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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8331039 No.8331039 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, we have a solid discord going (about 30 members) for discussion of literary and philosophical texts, as well as for sharing and critiquing original work. We alternate every 15 days between a philosophical text, a collection of poetry, and a "fringe" text, usually psychology, anthropology, or occult. The philosophical texts often contain works of science.
Invites close next Wednesday, so if you are interested in checking it out, definitely give it a look. We are looking for STEMlord perspectives to cancel out some of the /lit/ autism, so even if you want to come by just to fuck around that's cool too. We start reading Spinoza's "Ethics" tomorrow. Feel free to join in or post work.


(Pic related)

>> No.8331048

C h i l l e r

>> No.8331053

>oooga booga vedic mysticism

Nice fake quotes, you fucking faggot

>> No.8331065

Left: People who actually contributed to science
Right: Spokesmen for pop-sci

>> No.8331066

>he hasn't read the complete works of Niels Bohr in the original Danish

fucking pleb trash, we don't want you anyway

>> No.8331072

OP: a cherrypicking cunt
you: a gullible ass

>> No.8331084
File: 335 KB, 453x540, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheryrpicking cunt
>literally every foundational figure of 20th century science

m-muh feynman, r-right?

>> No.8331091
File: 208 KB, 798x1200, 2009IASOfficialPhoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brainlets can't keep up with modern physics

>> No.8331315

>what philosopher is most influential or useful to your work?
good one Ed

>> No.8331658

I like your picture there, OP.

Science is actually a result of philosophy...

In answering the age old question, how can we be sue that what we think we know is actually true?

It's a rather in depth philosophical question, as the Allegory of the Cave was in essence the first time anyone ever asked the question, "Dude, what if we are in the matrix"

The rigorous process of logical observation and deduction of observation, testing, etc... was the best answer we could come up with to solve the paradox of "How do we know that what we know is actually true"

So, in essence, Philosophy is the purest form of Science, because it concerns itself with the nature of Truth, Knowledge, and human perception biases.

>> No.8331661

>>literally every foundational figure of 20th century science
I don't see Feynman

>> No.8331677

>every intellectual today is STOOPID
>film cameras are better because they are

>> No.8331717

fuck you op, you're uspposed to believe experts you ufcing cunt
do you realize how damn stupid you are??? you dont even believe the opinions of the experts? how can you call yourself a friend of science?? you betray all that is SCIENCE... science isnt what some retard "tests" and "observes", science has nothing to do with correlation. correlation does not mean causation! remeber that idiot. science can really only be defined by what the Collective Experts agree on. do you really have the gall to believe that you are smarter than them? what kind of standing do you even have? do you even have anything peer reveiwed?
fucking retard. damn, you amaze me.

>> No.8331739

ITT: the never ending dick measuring contest that is /sci/

>> No.8331747

>experts = bad
>me = am good, only listen to words me am producinating

>> No.8331751

Oh, I see.

>> No.8332016

philosophy is a result of pedantry over language.

should being a pedant be held to high regard?

>> No.8332208

t. someone who has never opened a book

>> No.8332253

>philosophy is a result of pedantry over language

>Language, the only form of communicating and interpreting scientific research, is not worth studying

Lol. Math is a language too.

>> No.8333006

Reminder that Einstein said rationality is the servant of intuition.