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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8332271 No.8332271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>your university & major
>your SAT/ACT score

>> No.8332273

>your university & major
Mining Engineering, fairly small uni somewhere in Europe

>your SAT/ACT score
Does not apply.

>> No.8332275

community college


>> No.8332285

>he fell for the CC meme

>> No.8332294

>your university & major
UNAM, physics

>your SAT/ACT scores
I got 1800, I was just doing the test for the sake of it though.

>> No.8332302

just poor

I get a stipend from the CC and I can transfer with a decent scholarship from the CC to a more prestigious university that the CC has an agreement with.

>> No.8332308

Physics at UF
29 on the ACT

>> No.8332309

If you are poor, how did you get 2400?

>> No.8332311


>> No.8332315

UCLA EE transfer student
ACT 27

Did not take SAT

>> No.8332324

I took the SAT twice.

Its not super expensive. The reading and mathematics sections were kind of jokes the only thing that dinged me on the first time was writing.

>> No.8332327

U of A
Physics & Biology

In retrospect, should have studied and aced the SAT and went top. Then again, I can just go to a top for grad.

>> No.8332329

The SAT costs like $50 to take. the books aren't that expensive and there is an assload of shit online to help you get a high score.

>> No.8332338

Ucla CS freshman
2100, 2210 superscore

Tbh getting a 4.7 gpa was so much easier than getting above 2100 on the sat for me

>> No.8332339

applied math

>> No.8332402

uchicago math 2360

>> No.8332461


>> No.8332471

vandy cs

>> No.8332474

Computer Engineering
A mediocre state school
ACT: 34

That face when I could have gone to Harvard

>> No.8332519

art history


>> No.8332526

I can't tell if this is a dig at vandy for some reason (because it's not really a high target school here), or what. but a 1650 is really low for that school

>> No.8332531


I got a 27 in math and science and a 33 in English and Reading, but I didn't take school seriously at the time and read a lot. My friend from hs got a 35 and majored in Japanese of all things at a state university after turning down a full ride to Harvard... What a waste.

>> No.8332536
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>tiny Catholic school in midwest
Cornell and Dartmouth rejected me, those bastards

>> No.8332560
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>it's an everyone on /sci/ is at least above average episode

>> No.8332577

You need higher than average scores to even get into college, much less hard science. Not unreasonable desu

>> No.8332594

UT Austin, EE

2220 SAT, 34 ACT

>Tfw 2.9 gpa
>peaked in hs

>> No.8332599

>You need higher than average scores to even get into college
You have obviously never been to college. If you had, you would know that there very, very stupid people manage to get accepted to college.

>> No.8332624
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>26 (On ACT)

>tfw you're a brainlet who comes here to make himself feels smart

>> No.8332627

Oh, and I major in chemistry

>> No.8332633
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Anthropology at UNCG

1750 and 27

>> No.8332657

I'm not American, but looks like most of the people ITT got shitty scores. What do you need to score in each test to put you in the 99th percentile?

>> No.8332669

Those extracurrics are rly important for the ivys yo

>> No.8332671

solve y=b-(-xa)

>> No.8332676

Physics B.S.

>tfw high school slacker gets motivated
>community college for a year
>2nd year at uni
>don't know how the fuck I'm going to make it into grad school

Seriously /sci/, am I fucked? If I get a fuckton of research done, volunteer and shit around the physics department, do good on my GRE's, and get good recommendations, will my last year, my retard-tier SAT scores, and the fact that I'll be getting my B.S. 5 years after HS instead of 4 fuck me over?

>> No.8332679

Haha, I'm a dropout, went to CC, withdrew and failed from a total of 8 classes, and am in my senior year for Electrical Engineering. 3.5 GPA


>> No.8332682

I was section leader in orchestra, jazz band, National Honors Society, track, and was cross country team captain. So that wasn't the problem. I think my essay was a little weak.

>> No.8332684

Erm, some uni programs have a minimum GPA just to make it into the Bachelor's program. Check your major.

>> No.8332689
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>Most people got shitty scores
>Mixture of 2000's+ and 30's+

Here's what grad schools care about
>Professor recommendations
>Official Pre-Reqs
>Anything random you can meme on your application

They won't give AF about anything prior to your end results.

Brother went from 2.75 to 3.2 after 2 years of hard work and because he got a professor recommendation they simply requested he do good on his GRE's and he'll be set.

