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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8351023 No.8351023[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /sci/ feel about him?

>> No.8351025

sick of looking at his dumb face desu.

>> No.8351037


>> No.8351339
File: 979 KB, 1290x616, why jews aren't technically people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking phony sci channel with smug face. But, good material for ebin memes.

>> No.8351364

>man reads a few wikipedia pages in a witty voice 4 times a year
>420 billion views + tip

>> No.8351377

He's obviously a great educator, has a original entertaining style and other qualities.

>> No.8351393

Content isn't bad but there are significantly better content creators (e.g. Tom Scott) who deserve that kind of exposure more, IMO

>> No.8351429


please don't equate what he is doing with actual education.

>> No.8351433

he's like a little lighter, you know?
he can light your curiousity for these kinds of scientific toppics.
if you're "flammable" enough you might just catch fire and board the science-train.

'lot better than vine or filthy frank or [insert stupid shit/shock value humour etc]

>> No.8351552

fucking This.

>> No.8351590

At least shock humour doesn't operate on the false pretense of education.

>> No.8351678

i like what he does, it makes children more interested in science.

>> No.8351689


>> No.8351700


>> No.8351704

>At least
stopped reading there

>> No.8351723

popsci ruins everything

>> No.8351725

I don't know who he is, and I'm only quoting you so I don't have to find out.

>> No.8351727

EDIT: Thanks for the (You), kind stranger!

>> No.8351741


Why don't you do it then? Oh wait because it takes a little more than that and you know it

>> No.8351742


I hate this man more than i Hillary and (((them)))

>> No.8351911

Hey, Vsauce! Michael here...

There is a web board on the internet called "4chan."

One of the sections of this website is called "/sci/"

The purpose of /sci/... is to be... completely scientific...

But what if... /sci/... stopped... being scientific...

What if every post made... on this board was just... some retard... posting about time travel...

What if every post was literally a copy of a retard... copying a retard...

What if instead of "scientific"... they were named something else... something more accurate of a description...

What if they were called... "/retard/" instead...

What if /sci/ ... became /retard/...

But what if...we changed the meaning...of /retard/...

What if instead of /retard/ meaning "another post about time travel"...we gave it a different name...

What if we called it...impossible...

time travel...is impossible...but /sci/ users don't care...

There are more...time travel threads...than there are...scientific threads...

What if retards...left /sci/...so it was scientific once again...

And as always...thanks for watching!

>> No.8351923

3/7 post
kind of enjoyable

>> No.8351927


Ok work anon kun

>> No.8352793

he makes videos about useless facts that he disguises as science and make them think they are smart by having watched all his videos

>> No.8352800

he's okay i guess

goes off on barely tangentially related ramblings too much for my taste

>> No.8352846

too much dots.........................................

>> No.8353868

very fun to watch
the wiki argument is getting really old

also why dont you bash on channels that actually say stupid shit (like buzzfeed with its supersalty minorities)

>> No.8355396
File: 1.08 MB, 680x680, FFFFFFFFF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this so much
overexaggarting facial expressions to appeal emotionally dulled teenagers is making me furious

>> No.8355408

Has some great spit facts if you ask me

>> No.8355413

stopped reading there

>> No.8355418

I gotta be fair and say he's made a few interesting videos and seems like a smart enough dude. I just find his fanbase is and the whole science-spokesperson meme a bit pretentious.

>> No.8355455

Not bad

>> No.8355463



>> No.8355470


not too shabby,

>> No.8355474
File: 11 KB, 356x200, Berserk-Season-2-Episode-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at that face when you're not sober. You will want to throw darts at his eyes.

>> No.8355481

all pop sci and pop history is devilspawn

>> No.8355482

These are so retarded but I enjoy the fuck out of them.

>> No.8355498

Has probably done more damage to young minds than anyone besides Bush and Gates. "Popsci" is the biggest threat to civilization.

>> No.8355547

why so much hate?
he is really smart

>> No.8355615

I also bash on BuzzFeed.

>> No.8355616

>jew magic
You can't divide by how much of my sides are left.

>> No.8355988

sure is hard using some of that youtube money to pay someone to do the research for you

>> No.8356000

Since he started selling his spit, he seems like a pretty cool guy,

>> No.8356006

i dont watch anything on buzzfeed so i cant comment

>> No.8356454

Is he scientist or engineer or something similar in real life?

>> No.8356457

I think was a chemical engineer?

>> No.8356467

-1/12 absolutely amazing

>> No.8356485

>stopped reading there
Read the whole thing.

>> No.8356488

There is nothing original about him. His speaking cadence is the most fake shit I've ever heard. It seems like every nerd who talks on YT uses the same fucking cadence. And all of his shitty overblown facial expressions remind me of someone trying to talk to a toddler and has to make all these ridiculous faces to keep their attention. Disgusting.