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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 750x750, 1472003702619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8332982 No.8332982 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys study?

Do you solve all of the exercises at the end of a chapter or just move on to the next thing?

>> No.8333007

Damn she's ugly. what happened to her face?

>> No.8333041

I love this slut and it makes me a little happy every time I see her posted (which is pretty often lately).

>> No.8333157

Solve as many as you can. You'll get lost later on if you don't.

>> No.8333163

Solve them, for the love of God.
No, there is no better use of your time than solving the problems. This will actually teach you more than reading the chapter did.
If you read the book and don't solve the problems, you might as well not have read the book.

>> No.8333188


>> No.8333294

Readeru booku
Solveru puroboremu

>> No.8333784

Thanks for this. When I solve shit I get 10/9 when I don't solve I get anything from 0-6

>> No.8333813


I study differently for classes, and then things I'm studying on my own time.

For classes, I just go by what they talk about in the lecture, Review my notes the night after class, and maybe skim through the book to see if there's any insights that could be helpful later.

If it's something I'm self-studying, I more or less memorize the chapter from start to finish. Do the exercises multiple times, and create flashcards about key concepts that I try to review at least a few times a week until I know it like the back of my hand.

The self-studying definitely takes more time, but I know the material very well.

>> No.8333822

take that back you monster

>> No.8333900

>people actually like rei
fucking her would be the same as fucking a sock

>> No.8334038

What if you are using certain books as a supplement to a book you are working out of? Do we disregard those exercises? I could see this being a rabbit hole.

>> No.8334063
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Nothing, stop insulting my waifu


Its mostly me. Maybe its only me desu.

>> No.8334140
File: 50 KB, 640x480, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best test of whether someone is a brainlet/loser is if they prefer Rei to Asuka. Asuka is superior in every way. Rei is just a projection of your vapid fantasies. Rei doesn't even have a soul, she's just an object and not a person. Guess what, you're treating her like the object she is, you can't even have a sublime aesthetic waifu experience and I'm laughing at you right now. You have totally missed the point of the series and of waifus in general. Asuka has a deep and meaningful character development. Rei? oh.. She just stands there and does nothing, maybe blushes once.. Asuka confronts the abyss, the nothingness, and asserts her will over life. Rei is a lifeless clone.

Asuka is BEST GIRL. You are a pleb and probably a brainlet too.


>> No.8334147

t. pleb

>> No.8334148
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>taking the time to write all that out

>> No.8334157

>one paragraph
>"all that"
how does it feel being a brainlet

>he thinks that waifus are a game

I have a PhD from MIT, do you, brainlet? haha time for me to split, I've got work to do. Rei was, is, and will always be inferior to Asuka. GOT IT?

>> No.8334171


well that explains the autism.

>> No.8334182

>I have a PhD from MIT
people wouldnt lie on the interent

>> No.8334186

the wonderful world of autism..

sounds about right

>> No.8334209

Who is she? Reverse image search doesn't help

>> No.8334211

>newfags don't recognize asuka

>> No.8334212

Look up for girls with lopsided heads and poorly waxed moustache. She's one of them ;)

>> No.8334224

U think ur real funny dont ya cunt

>> No.8334339
File: 256 KB, 1280x960, 1471128996267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some Russian cosplayer thats my waifu


still at it faggot? delete your fucking post already

>> No.8334363
File: 83 KB, 750x750, 12081146_793052504138440_1114675164_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its mostly me. Maybe its only me desu.
It's (probably) actually mostly me. As far as I've seen there've only been two other threads on /sci/ over quite a large window of time.

It's interesting that posting these images on any given board tends to guarantee they're reposted. The subject matter tends to also cluster.

>> No.8334366


>> No.8334372

>create flashcards about key concepts that I try to review at least a few times a week until I know it like the back of my hand.
Any tips on how to do this effectively? Do you find that this is effective for remembering things in the long term?

