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8337448 No.8337448 [Reply] [Original]

Is scientific discoveries the only things that can give meaning in your life? Why is it that once you take away most attributes from a persons life they become depressed and meaningless?

For example, I am on a holiday break right now from uni and I hate to death the fact that I know I am working towards my financial independence and freedom but once i've obtained that I'll be in the same scenario I am in right now, being bored.

Why is it that we know bestowed meaning is nonsense but also self derived meaning is nonsense because its self derived.

Why do such contradictions arise in our brain, what happens when no one needs to work anymore.

Do you guys remember when you were younger and being captivated by the simplest things such as in elementary school you had to make your own pot plant and take care of it? Can such pleasures still exist after being an adult?

>t.blog fag
idk where Im going with this but can someone please expand on why our minds fuck ourselves up

>> No.8337520

I'll say that I feel you bro. If you stop "living" and start asking questions, everything gets hard someway. I dont know how normies deal with it, maybe by just being normies.

>> No.8337576

so what do to stay sane?

>> No.8337599

Drugs. Take your pick. Alcohol, cocaine, weed.

Family. Get a wife and have children.

Work. Work for the sake of working/keeping busy. Work is freedom.

But seriously you need to try LSD. Go trip your balls off and you'll find that the childlike wonder is still inside you.

>> No.8337624

Bro don't let the existentialism bug bite you. You can find meaning in religion too. Even scientific knowledge can be pursued for the ego and will also feel empty at times.

>> No.8337634

>Bro don't let the existentialism bug bite you
Literally how man, it ALWAYS fucking comes back some how, some years I dont think about it at all but when im totally in a state of quiescence and have nothing else to do or tasks to accomplish it always ends up like this and I go into a deep train of thought leading nowhere

fuckkin impossible to get the real shit being in NZ

>> No.8337741

>Literally how man

tbqh religion is the only way. If you're not meditating or praying or doing something to reflect on and improve yourself, then you're wasting your life.

>> No.8338768

this basically
if you end up not believing in some kind of religion the alternatives are pretty shitty once reality sets in

>> No.8338985

>don't think maen you will get depressed just smoke weed and shiet just cool bro amirite?
Brainlets can't accept the life's purpose is to be the best version of yourself.

>> No.8339003

There's no purpose, everybody that you love will fade away sooner or later, we will pass away and at the end i'll be irrelevant, we are alive for the sake of living it's better to distract yourself with the little things that life gives to you.

>> No.8339055
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Asking for a purpose implies there is someone who made the universe adding it a purpose.

I noticed that the purpose is what one actually gives to it. Some people choose to be in the 27yo club (popular men who died consuming drugs) other people think that the life gave them a divine purpose, others live dreaming about things they can't control or getting anxious about the future and end depressed or unhappy.

The real happiness is in the process of making an effort. Living the present. I know the best moments of my life were when I wasn't thinking about anything but the exact moment I was living, and feeling the effort I was putting on my goal at the moment.

I lived my first 18 years of life giving myself pleasure and accomplishing things without any effort; thanks to my early education it was fucking easy to get 10/10 marks till I was 17yo. My autodestructive habits fucked up my daily life and they always were a great obstacle when I tried to improve myself. I lived the life of someone who just seeks the effortless pleasure. I got nothing but minimum happiness.

I don't know what you mean about the life's little things, but I try to appreciate myself more and I noticed I also can help my family.

That's a blog for you ;^=)

>> No.8339132

>Is scientific discoveries the only things that can give meaning in your life?
No, and they don't. What does is rather an exploration and the journey for the truth in every direction.

>once i've obtained that I'll be in the same scenario
financial independence itself doesn't give you anything as a person but it prevents you from potentially harmful things for you as a person (discomfort, disease, bad surroundings...) and helps to obtain things needed to develop better.

>Why do such contradictions arise in our brain
It's okay, because they tell us something about the underlying logic we use.

> what happens when no one needs to work anymore.
Good things happen.

>Can such pleasures still exist after being an adult?
Being an adult is much better than a kid. Personally I feel much better now, so it's not like I would choose to bring anything from my childhood.