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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8356098 No.8356098 [Reply] [Original]

Who else here thinks chemistry is fucking gay. It's just so much work and such a hassle, wish I would've took biology this semester instead. Calculus is honestly way easier than chemistry in my opionion, this shit just doesn't make sense to me. Fuck chemistry bro.

>> No.8356123

underage fagget

>> No.8356148

Chemistry fucks you.

>> No.8356159

It is tedious and time consuming, that is it. It is a cozy class/field for autists desu.

>> No.8356161


Oh man, if you can't chemistry, you're fucked.

How in the shit is calculus easier? You hardly have to do any advanced math what I'm imagining is a 100 or 200 level course.

>> No.8356170

Bro you have to convert sig figs and shit and understand molecular stuff and understand the periodic table like fuck all that shit is just too much to remember in my opinion. Calculus is way simple because it's dry and solid and the problems are much more straight forward.

>> No.8356175

Depending on what level of schooling you're at:
>You can learn what to do in calculus
>A good deal of the information in early chemistry courses is just memorized

>> No.8356178


Chemistry is fucking comfy dude. Where you at?

Just do the reading, write down definitions, don't skip lecture, DO THE FUCKING HOMEWORK

and you'll get at LEAST a B, dude. It's just work. It's not even hard.

>> No.8356216


something tells me it's the same moron

>> No.8356228

All you really need to know is that Z adds syn and E adds anti

>> No.8356232

>prefers boilogy over chemistry
>calls chemfags autists
you gotta bait harder bro

>> No.8356358
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>not straight forward

>> No.8356361

You're just fucking lazy

>> No.8356379

that is an extremely painful spectrum

>> No.8356465
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>> No.8356509

What, was 2D NMR not invented yet in 2013 or something?

>> No.8357199
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Do your homework and study, then it's not that hard. I had calculus and a lot of other math stuff as a part of my bachelor's (I'm a europoor) which actually ended up costing me one year more because my lazy ass did nothing and failed the classes. Chemistry is definitely easier (and calculus is the more comfy part of math desu). If you think that biology is easier than chemistry, you're dead wrong, trust me.

Everything is time consuming because you have to learn for it. If you go to college/university for killing time instead of learning, you should re-evaluate your life choices.

>all that shit is just too much to remember in my opinion
Chemistry, probably more than any other stem natural science, is full of patterns. Take a look at the halogens or the alkaline metals. Find the patterns, memorise them, then inorganic chem is easy. For OChem, remembering lone electron pairs and empty p orbits helps you out a lot, desu.

This doesn't do analytical chemistry justice. For molecules as large as this, you usually do a 13C-, 1H-, 2D-NMR and mass spectrum. Trying to verify the structure only from a 1H-NMR is straight out impossible.

Sorry for being an ass here but I think a lot of you people have a wrong perception of studying chemistry and chemistry in general.

>> No.8357502
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I'm a microbiologist but I fucking loved chemistry and took it nearly every semester of my undergrad year (also interned at an ochem synthesis over the summer of my sophomore year).
If you're in the biology field and can't do chemistry you might wanna reconsider your field m8

>> No.8358115

>full of patterns
are you fucking kidding me? there are exceptions to every fucking rule and nothing is always intuitive. dont even get me started on inorganic chem

>> No.8358318


Intro chem you don't even have to memorize that many things. The fornulas are easy af. Plug and chug

>> No.8358320

This. I like chemistry but the lack of real laws really pisses me off. It feels like trying to study the stock market.

>> No.8358385

>lack of real laws
Z adds syn, E adds anti

>> No.8358391
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>> No.8358394
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It gets better. If you're a bio major queer it'll make more sense later. It's kinda dumb that you don't really learn any of the cool stuff until your junior year.

>pic related

Having to learn all the amino acid structures for biochem. Shit would have made genetics way more mind blowing

>> No.8358432

>Implying I don't dislike bio more than I have apathy for chemistry

Wew, lad, chemfags these days.

Nah, it isn't even the learning aspect. It is just the pure tedium of the subject. Now, where did I say uni is for killing time? I am a busy person, I'd prefer not to repeat labs for percent yield, because of shitty equipment, nor would I like to do problem sets for a class in which only the retarded needs to do problem sets for after reading the book. Maybe chemfags just have low IQs, and have to work harder on simpler things.

