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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 275 KB, 857x721, 1470302292548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8343400 No.8343400 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys,

What is the best major man can do?

>> No.8343406

True answer: Where your passion lies

>> No.8343412

This guy gets it. Unless your passion is philosophy because holy shit, what a terrible major.

>> No.8343574

african american studies

>> No.8343577

>lay epic passion meme

Retarded advice.

>> No.8343578

>Software Engineering
>God tier

What the fuck?

>> No.8343580

>Mathematics not at the highest tier

Confirmed for shitty list. I don't care what other degrees you consider at the highest tier because all of that is opinion and open for debate but the one thing that has to stay constant is that mathematics should always be at the top and preferably listed first.

Whoever made this list was probably taking the piss.

>> No.8343589

By what standard?

>> No.8343600

Is there any particular reason microbiology is below biology? Im just curious

>> No.8343605

>*Jobs are rated by employment, usefulness to market, salary, and Job environment. (Based on U.S. statistics)

>> No.8343609
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>He fell for the mathematics meme

>> No.8343628


I'd hardly call it a meme when most of my classes have like 6 people in them.

The whole point of a meme is that it is weirdly popular, specially with little kids and generally uneducated people. Which is why CS is categorically a meme degree.

By that metric, math is the gold standard non-meme degree. A really unpopular degree that only a percentage of the people in one of 4chan's smallest board truly like that somehow manages to top job satisfaction and salary lists all around.

>> No.8343639

Where is "Control Engineering"?

>> No.8343647
File: 418 KB, 519x843, 1472052690618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS is categorically a meme degree
Keep calling it that, math cuck. Computer science majors literally get six figure jobs right after graduating. Meanwhile, you're best hope for a job with that shit tier major of yours is working as high school math teacher. Enjoy your shit life.

>> No.8343649

What a meme chart.

>> No.8343651
File: 135 KB, 1200x1819, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny when CS people flaunt their programming jobs and shit on math majors for having to be high school teachers when I work as a programmer myself, making you be doubly wrong.

Wrong for thinking that CS jobs are somehow top tier shit that you absolutely NEED an education in CS to access them. And wrong for thinking that math graduates can only work in education.

Protip: Swallow a fucking reality pill if you think you can get a six figure job out of graduation. Heck, I bet you couldn't even get a job as good as mine (banking software) after 4 years of education when I got it pretty much out of high school. I already see you faggots sucking dick at some fucking app start up having to socialize with that girl who blogs about how fizzbuzz is too hard.

Nah, forget about the reality pill. Go get some fucking cyanide, faggot.

>> No.8343657

CS is absolute babby tier compared to math, and job you qualify for a math major can outperform you at. In reality, you will be handing calls at a support center with Pajeet while you patiently wait for Google to pls respond to you application mail

t. math+CS double major

>> No.8343663

>math + CS double major

Thinking of doing this. Any tips?

>> No.8343670

>Any tips?
Don't, focus on math or combine it with physics. Anything you learn in CS you can learn on your own and save money and time

>> No.8343690
File: 28 KB, 329x244, 1472323404853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you got lucky and somehow got a job as a programmer, does not negate the shitty job marketability you get with a math degree. It's not a joke when people talk about math majors being forced to be math teachers in high schools. You have no real world skills and companies don't give a fuck about you being able to do some useless high level math.

And actually, they're are many computer science majors getting high paying jobs right out of college. Computer science actuality gives you marketable skills you can use. You are literally telling kids to go thousands of dollars in debt and to ruin they're futures to learn some worthless fucking math that won't help them. Go jump off a bridge you cuck.

>> No.8343697

>does not negate the shitty job marketability you get with a math degree.

I don't know what degree you are talking about because my curriculum has various semesters of probability, statistics, modelling, programming and many other applied topics.

And as my table shows, statistician and other jobs that require heavy statistics + optimization are pretty good. Programmer is also nice.

>companies don't give a fuck about you being able to do some useless high level math.

Take a look at these jobs;



Notice how the first asks for business or mathematics majors. Then notice how the second asks for CS and mathematics majors.

Do you see that? Do you fucking see that? We lie at the intersection of every discipline. We are the people capable of performing every role, up to legal limits (I'm never going to claim to be able to be an engineer).

And this is one company.

> thousands of dollars in debt

Here in the first world college is free. I really don't to discriminate you or your heritage in Kaxakahuruldiskistan but really, your government better move on already. I mean, every developed country already has free university!

>> No.8343702

Because whoever made this list is an idiot

>> No.8343706


>> No.8343715

>Here in the first world college is free.

Might want to read up a little on economics, mongoloid. That college isn't free.

>> No.8343720

"Jobs are rated by employment, usefulness to market, salary, and job environment. (Based on U.S statistics)"
why can't you guys read?

>> No.8343724
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>Every developed country already has free university
Kek Americans

>> No.8343726

>Might want to read up a little on economics, mongoloid. That college isn't free.

But it is essentially free, unless you consider your taxes part of your income.

