person got, how well the elementary/middle/high schools he went to did, and I guess after all of that you can start factoring in race/genetics, but as you can see if it does have a part in IQ its definitely a very small part.
The point being is there are so many factors that goes into a persons development as a baby/toddler/child/young adult that determines how smart you become and how much you can succeed that its pretty silly to think race is a single determination factor, and actually is very damaging to science as a whole.

>> No.8364009

I havent seen any objections from any other black people about what BLM has done so far. Silence is consent.

>> No.8364010
File: 74 KB, 491x491, 1468638799056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8364011

well shitposting about science and math is still discussing science and math, m8. it's in fact the best of both worlds.

>> No.8364012

photo is shooped. the line in the 4 comes out way further than the curve of the 6 below it.

>> No.8364013
File: 595 KB, 610x490, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ crew trolling hard here. Why are people responding to this thread? Why am I in this thread? Sage.

>> No.8364014

Racist monkey

>> No.8364016

there are plenty.

your tinfoil is showing.

>> No.8364017

Coz you can't stay away from your buttmad SJWtard roaches.

>> No.8364019

not tinfoil, minor in graphic design

>> No.8364021

some examples:

>> No.8364022

this is literally >reddit the post.
despite the extreme oppression by nazi and soviet forces, men still emerged being ranked among the smartest in the world, look at Grigori Perelman. literally one of the greatest math minds ever, and grew up in an incredibly hostile environment

>> No.8364024

I hope this 4chan poster data leak finally gets all of these retards v&

>> No.8364026

lol, even more worthless.

>> No.8364027

the amount of SJW on this board is insane. what the fuck happened?

>> No.8364031


Some more famous black math guys:

Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr., youngest student to ever attend UChicago, and the one who discovered the Wilkins effect (his parents were successful, so he had many resources growing up).

Clifford Victor Johnson, contributions to physics via string theory; Maxwell prize and NSF CAREER award.

Augustin Banyaga, black guy (from Africa) who did a lot of work in topology.

They're out there; you're probably just not familiar enough with science and mathematics
to know who has done significant work outside of the people the media chooses to portray.

>> No.8364034

people in hr watch the big bang theory and want to feel like the "cool physicists" they see on tv by posting here.

>> No.8364035

Sorry bro. But for every objection, there are 10 more BLM videos with disgusting animals chimping out.


>> No.8364040
File: 174 KB, 500x666, 1473670774107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only time /sci/ boards offer instant gratification unfortunately. I guess I see a bit of myself in these /pol/ trolls; I was a fucking edgy teen at one point. Lack of direction and trying to figure out what I wanted to do in life. Then I found science and never looked back. Maybe one of these trolls can move past the edge and toil in service to science one day, but I digress.

>> No.8364044
File: 160 KB, 888x1012, d92501_174581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're making the same mistake sjws are making.

>hurr durr look at all these rich white people
>therefore that white male beggar on the street is privileged like the rest

>hurr durr look at all these niggers
>therefore all black people are niggers

>> No.8364045


>we won't be seeing any more of them

You literally cannot say whether or not we will. The fact is that he's not even the only one. You sure are dedicated to believing that black people can't do anything.

Do you even personally know any black people?

>inb4 that 1 time jamal fukd my sister

>> No.8364046

because they're all too busy playing acting roles as the token black scientist/ president

>> No.8364048

>muh SJWtard boogeyman

>> No.8364054


What's with this "muh [x]" business?

>muh muh

I can locate your posts in your thread by your tendency to rely on >muh muh.

>> No.8364055

/sci/ still hasn't changed in all these years. Goodbye liberal and shitskin center. Enjoy your low IQ and criminal behaviour niggers you love so much, pathetic cucks.

>> No.8364058

Try lurking just a tad bit more.

>> No.8364060


You don't even know anything about hard math or science. What are you doing here?

