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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8362146 No.8362146 [Reply] [Original]

Post your anti qm degenerate science memes here.

>> No.8362151

What the fuck? There are tons of experiments that prove shit is not quantifyable. Try finding a berenstein bears book faggot.

>> No.8362155


>> No.8362156

You are literally defending a castle with it's foundations in the air..

>> No.8362159

learn about it and then complain about it. Without it the computer you are using probably wouldn't exist as well as a lot of other things

>> No.8362164

A floating castle seems pretty easy to defend.

Good luck getting up there nerdo

>> No.8362169

>claims i don't know anything about it
>defends a bunch of teories wich defy locality realism and enter into conflict with special relativity wich is far way better proven

watever faggot

>> No.8362184


>A bunch of scientists with a big laser shone light through a bunch of crystals and mirrors, and then counted up the light with highly sensitive photon detectors. What they discovered was astonishing. After they tallied the results up, they found exactly what they calculated they would find in the first place, give or take expected sources of experimental error. These results suggest there may be telepathic powers, or time travel, or even space aliens among us, although the scientists emphasized that nothing of the sort was demonstrated in their experiment. "Still, it goes to show you just how wacky and wild the quantum world is," one scientist told us.

>> No.8362186

Unfortunately, QM is the best we have for phenomena that can never be explained by a continuous module.

A statistical approach was just the most ideal given how it acts as a higher order of logic for large sets of data.

While no one can really defend some of the crack pot shit that QM has certainly led to in popular science terms, at the very least a quantized approach has its roots in sound mathematical reasoning. It can also predict with high certainty many outcomes which a continuous approach can never do.

>> No.8362194

1.) Quantum field theory fully integrates special relativity into quantum mechanics.
2.) Quantum electrodynamics is the most quantitatively accurate theory ever.

>> No.8362195

back to your containment board

>> No.8362206

Literally how can once claim:
>oh well you know the electron starts to behave as a wave function and well that wave will collapse when observed except a concius observer makes no difference, an observer could be verry well a sensor or other mater for that mater.
the wave function should colapse immediatly it shouldn't even be possible to convince a sound man about this.
We are literally talking about boogieman.

>> No.8362211

>special relativity wich is far way better proven
QM calculations yield experimental results with a precision higher than any other measurement in the whole of physics

>> No.8362222

>Having more faith in a abstract interpretation of nature made by man wich btw is incomplete
now apply that to a field where you can't verify the resoults apply statistics (wich can be interpreted as as a peer reviewer mostly welcomes) and throw in there some vodoo tier misticism teory like the holographic universe >get funding of bilions and bilions of dollars from international comunity and necer produce anything tangible
>rip super simmetry

>> No.8362231

>the computer you are using probably wouldn't exist


>> No.8362233

>he thinks QM is only relevant to contemporary cosmology
literally all modern chemistry is based on QM
and electronics is making the transition to full QM calculations

>> No.8362239

You could literally stuck your head in your ass as far as you could do it and work from there a qm theory of the world that would make sense to you but that doens't make it less of a stinky thing to do.

>> No.8362244

what the fuck is that word salad?

>> No.8362246

It's not a boogieman though, is it? Regardless of whether it is a conscious observer or some sensor, it's well known that merely making the observation adds energy to your model and perturbs it.

The wave-particle duality is, of course, strange; however, it's not like it's not backed by experimental evidence. It's probably one of the most important and covered experiments of the 20th century. You just have to deal with it; it's reality.

Simply because you don't like what happens in reality doesn't mean QM is at fault or is in any way bogus.

>> No.8362251

Infact it's not qm's foult I suspect it's mathmaticians foult for not doing a good enaugh job. Also sorry for the world salad it's too late in the night here.

>> No.8362267

It's not the mathematicians' fault either. It's they way most people were taught these things in Physical Chemistry II, Quantum Mechanics I, etc. Most professors basically baby feed students how QM developed and how the math works.

Most people never even know how important linear algebra is in all of this. Matrices were how Heisenberg proved the uncertainty principle. Matrices are the foundation of the Schrodinger equation.

Unfortunately, since most collegiate kids taking these courses are not smart enough and there's not enough time to cover it, most professors tend to not go through the rigor. You basically have to either require your kids take linear algebra before or teach them on the fly.

>> No.8362278

eather way something must be done about this. maybe start a well financed program for the exceptionally gifted that goes from th early school to late 20's? and some more censorship on fb pusts.. i really can't stand the ammount of stoners who watch vsauce and think they know shit.

>> No.8362307

I couldn't agree more; but that's the fuckery of the internet age. Kids are getting their information from youtube about things they probably won't ever learn in school and think they know the ABC's of all aspects of maths, physics and chemistry.

It's all a house of cards though; if you just blow on it, you'll find that they have no idea of what a derivative is, much less the concept of a matrix. So it will inevitably devolve into hippy shit where they think they're well informed because its 'science'.

>> No.8362325
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I was pumped to be taking modern physics next year but ya'll faggots ruined my hype.

>> No.8362355

Why the fuck?

>> No.8362363

>taking this place seriously

>> No.8362461


>> No.8362483

stay pumped, most of the naysayers are scarred of frontiers where they can't explain everything

>> No.8362693


>> No.8363537


>> No.8363545

Band theory of solids is some fun shit.

>> No.8363547

Quantum Mechanics is based around the idea of quantification, or discrete values of different properties.

Its been proven in different experiments that light is comprised of many different waves of light that each have a discrete exact energy level. Further with the advent that a particle known as "the photon" is the carrier of that energy of light we know that instead of being a massive wave of indistinguishable waves (kind of like if we had a wave of water interacting with another wave of water, they both had exact heights but when we add and interact them they become kind of muddled) it is a bunch of particles with an exact discrete energy level and this energy level corresponds to the frequency at which their traverse wave (given by the maxwell's equations) oscillates.

The weirdness of quantum mechanics comes from attempting to dig deeper and finding more and more probabilistic laws that govern these small "quantas" and the systems comprised of many quantas. Quantum Mechanics has a history that is based in evidence and discovery, but looking at its end results it is sometimes hard to see the connections.

If you want to learn more on the history and motivation of quantum mechanics, wave equations, and the other weirdness, I recommend watching anime and forgetting this fucking nerd shit science.

>> No.8363880

[math] S^AG_E [/math]