Here in civilized society we all agree to pay taxes that fund services that the government provides for all of us. Here in civilized society, one of these services is public higher education. Public universities, I mean, that cost nothing for residents.

Don't worry, once your society advances a couple of decades you will naturally figure out the concept of funding public companies that provide basic services like health care and education to the entire population.

It comes with time.

>> No.8343727
File: 83 KB, 563x563, 1472444704875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok math cuck, you win.

We'll just ignore the massive amount of math majors online complaining about the fact that nobody wants to hire them.

We'll also just ignore the fact that computer science majors are experiencing a massive amount of job growth.

Yea bud, that math major sure is helpful. Fuck off and die. Also

>Here in the first world college is free.

No its not, guess you math majors don't even understand economics. Go figure.

>> No.8343740

>We'll just ignore the massive amount of math majors online complaining about the fact that nobody wants to hire them.

You mean here? I also see CS, bios, engys, physicists and chemists all the time making those threads.

Read up on statistics. The unemployment rate of math majors is really low and actually ranks at the lowest for most degrees. Forbes did some research on this.

>We'll also just ignore the fact that computer science majors are experiencing a massive amount of job growth.

Oh no... you actually fell for the meme.

(1) Software and technology usage is growing all across the economy
does not imply that
(2) Everyone who works in software and tech is experiencing this growth

I mean, if you are in India then fuck yeah! Things are going great. All these companies offering you H1B visas and shit. Must feel great!

But if you are not indian then... well... man. Wew. What can I fucking tell you.

>No its not, guess you math majors don't even understand economics. Go figure.

It is a concept called taxes that we use here in the civilized world. We also do not consider the money we pay in taxes as part of our income. Mainly because what we have to pay in taxes can be calculated beforehand, even before we have been paid our salaries, so we always know how much of our gross salaries will go towards funding the government and the services they provide for me.

As I said, your country will probably soon adopt the concept of public companies being funded by the free people who can also vote on what gets funded.

Wait, you have democracy right? You at least understand the concept of voting right? Please tell me so that I can talk to you in terms you understand.

>> No.8343766

>No its not, guess you math majors don't even understand economics
he probably thinks it's "free for me! :DD" or something similarly insipid and "not technically wrong! :DD"

>> No.8343772

how is a math/econ double major?

>> No.8343780
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If this is true, what does it make me?

>> No.8343782

TFW Philosophy scores highest on Verbal Reasoning and Analytic Writing on the GRE and only 7 points lower than #1 for Quantitative Reading


>> No.8343786
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, 1472028285544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You mean here? I also see CS, bios, engys, physicists and chemists all the time making those threads.

Yes, but the overwhelming majority are math majors that fell for the mathematics meme. And its not just here, just look for them on college forums and you'll see tons of depressed unemployed math majors.

>Read up on statistics. The unemployment rate of math majors is really low and actually ranks at the lowest for most degrees. Forbes did some research on this.

Don't believe it, but will look at it later.

>Falling for the indians taking our jobs meme

I have yet to see any evidence that indian immigrants are causing computer science majors to lose out on jobs. Also, yes, as more software and technology is developed, the better it will be for us cs majors. This is a no brainer.

And i'm not gonna argue about taxes and economics with a europoor. Go get ass raped by a Syrian refugee.

>> No.8343803


Math at 6% unemployment rate. That ranks it at the bottom of the unemployment list. CS is 4% so you got that going on.

On the topic of immigrants, do you really think people are going to do research that shows outsiders cause problems.... IN 2016?

Nah man. But you can conclude that from data like:


Notice how CS is the only degree that has devalued in terms of pay while everyone else keeps growing.

You know why is that?

1- The degree is geting crowded by literal retards who pick a degree with a dice.

2- Outside labor makes it dumb to hire a CS major for 100k when you can just hire Pajeet Rakesh Malabrabaresh to do the same job at the same quality for only 50k.

>Go get ass raped by a Syrian refugee.

Shit nigga you got me.

>> No.8343813

>geophysics in god tier and good tier
Shit list, the retard couldn't even proof read his own work how can I trust anything else they have to say?

>> No.8343819

Not even kidding, at most colleges/universities the only difference is two classes or a lab section. Only difference is you will only be able to get AE jobs with a B.S. in that.

>Computer Engineer=Software Engineer=IT

>> No.8343850

Funny how chemistry is classified as god-tier.
I mean, considering that everyone here seems to think it's a useless degree that will only get you unemployed.

>> No.8343854
File: 237 KB, 876x720, 1473538085485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Math at 6% unemployment rate.
Sure it may be low, but what about the quality of those jobs? I'm willing to bet many of those people are either working in jobs that never required a math degree, or are working as shitty math teachers. I have personally met people with math degrees working in fucking starbucks. Could you imagine how humiliating that is?

>On the topic of immigrants, do you really think people are going to do research that shows outsiders cause problems.... IN 2016?

So you're saying you have no direct evidence? Got ya. Nice current year meme though. I can't explain why computer science is devaluing, but i'm fairy sure it's not because of poopy indians and not because of normies picking computer science. The vast majority of normal fags that choose computer science because ''lol fuck it'' drop out soon after.

