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8332604 No.8332604 [Reply] [Original]

>hit forehead back in July
>randomly get uncomfortable pressure headaches, feel a bit dumber, random nausea, artifacts in eyesight if i get stressed at all

why does hitting your head just ruin your fucking life? I just want to feel better. i've felt a BIT better but this feels like it's taking fucking forever dude. It wasn't even a big hit. I got a CAT scan of my brain and it showed nothing being wrong.

>> No.8332609

its the radios from the CAT scan
radio is dangerous

you now have an ever-decreasing IQ because you got radios and did not be natural like us rest

>> No.8332616


>> No.8332618


Yeah you
The guy who wants sauce on this pic. Don't ask, you'll be disappointed

>> No.8332625

origin of picture?

>> No.8332638


>> No.8332644


>> No.8332661

very serious, i need that sauce

i need it bard

>> No.8332664

Because it's just a nasty camwhore with shitty tits.

>> No.8332681

it's lana rain

>> No.8332707
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>tfw you spoiled something and have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.8332796


>> No.8332804

sounds like nothing is wrong. either you didn't have this pain before and it's all in your head (pun unintended) OR you had this pain before and you never noticed.

>> No.8332809

nothing is wrong. you're a faggot hypochondriac

>> No.8332817

tbqh i was hoping she was a tarp

does that still make me a faggot?

>> No.8332826

pretty sure what ruined your life was you being a retard.

>> No.8332841


You seem to just be a little paranoid. You are still concerned about this even in the face of evidence that there is nothing wrong with you. Anxiety and stress can manifest itself physically, and since you are hypersensitive to these small changes in your body, you get more anxious and stressed. You probably "feel a bit dumber" because you are bogged down by this stress. Basically, calm the hell down.

>> No.8332847
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Well that isn't the case. A CT scan isn't going to be some final solution. Hitting your forehead? That could have affected his sinuses for all we know and that's where the weird pressure is coming from. Being that it's pressure and not actual throbbing, piercing pain, it probably IS something to do with your sinuses. If something was seriously wrong with your brain, it'd be obvious after one month. It would have been obvious within the week. You would have had increasingly debilitating headaches, major slurring of your speech, fatigue, immobility of your extremities, shit like that. Whatever your feeling is more than likely some small after effect of your sinuses healing, or a total psychosomatic episode.

Sure, you very well may have some minor trauma that is simply healing, but it will heal. Your body doesn't just go "welp we did all we could. time to move on". It will keep healing until it's all healed. Healing after one month isn't that abnormal, so it's totally possible. Would I say whatever you're experiencing is serious? No.

>> No.8332895
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That's a muscular issue, not intracranial with the exception of intracranial hemorrhage, which would be accompanied by many other symptoms that you do not have, and would have manifested weeks ago. You received a CT scan of the brain, so that further rules out that possibility. Being that you hit yourself in the frontal bone, it is more than likely an inflammation of the sinus. You say that you feel a bit better, meaning it is healing. These things can take months to heal completely, but there is nothing to be concerned about. Just don't get into another accident like this while you're still healing, that's all. If there was a cause for concern, it would be much more obvious.

We've had many famous cases of people who hit their head, feel fairly normal, and then pass out after having a major headache and die of an epidural hematoma on the same day. You don't have anything like that. You're just healing and probably should see a therapist to treat you via cognitive behavioral therapy. It is very effective in treating hypochondriasis, which you very well may partially suffer from.

If this had just occurred and you were complaining of more of a painful, throbbing headache, I would urge you to go to the ER right away for a CT scan, but we know you're fine.

>> No.8333047

I had a similar problem 2 weeks ago.
I hit my head multiple times on hard objects during a fight.

Although I didn't pass out, I got a pretty big bump and a couple of bruises on my head.
Since I live in a second-third world country, when I went to the ER the next day the doctor dismissed me in 20 seconds because I didn't throw up or pass out. He didn't even do a neurological exam.

As it turns out, with the exception of extreme cases, you can't know. CAT scans can only show structural damage such as large scale bleeding and changes in density.

You could do a PET/CT and get an entire 25 mSv just to know if you have damage.
However even if you have there's nothing you can do anymore.
And even a PET can't show slightly decreased activity, just large anomalies and asymmetries.