I know I'd rather spend my time on research, an internship, or socializing/hobbies instead of spending time learning the second most autistic science (bio has first place for autists).

>> No.8358434

You have exceptions to rules in every field and if you know why they exist, they stop being exceptions. There are certain rules for OChem which are universal:
* A quarternary cation is more stable than a primary one
* Cyclopropane rings show double bond behaviour
* Z adds syn, E adds anti
And many more. If you come across any exception when learning a rule, always ask yourself why they exist. This is applies to every STEM field.

>> No.8358438

chemistry is retarded

there are all these rules but then there's like 20 different exceptions for this molecule and that molecule. it's retarded and it's not even consistent.

>> No.8358606

Sophomore orgo should really be taught with a much greater emphasis on the frontier orbital theory. It's one of the real triumphs of predictive ability and handily explains several counterintuitive observations. Usually, though, all the students get is "diels alder uses the HOMO and LUMO, and it's more endo 'cause these dumbbells are closer."

Mate, that doesnt mean chemistry is retarded, it means you're retarded.
Robust chemical predictions rely a lot more heavily on implicit observation, awareness and inference than does working out the trivial predictions of a prescriptive theory. Not everyone has that sort of intuition, or can handle besides-formulaic work

>> No.8358628

are you too stupid to learn rules and their exceptions, can you not function outside of your comfort zone?

>> No.8358669
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>all these rules
>he's talking about the octet rule

The octet principle is not a real 'rule' - it's an erroneous oversimplification of quantum shell theory, and basically proclaims that in most cases, elements under neon will bond as to produce low-energy state 2p6 atom cores. The 'rule' does not take into account bonding phenomena such as hybridization and resonance structures. It's not even remotely difficult to understand.

>> No.8358691

i honestly believe that you first gotta learn/read about physics to become passionate, interested or understand chem.

>> No.8358712

Personally I've found coming up with an idea, synthesizing the molecule, characterizing with spectroscopy and nailing the target molecule to be a pretty rewarding experience. Blows my mind we've got all these drawings of molecules and we've figured out how to really manipulate the shit out of matter and make what we want.

>> No.8358713
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that pic

>not drawing line structures
>not including chirality

2/10 cuz

>> No.8358729

>not hiding carbons
>CH3, not Me
>not drawing the amino acids horizontal but rather in a retarded fashion such that their R groups stick out
>no stereochemistry shown at all
i cant even imagine the horror isoleucine is on your paper

>> No.8358731

ITT: Mad high schoolers being dumb

>> No.8358856

I did that for the memorization of it, it was the tenth time I went through and drew them so I was getting sloppy.

>> No.8358925

>straight forward

Not even close

>> No.8358964

I always hated doing NMR

>> No.8358990
File: 6 KB, 225x225, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First semester in college here, I fucking love my theoretical chemistry class, but fuck the lab class is diving me insane. It's not that the subject is hard, it's just that I have no interest in it. Fuck my chemistry lab class, I hate it so much. Preparing my pre-lab takes way longer than my chem homework, that's just so stupid.

>> No.8359020

OP is obviously in high school.

>> No.8359064

I could not agree more. When I started my Bachelor's, I only had a vague idea about orbitals, their foundations and their implications. I'm lucky enough that my university offers an obligatory course in theoretical chemistry for bachelor students but it gets taught at the very end which is way too late.
It would really be great to have this (or at least a crash course) taught at the first semester, and in all universities. This would help a lot of people with organic and inorganic chemistry.

>> No.8359074

I remember chemistry being gay mostly from all of the ludicrous things they expect of the students. Prelabs, lab notebooks, lab reports, and then all of the bullshit in lecture. I guess my physics class was similar, but it wasn't near as bad. It seemed like the Gen Chemistry course just piled on bullshit for the sake of doing it.

>> No.8359092

Hail Sasha, full of psychs, science is with thee; blessed art thou amongst investigators, and blessed is the fruit of thy mind, PiHKAL. Holy Sasha, Father of trips, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of ego death. ++++.

>> No.8359205

Maybr just 1D. But 2d experiments make it a lot easier to elucidate. Especially if you can manage to get enough sample to do INADEQUATE

>> No.8359226

Chemistry is one of the very few real sciences. How can you fail so terribly at a real science? Literally the entire thing is about shit humans have already figured out without margins for error in any way and has full repeatable results.

Biology isn't even a real science. Repeating results in biology is next to impossible.