I'm tired, please stop replying to me. I can't not respond when you math fags type out this shit.

>> No.8343859

/sci/ is wrong about everything.

>> No.8343873

The only reason philosophy could be a reasonable major is if you intend to continue on to law school. Even then, there is the path of engineering with minor in philosophy or even majoring in business

>> No.8343888

Depends on your definition of employed.

A BS in chemistry can very easily get you a lab tech job paying $35,000/yr. But the work is boring as hell and you might as well have majored in liberal arts.

If you want to make a better salary and have a more interesting job, you need at least a masters in chemistry.

Being employed doesn't mean you're employed at a job that pays well and/or doesn't suck the life out of you.

>> No.8343993

It makes you about to find gainful employment developing industrial processes for the biotechnology sector. Have fun making ~$90,000 per year and holding a position in a job market that's going to get incredibly saturated in the coming decade.

>> No.8344009
File: 161 KB, 1104x975, College major tier list memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the real one for anyone who actually believes the original chart

>> No.8344015

10/10. I did phd in math and I don't make shit compared to marketing execs with art degrees. Do what you love OP as long as it's not fucking biology.

>> No.8344023
File: 28 KB, 388x350, hu87n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw EE
>love every second of it

>> No.8344058

>Study what you love
>Like X studies, english, psychology, you name it
>Good advice
Kek, God tier should be the best you can do in science

>> No.8344100

Pretty good chart desu.

Do you want to be a Chadbro, make money to live comfy as fuck, and not work hard at all?

Major in accounting or finance.

If you want to work a little hard for your degree do something related to orthodontist and sit back and watch yourself make stupid money. Like 100k starting stupid money.

If you want to work really hard for your degree and make a just a little bit more than the accounting toolbags pick any majors in the first three categories. There I just saved you two years of soul searching and flipping back and forth between majors.

>> No.8344111

>Biology is "Great Tier"
Biofags fucking wish. Pre-med wash outs have annihilated the field with bodies so if you get employed you make basically dick level money or teach at a HS.

>Not working hard at all
Most places higher 1 accountant to do literally everything money related for the business unless you're lucky and they rope in a second guy so you don't put a bullet in your skull.

>> No.8344112

>tfw physics
>no idea what to do when/if I graduate because everything I want to do is "well why aren't you a mechanical engineering"
>no idea how to even start getting job
>don't even like quantum bullshit

life is suffering

>> No.8344116

Hahaha this dumb faggot majored in math. Bet you work at a grocery store part-time, princess bitch-boy.

>> No.8344125
File: 77 KB, 500x501, 1405385532054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are all grills civil engineering

>> No.8344131

your passion doesn't always dictate where you'll be working. you can major in math, doesn't mean you'll be a mathematician. you can major in physics, doesn't mean you'll be a physicist. your ''passion'' will be satisfied until you decide that someone needs to pay you to do what you're passionate about.

>> No.8344214
File: 189 KB, 533x359, rodgerdodger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aerospace Engineering higher than Mechanical
Why is no one talking about this, it's basically mechanical with slightly less options
This guy gets it. From what I've seen, even Aerospace companies take them as the same deal most of the time

>> No.8344235

If you want to have a guaranteed job anywhere while also pursuing a reasonably achievable degree, nursing.

Otherwise just go be an engineer or doctor or professor or some shit man. Maybe a mathematician, I hear they can get some dank jobs but I also see a lot of >lol unemployed lel kek kek memes

>> No.8344310

>computer engineer
>above meh

holy fucking shit some autist made this

>> No.8344312


You faggots get to do all the work, and I get to supervise.

>> No.8344313

BA in Japanese/Philosophy and obtaining B-Eng in Electrical engineering. Truly I am the wretched of the earth.

>> No.8344393

whoa calm down, turboautist

>> No.8344404

>internet stranger tells you to study your passion
>studying your passion = shit tier

>> No.8344415

Do you mean micro and molecular biology as well? If so, why?

>> No.8344431

Fuck, so biochem is actually shit?

>> No.8344458

Where does Design Engineer go?

>> No.8344524

why are all grill engineers ugly

>> No.8344531

>Unbelievable tier

>> No.8344630

STEM majors are a meme on this board, except for art majors those are legitimately equivalent to shit.

>> No.8344635

>lay spend your entire life grinding away on something you hate just because normies tell you that the best way to be happy is to be rich plus you have to support the ungrateful hag of a wife that you married because the normalscum that run this society told you that you have to get married and breed in order to be considered "successful" meme

>> No.8344638

>specially with little kids and generally uneducated people.
false, you just want to feel superior to the "sheeple". Memes effect all humans.

