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File: 80 KB, 730x305, psychologybanner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8356258 No.8356258 [Reply] [Original]

What is the psychology behind getting famous, on for example Youtube? Everyone can do a lets play series, but some do it better and succeed more than others, what is the psychology behind that?

Can you use basic human psychology to your advantage in order to get famous?

>> No.8356268
File: 283 KB, 1024x1534, 1443796076196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Don't be a clone of the other let's players, i.e provide your audience something unique.
2. Don't be a helium-voiced 15-year-old.
3. Play interesting games that people might want to see, but not the games that 1000 other let's player have played.
4. Have people advertise you around the Internet. Marketing is everything.

>> No.8356275

But shouldn't there be a lot of ways to use psychology to build a loyal audience for your channel that'll advertise you for free basicly?

>> No.8356307

>psychology is mind control

>> No.8356314

that's not what im saying you fucking retard, there is scientific reasearch that asking people for a favor makes them rationalize that the only reason they did the favor is because they like you, and then like you even more, and that for example could be used by a youtuber to ask their fans to for favors to make them like you even more. ofc this doesn't work on all people, but on the average person, therefore psychology can be used in your favor to get famous and popular, retarded faggot im not saying mind control

>> No.8356327


[citation needed]

>> No.8356858
File: 242 KB, 649x484, HKUSP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--------------- You see that thing right there? One of Those

Bring something new to the table that no-one else is doing. It can be something as simple as a funny accent (See: JackSepticEye), or it can be in the style of video you are making. Do something no-one is doing, capitalise on an untapped market. Do something that makes you different from everyone else.

And of course, have good production values. Good sound and video rendering etc. If you're doing gaming, shoot for 30fps at a minimum and 60fps as ideal. Anything below 30 and people will get eye cancer. Keep frame rate consistent if you can.

If you want an example of A unique youtube channel, check out "Ahoy". In recent years, he's been doing great documentary style videos on Games, Media and Firearms. There's nothing really quite like him.
