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File: 30 KB, 497x343, flat earther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8326283 No.8326283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My best friend is a flat earther.

Is there any evidence I can present to him to prove him wrong? Thanks.

>> No.8326289

If he made the assertion, it's his duty to prove flat earth.

>> No.8326290

Alright. I'm retarded.

Are there still people who think the earth is flat?

>> No.8326291


The burden always lies on who is opposing status quo

>> No.8326294

The Greek understood the Earth was round over 2000 years ago when they saw ships "sinking" as they went over the horizon.

Also, pictures of Earth from space. Not that those will help, flat earthers are schizos.

>> No.8326354

Except OP probably asserted the earth was spherical.

>> No.8326356

The government wants us to think the Earth is round. Photoshop space photo's.

>> No.8326360

Tell him to go on a charter boat out to sea

He'll see the land slowly fall over the horizon

>> No.8326376
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Present him with a hangun

>> No.8326397

Lunar eclipses.

>> No.8326407

>Except OP probably asserted the earth was spherical.
Which is common knowledge and proven by tons of people...

>> No.8326409


It's not a scientific problem. It's a psychological problem. The evidence that the earth is round is all there and he still chooses to ignore it. Ask him WHY he believes the earth is flat and WHY someone should lie about this. Ask him HOW it would change his life if the earth was round instead of flat. Ask him if he'd ever like to go to space and see the planet from above or if he thinks the earth is the end of all men

>> No.8326411

the disc of the earth is perpendicular to the moon, and thus the shadow covers the moon

>> No.8326412

>The government wants us to think the Earth is round.

>> No.8326420

>the disc of the earth is perpendicular to the moon
Then if the moon is flat, how do we see it? :^)

>> No.8326423

If sun has to rotate behind the flat earth for this to happen then how is not night everywhere

>> No.8326435

moon isn't flat, brainlet. The earth is.

selective transportal divergence.

>> No.8326438

Your friend is a special snowflake and should probably end it

>> No.8326454

Tell him he is fucking retarded like all other flat earth motherfuckers. Conspiracy noids the whole bunch of them.

>> No.8326455
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Depending on where you are on Earth, you have a different view of the stars/constellations.

The existence of timezones. Not just because we/mankind/the gubment marked them, but because of the actual difference in the sun's position relative to the curvature of the Earth.

The fact that if you get high enough, you can SEE THE CURVATURE.

I'm a highly religious person. I believe in the Creator God from the Bible. I even believe in the resurrection of Jesus. I vote Republican, and I think that both creation and evolution should be taught in schools. And even I'M not a flat Earth moron.

Although, admittedly, I do find the diagram in pic related interesting. Utter nonsensical bullshit, but still interesting.

>> No.8326467

Then how do you cast the earth's shadow on the moon if the sun and the moon are on the same side? :^)

>> No.8326469

pulsars. currently there is no know theory that explain pulsars but relativity.

on top of that, penguins. they are evenly distributed in the south pole, but it does not make any sense if the south pole is all around the earth, since penguins mate in a single place

>> No.8326476


I think creationism is just as dumb, sorry. But I like Newton's and Augustine of Hippo's approach of theistic evolution (i.e. the creation act never ended).
Or Leibniz belief that creation was not an act of the past but an absolute act that at the same time created past present and future. Of course this leads to a pretty stoic worldvoew that everything that happens, happens because it inevitably will and the only choice you have is what role you wanna take.

>> No.8326478

Send him into space.

>> No.8326482

I just want a flat earther show me a model where he can predict at what times you'll be able to see what planets in the nightsky and if he can't explain why people who believe in round earth have the ability to do so.

>> No.8326486

Thats only one of the interpretations. Not every one of us flatties agree with the same-side theorem. Many of us know that sun and the moon are on opposite sides, and rotating.

>> No.8326489


If the sun is below the earth how can it be that it's never night on the entire earth?

>> No.8326505

pay for a fly-over of the antarctic and arctic with him to show there is no wall.

>> No.8326509

>Is there any evidence I can present to him to prove him wrong?

Wrong question.

He says the Earth is flat. It is his responsibility to prove that the Earth is flat. Burden of proof and all that. Thus, the question should be, "Is there any evidence he can present to prove him correct?"

>> No.8326535

its just the angle, look at the maths

>> No.8326540

what maths?

>> No.8326549

The burden of proof in this case goes both ways as it's also our responsibility to prove the Earth is round.