>> No.8344653

I was joking, it's just an old /sci meme that biologists are the worst. The truth is from my perspective you major in anything and succeed if you find your niche. This is not equivalent to claiming most people will do this. I suspect the feeling behind this enduring god tier meme is there exists a degree that guarantees success, but that of course is a fallacy. If any truth is reflected in these charts it is, as I say, the likelihood that an individual can successfully complete one of the harder degrees and possess the wherewithal to otherwise succeed in life is high. I feel the lower tiered degrees reflect a laziness that would have predicted failure anyway, independent of college attendance. Of course that isn't the case for bio, it is sufficiently difficult enough for people who sit for the degree to have a decent chance of not being lazy floaters through life.

>> No.8344688


They are a meme everywhere but it is largely true.

Also I guess this is for job propsects/salary but I disagree skill usefulness wise. Architecture may be hard to get a job but it is a cool major involving STEM knowledge. Same with some types of geography, they basically do programming with GIS.

>> No.8344689

What wrong with CE? Not one, just asking, it's probably the most popular major in my country.

>> No.8344933

>Economy above industrial engineering and nuclear engineering.

what the fuck

>> No.8345013


>> No.8345096
File: 46 KB, 640x640, 1473641618020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>computer science not at the top

Shit list

>> No.8345392

Depends on your talents.

Try and find the place where your talent and your enjoyment intersect at the highest levels, and then find out what the job prospects and pay are like for that field.

If it sucks, start over with the next best choice, and repeat this process until you find something you'll be good at, reasonably enjoy, with good job prospects and pay.

It may be a ways off your ideal, initially, but if you use that job to build wealth, you will eventually have time and resources to pursue your passions.

The point is to find something realistic that you won't hate or suck at.

This is also true though, if you have a high amount of talent in something, and you have great work ethic and business acumen, you can make a lot of money regardless of what it is. EMPHASIS ON THE TALENT ASPECT, THOUGH. Otherwise, stick with the above formula.

>> No.8346160

>infographic literally includes 0 engineering fields, all very math heavy


>> No.8346180

>Being a code monkey in an industry that's basically a giant bubble waiting to be outsourced to India

>> No.8346197

>Do you see that? Do you fucking see that? We lie at the intersection of every discipline. We are the people capable of performing every role, up to legal limits (I'm never going to claim to be able to be an engineer).
Dude. You like what you do, and that' ok. But you're talking about and engineer who knows a bunch of math. Not a pure mathfag that is focus is some current-useless-super-high-level mathematics.

>> No.8346204


Psychology major here. God I hate 90% of what I learn. Ask me anything.

>> No.8346208

You should difference math from applied math.

Applied math of course is some of the usefull things in the world.

However, just math is not. Nobody, but a university, will pay a cent for you to proof a strange theorem on a weird topological set.

>> No.8346209

And what is the 10%

>> No.8346217

Why are we shifting on high school teachers?

>> No.8346220

Not shitting on the high school teachers, just shitting on the job. I respect the people who have to make a living teaching/babysitting a bunch of faggots who will never get anywhere in life.

>> No.8346225

it's the 1% of students that really give a shit that matters, but yes, being a HS teacher would be terrible

>> No.8346231



Honestly I find a good bit of it to be boring. Besides that, many of the professors inject their political biases when discussing studies. There are many people in certain areas of psychology that have I think completely warped views on things such as gender/sex/race (fyi I consider myself politically maybe a little more left leaning) but I don't feel fulfilled by most of what I learn in my classes.

The other 10% mostly focuses on things like behaviour genetics/twin studies, psychological disorders, evolutionary psychology, things more to do with the brain and clinical psychology (e.g techniques to help people exposed to severe trauma). There are definitely areas of psychology I feel are very valid and have many applications in real life, but god I hate to say it I feel like so much is overblown bullshit.

I seriously don't know what I should do with my life. For the past 6 months I have been considering studying for the MCAT and applying to medical schools to maybe become a general physician, psychiatrist or something like that but I don't have a strong science/math background so I will be limited to the schools I can apply to ( I am in Canada and some med schools here don't have science prerequisites). An alternative is to write the GRE exams and apply to grad schools to become a clinical psychologist or possibly some schools for neuroscience but I don't know how much I can do with a masters or PhD in neuroscience besides work in academia or research.

I really wish I could have pursued my true passion which is astronomy/physics but my educational background is all fucked up due to family circumstances and I have a bunch of unfulfilled high school prereqs that I would have to go back and do but I am already almost in my 3rd year of uni so fuck it.

>> No.8346241

Very interesting to read, thanks for writing it out. I feel like I know what your saying with the warped views. Also I'm sure you'll figure out your situation, good luck!

>> No.8346244



>> No.8346828

most of the girl engineers at my school are pretty fucking hot

>> No.8346927

The meme stands strong my friend.

>> No.8346931

You did very well in college. What are your future plans.

>> No.8346935

Missed out Horse Grooming

>> No.8346968


>> No.8346997
File: 860 B, 270x326, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that God is not Unbelievable

>> No.8347017

I see the death of western civilisation.

>> No.8347027

What's this meme? Most maths grads in my uni go on to be quants pretty much immediately.

>> No.8347031

Why is biochem above microbiology, I feel like they're around the same level

>> No.8347063

Everyone jokes about out sourcing to india.