>> No.8359233

Dammit, I had to look that one up.
Teach us your ways, great NMRtist

>> No.8359335

People who complain about chemistry also blame their teachers for making a class hard.

Why do these people think the science that concerns itself with how reality is actually constructed is going to be just as easy as Macroscopic Simplifications (physics) and Brain Teasers (math)?

>> No.8359357

2D has made 1D little more than something used to generate the axes of the 2-D spectra. It still isn't taught much in beginning OChem classes for whatever reason, but I think recently they've started adding at least COSY to the curriculum.

DEPT is probably the only 1D on the same level as 2D, it tells you which carbons are C, CH, CH2, or CH3; combine it with HSQC, which directly correlates HNMR signals to CNMR signals, and you can forgo HNMR integration altogether. COSY correlates Hydrogens 3 bonds away from each other and will lead to most of the strucutre being elucidated. HMBC correlates Carbons and Hydrogens 3-4 bonds away and fills in the gaps left by COSY. HMBC and COSY are great for biochem experiments too, since you can actually monitor changes in the spectra to tease out the active site. NOESY tells you about through space coupling and 3D structure, but X-ray crystallography is better if you can get crystals. INADEQUATE is top tier shit that just tells you what the carbon skeleton is, but you better be ready run 24 hour to one week experiments to get any good data out of it.

>> No.8359390

This. Pls don't downgrade OP. I too hate chemistry but I know it is important and it's a noble science. If you're good at calculus I don't you go to physics?

>> No.8359393


>> No.8359402

>I'd prefer not to repeat labs for percent yield, because I'm a shitty scientist

>> No.8359419

Taking gen chem and saying chem is gay is the equivalent of taking pre-calc and saying math is gay.

>> No.8359420

>orgo at a cc
>benzoic acid via grignard
>yes, you're doing it microscale
>no, you're not working under nitrogen
>no, you're not passing it through a desiccant
>yes, you're using solid co2
>damn, why did everyone get under a percent yield?
>whatever, full points all round.
I still rage to this day

>> No.8359748

chem has the most qt girls in stem prove me wrong

>> No.8359752

>inb4 bio

>> No.8359778

This is true. Bio has more and better at the undergrad level, but PhD and beyond only the autistic freaks remain, and you don't want anything to do with them. Chem seems to retain at least some part of the decent-looking and socially functional girl population from undergrad up to PhD level. At least that's what my experience has been.

>> No.8360330
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Those gorilla arm wildlife bio majors sure are lookers eh anon

>> No.8360341

tfw 3rd time taking gen chem
still not giving up
also yes i did slack a shit ton my sophomore year and i had some legit problems freshman
kinda want to kill myself now but I think once i pass it ill be a happy man once again

>> No.8360353


the coarse filter is working

>> No.8360386

that's a good meme

>> No.8360395
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I just took chem over the summer, kept putting it off.
It sucked. Calc i-iv, diff eq., 300-level physics classes were all easier. Gen chem was just insanely tedious, and just memorization of rules that are just "good enough."
More than anything, I think it was just my attitude. But I'm not so full of myself to think that I may just be dumb as well.

>> No.8360436
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>> No.8360515

If you're good in maths, take physics. What are you expecting from making a science-bitching-thread on a science board? Face it, it's not the field that sucks, it's you.
Fucking brainlets...

>> No.8360540


I know that feel bro.

I loved my chem lectures, loved doing the problems and the reading and that feeling of crushing a midterm.

Then I walked over to lab for my weekly torture session of watching chemicals boil and change from green to a darker green for 2-3 hours while taking gay notes and half the time the reagents had the wrong fucking molarities because our lab techs sucked. FUCK gen chem labs. I hope O-chem will be better this quarter.

i should go into math or theoretical physics, fuck applications

>> No.8360542


>Biology and medical science has a replication crisis of worse than 50%
>people still think those are real sciences

he's right you know. Don't even get me started on Psychology

>> No.8360762

Gen chem is kind of an elementary descriptive survey of the actual chemistry one does later (or never.) It's unsatisfying almost by design.

>> No.8360793
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>Middle of orgo Chem ii
>ask my lab partner to hand me the dichloromethane
>he says "we don't have any there's just this container of methylene chloride"

>> No.8360812

>I don't you go to physics
Are you ok man?

>> No.8360821

is that dog supposed to be a tamale or a banana?

