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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 371 KB, 2560x1440, venus earth moon mars titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8349151 No.8349151 [Reply] [Original]

How to counter autistic brainlets when they ask the practically of your college major?

I'm doubling in CompE and pure maths and get asked what the point is by everyone I talk to. They ask what higher level maths are even used for, and that I could just get a good """""IT"""" job without getting an engineering degree.

What the fuck do you even say to that? Like I don't even know how to begin to reply to these people.

>> No.8349156

When people talk about certain knowledge being "useless", I reply that Socrates once said only an idiot uses everything they know. They usually get jaw droppingly butthurt after that very quickly.

>> No.8349158

Took me a second to get it but that's actually hilarious

>> No.8349159

My biggest trigger is when people assume "computer" being in the name equates to geek squad.

>> No.8349160

Fucking got me to laugh mate. You deserve this comment.

>> No.8349176

>What the fuck do you even say to that?
If you honestly don't know how to reply to such a basic question I think it may be you who is the one that is an autistic brainlet.

>> No.8349182

Someone who questions something as basic as the relevance of math will not listen to anything you have to say defending it.

>> No.8349184 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 1600x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R = ?

Also, what's that little L?

I just saw this in a library work book and have no idea how math works.

>> No.8349185

>What the fuck do you even say to that?
You don't say anything. Instead you go on /sci/ and make a thread about it.

>> No.8349252
File: 129 KB, 593x647, CUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question the need for so many highly math educated persons. My CS degree requires Calc 3 plus another 4000 level math of my choosing. I understand that some CS guys would need to know how to do these things manually in order to program software to automate it but why are all of us REQUIRED to know how to do it manually. There should instead be one class of upper level applied math done all in matlab. In my uni I cant even take a matlab class without doing two pre engendering courses first, what if I just wanted to learn matlab without going into engeering, I mean it seems like it would be more useful than the required 'biology for scientists' I have to take. You really want to higher an engineer who is going to calculate out the stresses on a bridge by hand? I want him to use an industry approved piece of software to do it for him because I trust that to make fewer mistakes. There just is not this great need for all this math and we expend so much intellectual capacity training people in these skills that so few will actually need. You only have so many credits to pack into a degree and it seems like such a waist to spend so many on maths for most students. Now I'm not saying don't offer it. We all need people like OP, but the number of people like OP that are needed are actually quite few.

Wow that was ramblie, I really shouldn't post when I'm tired, got up this morning at 6am and its 2am now at least i get to sleep in till 9 tomorrow.

>> No.8349309

That's a great reply man?

>> No.8349310

didn't mean to have a question mark

>> No.8349379

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.8349406


at least he put an cool and interesting unrelated pic

>> No.8349414

>How to counter autistic brainlets when they ask the practically of your college major?
Like this: "It's my tuition money, I'll study whatever the fuck I want"

Unless, of course, it isn't your tuition money....

>> No.8349438

Why is the moon in that picture?

>> No.8349478

I don't get it.

>> No.8349557

Because it's a cool shot.

The same reason they have a picture of Titan in it.

>> No.8349897

If you really don't know what to say then that is the first red flag that says that maybe those majors are not for you.

College is a 4 year investment and in your case you are double majoring so it is even a bigger time investment. It is logical to ask why someone would put themselves through that when they could just blow their tuition money on prostitutes instesd.

For perspective, I study math and obviously I get this shit a lot. At this point I just say I want to do research in mathematics and if for some reason they ask me to be more specific (they usully don't) I simply say that most likely I will specialize in computational mathematics but that I can't yet tell for sure because most of the big topics in math come up later in my curriculum.

That is how I know that I am not wasting my time.

>> No.8349930

>What the fuck do you even say to that?
Nothing. BSc level courses are full of retards, especially engineering. For some reason people think it's cool and pays a lot, yet they know exactly jack shit about it. These are the retards who will become managers or Java programmers. (Shitty pay compared to the real deal.)

Honestly I can't image myself learning less math, only more. This applies to everything else too, more knowledge is always better; makes me have a clear picture and also makes me a better problem solver.

I'm CE too and it always amazes me how people hate math or find it difficulty or don't see it's use. The same applied for my signals and systems course. People are afraid of sigsys like cancer, yet it's one of the most important courses.

>that I could just get a good """""IT"""" job
Why do you even talk to them? Honestly if you want to make them hate you just tell them that you want to be more and improve yourself humanly or for that matter tell them you want an even better job than the average guy gets.
Only below average retards look down or hate people who want to be "more".

