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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 600x400, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8351000 No.8351000 [Reply] [Original]

I know this isn't where people usually post these types of questions, but I want to know if my experiences so far in science are representative of the field. Specifically, medicine.

I hold one BS degree and two advanced degrees, and have been studying/researching/teaching in a professional health science school for a little more than the past decade.

While obtaining my first advanced degree, I began to notice that my small class (which was made of a majority of women) had horrid cattiness, gossip, drama, and lack of professionalism that I haven't seen since high school. Even the female faculty engaged in this ridiculous behavior, and there was a very clear bias against the male students in terms of how we were treated by the faculty. During my first advanced degree, and now in my career, I have noticed the following:

It is always and only women who break patient confidentiality to gossip ABOUT the patient.

It is always and only women who violate student confidentiality to mock struggling students behind their backs and berate and belittle them while instructing (particularly during laboratory sessions).

It is always and only women who overtly flirt with faculty members (including myself) in a clear attempt to further their careers. I work with several female MSTP students whose admission into this highly competitive program absolutely bewilders me.

It is always and only women who become bitchy and vile when a high-stress, high-stakes project or case becomes complicated and doesn't go according to plan.

It is always and only women who squeal like little schoolgirls when an experiment or procedure goes well. The lack of respect for everyone in the work space (INCLUDING PATIENTS) is disgusting.

I am still relatively young in my career, but several years ago I decided to avoid working with women whenever I can-this strategy seems to be working out.

Is my strategy justified?

>> No.8351007


>> No.8351008

What advanced degree did you get, specifically? I want to know so I can avoid the women in these professions.

>> No.8351013

MS, something related to anatomical sciences

>> No.8351014

I already asked here, and their exact response was:

>my career
>Having a career


>> No.8351018

You can't completely avoid women in the health sciences, but you can minimize your interaction with them without drawing too much attention.

I'm just not sure if my experiences are representative. I suspect that they probably are...

>> No.8351021

that is the correct response, wagecuck.

>> No.8351033

Should women be doctors?

I say NO!

>Borrows $100k from society
>Huge state funding to train MD
>Gets degree, practices in clinic full time for 4 years
>Decide to settle down, start family
>Leave clinical medicine for 1 year to give birth
Sorry sick people!
>Return to the clinic, but only work part-time for the next 14 years until HS
>That time disappears, the money was not used well, patients get dumped on male coworker who didn't leave
>Exacerbate physician shortage
>White male, who got rejected from MD school but was more qualified and would never have left or worked part time, now working at subway
And we need MORE women in medicine? Science in general?

>> No.8351034

I can smell /b/

>> No.8351039

>fuck off.jpg

kill yourself, sperg

>> No.8351598

get a Ph,D in mathematics

>> No.8351602

t. butthurt loser

>> No.8351603

>>White male, who got rejected from MD school but was more qualified and would never have left or worked part time, now working at subway

that has probably never happened.

>> No.8351631
File: 44 KB, 776x602, Get_a_load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loser who couldn't get into medschool and bitches about women who got in
>loser who bitches about people in a MSTP program that are 100x better than him

>> No.8351705

>>White male

>> No.8351715

>I am in a profession dominated by women


The only reason you notice what you notice is because mostly women are around you. I bet that not all of the women do this, but the once who do are always female.

AND because you yourself don't like it, you are also implying that all men would refrain from doing this shit.


They wouldn't, faggot.

No, why don't you start being productive and actually report this to someone in power but instead of saying it like you were a fucking cuck

>Ooh all women!

Why don't you bring names in? Like, actually go after the INDIVIDUALS who do this instead of an entire gender that has nothing to do with this situation in general.


>> No.8351770

you don't understand goyim, letting privileged white males into the universities they started is literally another holocaust. It doesn't matter if you have a 3.8 and 40 mcat, that simply isn't enough. You need a 3.9, 42, and thousands of hours of volunteering to demonstrate to us your loyalty. We must make medical schools all indian, female, asian, and black. The white male's privilege is over and we need to have as few white male doctors as possible to promote women in STEM.

Building houses in africa is more important now goy. Show that you are dedicated to increasing the black population and we might let you in heh heh heh we all know that's more important to being a doctor than your mcat and gpa you dumb goy

>> No.8351774

it happens all the time, look at some of the people on studentdoctor. MCATs in the top 0.5 percent of the test, with impeccable gpas, getting rejected from every second tier state school they apply to because they didn't have enough volunteer hours helping tyrone breed more trayvons into the world to 'demonstrate his commitment to medicine' meanwhile half the school is full of asians 'legacies' and women with worse stats

meritocracy is a myth, liberals are trying to decrease the level of non jewish non WASPy white males in prestigious careers.

>> No.8351805

Lmao - more likely these people are:

a) lying about their marks
b) spergs

>> No.8351926

Women should not be permitted to work jobs that are of greater than trivial importance.

How sheltered do you have to be to just realize this now?

>> No.8351940

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.8352318
File: 15 KB, 271x300, 1473789363729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ehh, it's just you americucks.

Here in Funland, admission to medschool is determined by one test, testing your skills in biology, chemistry and physics, with the physics part most often separating the wheat from the rejects. Admission rate is about 7-8%.

No silly stuff like volunteering at the spermbank required.

>> No.8352323

It is called confirmation bias, and you fell for it hook line and sinker.

Or this is probably b8.

>> No.8354009

Around here many chose what to study based on what that see in hip cool and trendy YA TV series where drama is every day and everyone is happy and beautiful.

Then they get into the real world and see TV is not reality. Many leave. Especially many women MD leave within 3 years.

Others work to create the drama they crave.

Literature on org. theory frequently use hospitals as case examples of dysfunctional work places.

>> No.8354074

Same with >>8351926

>> No.8354086

So you found out women suck. Congratulations. Ignore the feminist white knights.

Your strategy to avoid them will work for a while, but if you want to keep advancing your career a better alternative would be to learn to deal with them. You'll have to at some point, after all.

>> No.8354090

Go back to /leftypol/.