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8358341 No.8358341 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /sci/ approved antidepressants? i want to not feel like killing myself anymore, but not at the expense of my motivation (which, due to depression, i don't have much of anymore)

>> No.8358348

The only antidepressant is time
Eventually it doesn't hurt anymore. Probably because you're dead.

Alternatively, do cocaine and get laid.

>> No.8358351

>go to doctor
>"I'd give you antidepressants if you had a dumb job but as a PhD student you actually need to use your brain so it would be detrimental to your performances"
>"I can give you anti-stress pills, but they basically do nothing"
thanks doc

>> No.8358361
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>tfw I can't get hard when I do blow

>> No.8358365


Get some pussy, you'll feel better

>> No.8358366

easier said than done senpai

>> No.8358368

Tianeptine is one of the best. Little to no side effects, provides an instant mood boost, and significantly increases neurogenesis over time.

>> No.8358375


Just use tinder

>> No.8358377

Escitalopram. Duloxetine.

>> No.8358384

eat better food, go for a jog, listen to happy music. get professional help.

>> No.8358387

Exercise is not only the cheapest, but most effective thing you can do.

It also has the side effect of making your body work better and making you look better, both of which only help.

>> No.8358518

squats and oats

>> No.8358594

>Exercise is not only the cheapest, but most effective thing you can do.
It kills my anxiety.
The problems is that slobs have hard time finding the motivation.

>> No.8358614


>> No.8358618

Get a full set of blood work done. I had basically no vitamin D and felt great after a loading dose.

>> No.8358622

Because slobs have been living with mental masturbation and fantasy worlds.

Your body (including your brain) will work better.

Some of them have tried to change. But they fail eventually. Why?
Bad mental habits.

>> No.8358625

Also this.

>> No.8358631

How to acquire vitamin D?

>> No.8358637

Myprotein. Was very cheap like two weeks ago. There are plenty of websites. Powdercity maybe for the US.

>> No.8358638

Cardiovascular exercise. Running barefoot on soft grass feels amazeballs


>> No.8358655


this shit saved my life.

>> No.8358873

>hop on some klonopin
Wew lad. My anxiety is almost nonexistent for the rest of the day.
8/10 would recommend. Just be careful when you go a couple days without it. Your anxiety comes back and you feel like shit. Also don't get addicted. Stay at a low dose

>> No.8358889

go outside in the sun... or supplements

>> No.8359053
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Hugging Milhouse.
>I love you Bart

You serious? Depression is often associated with cognitive impairment. I think better on escitalopram than I did off it

>> No.8359126

It could be cynicism, but when I see this my first reaction is that you're selling your shit.

>> No.8359147

High quality chocolate, or unprocessed cacao nibs / powder. I'm entirely serious. It won't fix your problems, but it will buy you some time and artificially increase your functionality. What you choose to use that for will dictate your long term results. Coupling it with kava is even better.

Bear in mind that long term daily intake will make you prone to anxiety and very myopic. You'll be clever and highly insightful, but only in the most narrow and hyperfixated sense. So if you try it (which is unlikely, you'll likely just ignore me), bear this in mind. You could pure phenylethylamine as well. Or phenibut.

All pharmacological approaches are nearly useless if you aren't unraveling your core problems and creating a better environment for yourself. Don't convince yourself you can get around putting in the effort towards self discovery and change, and just get some magic pill to keep living in the same shit way that obviously isn't working.

>> No.8359169

>High quality chocolate
By the way, this means something like Taza or Equal Exchange.

A pretty good heuristics is if a chocolate uses soy lecithin as an emulsifier, it's probably subpar. Cost cutting bullshit. They want to avoid buying chocolate liquor, or extra cocoa butter.

>> No.8359175

Exercise, I was prescribed escitalopram but did exercise and it worked wonders, I no longer want to kill myself at all times.

>> No.8359176

Also soy lecithin is -apt- to make a drier chocolate with different texture, thermal, and crumbling characteristics. Which I personally find to be inferior in a chocolate product that isn't engineered towards some specialty application.