Also this: >>8349156

I think OP's question comes from being angry that people somehow can't comprehend that someone would study "something like that".

For most people the more abstract it gets from their concept of real life the less they can comprehend it.

>> No.8349939

Just tell them you like math and don't care about the money.

>> No.8349977

I always liked Titan.

>> No.8350065

What an easy way to make yourself look like an autist.

DO NOT say this, specially not when talking to the opposite sex. Even if this is true and you are actually autistic, just pretend you are not.

>> No.8350175

Too bad I don't get it, and none of the people you'll say it to, will understand.

>> No.8350189

Wow, 4000.
My school's undergrad courses only go to 400. My school must be for brainlets.

>> No.8350192
File: 54 KB, 728x640, 12801207_10206107765193479_6873908588211239712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another idiot being meme'd by pure math. Why the fuck you wouldn't do applied is beyond me.

>Ya u wudnt kno bout al da poosi i git in pur met u fugger. U wudnt sey dat 2 muh faze. U jus a braeenlit haha stoopit kit u cent evin pr00f.

>> No.8350209

>Another idiot being meme'd by pure math. Why the fuck you wouldn't do applied is beyond me.

In undergrad what the fuck is the difference?

Plus, most curriculums that call themselves applied math are simply math with random general science requirements.

That is such bullshit. Knowing elementary biology does not help you at all.

>oh but my applied degree focuses more on applications like calculus and differential equations

The differential equations classes a fucking engineer takes is enough to apply it to most real world situations, specially for industry. Specializing in applied math means nothing.

>> No.8350250


Socratitis rekting everyone as per usual

>> No.8350266

>No applied stats
>No applied discrete math
>No linear optimization
>No cryptology

Yeah keep kidding yourself faggot.

>> No.8350267
File: 341 KB, 1410x1157, 1474027806380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure math
Why? Why the fuck do people on this board always fall for the math meme? Its worthless.

>> No.8350315

>How to counter autistic brainlets when they ask the practically of your college major?
Just say it isn't as practical as Medieval Gender Studies but you think you can make it work.

>> No.8350454


I dont know maybe they like it? Not like a brainlet would understand baka.

>> No.8350494

I don't get it, is it funny because the post is pretentious and autistic? There is nothing wrong with obtaining useless information, the problem arises when you are paying 100k for that useless information

>> No.8350502


so SPDE's and SDE's are just memes?

>> No.8350549

>The differential equations classes a fucking engineer takes is enough
Of course it is enough considering that engineers take one of the most comprehensive course(s) in existence related to (systems of) [P/O]DEs and it's applications with 2-3 times the average workload a usual science student takes + bunch of shit to read at home.

>> No.8350603

a lot of people are busy working and don't have time to circlejerk on useless bs. that was my attitude anyhow.

>> No.8350611

It is knowledge, doesn't have to have a practical use. Plus, there's a lot of things that people are intersted in that doesn't have a practical use(FACEBOOK, SOCCER, etc.).

>> No.8350619

If you aren't living a successful life. Why are you complaining?

Are you afraid to tell them you have an average non-happy life or something?

Of course.

If your ultimate dream was knowing everything about maths, then go on.

>> No.8350644


Socrates was a bum

>> No.8350661

If you're interested in something, it doesn't require practical use for you to learn about it. If you like, go ahead and learn. That's what I'm saying. But it seems that Mr. Retarded didn't get it.

>> No.8350682


If I explain the joke you're probably just going to use that too.

>> No.8350685

What didn't I get?

>> No.8350689

If you live in the US I can imagine meeting such generally ignorant people.

>> No.8351942

>CS degree
>"So you like fix computers right?"

>> No.8351943

That's what CS is lol

>> No.8351953

Electr. Engineering student here. I basically aced all the math exams and despised everything else. However, being good at maths doesn't help jack shit with real world projects, actually it often hinders you because its tempting to solve stuff analytically, even if bruteforcing ( numerical solvers, optimisation) is much more efficient. Feels bad man

>> No.8351997

youve gotto learn to disregard plebs. I majored in jewelry design, and now that im learning math on my own i have great insight into geometry and coord transforms from being fluent in 3d modeling programs.

Before the wave of >art school, check the OP again

>> No.8352076

Oh god I cringed.

>""""""""""""""""""""""''applied stats"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''discrete math""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''linear optimization""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
>le epic cryptology meme

>> No.8352186

>the problem arises when you are paying 100k for that useless information
Only if you're poor.

>> No.8352249


>it was a joke

it wasn't a joke you moron