>> No.8334386

Also, I tend to learn by initially investing in reorganizing, extending, or finding a pre-existing internal framework where elements and their relationships can be very fluidly and naturally added in and integrated with the whole.

I also tend to think about how it'll be best stored and retained. A lot of the time I think visually, so tend to fall back to that. I'm poor at procedural stuff and try to turn processes into a series of discrete states, instead of connected steps. eg to remember a formula for something, if it's too long to reliably store I'll break it into pieces and remember it as one "machine". No different than you remember how an oven or whatever works, and can arbitrarily scale with a given portion.

Etc. Sometimes organizing data into a hierarchical or associative trees is useful. As a whole, as far as the framework building, it's just a matter of learning how to not get too caught up on the low level details or else it's all just clutter and needless psychological overhead. Once the infrastructure is in place, if it has been made right, it'll largely do itself.

>> No.8334398
File: 39 KB, 720x540, vlcsnap-00073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The test of a brainlet loser
>Talks about waifus

>> No.8334412

...Why not both?
>Originally preferred Rei
>Eventually gained an appreciation of Asuka and Misato
Don't really care for the others. Misato always loosely reminded me of my mother, but oh well. When I was watching Eva initially, Rei was the most relateable character.

>> No.8334484


Its actually probably a mix between you and me, I've been posting threads with these images for the last week, so its (probably) mostly me desu.

>> No.8334491

But Anon, I've been around here for the last week or so, and haven't seen these threads being made... but have made them.

Am I in some kind of parallel universe?

>> No.8334494


Really makes you think

>> No.8334681


I get forced to do problems I would otherwise skip because I know I can do them

I'm just a little cuck boy and I love big dick in my tight ass

>> No.8334711

>I'm just a little cuck boy and I love big dick in my tight ass
Anon why.

What is all this cuck shit lately? I don't mean strictly on 4chan, I watched its genesis here. I mean in society as a whole. Is this sissy submissive bullshit being deliberately seeded into the collective consciousness, just like Europe is deliberately being flood with refugees?

>> No.8334745


BBC is the fetish of the thinking man anon

>> No.8334744
File: 46 KB, 184x187, stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, I'm a weeaboo myself but this is taking it too far

>> No.8334821

More like the dinking man.

>> No.8334942


Literally correct.

>> No.8334978

Read the paper before class so I know what is going on during the lecture. Work out the math behind what we just learned right after the lecture. Code up the algorithm when I get the assignment.

If you're studying for an undergrad course, I'd suggest focusing on the theory before getting deep into problems. Once you know the 'why', the 'how' becomes much more intuitive.

>> No.8335495

well said

>> No.8335527

It's better to see submissive cowards outing themselves. They will be the first ones to be enslaved ;)

>> No.8335722

Not the anon you are replying to,but the more you go over something in multiple sessions the easier it is for you to remember it, and eventually it is second nature. You can find out your gaps pretty quick. Just study the cards before bed, on the bus,...,wherever you have a spare minute

I prefer to use a electronic flashcard system like anki over physical cards. Anki cards can have sounds, diagrams. The process of making the cards will make you read through and summarize your study materials

>> No.8335808


i take damn good notes throughout semester, written not typed. i do all the assessment and reports etc. required of me.

then about 2 or 3 weeks before the test, i spend a good week typing all of the key points of my notes into a word document, diagrams i might want to re-create on the exam paper are sketched out in paint quickly. Document usually ends up being about 20-30 pages.

Print double sided.

The week before the exam, i read this document at every chance; eating breakfast, on the bus, before bed, when i'm just bored, in the doctors waiting room etc. etc.

It works for me, and I've been getting top marks as opposed to slightly-above average marks since using this method.

>> No.8337198
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>> No.8337205
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>> No.8337209
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>> No.8337405


I love her so much anon, do you think she would like a below average, ugly, white Mexican?

>> No.8337419

Get out of my country.

>> No.8337422
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1473121491454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's been posting her on /pol/ too

>> No.8337521


Why would I? I am a citizen.