>> No.8359204

>Sex fixes deep seated psychological problems
underage b&

>> No.8359222

Not so bioavailable, very rapidly metabolized by MAO. Heroic doses routinely yield no effects
Excellent anxiolytic at 2-4g, very nice mental and physical relaxation with minimal cognitive inhibition. Good for working effectively under very stressful situations, particularly overcoming social anxiety without acting "high," making an ass of yourself and self-hating the next day/week. DO NOT drink alcohol with it. Moderately high dependence liability (cf. alcohol, benzos) don't use it to get to sleep or much more than once a week
I'm pretty skeptical on kavalactones (and kratom while we're at it.) Your results may vary.
>unraveling your core problems and creating a better environment
This is huge. A lot of problems fundamentally have environmental/relationship causes/correlates, and moving your "baseline" to a better place is always an advantage even if you do utilize drugs

The one I really want to add is tianeptine,

>> No.8359243


>> No.8359245

>Not so bioavailable, very rapidly metabolized by MAO.
Very bioavailable, and not really relevant. By the time phenylethylamine has bound to its target receptors, it's largely already done its job. Hence why orgasm leaves a lingering change in psychological state. Phenylethylamine's role is hormone, endorphin, and dopamine modulation. Which is why it can be a decent painkiller.

>Excellent anxiolytic at 2-4g
I don't recommend anything over 500mg, personally. 1 gram made me feel apathetic and braindead when it really started to peak. 750mg resulted in high/drunken-like effects.

>I'm pretty skeptical on kavalactones (and kratom while we're at it.) Your results may vary.
You're pretty damn skeptical of everything. Of course your results will vary. Lumping kratom in with kava, for fuck's sake, shows exactly where your mindset is at.

Offer substantive commentary or shush. Don't build off a post if you're just going to generate clutter and be obnoxious. I actually have extensive personal experience with what I've mentioned, and a decent understanding of the underlying pharmacology, and don't see how your two cents was at all additive.

>> No.8359247

lamotrigine is great

>> No.8359259

If you absolutely have to drug yourself, try adderall. I have scripts for both that and Xanax (latter for insomnia) and the former is more effective for short-term results and a way lower risk of dependency.

>> No.8359262

>has insomnia
>takes adderall

your doc is a quack

>> No.8359265

>Riding the stimulant sedative wave daily
Lol. Also, fuck amphetamine. Terrible idea for depression.

>> No.8359295

i've tried amphetamines/stimulants for depression, and in my experience they don't work. sometimes they give me euphoria and motivation but more often than not i can still feel my depression and anhedonia behind the amphetamine effects. it's hard to describe idk.

>> No.8359313

>Exercise, I was prescribed escitalopram but did exercise and it worked wonders, I no longer want to kill myself at all times.
Kek. Seems like a weird advertising.

>> No.8359316

I laughed at the wording as well.
"I no longer want to kill myself at all times."

>> No.8359331

>Cardiovascular exercise. Running barefoot on soft grass feels amazeballs
fire ants

>> No.8359440

I mean, Shulgin and the entire body of erowid experience reports go up against you on oral activity of unsubstituted phenethylamine. I've even fed people several grams of it over a few hours specifically to isolate phenylacetic acid from their urine as a proof of concept and noticed no central activity of note. Like how enteral MSG carries no health risks but glutamate injected directly into brain tissue causes plenty
>not really relevant
ADME bruh. If it can't D before it M's you don't really get the response

>Lumping kratom in with kava, for fuck's sake
"Your results may vary" is a euphemism. Content of specific kavalactones is hardly uniform and variation in actual response to them is atypically large. Like kratom, which some people prefer recreationally to oxycodone and U-47700 and others find too dysphoric to treat withdrawals, and has seen some results strikingly enough for depression.

Tianeptine, though.

>> No.8359441

Just kill yourself or dont. Doesn't matter either way my friend.
Thats like being upset because you cant figure out which movie you want to watch

>> No.8359463
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>Hugging Milhouse.

>> No.8359725

So how does one develop discipline and break bad mental habits?

>> No.8359735

meditation/mindfulness on both counts imo

>> No.8359753
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Knowing what kind of shitty ideas and frames make you feel demotivated or anxious.

Everytime I actually achieve something which improved myself, I always asked myself: so? you are still a piece of shit. So, everytime I thought that, I associated that thought with the personification of frogposters, like pic related, or associated with a "nerd"kind of voice.

Also, everytime I failed at something, I asked myself, why can't I win?
These kind of questions will only make you feel bad, so I tried to overwrite it with a new question, how can I do it better?/is there something I can do to improve the results?