>> No.8332690

Pretty much above 2280 on the sat is 99th percentile. Anything above 2000 on the sat is generally considered a "smart person" score, at least in california (public school).

Gpa plays pretty heavy into our admissions too though, so there are plenty of 4.5+ applicants who get into top 20 schools with 2000 SATs and such. Same with 2300+ SATs who get in with under 4.5 GPAs.

>concerning STEM ofc

>> No.8332692

>your race

>> No.8332693

ee, act 36

>> No.8332694

Since this is a /uni/ thread if I'm not at a super well known nor distinguished college, and want to go to grad school in math at a somewhat reputable place, is it worth trying to transfer to a better school? Or do grad schools not care where you got the degree as long as grades are solid and you have good recommendations?

>> No.8332699

im at MIT and unless u come here too then lmao ur wasting ur time bro

>> No.8332702

Depends on what school you want to go to for grad school. If you go to somewhere like MIT for undergrad and want in on their grad program they'll be more soft on requirements and likely to take you in than if you're an outsider. Other schools that are good but not as memed on will just want hard work.

>> No.8332704

Try to transfer to a better school. If you can't, try to go all "anti-education" up in your dorm room and try to do individual research. Obviously the path not often taken (because its extremely hard), but if you can actually accomplish and publish something grad schools will eat you up.

Keep in mind they want researchers first and high GPA / prestige nerds 2nd

>> No.8332705

The biggest problem is recs from reputable professors. If there are professors who are well known at your school, you're fine. If not, you may still have options by doing REUS (which you should be doing if you want to go to grad school).

>> No.8332706

>implying MIT is the best for pure math

Nice meme.

>> No.8332709

B.S. in math, M.S. in physics at School of Mines
SAT: 2180
ACT: 31

Definitely could have done a better job, but I couldn't be fucked to try and go into higher level education, leave with a shitton of debt and have a marginally higher chance of landing a job than someone who went to a mid-high tier school

>> No.8332712

I'm already in the program, and I haven't been dropped. Minimum requirement to get in to the program was 3.0 I believe, which I had leaving CC, and minimum requirement to graduate is 2.0. Obviously I'm working to increase it, but I'm definitely in the program, lol.

>> No.8332718

Those are great and all but if they didnt mean anything to you beyond your admission then they can see it in the essay. I mixed my hundreds of hours of film and AV extracurrics with my Comp Eng academic pursuits to explain how I wanted to go into VR research. It seemed to have worked really well for me so thats why I reccomend mixing hobbies with academic things in essays.

>> No.8332721

I have a 2.8 GPA from 3 years ago

Would a 1400/1600 SAT score negate my shitty GPA?

>> No.8332722


32 here

>30 Brothers unite.


Would you say that is a good school for my score?

>> No.8332723


>> No.8332725

>not even close sry

>> No.8332726

>730 reading
>710 math
>620 writing

Didn't study so I didn't know how to do good on the writing.


>> No.8332727

Depends where you want to go. Lot's of state schools auto admit people in state who reach a minimum score.

>> No.8332728

Can someone please explain how to get your GPA lower than 3.0? I have always dreamed of being a brainlet.

>> No.8332731

Tbh ive never heard of michigan tech but a 32 is around a good ballpark for humanities at ucla/berkeley/ucsd and STEM at the other UCs(i.e. irvine and davis, who cares about merced)

>> No.8332738

I just want to get into a normal state school. Going to university at all would make me happy.

I was in a very try-hard college preparatory boarding school and ended up dropping out. the irony is funny to this day.

>> No.8332739

Have a social life and do lots of drugs.

>sadly didnt work for my cog sci bud at Cal.
>desu his genius probs just got avg'd out by all the drugs he does.

>> No.8332745

if it's just a state school, then maybe. If not, just go to CC for a year and transfer. Get A's at the CC, and with the 1400 you can get in somewhere.

>> No.8332748


Oops that was meant for this guy >>8332728

>> No.8332751

If I started at Uni I probably would've failed. It's fucking garbage. My CC had their shit together and all the teachers gave more than they should've (as in effort and time on their side), so it was easy to get an A in almost everything.

Literally the female calc teacher
>the homework isn't being graded, it's for you, not me

All the math teachers did statistics stuff too, so you'd see a breakdown of grades and the teacher would talk about what they did or didn't like on tests. Even the physics teacher looked over his grades to see if he had a good distribution going and if anyone needed help.

