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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8327558 No.8327558 [Reply] [Original]

So scientists say that the Big Bang caused the universe but what caused the Big Bang?

Serious question btw please explain I am open minded to anything.

>> No.8327563

Don't be stupid, OP. God obviously did this

>> No.8327566

Quantum fluctuations

>> No.8327574

Bit meaningless to me could you expand?

Also what caused the fluctuations?

>> No.8327599

Bump I'm genuinely curious no memeing. Come on guys this is fundamental stuff.

>> No.8327622

>So scientists say that the Big Bang caused the universe
Most don't.
The Big Bang is a description of the early expansion of the universe, not a causal account of its existence.

>> No.8327631

Ok what did cause it though?

What are quantum fluctuations? Fluctuations in what?

>> No.8327633

In string theory it could be branes bumping into each other in higher dimensions. Also yeah I know string theory = crackpot theory = untestable = not even wrong.

>> No.8327640


What the fuck does that even mean though jesus christ I am so dumb.

>> No.8327648

You're not dumb man, it's just vocabulary you don't know. Gotta learn it.
(Or not because fundamental physics is a meme)

>> No.8327649
File: 50 KB, 739x554, Univer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theory is that our 3d space (or 4d space-time) is like a surface that exists in a universe with more dimensions. This is like how paper exists in our 3d but is itself 2d. In string theory these branes can hit each other and when this happens that energy is dissipated into the brane itself (like if you hit a metal sheet and it starts to ring, the kenetic energy has dissipated into vibrational energy in the sheet. One of these collision events would cause a big-bang in our 3d sheet in larger dimensional space.

>> No.8327651

It's a pretty good meme though. It's sort of like the bane posting of memes

>> No.8327655


But bane posting is the bane posting of memes.

>> No.8327663


Paper is not 2d though? Also pretty gay theory if I'm honest. They're making very specific claims about shit with no measurable evidence as far as I can see.

>> No.8327690

say the paper had cartoons drawn on it and they in their plane on the page attempted to understand an additional dimension that isn't flat on the page. It's a little difficult to comprehend additional dimensions when you cannot achieve a perspective from which they can be seen

>> No.8327695


This just seems to add more complexity, Now we have to explain where all these branes came from and why they're just floating around willy nilly.

>> No.8327722

>Now we have to explain where all these branes came from
Why? In that context, branes have always been there and that's that.

>> No.8327734

what the fuck is a brane

>> No.8327741

If only there was some sort of search engine on the internet you could type keywords into and get information about it.

>> No.8327744


The baneposting of Physics*?

>> No.8327749



>> No.8327753

"a brane is a physical object that generalizes the notion of a point particle to higher dimensions."

What in God's cock is that supposed to mean

>> No.8327759
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>> No.8327761

Maybe you should stop watching capeshit and read books.

>> No.8327764

We probably will never know and it's formal and quantitatively beyond the limits of our knowledge. Just call it God, for it's the reason you're alive today.

>> No.8327779

Get off the high horse ya fucking dork

>> No.8327799

>physical object
>generalizes point particle
>into higher dimensions

What of these don't you understand?

>> No.8327806

friendly reminder that physicists straight up don't know any of this shit and they try to hide that fact behind a bunch of $10 words and arguments from authority.

physicists barely know how thermodynamics and gravity work and even then its a "ehh, the math works out" kind of thing.

>> No.8327897


i lol'd

>> No.8327903
File: 63 KB, 560x730, 1471658843572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they try to hide that fact
Uhhh... no, they quite happily tell us 'We don't know!' because its the most exciting part of their existence.

They want questions to answer.

Oh, and KYS. You are a fucking embarrassment to humanity.

>> No.8327904

>physicists barely know how thermodynamics and gravity work and even then its a "ehh, the math works out" kind of thing.
>physicists barely know how thermodynamics works
You're retarded. Take an intro to physical chemistry course

>> No.8327905


what does "into" mean here?
how do you generalize a point? particle?
how do you marathon a picture?
how do you taste sound?
how do you measure your dick?

>> No.8327910

>KYS. You are a fucking embarrassment to humanity.

this has become so ubiquitous that it has lost its meaning and only remains in use for the sake of ritual

it's the 4chan equivalent of "how are you?" "fine"

>> No.8327951

In order for there to be cause and effect, there needs to be a before and after. We call this sequence of causality time.

