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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8324276 No.8324276 [Reply] [Original]

>So, you're saying biology is not a science.
>Hmmmm, we will talk after I will save your life.
>You know, anon, I'm like a super-hero, I save lives.Human lives !
>Can you do that with your meme-degree ? Right, you can't.
>Don't forget to pay your health insurance. I need these money to travel, to exotic places.
>By the way, did you see my new Lamborghini car ?

>> No.8324279

gtfo, meme-monkey

>> No.8324283

Are you okay, OP?

>> No.8324284

I'd rather be poor than have a job as high-stress and unrewarding as an MD.

>> No.8324285

Medicine is a trade, not a science.

>> No.8324288
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>What, what did you said ? You still live with your parents ?
>So, you can't afford a house, like me and my Computer "science" friend.
>Damn, anon.
>I see, you're still a virgin, anon.

>> No.8324289
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I'm not MD but I admit that they are the most important people in the world.

>> No.8324295

>proof monkeys sperging out because people can make money out of stamp collecting and high-school math

>> No.8324296

MDs are detrimental society. We need less humans, not more. At this point what most of them are doing is either prolonging the lives of Boomers or removing bullets from niggers.

>> No.8324312

I have an MBBS, is that inferior?

>> No.8324409

Only naive idiots or those who couldn't score high on their Step exams get stuck with this shit lifestyle. Dermatology is top-tier medical career.

>> No.8324414
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No, but I could destroy more lives than you can possibly save. It would make me an enemy to many whereas you would be a hero to few. My influence is thus greater.

Biologists BTFO

>> No.8324420

I remember being a teenager.

>> No.8324427

t. automated out of job

>> No.8324765


>> No.8324779

Physicians ruin as many lives as they improve. If you live in the US, they ruin more.

>> No.8324780

What's the difference between an MD and an engineer?
An MD saves one life at a time, an engineer one thousand.

>> No.8324806

Doctors do it actively and they are aware what they're doing

>> No.8324817

Only 1% of doctors are good doctors. Only 1% of these good doctors know the scientific bases of medicine.

>> No.8325040


>> No.8325096

This. We need to replace them with an AI fast.

>> No.8325178

sure let's let machines cut a human up, that's surely gonna be a good idea that will catch on.

>> No.8325954

>implying biology is required for medicine

>> No.8325982
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Not even doctors need biology.

>> No.8325997

>Take him to an MRI!
>Take an x-ray!
>PET scan!
>Do any type of blood test!
Pretty much everything a doctor uses was created by a physicist or a chemist.

>> No.8326022

Great. Dr Physicist could you please report on this MRI?

>> No.8326023

Uh oh, doctor, the MRI machine is broken. Can you fix it?

>> No.8326025

No, but I can probably get by well enough without it because my skills aren't limited to being an MRI mechanic.

People vastly overestimate the usefulness of technology.


>> No.8326033

when will you med fags get it? we only hate biology as a science second to our generations current idea of it. The idea that studying something for 4 years as a means to an end is exactly why we there are so many unemployment bio and psych fags. Cuz med schools admissions are going to weed out 95% of you. then you are going to turn into a bitcher about how science is over saturated and how "everyone lied to you" about biology

Aside from that, if you think biology is actually challenging, you should kys. I have a BSc in biochemistry and I can tell you comparing my chemistry courses side by side with biology, even biochemistry courses, biology is just memorization and it gets so fucking boring. That is not "a challenging curriculum". that is a curriculum that asks you honestly "are you willing to put in the time to memorize and get a good grade?". if yes you will do well, if not you will be thrown out with all the other garbage.

Chemistry, and the physical sciences in general, are infinitely more fun because you must work through problems to reach a solution. It isnt memorizing as many facts as you possibly can before test day. This is even the case with modern doctoring. Does your physician remember how to deal with your issue? good doc. He has to google it first? very bad doc. bad!

I dont give a shit how much money physicians make or if they are saving my life. They do not earn my respect as a science because there is no original thought involved in the education. all it is is "its this way, now do it and remember it". any monkey can be a doctor which is why you have webMD and google to solve most of your problems these days.

regardless, i hope you biofags enjoy med school. after you finish your 11 years of school + residency and get that sweet job I'm sure it will be telling families that their loved one died, or staying out all night to work, or not being home / available ever to be with your wife or children because there are lives on the line.

>> No.8326038

There is no need to be upset

>> No.8326044
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Two questions.
Why do you keep making this thread?

And why does /sci/ gets so triggered with medfags?

>> No.8326045

Hey look it's the dermatology meme again.

>> No.8326110

>tfw I spend my life majoring in chem
>devote all my potential to mixing things together and hoping i do something good
>have to make fun of everyone i can to justify my pitiful existence


>> No.8326206

Make drugs or something use your imagination you can have fun with your skills

>> No.8326252


>> No.8326393

They're imposing their superiority on us.

>> No.8326410


>> No.8326414

Isn't biochemistry a bunch of memorization as well?

>> No.8326459

>Hundreds of reagents and conditions
>Hundreds of molecules
Even the chemistry part is memorization, don't listen to this memer

>> No.8326894

>biology = medicine
I highly recommend you to commit suicide.

>> No.8326921


>Oh what's that anon? An illness of any degree above a burnt tongue? Let me treat you using technology and medicine exclusively developed by biochemists and medicinal engineers.

>> No.8326926

Chemistry = meme biology tier science
Physics = meme Philosophy tier science
Engineering = memorizing simple applied math

None of this is science, just because you apply scientific method/rigor to research in meme industries doesn't mean you're a scientist.

t. scientist

>> No.8326932
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>> No.8326948

Threads like this are basically console wars for different scientific disciplines.

>> No.8326954

>implying for math and physics you don't have to memorize a single thing

>> No.8326992

chemistry includes quantum mechanics only as one of many instruments
the sole essence of chemistry is a unique approach and set of logics [which of course require memorization, but so does every other science]
t. organic chemist