>> No.8364061

I am aware of this. The problem is that the black people are a minority compared to niggers. Niggers consider being polite as faggy, being considerate as gay, speaking proper english and being educated as white, not doing drugs as pussy and some other shit.

So if you're not a thug wannabe who's after shooting innocent people or stealing something, you're not black.

>> No.8364066

no we wont, single motherhood, poverty, blacks leaving highschool, and black on black crime have been rising past 5 years lmao. like i said, black culture is trash, black people are trash

>> No.8364070


Says fucking who, you stupid libtard? Get back to your cuckshed.

>> No.8364072


We already have.

See: >>8364031

You sure are quick to turn a blind eye to evidence that you might be wrong, aren't you?

>> No.8364073

tbf the majority of every race is pretty shitty. notice how it's always the smallest fraction of a population that really progress humanity in any meaningful way.

>> No.8364075


Tell me something, anything about hard math or science that indicates you're more than some 14-year-old (or 30-year-old with the mindset of a 14-year-old) who is just here to make himself feel good about things he didn't even do.

>> No.8364081

The majority of no other race is as shitty as this aside from arabs and middle east shit. World would finally start progressing again if all niggers / sand-niggers dissapeared.

>> No.8364083


I don't have to prove you anything niggelover. People like you is the reason the White race is dying.

>> No.8364086

Why is this thread still up?

>> No.8364088

nah, it's culture mang. middle east is riddled with islam and black culture in america is gang ridden.

>> No.8364091

Because /sci/ is moderated by incompetent children. Try bringing it up again on >>>/qa/

>> No.8364092

We should just relocate them to the ghettos where they can be with their beloved rapist monkeys and away from all these racist white people. They end up covered in blood and cum and we get rid of a huge portion of retards.

It's a win-win :)

>> No.8364095


The valedictorian of my high school was half-black; he was hands-down the most intelligent person I've ever met.

He went to an Ivy league school to study in a STEM field. While affirmative action probably helped him, it didn't hurt him that he scored perfectly on the ACT, was black, and was valedictorian. Last I heard, he graduated with honors from that school and is now in graduate school with first-authored papers in his field.

You'd probably say that it's because he's half-white, but if he's half-white, those white genius genes are more active in him than they are in you. And he's black.

>> No.8364097


Plot twist, mods are the ones who's making these threads and theyre enjoying watching us waste our lives ;)

>> No.8364101

it's how they get views, b8 threads mang. the mod conspiracy is why we're not winners.

>> No.8364106

yea im sure that happened! cool story! did i tel you about the time i had sex with 3 porn stars at once?

>> No.8364109

I hate to say it but the most controversial threads are the most popular ones. I wouldn't have anything to do in a thread where everyone's agreeing with each other and nothing gets accomplished.

>> No.8364111

Neil? dudes a phony, was kicked outta his research position cause he was terrible. hes simply leaning on his black man crutch, it cant last forever

>> No.8364114

If we wanted to circle jerk we'd get tattoos of the rebel flag on our arms, buy a gun, and post on /pol/

>> No.8364121

nothing wrong with controversy, nothing like verbal sparring if you ask me.

>> No.8364123

Just as if we wanted to brag about some whitey we shot, some bitch we raped or some disease we got, we'd go to worldstarhiphop.com

>> No.8364127

Daily reminder that black culture is fucking trash. and breeds trash. and black people are subhuman

>> No.8364128

It happens anon. But they are a fucking minority.

>> No.8364132
File: 64 KB, 811x591, black nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Controversy is chaos, which is life
No controversy is entropy, which is death

I usually stir up some shit intentionally then feel good afterwards knowing that I delayed the inevitable digital and physical entropy thats going to bring the end of the universe :)

>> No.8364280


As are the geniuses of any race.

>> No.8364301

ITT: Autists providing evidence that race is a subjective concept by arguing about what scientists are and aren't black

>> No.8364303
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>> No.8364315
File: 160 KB, 588x387, twitterrape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or twitter.

>> No.8364962