Earth's shape is not a yes/no question.

>> No.8326552

>>8326486 (You)
>Solar eclipses

>> No.8326556
File: 46 KB, 500x283, standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flat Earth idea was created as a satire. All it was never meant to be taken seriously. A fake conspiracy created to illustrate the sillies of conspiracies, but done too well.

I know what'll fix this problem! Lets create a new conspiracy to satire those flat earthers. It'll be so silly and ridiculous but believable that they'll see the error of their ways!

>> No.8326663

Hes trolling you nigger. Most people use it as a statement to show that religion is stupid. IE You can believe in whatever you want and make claims to back up that belief that are practically irrefutable. Very very few flat earthers ACTUALLY believe the earth is flat.

>> No.8326694

>You can believe in whatever you want and make claims to back up that belief that are practically irrefutable.
Thats a pretty fucking weak argument considering that it simply isnt true.

Every argument by flat earthers is refutable. Every single one of them.

>> No.8326770

The earth is actually helical in shape
The twisting is what causes the day and night cycle

>> No.8326799
File: 141 KB, 610x1296, arctic-circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the summer the sun doesn't set north of the Arctic circle. In the winter the sun doesn't rise north of the arctic circle. But note that its the opposite for the south pole (which on a flat earther map would be the outer perimeter) which creates a riddiculous discrepancy for flat earthers.

I've lived in the northern regions all my life and know that the sun moves differently through the sky depending on the season and I have seen the bright arctic summer nights myself.

>> No.8326826

>inb4 south pole is a lie

>> No.8326829
File: 46 KB, 576x432, 1456327622927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no evidence you can present that will change his mind.

>> No.8326834
File: 30 KB, 600x337, What_are_birds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever seen a penguin in real life? No, they aren't real because the south pole doesn't exist. Flightless birds can't exist! They wouldn't be birds if they couldn't fly! Antarctica is a myth created by global warming conspirators to steal money from people.

>> No.8326837

As a schizophrenic, screw you for associating me with that trash

>> No.8326838

Nothings proven

>> No.8326847

What stage schizo are you?

>> No.8326849

Its not refutable if they just say "the government plants fake information about space and other shit to make it seem like the earth is a sphere" literally any arguement you make that you dont have first hand experience with (pictures from space etc) they explain away with the government boogeyman. And ships sinking over the horizon they explain with some misunderstood concept of perception. Its on par with "last thrusdayism"

>> No.8326868

If the Earth was flat, the sun would rise in the NE and set in the SE. If the Earth was flat, we would not have periodic seasons. If the Earth was flat, the sun would be visible all day long, just dim from time to time. If the Earth was flat, then the gravitational acceleration would varry tremendously from the center of gravity. If the Earth was flat, satelites would not be possible. If the Earth was flat, then our maps would show accurate representations of the sizes of land bodies. If the Earth was flat, our oceans would have been emptied billions of years ago.

What else would go wrong if the Earth was flat?

>> No.8326869

Clearly this post is brought to you by muh government boogeyman.

>> No.8326883

Everything you know about gravity, satilites, and the ocean is a lie fed to you by muh government boogeyman. Have you ever actually SEEN gravity, satilites, or the water cycle? Rain doesnt count, thats gods doing.

>> No.8326899

we are in [math]\mathcal S^2 /_{\sim}[/math]

>> No.8326903

Yes, i have seen gravity accellerate an object.

>> No.8326908

No, you saw the earth accelerating toward that object at 9.8 m/s/s

>> No.8327270

Make a simple quadrant, find the north star and write down the latitude.

Then go on a vacation to a place at a different latitude and do the same measurement.

Then explain to him that the difference in latitudes at different locations is because you have phsically moved around on our ROUND planet and you relation to the north star have therefore changed.

Then proceed to shoot him in his stupid cunt face.

>> No.8327364

this is a pretty apt question, showing you directly that the answers, whatever they may be, show more about the belief of ops faggot friend than questions pointed at science

>> No.8327370

>I think that both creation and evolution should be taught in schools.
I agree, I just also think we should round up and shoot anyone that insists they should be taught in the same class. Evolution is science. Creationism is bullshit and belongs in religious studies, which yes, should be a class because any time 90% of the world belives is worth catching up on so you aren't left from the conversation.

>> No.8327374

>90% of the world believes in creationism
That's wrong.
Maybe you should have gone to religious studies eh?