I have no idea. It sure sucks though. I might get an MRI when I can afford it anyway but this will probably follow me the rest of my life.
After all I had serious post-concussive symptoms. Don't forget, anything that doesn't kill you leaves you crippled and weaker than before.
I hate my life.

>> No.8333056

This is someone you should never listen to. They are clearly depressed and like to look at symptoms from WebMD. He's talking about PCS only after two weeks, when that would never be diagnosed until at least six months of symptoms.

There is nothing wrong with either of you.

>> No.8333063

>it's like you guys are fucking me

>> No.8333071

>He's talking about PCS only after two weeks
Well I still have concussion symptoms, and I really shouldn't.

>There is nothing wrong with either of you.
There's literally no way to know or assume this.
Yeah, we obviously don't have debilitating damage to motor areas or basic cognition, but you have literally no way of knowing the extend of the damage.

>> No.8333075

>Well I still have concussion symptoms, and I really shouldn't.
They can last for quite a while.

Your body heals minor injuries itself with time. You had no serious damage. Go to a therapist.

>> No.8333106
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OP is a hypochondriac

That being said, in the second grade I suffered a really bad head trauma that left a decent sized dent in my skull. My father, being the piece of shit that he is, never took me to see the doctor for fear of losing visitation rights since this happened while visiting his family in Oklahoma. This was despite the fact that he himself is a doctor and should have known better when he saw my head spurting out tons of blood. My mental faculties seem (mostly) unimpaired and I'm on track to start my master's next year, though my vision is becoming increasingly fucked and I'm seeing all kinds of static and weird flashes and shit. Never had an MRI and I sort of don't want to because I'm not sure that I would like what they tell me.

>> No.8333110

Hillay, just eat some magic mushrooms to fix the damage.

>> No.8333114
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Well, it probably didn't do anything to you. It's much more of a possibility that there was serious damage when there was no bleeding.

I don't see why people think that hitting their head automatically means they're permanently damaged, going to die, or whatever. If you got an MRI, it wouldn't show anything. What you're experiencing could be related to quite a lot that has nothing to do with some head trauma you experienced as a little kid. You should possibly even be grateful that your father didn't let the ER give you an adult head CT as a developing child, which is what you would have gotten. CT scans to the head are harmless in adults, but in children with a developing, growing brain it has been thought to increase your risk of a brain tumor by a significant enough amount to warrant lowering doses.

Everyone gets those oddities in their vision once in a while. They're negligible to your health. You're an adult getting a masters degree. You're perfectly fine. If you start legitimately losing your vision, then you should go to your PCP, yes.

>> No.8333120

If you're going to roleplay a doctor on the internet with stock photos, at least get your shit right.
You sound like a teenager or a kid.

>> No.8333125

I'm a third year resident. You sound like an stubborn asshole that I regret helping. You're a hypochondriac.

>> No.8333126

I'm not the guy you're replied to, but I'm glad you'll be kicked out in a year or two.

>> No.8333130

You're the sort of people that we really wish we didn't want to help.

>> No.8333141
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>Everyone gets those oddities in their vision once in a while
You don't understand: it never goes away. At its best it's like looking at a staticy television set with poor reception. At its worst it's all these flashes and screen tearing and pulsing white circles that obscure my vision for several minutes at a time. I experience the latter about ten times a day.

Also fuck doctors. You're all a bunch of incompetent assholes. I would know because I'm related to too many of you and get to hear about how you treat your patients.

>> No.8333144

Where do I get more pics of her?

>> No.8333238

>This is someone you should never listen to.
>There is nothing wrong with either of you.
To put it bluntly, you don't have the means to know shit. You're talking out of your ass, it's obnoxious and it's asinine.

Someone ignorant of basic epistemology has a very low probability of generating an onion worth garlic.

Just shut up.

>> No.8333240

Wow. You ended up with visual snow.

I've had visual snow for possibly most of my life, but it wasn't preceded by mechanical trauma.

Google it.

>> No.8333246

It's very hard to appeal to doctors, but if you have a genuine interest in how your body works and want to figure it out, you're golden

>> No.8333446

I wish it was still just visual snow, but it's a whole lot more than that and it's getting worse. Over the last few months it's gone from a coarse static to a constant flicker. I'm also getting the pulsing circles and tearing a lot more too. It's all getting progressively worse since the injury.