We've done it, and we stopped doing it. You funnel dump-trucks of money to these outsourcing companies and they deliver non-working products that require a team of western engineers who charge a FUCK TON because they are "consulting" to fix it and you barely make deadline and end up spending more money. Also the product is worse than if you just paid bottom of the barrel americans.

Americans might be dumb or have a fucked up school system but holy fuck, something is mentally wrong with people in Asia.

>> No.8347065

every computer science student i've ever met is an insufferable autist, and i'm inclined to believe you wouldn't fail to earn that distinction either

>> No.8347465
File: 307 KB, 480x454, 1420082030866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw am Forensic Science major
>not sure what to specialize in yet
Am I fucked too?

>> No.8347981

t. STEM neckbeard

>> No.8348034

>tfw going into environment politics
Can I salvage my future somehow? I've taken a few political science classes and 2 geology classes, currently a sophomore

>> No.8348217

Switch majors.

>> No.8348223

media studies
prove me wrong faggot

>> No.8348232

grad school.

>> No.8348294

Should I focus on geology? It's high up on the tier list and I enjoy it

>> No.8348911

Ever heard of any rich geologists? Maybe rethink your future a lil bit.

>> No.8349127

Is Carleton worth going to if it has the only Aerospace Engineering program in all of Ontario? What can I even do with a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering?

>> No.8349128

Burden of proof is on the one who makes the claim, cuckeroo.

>> No.8349130

Major in engineering and biz minor?

>> No.8349146


He complimented you, say thanks you fucking ungrateful pig.

>> No.8349148

where does animation fit into this?

>> No.8349150

Major Tom


>> No.8349164


Are you me?
Doing computer engineering, my calculus class filled up so I got into the civil engineering calculus class and HOLY FUCKING SHIT HOT BABES EVERYWHERE.

Why the hell are so many young hot girls going into civil engineering, I can't even.

>> No.8349193

My life fucking sucks. Do you know why?

Because I really fucking love my life right now.

I'm taking 3 classes per semester at my college, doing math. I fucking love math. I love learning about it and talking to the teachers about it and I love that it's super easy for me so I barely have to study. I love having 10, maybe 20 hours of "work" every week to do.

And it's all going to end. All of it. There is no job that lets me have this sort of lifestyle. I don't have to make a LOT of money, maybe 40-50k per year, enough to live on comfortably. But nothing is going to let me do that. All of the careers I could go into are going to be super high-maintenance 100-hour-week garbage or disgusting 9-5 wageslave garbage or MAYBE if I was LUCKY a job teaching, where I'd maybe manage to get a 30-hour week every other year.

I'm just so fucked. I'm happier than I've ever been and it's all going to come crashing down in a few years.

What the fuck do I do? I can't handle a normal work schedule, you guys. I'm just not built for it.

>> No.8349199


Become a published writer. You might have to suck a few cocks to get your first manuscript published but at least you'll have a flexible lifestyle!

>> No.8349298

Get a PhD dude, then work in academia or a govt lab where job security is good and pressure is low (except for when you trying to get tenure)

>> No.8349319

so, i wanna switch my major to electrical engineering, but my school only offers electrical systems engineering.
its the same shit though right?

>> No.8349340

How am I supposed to get a PhD when I'm this lazy?

>> No.8349341

If you actually like math, it's not that hard.

You know what hard-working PhDs spend most of their time on? Depression.

>> No.8349345


Physics and math double major.

>> No.8349798

Going for applied math BS here. What would be a good minor? I'm thinking either: Practical Ethics, Physics, Project Management, Technical Communication, or Applied Statistics. I want something that'd look good on a resume.

>> No.8349818

I'm working on my M.Sc in molecular Biology

What do you think about my chances (jobs, salary, usefullness)

>> No.8349876
File: 34 KB, 201x160, 1466694966378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le pashun
Nah man, don't spread this bullshit because most of us don't have a passion at all.
Most of all, avoid this type of advice when talking to kids that want to choose a major.

The first step to be happy is to broadly select a major that fits your general interest (e.g. don't do law if you feel more like a scientist) and allows you to have a good career, and then get really really good at it.
Once you pass the treshold of basic competence you'll be able to steer it in the direction you want and BAM, happy ever after

>> No.8349889

So, you guys are studying for the sake of money?

>> No.8350088

I do not think it is exactly the same. With electrical engineering you also get magnetism and wireless data transmission instead of only electric circuits.

>> No.8350109

I majored in applied math and statistics.

Biggest benefit is that when I pick up a textbook to learn something I can focus on concepts more than methods.

I kind of wish I did engineering though, as my current job involves 50% basic statistics 50% code monkeying.

>> No.8350113

whats the applied conctration you're doing? just curious

>> No.8350122

Applied Statistics, though it seems strange to me that this isn't a core part of your major.

That will give you most "resume cred."

But to be honest, nobody gives a shit about your minor when you are looking for jobs. They really don't.

So either base it on what will give you useful technical skills (still probably stats) or just take a minor in what you enjoy.

