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8339976 No.8339976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how did he perceive us regular humans, were we nothing but symbols and numbers to him?

>> No.8339982

Fellow creations of God.

>> No.8340005
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>how did he perceive us regular humans, were we nothing but symbols and numbers to him?
How do you perceive your pet cat or dog?
I think of them as being similar to us but of inferior intellect.
Neumann was a God amongst mathematicians so we could as well be cats compared to him.

>> No.8340012

He probably saw them as normal people, not as smart as him, but overall they were the same as him.

>> No.8340015

They say that he would often talk to young children in the same manner that he talked to his associates (nobel laureates, top scientists of the field, etc).

This wasn't meant as an insult, but rather just an observation that he likely subconsciously did not significantly differentiate between the intelligence gap of a child and a genius scientist.

It just shows you how inconceivably more intelligent he was than a typical human.

>> No.8340018

Honestly, I think he was one of these guys who liked to play tricks on people, to leave people wondering how he did it. Like in that story, he probably had already studied the guy's thesis, and discussed it with other experts.

I don't doubt that he was extremely intelligent. His work was excellent. But I think, like Feynman, he was a bit of a showman.

>> No.8340027

When will the von Neumann meme die? 95% of the stories are probably bullshit and most of his contributions were mid tier at best.

Was he a great mathematician? Sure. Was he some kind of hyper intelligent god like comics book character with intellectual super powers? No.

>> No.8340032
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>> No.8340034
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>> No.8340035
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>> No.8340038
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>> No.8340039
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>> No.8340041
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>> No.8340048
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>> No.8340049
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>> No.8340449

>created game theory
> mid tier

fuck out of here

>> No.8340453
File: 377 KB, 988x829, Von Neumann in his home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neumanlet spam thread
its mr potatohead again

>> No.8340466

Gauss was greater mathematician, Euler was greater mathematician, and we do not have such anecdotes of otherworldly abilities about either of them. I think there is some truth in this:


Also, it’s like has been already said: could Von Neumann have imagined what Einstein imagined? Could he write great poetry like Shakespeare (or even half as good as Shakespeare) or sculpt like Michelangelo, no matter how much he tried?

There are some forms of thinking that might not surprise us as extremely fast or extremely logical, yet if you face a Von Neumann or a Terence Tao with the challenge of creating the same they would not be capable of doing it.

>> No.8340472

Stanislaw Ulam, a mathematician and close friend of Von Neumann, once said that they were in the showers after a playful session of amateur tennis, and that he got awe struck by the size of Von Neumann’s penis. He said: "Look, I've been in the Army, I've been in bathhouses, I've seen men. But I never saw nothing like him. He was built like a pony. Sometimes I ask myself if he was not of some different species that the rest of us ordinary humans."

>> No.8340475

oy vey!

>> No.8340480

Have the jews always been like this?

>> No.8340483

was it a joke?
was it supposed to be funny?

>> No.8340500

Holy kek.