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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8340104 No.8340104 [Reply] [Original]

Hello sci,

I've seen a lot of threads lately pertaining to John von Neumann and his superhuman intelligence.

Many either challenge the notion that he was actually as smart as sources say, or they simply can't fathom the magnitude of his intellect.

So i thought i'd make this picture to help visualize the intellectual canyon between the common man and JvN.


>> No.8340105

>not including any black people or abos on the lower end of the iq spectrum
killed my immersion desu

>> No.8340106
File: 8 KB, 300x318, Evillll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not including any black people on the lower end

Might want to get your eyes checked.

>> No.8341404

Kekd at 140 IQ people list

Is that the same guy who "solved" the riemann hypothesis

>> No.8341419

Leibniz and Aristotle were smarter than von Neumann.

Also, Bertrand Russel at 180? Really?


>> No.8341956

Feynman was tested at 129 IQ, shit thread and shit meme

>> No.8342013

B-but einstein f-failed math when he was young! There's h-hope for me yet!

>> No.8343736

>Aristotle was smarter than von Neumann

>> No.8343744

I'm a big Von Neumann fan but I don't think he surpasses da Vinci. That nigger was hundreds of years ahead of his time.

>> No.8343754

>80 is 5-6x greater than 60
also I'd like to fucking see the IQ they gave to a gorilla

shit thread, 2/10 made me do basic arithmetic

>> No.8343757

I'm super happy Aristotle's on the list, but why do you think he's higher than Neumann?

>> No.8343792

>Aristotle but no Archimedes

>> No.8344878

>Gauß < von Neumann
Kill yourself.

>> No.8344892

that nigger is the reason my code is evaluated top down.

not even backwards wow

>> No.8344908

Neumann can dance circles around that brainlet

>> No.8344932
File: 136 KB, 600x450, jacob-barnett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little science man

>> No.8344980

>Feynman 160
what the fuck?

>> No.8345089

>tfw you'll never achieve this amount of greatness

>> No.8345099

Implying tao doesnt have 300 IQ and neuman is just a raging brainlet.