>> No.8350168

What do I do if I don't really have any interests?

I don't really enjoy anything and the more I do what I'm doing now (CS) the more I hate it.

It's extremely depressing to do a programming assignment or lab and see a bunch of things I could do better or that would be good programming but I don't because I hate it, and instead I do the bare minimum to get it to compile and run and fulfill whatever my requirements are.

>> No.8350174

What do you mean?

There's a statistics class and probability class in applied math but the statistics minor has statistics programming, analysis of variance, regression analysis, analysis of categorical data, and other classes.

I heard stories where employers have been really interested in certain minors or turned off by others. One that I've heard that's an interest is the Technical Communication minor, and some employers can be turned off by English minors.

>> No.8350199

>tfw God and top tier overlap

>> No.8350200

>mfw all math jobs require working for The Man
>jobs i'd take merely to sabotage said employers
too bad research is so bloody competitive, i guess i'm going to trade school.

>> No.8350205

best advice of the thread imo

>> No.8350235

same here anon, i really take issue with academia for being so backwards & ossified esp concerning extraordinary circumstances. unless you come from a stable family, which is like rolling the dice, life is p chaotic for most 20 year olds and a lot of shit can go wrong. i always felt my family was trying to sabotage me so i wouldn't leave them or something.

anyhow, i was a shoein for the ibew, which judges applicants on the basis of an aptitude test, not how well they managed not to piss off some prick with a phd.

>> No.8350244

No it just means that only you and 6 other people fell for it.

>> No.8350501

philosophy is actually pretty godtier if you study hard stuff

>> No.8350559

>Everything is following the same style
>The topmost tier is not following that style, obviously shopped in
>It consists only of engineering jobs
Every fucking time.

Differences for those who are blind:
- Bigger gap to tier below
- 'tier' is lower case, the others all say 'Tier'
- After the last profession there is yet another '\'

>> No.8350745


>> No.8350750

>hot girls going into civil engineering
where the fuck are you. UW has no babes in Civ/env eng

>> No.8350758

I go to one of the top universities in the UK for aerospace engineering and trust me, employers truly do not give a fuck. HR don't really understand what it is, so whenever they advertise a job opening they normally list mech/civil or comp sci as a prerequisite. You will never see a decent engineering job opening that takes aero engineers. Sad but true.

>> No.8350760

Does mech eng deal with aero/fluid dynamics? Because that's a real bitch, probably the hardest part.

>> No.8350764

Nothing, you need a master's at least

>> No.8351138

How is math/econ double major? Looking to get into finance and be a quant for an IB.

>> No.8352367

>Tfw software engineering
>god tier

Feels good man

>> No.8352377

Park Administration.

>> No.8352392

Dear STEMfags

How many of you genuinely enjoy what you're doing? Would you do it for free if you had infinite money in the bank?

>> No.8352395

>hint: if you answer "no" to either of those questions you have completely fucked your life up and will never truly be happy

>> No.8352403


I hate it and absolutely not. I'm thinking of dropping even with all my student loan debt, don't want to do this shit the rest of my life

>> No.8352406

What's your major?

>> No.8352434

Chemical Engineering

>> No.8352446

Oooor you could study both.

Elitism doesn't drive academia.

>> No.8352450

what if I have no passion

>> No.8352478

Yes, I love chemistry and I can probably chem better than anyone else on this board

>> No.8352482

Can i test you on some p-chem?

>> No.8352491

How ironic, Iam math major and regrets not doing Chemical Engineering. Why do you hate it do much?

>> No.8352497

Do engineering or CS for money and job like everyone else. Passion is a meme.

>> No.8352533

if you're an undergrad, no. no you cannot.

>> No.8352547

>Electrical engineer actually got BTFO so hard he added his own tier
I'm fucking dying

>> No.8352549

I cant do physics because my country is a trash

>> No.8352586

t. Unemployed math major with nothing to show for it except his own ego

>> No.8352652

what if you're passionate in CS though :^)

>> No.8352683
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>tfw have passion for a field with THE shittiest job prospects (music)
>tfw turned it into an ~$80k/yr career with not a lot of debt for the college I went to because hard work

Feels sublime man B)

>pic related, STEMfags are scrooge

>> No.8352796
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>tfw when i realized my slick chiptunes wouldn't make any money

>> No.8352822

only true answer

if you don't known what tour passion is, then fuck off to find it

>> No.8353379

What's the best major for someone wanting to get into financing? Economy? Business studies?

>> No.8353414


Uh, there's plenty of rich geologists out there. Ever heard of oil and gas?

Geologists and Geophysicists usually make bank. But in terms of rigor and prestige, IMO, Geophysics>>>>Geology in terms of both.

Both degrees are absolutely brutal in terms of rigor and it's nice to see them get some respect on here.

I know a few Geophysicists and people with the degrees and they're some of the smartest people I know. Combination of math, physics, Matlab, programming, etc

>> No.8353439

I'm just answering his question famalam.

>Two majors, 3.9gpa
>not autistic

cut me some slack.