I always cared about things that I actually couldn't control. Now, I have changed quite a bit.

I have still some problems, but the anxiety and depression I had regularly, have been reduced immensely. And it's produced by something I can improve.

>> No.8359760

Also I read somewhere >>8359735 is actually good. But I keep making excuses to do it. Do you guys know how to meditate?

>> No.8359763

What do you mean? Like meditation for a certain time of the day and then mindfulness throughout the day?

>> No.8359888

soft grass isn't an option for everyone :^)

>> No.8359894

literally just take like 10-15 minutes, close your eyes, and reflect on the things you have going for you. Even if you're pessimistic, take that time to not worry about every bad outcome throughout your day. Breathe and relax.

>> No.8359919

you can't just cannabis?

not even one? lol

>> No.8359988

i do occasionally, but it starts becoming detrimental if i start using it more than like once a month, desu. starts making me paranoid or gives me anxiety attacks, or starts making me lazy. but when it works, it works wonders.

>> No.8360095

>implying i said it did
that's what the cocaine is for

>> No.8360297

Coffee, maths, and gf

>> No.8360314

stay mindful, keep a meditating schedule

>> No.8360438

They told me it's just trying to not think about anything, i mean, focusing on your sensations every second.

>> No.8360467

> exercise, I like kettlebell swings if nothing else (look up t-bar)
> 1 banana + 1 tbsp peanut butter before bed
> L-tryptophan + 5-htp before bed

>> No.8360485

Yeah, what that anon is talking about is something different. It does help tremendously to be grateful though.

You have meditation right. Focus in on a sound or a feeling to stop inner monologue. You probably already know this but it's totally fine and inevitable to mess up a lot and lose focus. In fact, most of the mental benefits of meditation don't come from being in the present moment, but from the skill of silencing thoughts. Practicing meditation means having to constantly refocus and derail trains of thought. After doing that thousands of times, you easily avoid indulging in negative thought patterns throughout your day and not be affected by them.

>> No.8360491

Thats dat sit right dere

>> No.8360499

Wew. Great info lad. I feel like I can do it almost everywhere.

Ie. in the train, bus, etc.

They say it promoves neurogenesis too. Check it up.

>> No.8361046


>> No.8361628


>> No.8361704
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Listen to some Grimes.

>> No.8361715
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>it's a grimes is your girlfriend dream

>> No.8361841

MDMA works wonders in combination with close friends.

>> No.8361862

>close friends.
this might be part of the reason for my depression in the first place desu

>> No.8361888

Work on bonding with other people.
It's not too hard, unless you have anxiety.
Which from personal experience I would say is far easier to overcome than depression.

gl m8, I rly hope you pull through

>> No.8361908

Been depressed all my life OP and I'm old, too old to be on here anymore but it's a 10 year habit at this point.

For me SSRi's have worked to a moderate degree. They don't erase my problems or depression but they helped a lot make my depression and anxiety manageable. For me they also rounded off my feelings in general. Not to a major degree. Just enough so my general affect seemed diminished. Considering that I was no longer completely miserable I didn't care at all.

The side effects were mild. It took me longer to cum, Paxil made me leak a little urine on occasion when holding my bladder, I gained probably 10 pounds but lost it when I started running, and I did get the brain shivers when I tapered off both paxil and lexapro.

If you can see a doctor you should just describe what you're experiencing (make sure that you tell me that you have ideas of suicide but no plan so you don't get taken to the booby hatch) Do some research on which meds might treat your symptoms and ask if he or she thinks it might be prudent to get on them because your depression has greatly impacted the quality of your life.

Try one and if it doesn't work tapper off and try another ssri or a tricyclic like trazodone.

Don't let people talk you out of trying For some people they don't work and some people have side affect that they didn't like but if you're genuinely depressed and have been depressed for a long time, if you're anything like me, the relief from depression that SSRi's can bring is worth any side effect.

I wish you luck man

>> No.8361914

Also, I haven't tried them but snri's might work for you. I have anxiety which they can exacerbate but if you're not anxious then you might consider them. I'm not sure if this is true anymore but they used to be way more expensive around 5 years ago because they're a newer class that many if not all are under patent control.

>> No.8362006
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Le ganje can help you temporarily forget and look at old things with fresh eyes, like all things it's neither good/bad.

just is