Time only exists because entropy exists. That's literally the definition, look it up before you shitpost.

The big bang arose from a universe with 0 entropy.
Time didn't exist before the big bang.
Asking what came before is meaningless.

>> No.8328150

First cause principle

>> No.8328885

LOL underrated

>> No.8329020

>if I bump into you, would you expand the universe?

>> No.8329044
File: 159 KB, 1280x832, ExpansionOfTheObservableDong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8329134



>> No.8329138

God, or a higher being. This is what I believe personally

>> No.8329682

Last time I checked physicists just said dunno, but we're willing to find out and we try hard.

>> No.8329747


Your beliefs are wrong

>> No.8329962

But they clearly /haven't/ always been there if another brane is created when two collide! If branes are constantly creating more branes, then surely those first branes had to come from somewhere.

>> No.8330031

This thread is reposted every weak. Why?

>> No.8330033

It doesn't create new branes and no it wouldn't imply that anyway.

>> No.8330061

Oh, so you mean branes are higher dimensional planes or spaces that can contain universes, and each time two or more collide they /might/ create a new universe from the impact?

That makes more sense. The pic in >>8327649 confused me. I thought each brane contained its own 3 dimensional universe and that a new brane was created with each "big bang" collision.

So basically if this hypothesis is true, a finite number of branes could create an unlimited number of universes just by vibrating together over time?

>> No.8330075

prove it

>> No.8330089

okay faggot. give me a general solution for heat diffusion without bullshit numerical algorithms.

>> No.8330093

>"knowing" something means "having an analytical solution to the fundamental equation regulating that phenomenon"

>> No.8330095

yeah, thats the "how" in how it works. i didn't say "why".

>> No.8330096

Literally what the fuck does the "how" has to do with the existence of an analytic solution?
Are you implying we don't understand the double pendulum because there isn't an analytic solution?

>> No.8330103

the double pendulum isn't the foundation for an entire field of study.

heat transfer is based entirely on that same taylor expansion ass pull that navier stokes is based on, and any physicist will tell you we are still a long way from completely understanding fluid behavior.

but somehow thermal phenomena are totally understood yeah?

>> No.8330107

>the double pendulum isn't the foundation for an entire field of study.
That's avoiding the question entirely. The existence of analytic solution is just a nice thing to have, nothing fundamental, there is no guarantee that they even exist.

>> No.8330117

>there is no guarantee that they even exist.
which means our models are still approximations and that we lack understanding.

thanks for proving my point.

>> No.8330123

It doesn't mean anything of the sort.
No matter your understanding of mechanics, the double pendulum will never have an analytic solution.

>> No.8330132

here's some pure philosophy food for thought:
we know space-time is a thing in some shape or form. we know it contorts, we know time runs at different "speeds" depending on the contortion. so, we know space-time is not an unmovable, unchangeable presence. with that being said, it's implications are obvious. "cause and effect" at extreme energies and tiny spaces simply doesn't happen like we are accustomed to in our everyday interactions. so maybe there was no "before" if space-time didn't exist in the form we are currently familiar with. if time didn't exist yet, there would be no before.

like i said, philosophy food for thought. better than stank memes. or maybe not

>> No.8330151

There is a fringe theory in cosmology that the speed of light is variable over time and any drop in the speed of light forces a release of energy in a vacuum.

>> No.8330155

>paper is 2d
Even drawings on a piece of paper are inside of the 3rd dimension

>> No.8330177

and the 3rd dimension is "inside" the 4th dimension. Just because there's no example of a truly 2 dimensional thing existing in our 3 dimensional space doesn't mean they don't exist. We just have to define our 2d "object" very precisely.

>> No.8330453

So virtual dimensions as in being visualized on a monitor are like how many dimensions

>> No.8331079

This gave me such anxiety as a kid. I remember being around 10 and internally freaking out about it.

>> No.8331092

Creationists 9001 Scientists 0

Scientists can't even make up a story for the beginning of space time. lmao

>> No.8331114

Causality isn't an argument. There just "is". The past and future are illusions, although persistent. Understand general relativity.