>> No.8360895


>> No.8360946

Banana who?

>> No.8360947

I'm liking the class. I just hate the graded clicker assignments my professor forces us to do randomly. It would be fine if it was used as practice, but it's actually graded.

>> No.8360948

Just took my first exam in Gen Chem, shit was easy as fuck. Does it get way more difficult later on?

>> No.8361002

Gen chem? Not really
Maybe Rate laws and equilibrium if the conceptual parts don't click for you

>> No.8361042

It is to pad the grading so he doesn't have to deal with students begging for leeway in grading come end of the semester. It is to filter out the whiners from "pre-med".

>> No.8361518

oh, is someone taking Ochem and they realized that med school is now out of the question
Don't worry, universities need want to be lawyers to pay the bills as well.

Work harder

>> No.8361558

Not terribly, stoich is pretty easy but if you don't like math then you won't like stoich. Only other mildly difficult thing was pi and sigma bonds. If your school wants you to take the ACS thats super hard because there are so many questions and so many of them take time to do.

>> No.8362852


This didn't happen, you faggot

>> No.8362908

It will save you more time if you just skipped drawing the carbons/hydrogens.

>> No.8362910

I guess this is true.
Doing gen chem now, any question I ask a teacher now results in "I would explain it but it delves into physics and that'll take a whole other lesson".

>> No.8363457

>full of patterns, more than other STEM natural science

Apparently, Physics is not a thing now

>> No.8363487

Ahhh benzene rings etc.

>> No.8363493

>stinky chemistry


>> No.8363495

>Me over CH3

fuck that

>> No.8363497

>grignard in air
microscale is literally fine though famalam

>> No.8363504

>bio has first place for autists
Bio is the most normie science of them all. True autists are in Physics

>> No.8363517

>Quarternary cation
I guess you mean tertiary. Steric hindrance can prevent formation of tertiary cations, since some structures can not become flat.

I'm pretty sure cyclopropane rings don't coordinate to transition metals such as rhodium, but I might be wrong here since I have no experience in this

>> No.8363535

Chem is fucking cool and anyone who doesn't enjoy it or see the worth and interest it offers is a retard.

Granted I got too annoyed with it when I got to taking inorganic and biochem one semester and just switched my chem/math major/minor to minor/major.

Wish what I was planning to do after college could make use of some of what I learned in chem courses since it's interesting stuff but I suck at it

>> No.8363569

>ochem lab will be better than genchem lab
All undergrad labs are shit tbqh famlam. Instructors and TAs don't give a shit about you, they're trying to weed you out, and all the equipment is literally ass.

>> No.8363578

It probably did, and the person was probably a premed

>> No.8363621

It's a shit law if you need to have exceptions

>> No.8363732

if you understand where the law comes from you understand where the exceptions come from

>> No.8363748

>everything is like this
>oh except it isn't

>> No.8363759

everything is like this is told to retards like biologists who dont have time to understand chemistry

>> No.8363768

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.8363779
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>> No.8363832

>Look at me i'm in second year!

>> No.8364775

Talking about chem. Can someone draw the reaction between Acetylene and Baeyer's reactant for me. Not the wikipedia one please.

>> No.8365419

>chemistry is fucking gay
found the butthurt-boi who can't
in2 balanced chem-reactions
Protip: Lrn2modular-algebra fgt pls

>> No.8365560

As a person whos taken a fuck ton of bio and chem classes when I was in undergrad, I can tell you that bio gets hsrder than chem.
Upper level bio requires thinking, which triggers autists who loved orgo because they enjoyed memorizing hexagons and arrows.
There are almost 0 asians in an advanced physio class for example, meanwhile your analytical/quantitiative chem class will be full of them.

Either way, avoid science. Do finance and don't fuck up your life.

>> No.8365562

I fucking hate NMR with a passion

>> No.8365698

Chemistry is very very easy compared to the other sciences/math. It just requires a higher level of intelligence to do well.

>> No.8365703

If you need to analyze your compound, NMR is a godsend.