>> No.8332760

I think the idea of uni is that they kinda kick you to the curb and let you survive on your own.

CC is another opportunity for ppl who didnt do too hot in HS to figure out how to learn independently and do good

>> No.8332795

Teachers cared a lot more in CC than uni, there's like no independence going on. My CC degree was also free. Let me repeat that: It cost me $0, and I even got back at least $500 for each semester to get my AS. All I got was the standard Tap and Pell grants.

>> No.8332800


Minnesota's first university.

Mathematics (after some trouble, I did finally graduate).

SAT: 1460/1600, old test. An exact even split between "math" and "english", being 730 on each section. Took the test exactly once and did not bother about re-taking, both because I was satisfied with my score and also because I did not want to hazard worse performance on a second take, which (as I understood it at the time) threatened to lower what I could report during the college hunt.

On the SAT, a late friend got a perfect 800 on the English section. However she never cared for math and sciency things, and so she only managed a 530 (IIRC) on that section.

ACT: 31/36. The breakdown was something like: math 31, english (first part-thing): 32, English (second part-thing) 28, read science graphs n' shit 28. Somehow the cumulative result shook out to 31 in spite of this latter guess of mine. Despite the fact that I could have retaken this test without hazarding the established 31 (unlike the SAT as I understood things), I didn't bother. Again, I took the actual test exactly once and left it alone afterwards because I was satisfied with my initial performance. I was actually engaged on the college hunt itself by this point and I didn't feel like juggling one more piece of effort for something that I might very well have simply done worse on, anyway, when I had already done fine on it.

I spent maybe a few days reviewing study material for each test before doing them and got the good night's sleep, etc. Apart from taking the process seriously when the time came (hence the few days' study), I didn't fuss too much over them.

The aforementioned trouble involved taking time off due to trashing my GPA. I did go back and graduate, however.

>> No.8332839


University od Texas at Dallas (UT-D)

33 on the ACT and 2170 on the SAT

Being a brainlet at everything besides standardized tests is pretty fun desu

>> No.8332844
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>33 ACT
>a good standardized test score


>> No.8332850


Rutgers, Philosophy and Economics double major. Sudied some Mandarin too

>> No.8332908
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thoughts? dropbox internship app

>> No.8332914


>> No.8332915

University de Iowa / EE
2120 / 34

>> No.8332918

Dude you don't wanna work for someone like that anyway.

>> No.8332919

>lay ebin front end web """""""programming""""""


>> No.8332980

What you said man.
Honestly seems like a hub of inflated egos

>> No.8333108

Got accepted into U at Buffalo with 2.9CGPA. gonna do civil eng, is it worth it bros?
am a transfer student from msia

>> No.8333173

>not saying
>2370 / 34

The time limits on the ACT were pretty lame.

>> No.8333272

A levels: A* A* A*
Cambridge Physics
I take the superior "SAT"

>> No.8333282

>Aerospace engineering
>U of Illinois
>34 ACT

>> No.8333285

How do you even remember your SAT score? Universities never asked for mine.

>> No.8333313

Math PhD
Boston University

I was at URI for undergrad. Don't be a dumbass and get a better GPA and also try to publish. No one will care about your SAT scores or that you are out in five years. Also the people at uri are cool but doing what they do won't get you in grad school

>> No.8333348

a levels AAA
nottingham mechE

>> No.8333361
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Oh look it's another I need to feel self important thread.

>> No.8333376

Yea I feel you man, that's why my GPA dropped in the first place. But I'm confident I can boost it back up if I'm not wasting my weekends getting drunk in Eastward all the time.

>> No.8333399

You can still pull it up on the college board website.

>> No.8333412

cornell ECE, in a lecture right now kek

>> No.8333425

University of Houston. Chemistry

2060 SAT

>> No.8333476

>oh look, it's another smug anime face post

>> No.8333487

CWRU - Physics, Math, and Music
ACT: 35
SAT: Didn't take it

>> No.8333531

>what do you mean by 'countries outside America'

>> No.8333537

>Computer Science
>96.4 ATAR

>> No.8333555

You need 2360 for art history?

>> No.8333640

How is cornell's campus honestly? Is it super depressing like everyone says?

I turned it down for ucla bc they didn't give me financial aid

>> No.8333642

Seems like it.

The "art history" program at MIT is REALLY competitive