>> No.8353471


>> No.8353474

off-topic post incoming
is there a place where people share homemade chiptunes online? I love 8-bit music. I'm shit a famitracker though. Are there any good tutorials for that out there?

>> No.8353478

>cs degree literally the psychology degree of pre-2010
>cs degree literally the business degree of 2000 and prior

>> No.8353494

Assuming those statistics are real an not bullshit, it's probably because microbio is primarily a gateway major to graduate education for medicine, clinical lab science, or molecular biology. So the microbio major doesn't directly translate to a microbio job

>> No.8353495

>massive amount of job growth
>massive amount of javascript growth
yeah well you can have it

>> No.8353497

Double major master race

>> No.8353563

I'm doing a PhD right now and I'm pretty fucking lazy. My stipend is for 20 hours/week and I usually work less than that. Every now and then there is some crunch time but generally you can be very lazy. At this rate it will take me about 4 1/2 years total to finish. Undergrad was way more gruelling

>> No.8353852


Thanks anon. I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.8353865

>work in academia or a govt lab where job security is good and pressure is low
That is such bullshit. Academia is probably the most competitive and stressful career there is right now, every cuck is working 100+ hours per week just to beat you out for postdocs; which you'll be doing into your 30s while hoping to get an associate's professorship at some shit tier uni since the boomers aren't retiring at the good ones.

Also getting your PhD is easy, but if you don't get at least 2 quality high impact articles out before you graduate it's good game and then it's even harder to find work in industry.

>> No.8353866

Probably Major John L Pierce. You get bonus points coz he has been dead a while.

>> No.8353961
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Everyone point at and laugh at the snooty Math major getting BTFO.

>> No.8353991

Work as an actuarial or some shit until you have enough money saved up, then live cheap and keep doing math at uni. Why does everyone think that as soon as they leave uni, they have to work a job for the rest of their life, especially if you can earn six figures without too much trouble?

>> No.8354002

mate dont you have homework to do for watching persona letsplays during lecture?

>> No.8354003

commit sudoku

>> No.8354284
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starting to study molecular lifesciences in 6 months. good idea?

>> No.8354317

meh idea, you need to get into research unless you're doing premed

>> No.8354325

yeah but going into research is something I always wanted to do

>> No.8354326

Would love to study that but my chemistry knowledge is non existent so i wouldnt make it. Also its full of doing labs and my motor skills are a bit "shaky".

If you love biology and chemistry you couldnt study something better anon good luck.

>> No.8354328

chemistry is also my weakpoint put I hope that I can power through the basics if I really give it my all

>> No.8354330

why is medicine god tier and not pharmacology

>> No.8354338

Is a math major good for anything other than being a math professor?

>> No.8354341

As uni starts in 6 months and you now ve some time to spare i assume then you could do some prep work beforehand. There sure are some intro textbooks about chemistry i even downloaded one with which i wanted to prep but didnt do. So just use the time to prep a bit so you will ve an easier start. What i used was Openstax College books - they ve intro books for chemistry.

>> No.8354370

problem is that I will be in NZ for a majority of the 6 months and I don't really know if I have the time to do prepwork

>> No.8354449
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>majoring in math
>everybody says im going to be a math teacher

>> No.8354451

Engineering. Everything else is obsolete.

>> No.8354455

Part of EE or Mechatronics. I mean if you're talking about control theory and related that classically has always been part of EE.

>> No.8354468
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I am an applied mathematics fag but I have deep interests in geophysics esp. where it intersects with hydrology. I respect you breh.

Nature is beautiful. The Rothman Group at MIT does some cool work.

>> No.8354499

What are your thoughts about Electrical And Computer Engineering?
I'm applying next semester as I've been majorless for 2 years now and finally found something that was interesting

>> No.8354514
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>I've been majorless for 2 years now

>> No.8354516

I dropped out for a year, and was freshman a year.

>> No.8354524
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>I dropped out for a year,

>> No.8354534


>> No.8354539
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>> No.8354544

t. wageslave cuck

>> No.8354552

t. brainlet buttmad he lost his chance to succeed in academia

>> No.8354555

But I didn't?
I dropped out because of money problems, and I was approved for continuation this summer. I'm even taking calculus III right to make my entry into engineering easier.

>> No.8354565

>I dropped out because of money problems
>t. wageslave cuck
>I'm even taking calculus III right now
you realize non-brainlets take Calculus III their freshman fall semester right? Calculus BC was a cakewalk

>> No.8354567

Alright, whatever you say.
Now fuck off and answer my original question.

>> No.8354574

do you honestly think youll be able to succeed in engineering if you couldn't even finish Calc II in highschool?

>> No.8354577

But I did you stupid faggot

>> No.8354582

>But I did you stupid faggot
no you didn't

only an imbecile would take Calculus III sophomore year after they've finished Calc II in HS

>> No.8354585

It's for 20 hours a week because it is meant to replace your 20 hour / week maximum on TAships. If you took that to mean "I only need to do research for 20 hours a week" then god help you. You should be doing research all day every weekday at least when not in class.

you're just starting like me. I don't know what program you are in where you think ~4 hours of research Mon - Fri will help you graduate in 4 .5 years, but you are the kind of person my lab has warned me about. You can be as smart as you want, if you dont put the work in you are going to get fucked.