>> No.8327379

90% of the world believes in religion you illiterate dullard

>> No.8327386

Then why talk about it at all? Why waste time on the apologetics for some specific superstition of theologically insignificant American Baptist Churches?
Should we also learn all about why african shamans believe chicken legs can tell you your future?

>> No.8327419

Yes, and Yes, what part of insignificant baptist churches makes you think this will take a long time to actually cover? And also you're a moron if you don't think a lot of people still disagree with evolution. just not anywhere near 90%.

>> No.8327429

>what part of insignificant baptist churches makes you think this will take a long time to actually cover?
Because creationist apologetics is a bottomless well. You would be amazed at the amount of arguments they can muster. It would take years to cover it all.

>And also you're a moron if you don't think a lot of people still disagree with evolution.
That's really not a widespread view in the first world.

>> No.8327433

they don't get arguements. this isn't science, this is religion, you learn what they believe, and where it comes from, there is no justification involved here. This is a class room not a political/scientific debate

>> No.8327442

I don't get it. What do you propose, that the class says "and this is Baptists, they think evolution ain't real, end of class".

If that's your idea, then don't say you agree with >>8326455 because that is obviously not what he means when he talks about "teaching creationism".

>> No.8327448
File: 23 KB, 337x367, 1472113953091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the maths

>> No.8327477
File: 631 KB, 1280x740, tumblr_o1uljmsZCz1rjinaso2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are either not a moron and said and meant taught in schools, or they are one of the ones to get shot. In other news, you are still an illiterate moron who hasn't processed that yes, knowing what different people believe and think is important information.

>> No.8327485

if the sun was positioned that way relative to a flat earth disk, the sun would never set
it wouldn't ever go beneath the horizon

>> No.8327511

If you think "teaching creationism" is the same thing as "teaching some people believe in creationism", you're the illiterate one.
That's the same difference between teaching general relativity and teaching that general relativity exists.

>> No.8327538

horizon, boats disapearing bottom first, sun set, crescent moon, pendulum. I mean we knew 3 thousands years ago the earth was round and how big it was. Surely you can find a way that is not a photo from the government to prove it.

>> No.8327567

i followed you until there, m8y. pangaea is scientific fact and almost singluarly blorks young earth theory

>> No.8327595

not quite flat earth level yet apparently

>> No.8327750
File: 7 KB, 195x259, Nixon Thumbs Up B&W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you include flat earthers among your friends, why?
Just curious...

>> No.8327820

>crescent moon

This proves that the moon is round, not the earth. But these are all very good examples.

Anyone who believes flat earth is either trolling or holding back humanity.

>> No.8327885

none of the actual solid evidence for the earth being round needs space exploration, the government, or even anything from the 20th or 21st century.....

but it takes basic mathematics, which is still beyond the grasp of these people, and it can't be fit into an "argument" on the scale of minutes, which their retard-level attention spans require.

most of the things mentioned in this thread that are explanable in brief, e.g. ships and the horizon, they already have rebuttals for. more importantly they aren't the actual proof but are just example consequences of the the earth's shape meant to be shown to children

>> No.8328059

Wouldn't our atmosphere and oceans just fall off the edge of the earth?

>> No.8328141

>debating flat-earthers


>> No.8328309

All of these are scientifically sound, compelling evidence, but if the person you're talking to is an actual, believing Flat Earther, it will all fall on deaf ears. The people who have been convinced by flat earth "theory" are the most closed-minded, circular-thinking, confirmation-biased people you will ever encounter. Most die-hard flat earthers are shockingly ignorant of basic principles of motion, mass and energy, and willfully so. If you offered them any of these arguments, they would invent some absolutely retarded garbage for you to say you're wrong, even if it contradicts other things they believe.

Here's an example of how these people think: https://youtu.be/iDk5mlas_fg?t=33s

>>8326409 is absolutely right. These people are not out to be scientific; they are people who are drawn to conspiracy theories so that they can feel in control of a world they don't understand.

>> No.8328491

I couldn't be friends with someone that stupid. Call him a fucking retard and never speak to him again. I bet he's a trump supporter too. I really, really fucking hate stupid people.

>> No.8328520
File: 43 KB, 640x297, module-guide-figure-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physics prove that there is evidence for flat earth

>> No.8328523

Flat earthers are literally retarded.

Does anyone think otherwise?

>> No.8328528

> I bet he's a Trump supporter too
> Implying that there aren't also stupid Clinton/Sanders supporters.