>> No.8333697

yeah what the fuck is that flicker?

I noticed this few months ago but now it's almost constant, it's at ~5-10 hz and I hadn't notice before how intense it gets sometimes.

I'm worried because it's either something about the optical nerve or it's actual brain damage.

>> No.8333712


>> No.8333896

Yes, you are a faggot and always were.

>> No.8334110

You're describing a panic attack.

>> No.8334193

try googling hppd, not that much is known about it but one of my friends experiences something similar to u and he thinks its that

>> No.8334221

I've never used drugs. I don't even drink caffeinated beverages.

>> No.8334266

In case you didn't, you should get you retina thoroughly examined. I have this stuff, but not that bad, and I have some mild form of retinal dystrophy.

>> No.8334311

The flicker, patterns, and fine static are all part of visual snow. As is seeing tearing and "heat waves" (distortion patterns) propagating across your visual fields.

Nonetheless, definitely get an eye exam. You could have elevate intraocular pressure, retinal detachment, or something more to do with the eye. Visual snow isn't static (pun intended), it does have a spectrum of states it can occupy, but you need to rule out eye issues.

>> No.8334318
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>it's not a trap

>> No.8334323
File: 37 KB, 350x424, 6a00d83452033569e20163057ef045970d-600wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a somatoform disorder called hypochondriasis. It either kills your or it doesn't. So odds are 50/50.

There's a slight chance the calcium could harden and vitrify your frontal lobe. Anyway, don't stress yourself thinking about it. I'm serious. Visualizing the scenario while under stress actually triggers the reaction.

>> No.8334504

My eyes are fine and they've always been fine. I've had lots of eye exams over the years when getting new glasses and every time they say they're in perfect health. It's neurological.

>> No.8334505

>why does hitting your head just ruin your fucking life?
It didn't, you were retarded from the get-go.

>> No.8334508
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>> No.8334513

>My eyes are fine
How do you know? Have you had an exam since July?

>> No.8334520
File: 395 KB, 462x396, 5677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't know I was communicating with an eyelet.

>> No.8334527

Yes. I got new glasses recently.

I've asked them every time and it's always fine.

Wow, good one edgelord

>> No.8334554

>I've asked them every time and it's always fine.
Well, good then. Perhaps I'm misreading your tone, but maybe you ought to calm down and stop being such a dickhead. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

My own take on this is feeling dumber is likely psychogenic. You've acquired anxiety, it's cutting blood flow to your head, and you're chewing through working memory by always having in mind the search for what's wrong. Something always feels wrong.

The random nausea could be jaw of upper cervical problems. It could also be anxiety. You're not going to like hearing it, but as someone who's had some awful anxiety, that's how it works. You feel nauseous, disoriented, and stupid. I've also felt like there was a painless spike driven through my forehead because the muscles were so tight.

As for visual snow "ruining your life", I can't help but see this as inane. I do understand, you just acquired it, it's making you nervous, you don't understand, etc. But it really isn't that big a deal. I realized I had it when I was 13 or so. Before that I figured the human visual system was just crude and prone to noise, or that my grandparents were always right and I goofed and sat too close to the TV "ruining my eyes". You'll get used to it. Life will go on. Ultimately, functionally, and in all meaningful ways, it barely matters and it's not worth whining and crying about.

>> No.8334763

It sounds like you have a concussion

Go see a doctor

>> No.8334828

>minorities and women are blurred out

>> No.8334834

>Can claim it's depth of field due to high end camera sensors and artistic design
>Plausible deniability
The white man outsmarts minorities again.

>> No.8334857

There's several different people posting about problems about head trauma in this thread. I'm >>8333106

I think you're blending multiple different people together

>> No.8334865

I think visual snow is potentiated, if not caused outright, by something environmental in genetically susceptible individuals.

My grandmother developed visual snow near the end of her life. My father had something similar (and had multiple concussions prior but only developed it in his 50's), I can't remember if it's always been this way.

Nonetheless. We all live in relatively separate areas, and all developed it probably in a small window of time. Why? Visual snow is clearly becoming more common. It's either something environmental that most people are exposed to, or something that plants the seeds and just develops later.