>> No.8354586

Listen up you fucking faggot, things don't work everywhere else like they do in your shithole. I took Calculus II in highschool but the "highschool" program in my school was considered weak hence I had to repeat Calculus I & II at uni during freshman year. Every other program at my school starts directly as a sophomore whilst highschool program students have to start as freshmen. I was enlisted into the highschool program because my mother tongue was weak and decided to rely oly on english. Now fuck off

>> No.8354590

relax its the internet, faggot.

>> No.8354595

>using excuses for not being successful

>> No.8354606

PhD student here.

It literally doesnt matter. all this shit about when you are taking a certain class is just banter. thats all the board ever is really.

>> No.8354608

>things don't work everywhere else like they do in your shithole.
> took Calculus II in highschool but the "highschool" program in my school was considered weak hence I had to repeat Calculus I & II at uni during freshman year.
Yet my """"""""shithole""""""" has a proper Calc I and Calc II program in HS so that I scored an A in Calc III

>> No.8354614

>thinking people wont be impressed by you taking level 200 and 300 level classes freshman year
You could literally take a grad level course Sophomore year WITHOUT summer classes by starting out taking good classes freshman year

>> No.8354615
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>mfw brainlets try to pretend to be smart on the internet

>> No.8354629
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Stop bullying me.

>> No.8354644

Are all math majors as retarded as you are? Are you the product of these so called free universities? Yuck.

>> No.8354679
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>> No.8354684
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>Calc III
>sophomore year

>> No.8354700

When something is free, people are less motivated to work for it. My Greek Analysis Prof was telling me how there were 40 year olds in his classes who just didnt give a fuck.

>inb4 its because theyre Greek

Ive noticed the same thing (to a lesser extent ) in Canada, where education is largely subsidized and getting a student loan is easy as pie

>> No.8355253

My passion lies in sucking black cock and that what I do for a living. Does this mean I'm god tier?

>> No.8355302

Hey guys, what do I do if I majored in Math and Physics and it turns out I don't have any real skills and can't get a fucking job anywhere?

Is my only option to get a PhD or to get a new degree or something?

>> No.8355320

>take a look at that first link
>first job requires 5-7 years of experience

Ah yes, that's what all recently graduated math majors are looking for!

>> No.8355334

>PhD in math
>300k pesos starting
Move to mexico

>> No.8355359

Honestly I think it's a mixture of passion and the current state of the field, I'm really into astronomy and astrophysics but I realize the job prospects aren't great. I also have an interest in virology so I decided to follow that field and I'm pretty happy so far

>> No.8355371


>> No.8356333

Because they're math majors

>> No.8356952

Where does embedded systems fall?

>> No.8356967

>embedded systems

I read that as

>Specialized CS so that the knowledge is actually useful

So wherever you see CS on that list, one category above it.

I guess that makes you god tier.

>> No.8356977

I didn't realize embedded systems was that more useful than just software programming.
The basic difference being we need to be able to handle not only software but also hardware which comes with it's own subjects like electrical circuits and whatnot.
I'm still in the second semester out of 8 though so I am not totally familiar with all the difference between ES and regular software.
One thing I do can tell you is that ES is much more low level and will kick your ass if you aren't paying attention.

>> No.8357004

Embedded programming is the only kind of programming /g/ and /sci/ would respect.

It also pays much more because fewer people are trained in it. That is one of the main reasons CE two categories above CS in that and most lists.

t. someone working in application software with only a math degree, happily cucking a CSfag from a job

>> No.8357010

Allow me to stroke my ego a little bit.
The funny thing is, I have never encountered a subject that I wasn't able to understand and didn't have some sort of physical component (think playing piano). The current problem I am facing with one of my profs is that the tub of lard is totally not capable of actually teaching. He's just parroting the stuff he knows without taking into consideration if the student registers what he's saying.
Small comparison:
A good teacher is like a swimming coach when you were still a babby. He's in the water with you and can correct and supplement your knowledge of swimming if you need it.
The retarded prof I have right now says this: "There's the pool, here's what you need to know how to swim. Figure it out."

Fucking asshole.

>> No.8357019

I still have to choose a field of study, but it's just sad that one who likes philosophy like me, whenever he asks for some advice is so disappointed for the negative respones that is basically forced to do something he likes a bit less. My second choice would be aerospace engeneering, yet I'd like to keep doing philosophy in the future. The only fear is that i guess I won't have any time for it because of the work i'll have to handle. Is there anyone who did this, that chose a major and still managed to keep his passions alive?

>> No.8357222

That isn't irony.

>> No.8358910
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Two days into college I decided that I wanted to transfer out of Aerospace Engineering for Biomedical Engineering
I still have to make a 4.0 this semester to make that happen though