>> No.8365884

NMR is the best. Although it's true that for complex compounds 1D is garbage

>> No.8365895

>writing Me instead of CH3
>implying stereochem matters for amino acids in most biochemistry settings when they're all L anyway

>> No.8365916

Chemistry is easily the most autistic subject ouside of math. Bio is normie central and Physics is not nearly as autistic as people here say. I have literally never met a chemfag who was all the way there. It's ridiculously tedious on top of being difficult which usually sends smart normies to something like physics instead. Biochemfags are slightly more normal.

t. chemical physics

>> No.8366072

I'm biochemistry and the reminded me of the horrible horrible mistake that was doing metabolism and immunology at the same times

>> No.8366092

My experience has literally been the opposite for bio and chem. Most chemfags I have met beyond undergrad are actually functional (with a few extreme exceptions), while most biofags are weird autists, sometimes in the bad sense. You are right about physics though, they are mostly full of "alpha" tryhard nerds, not that autistic.

>> No.8366251

My undergrad was UCLA (normie premed central) so I imagine it varies from university to university.

>> No.8366252

>alpha tryhard nerds
This so much

I loved taking physics but dear lord

>> No.8366532

Except for when you do it with a minute quantity of water-sensitive reagent and a large excess of frosted-over co2, senpai

>chemistry is easy, it's just harder.

>> No.8366613

>Who else here thinks OP is fucking gay. Hes so fucking lazy and wishes he would've taken a course which requires less higher reasoning and more memorization so that he could slip through the cracks once again. He enrolled in higher education and is shocked that it challenged him to think harder. Fuck OP bro.

>> No.8366923

Why would he need chirality on amino acids, I'm not being a faggot I'm guenuinely curious, not that far in genetics/ a biological concentration to know and would like to hear a straighter answer than I'd get from wiki

>> No.8366948

>Calculus is honestly way easier than chemistry in my opionion
I agree. I fucking hated Chem in uni. It's the only science subject I suck at/hate.

>> No.8367143

Chemfag here, I had good grades in chem but nearly failed multivariable calculus, can you elaborate?

>> No.8367332

shouldve just grabbed the bottle of CS2 for fun

add in methyliodide afterwards for the xanthate ester because why not

>> No.8367513

>xanthate ester
b-but the lab safety video said no unauthorized experiments a-anon san

>> No.8367533

I'm so glad I started down the analytical path and havnt touched NMR in years. I remember doing some work on solid samples, getting the most cancerous spectra ever. Thankgod for MAS

>> No.8367569

>all the equipment is literally ass
This so hard

>Every scale fluctuated like 10 grams
>Every time you walk in it's a roulette game on whether or not all your glassware will be there
>Professor is a PhD student straight off the plane from Jordan and has trouble with English
>Lab experiments had to be altered because it assumed we were in there for 5 hours, not 2-3
>Wrote more shit by hand than I've ever had to type in the lab manuals

>> No.8367570

Chemistry is a solved science, I don't know why people bother

>> No.8367779

>>8367570 (You)

>> No.8367799

big pharma moni

>> No.8367954

/sci/ loves to delude themselves but Undergrad Ochem is literally stamp collecting, and tons of rote memorization, compared to every other hard science, let alone math. There are reactions that you have to memorize because the mechanisms aren't even understood yet. Plus, the majority of the rules that you "learn" don't even make sense until you validate them with Pchem.

The classes are a joke. No actual thinking required. Advanced ochem is much better.

t. A+ in both Ochem 1, 2 and 99th percentile in ACS finals. Current chem grad student

>> No.8367964

>Undergrad Ochem is literally stamp collecting, and tons of rote memorization, compared to every other hard science, let alone math.
wow, it's almost as if noone likes introductory orgo and biochem for being monotonous and boring

>> No.8368029
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>tfw first year chemistry grad student in PhD program
>tfw in a project i love, great people in lab, etc.
>tfw lab technique is utter shit compared to my labmates (who are all 3rd, 4th, and 5th years)
>tfw i have to puppy dog them because a lot of our preps and chemistry involve explosive, pyrophorric, and air sensitive materials and im scared to fuck up.
>tfw i want to be friends with the guy mentoring me, but i can tell he is kind of annoyed he has to teach me all this stuff
>tfw major imposter syndrome
>tfw i literally lay awake at night anxious and scared because I think I made a silly mistake in lab that my mentor is going to find in the morning
>tfw trying to make 1 friend in a new home thousands of miles from birthplace and too socially anxious / negative ideas about myself to actually carry a conversation with him or think he actually likes me at all


>> No.8368521

My non-competition clause expires in three months. Look out, world!

What's your field, if I may ask?

>> No.8369206

He's probably a physics undergrad at a mediocre college who did well in chemistry, not an actual grad student