Nigga please. Supporting Trump doesn't make you stupid any more than watching TV makes you stupid. Trump even manages to avoid appealing to the evangelicals who practice science denial (one of the few political things that can actually be linked to education/intelligence).

>> No.8328535

no theyre on to something.

"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."
-Luke 8:17

>> No.8328544

You can't prove it to him with evidence produced by scientists because he simply doesn't trust them.

You are better off either making him do experiments to prove/disprove round/flat earth or making him explain the movement of stars and planets in the sky with flat earth.

This takes time though.

Also before doing anything, ask him the following question :
"What would it take for you to change your mind on the subject of flat earth?"

>> No.8328550

Jesus Christ

Education has failed us

>> No.8328569

Blame the republicans. They can't accept science for some reason so they neuter it in the classroom. Usually in states that need the education the most. Those over zealous christfags are holding this country back in numerous ways. I can't wait for them to die off so they don't vote anymore. They're only delaying the inevitable.
Yes I mad

>> No.8328594

Why not blame the liberals and their agenda that WWII should be only about the Holocaust and none of the revolutionary technology developed during that time. That we should learn all about how we were the evil whites who hurt black people ever since slavery and Jim Crowe, how we mercilessly slaughtered and segregated the "native Americans", for that matter only teach us emotions- we don't need to know how the world really works (that's what college is for :^) ) as long as we're caught up in emotional turmoil.

>> No.8328786

kys attention whore

>> No.8328788

nope. their intentions were too smart for you to get

>> No.8328791

*tips tinfoil-hat*

>> No.8328794
File: 2.36 MB, 2340x4160, flat earther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8328810

Is /sci/ to /x/ like is /his/ to /pol/??

Bcs looks like...

>> No.8328813


> what is specific heat capacity

This is the reason that they even put radiators on the iss. If they didn't it would become a death trap. Not because of the ambient tamper astute of the thermosphere but just due to solar radiation.

This happened with Skylab and they had to fix the radiators before going in because the inside was a dangerous temperature.

>> No.8328856

This still doesn't prove that the earth is round. You're just pulling strawmans with math.

>> No.8328864

>Sun is 3000 miles above the earth and the earth is 15000 miles across
>Furthest distance you could be away from the sun on earth is 11250 miles
>Sun can never be less than 15 degrees above the horizon. Lets calculate the angle for night time at the equator
>Uses 7500 miles

Source for your dimensions? Or are you just pulling numbers out of your ass?

>> No.8328866

refute it or shut up

straight from the flat earth society.
Please refute it. Put in your numbers if you like

>> No.8328871

it proves that the earth cant be flat

>> No.8328875

>straight from the flat earth society.
>Please refute it. Put in your numbers if you like

How can I refute something with made up numbers? You still haven't provided a source for the dimensions you lay out in your diagram to prove your point.

>> No.8328878


>> No.8328903

you can refute it by using the "right" dimensions as I said.
The source is the flat earth society, as I fucking said.

>> No.8328940

You keep saying "the source is from the flat earth society". And yet you fail to provide any links.

>> No.8328944

You can be pedantic about the numbers all day long. OR you can give the numbers you think are right for the flat earth model and actually refute my argument

>> No.8328948

Wow. Haha. Holy shit. You just won't provide the references for your outlandish numbers used in your calculation will you?

>> No.8328951

what is wrong with those numbers? Please correct them then

>> No.8328973

I see what you are doing and I won't fall for your strawman. Either provide the source you aee trying to debunk or fuck off

>> No.8328980

What are the numbers you deem correct then? You make absolutely no point.
It is not like there is a unified flat earth theory with accurate measurements. I can apply the same reasoning to your personal flat earth numbers, I cant strawman you, when you dont make an argument

>> No.8329018

>Is there any evidence I can present to him to prove him wrong?
It kinda depends on how you think of "prove him wrong". He's a flatard, in all likelihood he will be pathologically incapable of admitting that he is wrong, flatards share this in common with creatards, new agers, geocentrists, and all kinds of conspiracy theorists.
This guy has done six different videos addressing various arguments for a flat earth, I'd wager that like most flatards your friend will eventually fall back on a government funded global (ha) conspiracy by every major government and scientific community to hide the troof about the flat earth for...some reason. At this point this is about as close as he'll ever be able to come to conceding the argument.

>> No.8329019


>> No.8329022

Woops, forgot the link.