>> No.8337523


That was also me. Sorry about that.

>> No.8337539
File: 610 KB, 1280x1912, 1464763439719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't post on /pol/.

>> No.8337550


No I didn't mean you as if you were the one posting her, but me.

>> No.8337557

"Also" kind of implied you were the poster that post was responding to.


>> No.8337562


I don't get how you would get such a message. What I was trying to say here is that you, as in ''you, the individual right now'', the ''you'', weren't the one that posted her on /pol/ but me, as in ''me, not just anonymous but me as the one guy''.

>> No.8337571

Yes, you said that, and it was successfully relayed. The machinery of my mind, and likely, the mind of any given observer, decoded the signals in a way that I can only assume, closely approximates the intent of the source emitter.

Anon, I'm not sure what's going on here.
I just don't know.

>> No.8337581

>reorganizing, extending, or finding a pre-existing internal framework where elements and their relationships can be very fluidly and naturally added in and integrated with the whole.

Yea kinda. It's like making a spiderweb while telescoping to different parts, mod-ing macro and micro areas

>> No.8337872

Aleksandra Gayer

>> No.8337959

Nice. I also got top marks through university. I only used notes to follow along in lecture and make what I was lectured on stick, but I seldom read them again unless it had some important thing the professor singled out. I would then do the homework and every single exercise. I would then at least a week before the test go into tunnel vision on that class making sure I had ample time to study and avoid any anxiety I am prone to. If I was bored with studying it meant I was done studying and could take the exam with confidence.

Math fag for context.

>> No.8338306


>> No.8339854
File: 66 KB, 750x719, tumblr_odckq0f5qS1qba9meo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the world slut to refer to a woman

>> No.8340209

read actively with pen and paper and check every statements on the examples given. I don't do every exercises at the end of the chapter, that'd be madness. I just glimpse at them and try to classify them and solve them in my head (which theorems does this use, does this resemble any previous exercise etc.) The ones I can't do in my head I would actually do on paper.

>If you read the book and don't solve the problems, you might as well not have read the book.
well some very good books like Rockafellar's Convex Analysis doesn't have any problem, so I think it's ok to work with the examples instead.

>> No.8340241

Who is Rei and Asuka?

>> No.8340467

well, as long as they aren't insanely hard you should work on them until they seem easy to you, then move on.

>> No.8340478


>> No.8340532

Your mother, sister, friend, and lover.

>> No.8340539

I actually don't do any exercises.
I skip lectures and go straight to practicals, read definitions in book/wikipedia and look how other people solve exercises to make sure I understand everything correctly. I can memorize everything just from looking at definitions and solutions.
Rei best girl.

>> No.8340565


For the long-term, stuff definitely starts to fade, but then again, I over-do it on the flashcards. I make a card for every little detail.

Honestly, the shit that you eventually don't remember is the stuff that probably wasn't too important to begin with, or it's something that I can just look up later. It's analogous to remembering like the elements, their atomic number, and their atomic symbol in high school. I kept reusing the knowledge of the elements that I actually needed to know (carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc), whereas if something comes up with a more obscure element, like strontium, then you just look it up.

I find that pretty much the same thing happens with other material. You get refreshed on the stuff you need to know by just doing it, and the details will fade the same way they would have if you had used something other than flashcards.

>> No.8340584


>> No.8340791

Asuka is fucking intolerable to be around. Rei may be dull as fuck, but at least she won't give you tinnitus with her incessant bitching. You might take the notion that Asuka is more of a "real" person so therefore she's superior and the one you should choose, but frankly that logic only leads to that conclusion if Asuka and Rei are literally the only two girls on Earth.

I'll never understand Asukafags.

>> No.8341909


I, on the other hand, will never understand Rei fags.

Liking Rei fags is, literally, a synonym to being a cuckold. You just know Reifags are among the worst possible people parallel to furries and pedophiles.